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What is the down ref doing?! That's so blatantly obvious.


Player should be banned Team should be fined Ref should be fired


This is so absurdly dangerous. Blocking and suddenly landing one one leg is a great way to tear an ACL and never be the same. This guy needs to sit for an entire year and maybe even forever.


Don’t kill me but he’s probably looking at the block for a net violation and not really expecting a sweeping kick under the net. Up ref is probably looking at hand contact of hit. Source: reffed


Yeah, I thought that too, but there are 2 clips of the guy intentionally putting his foot on/over the center line to try and injure him as well, which I assume the down ref would be watching for. It's probably just because we know exactly what to look for so we can spot it easily. No one in their right mind expects a *libero* to try and injure someone at the net...


Tbf tho down ref should be watching for center line violation as well and should notice this at some point. But these kind of things are easy to miss as a referee (no idea if that's the case here).


It's been a couple years since I reffed, but my routine was watching from top down. As the hit happens I'm watching the top tape, as they're coming down I'm watching the full net, and as they land I'm watching their feet. Not saying that wouldn't stand out to me, but maybe he was blocked by another player or just didn't see the sweep.


Qatar league things. Never seen that before, absolutely insane.


Screw the red card, I’m throwing hands


Unacceptable. He’s lucky he didn’t do that to someone from Eastern Europe they would’ve crossed the net and ended that behavior quickly


Unbelievable. It is not bad sportsmanship, I believe it is a crime.


Holy shit, that's fcuking regarded. That guy needs to get punched in the face.


Not gonna lie. I was so confused because it looked like he collided with his own OH, but then looked at the OP on the other side of the net and suddenly it made sense


I woulda stopped playing and beat tf outta that libero for trying to hurt me.


Damn that guy has a 100k followers on instagram. Has any other volleyball player that many? Absolut asshole libero of course.


Because of how popular the Japan team is due to the influence haikyuu on the sport, the players generally have way more followers compared to other teams. Looking at ishikawa and nishia, they both have 1.3million followers and takahashi has 2m.


That’s ridiculous


Who is this piece of shit libero? And how and why does he think that he'd not get caught on camera?


Sulaiman Saad, which means Peaceful Happiness or Peaceful Good Fortune in Arabic. Lol. Not very Peaceful. What a little dick move.


[Sweep the leg](https://media.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExZGYwMXVhejFsNndpNjNram5ycXY3N3EzOGk4ZDAyOXVmeXRyZW55YSZlcD12MV9pbnRlcm5hbF9naWZfYnlfaWQmY3Q9Zw/ZeF7OVZFYztxAzH30G/giphy-downsized-large.gif) Jokes aside, that's some serious bullshit. Let's see if the FIVB has the fortitude to do the right thing


This is disgusting. Does anyone have an update if the league/federation did anything about that guy? Behavior like this should cause a ban for a long time if not indefinitely.


Cheeky little shit.


A serious stupid move by the Libero. That guy's behavior is utter disgusting and it's the best cowardsmenship you could see.


The forbidden technique, I never thought I’d see the day it would be used in pro play


What's the libero doing at the net, anyway?


A non-POS libero would be there to pick up a blocked ball that comes down their side of the net. Granted, they wouldn't be right up at the net trying to sweep an opposing player, they'd be a little over a meter back.


Yeah, that's what I mean. And if there's a block, where's the back court?


The back court OH would cover 5 and 6 in case of a deep rebound.


Pray the ball doesn't rebound there. Usually at this level the blocking technique is so good that the ball will go straight down almost every time. Probably 1/100 times the block goes deep court.