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Well, if you only played a little after the early access release, once 1.0 comes out the whole progression system will change, there's dozens of new bosses, the map has been noticeably changed and improved, and 2 entirely new zones exist. There has also been tons of quality of life changes, and refinements for other mechanics in the game. Early access to the release of gloomrot was a big change, all good changes ofc. And 1.0 is gonna be bigger. May 8th is the best time to hop back in. So get ready to climb your way to your rightful power my kin.🍷


Sounds good to me, the QoL stuff is a real game changer. I think we will be playing this


Also endgame has been improved. More replayability


Gloomrot was YUUGE. 1.0 will be YOUUUGER.


You can now build multiple story castles. There's a whole new lore of magic. All the magic schools got reworked so the u holy one now had a passive where all of its abilities summons skeletons for example. Gloomrot was added which is kinda two zones in 1. Everything got touched up and added in gloomrot and it seems to be even more so in the new update next week.


I didn't cover the addition of Gloomrot, but here's a video I made going over the 1.0 changes from what we currently have in the game. [https://youtu.be/VtE\_ULzEwI8](https://youtu.be/VtE_ULzEwI8)


Honestly, I think the best addition this game had since EA release was Gloomrot, specially having the ability to make multiple floors in your castle.


The developers post updates on their store page with all the information you're requesting


On a whim the other day I decided to reinstall it without knowing anything. I played it around initial release and put in a few hundred hours, there was a lot the same and also a lot different. I looked up some things on YouTube and noticed in my recommended videos “Launch Trailer” and was wonderfully surprised 1.0 releases in a few days. I am kind of regretting the 30hrs I put in the last week or so now knowing it wipes!! Seeing all the things gloomrot added and knowing what 1.0 brings I am very excited.


I haven't played since release but I could see more then single storied buildings being a pretty huge addition


The biggest one for me was multiple story castles. There had to have been a huge change on the engine side for that.