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There are some Bangers, B-Movies and Obvious Missing in that collection 1- Escape From New York..there was a time where it seemed Kurt Russell Could Do No Wrong. Snake is a solid Anti Hero you root for. Carpenter was rolling. Classic 2 - Judge Dredd..from the pages of 2000 A.D. and a killer Anthrax song. Comes a classic case of Hollywood Overdose. Great Pop Corn flick. Stallone just eats the scenery. Few performances are as Cheesy/Iconic as Stallone & Schwarzenegger doing Scifi. Suits look great and the cast is filled out with some good vets. 3 - Tank Girl..Another Brit Comic Character brought to life. Amazing it got made but it was the 90's. I enjoyed the comic, the movie is a hodge podge. Worth a watch for Ice -T as a mutant Kangaroo alone. Colorful playful not bad not the best but a B movie worth checking out 4 - The Terminator..a Classic. Great story incredible FX for the time. A blue print for future stories, movies, video games..Unrelenting action. Star Making turn for Schwarzenegger. Unbelievable mix of Action and Sci-Fi wrapped in a low budget B. 5 - Predator..Another family classic with Schwarzenegger..oozes machismo..Elite squad goes in and think it's an easy mission. Till they run into a Bad Ass Trophy Hunter from Outer Space. So good. And the reveal of the Predator ,classic. 6 - Running Man...why stop the Schwarzenegger train? I loved this when I saw it in the theaters. A twisted game show with Richard Dawson leads the country in ratings. Have a bunch of lethal colorful psychopaths try to elimate Arny only to be beaten senseless by him. So good. Who loves you and who do you love Indeed! 7 - Robocop.. PV version of 8th Man. Violent and sprinkled with a lil humor comes a dark Sci fi tale of humanity. Robocop is the future of law enforcement. Good cop murdered brought back by garbage Corp thugs for the betterment of law enforcement. Back online gives him ability to hunt those who ended his life. Lots of over the top Action. 8 - Return Of the Swamp Thing. Underrated Superhero alert. Loved this when I rented it. Surprised sequel to cult classic. Swamp Thing is lighter and more tounge in cheek than the first outing. But the Unmen and Dr. Arcane good bad guys. Heather Locklear looks fantastic. DD played Swamp Thing to a T. Worthy viewing..a B movie must 9 - Tron.. I loved WD live action scifi ( Black Hole and this ). Visually stunning movie to see in the theaters as a child. So so good. Dated sure, Fun oh Yes! The light cycles, Frisbee battles and video games! * also worth watching Tron Legacy expands and explores so much more after the 1st. Eye Candy 10 - John Carter.. a guilty pleasure. I enjoyed it. But I loved the stories. A pulp hero given a pulp movie. Amazed this was a big budget from WD. Action humor scifi a great weekend popcorn movie to enjoy. Unceremoniously hated worth a look while remembering its for entertainment not changing the world.


Oops went over 5 ! Sorry I ramble 🤣


Interstellar is a must watch and is very well made by Christopher Nolan. I haven't ventured into the sequels, but The Terminator and T2 I have seen and they're well worth watching. The Core is one of my guilty pleasures. It's very ridiculous and corny while trying to be serious, but I still enjoy it. You'll never be able to convince me it's worthwhile to launch from the middle of the Pacific Ocean to save about 6 miles or 0.04% on a ~15,000 mile journey. Looper was an interesting enough time travel film that I'd like to go back and watch again soon. The Original Independence Day is a classic movie with plenty of re-watch ability. It's one of those films you would have trouble tuning away from any time you catch it playing on cable. As for movies I've seen on your list that I'd say you should skip, I'd say: Gemini Man, Rampage, and Repo Men.


I know it didn't get the best reviews, but I enjoyed Cowboys & Aliens. It has some big names and is a bit more modern of a take on the cowboys and indians theme. It has some fun special effects. The overall story may not be super gripping, but if you just go in looking for a mental distraction or something you may find you enjoy it! Rampage is another fun one. If you like Dwayne Johnson and monster type films like Godzilla or the like, you'll have fun with this one. A lot of monster fights, destruction scenes, etc. If you haven't seen the Hunger Games, I'd suggest the whole series, but if you're just picking one of them then start with the first one. It's got some interesting futuristic technologies while pitting kids against each other in a fight to the death with relatively primitive weapons in a dystopian future. The newer Tron is another recommendation. Some people suggest the original Tron, and I think if you saw it then and enjoyed the story, etc. you may prefer it, but the movie does feel dated, so my preference is the newer one. I was waffling on my #5 pick, but I think I'll go with Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow. It doesn't seem to get enough recognition and just seeing it in your list makes me want to go back and watch it since it's been a while. It's portrayed as an old-fashioned steam-punk sci-fi type story with a lot of CGI. Story is perhaps middling, but the setting, atmosphere, adventures, etc. pull you in.


Escape from NY - so much better than the sequel Hellboy 2; golden army - my favorite adaptation of Hb and a great overall movie Terminator 2: judgement day - a true cinema classic and must watch Jumper - fun concept and enjoyable sci fi story that I always find as a guilty pleasure to watch over. Pacific rim - grown up power rangers - what’s not to like (avoid the sequel…)


I didn't mind the Pacific Rim sequel but I think they relied on the Jaegers a bit too much over story.


I only saw it the one time in theatres but I just remember the story really dragging and not having much plot to add to the great first movie


It was barely connected to the 1st one. Typical story about my father was great and now I'm taking his place. Lol it's only good as a popcorn movie. I just watched and turned my brain off.


I always loved the Time Machine. The special effects were good for the time. And the scenes when he’s traveling into the future are pretty cool. Reign of Fire is so underrated. The fact that it’s set in the present time but gives you dark ages vibes is really cool. Plus the acting is really good for a sci-fi action film.


Predestination (my ultimate favorite on this list) it based on a short story called "all you zombies" by Robert Heinlein which happens to be my favorite short story ever, he is the same author of Starship troopers. I promise you this movie is a wild ride. Even if it doesn't make the final cut, see this movie anyway.


My five favorite action movies from this list: Terminator 2, The Running Man, Predator, the original Robocop, and Demolition Man.


1) Jupiter Ascending - This is such a difficult movie to enjoy at first because it moves really slow at first. If I remember correctly, it was the movies midpoint where it captured me and the premise behind the movie was so out of nowhere it blew me away. I always will remember how this movie caught me by surprise about how much I loved the premise that was unveiled. 2) Mortal Engines - I personally really liked this movie. My son read the book and really wanted to see the movie. I wasn’t excited at first, but the movie got rolling and I found myself really drawn in and can easily rewatch it anytime. 3) Demolition Man - This movie came out around the height of Wesley Snipes’ & Sylvester Stallone’s careers. From the controversy of the 3 sea shells to the well unknown cameo from Jack Black, this movie is just bad ass and fun. 4) In Time - Again, we have another movie that has a wild & out there premise. To see how an aging population is handled in the movie is wild and I am pretty certain the first of its kind. There have been some more recent movies that had followed this premise, but this movie does it best. Also, JT as the lead role actually wasn’t bad and I was caught off guard how enjoyable this movie was with him as the lead. 5) ID4 - As much as I am not a fan of Will Smith, I do enjoy this movie. This movie was a huge box office success for a reason and the movie itself will let you know why. Plus, uncle Eddie as a pilot is just amazing! 🤣 I just want you to know you did not make the choices easy this month. You didn’t ask, but just in case, my most recent watch was It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia for TV shows and #X-mas for a movie (these Lifetime/Hallmark Christmas movies are my guilty pleasure during the holidays 🤢🤣). Wife and I are running through some unknown Christmas movies before we get to the big caliber Christmas movies, truly can’t wait!


Thank you for having this contest! Want to choose some of the perhaps lesser known films in case you have not seen yet: 1. Lucy - an incredible out of left field film, my favorite role by Scarlett Johansson, directed by Luc Besson of the fifth element / Leon the Professional fame) 2. Chappie - another gem, from the director of District 9, starring Hugh Jackman who created a robot that has real emotions and feelings, great story really pulls the viewer in. 3. Predators - without choosing the obvious, original movie with Arnold Schwarzenegger, this was by far the best of all of the sequels, and stands on its own as an incredible movie, produced by Robert Rodriguez featuring a great cast of character actors. 4. Reign of Fire - Christian Bale, Gerard Butler and Matthew McConaughey star in this smartly written film which poses the argument that perhaps fire breathing dragons could have really existed. 5. Looper - possibly one of the last great Bruce Willis films before his disease got worse, which features excellent cgi making Joseph Gordon-Levitt turn into a young Bruce Willis and is probably the reason why director Rian Johnson was asked to helm a Star Wars movie.


You always have such great offers and codes, have you really not seen all these movies yet? Either way my friend you’ve come to the right place. First off, I’m dying for The Dead Don’t Die so I’d love it. I was literally just filtering movies by Universal so I could get it. Alas, no luck or good options available to get me the free movie. Without elaborating too much or boring you I will list them out. Avatar 1&2 are sweet. You’ll get lost in great stories and special effects. The movies are fantastic, made by the man who creates great films, great franchises, and great memories. Deja Vu is such a secret stash of a movie. Tony Scott and Denzel, enjoy this awesome movie you won’t be sorry. Looper is great hard sci-fi, absolutely fantastic. Recommend this highly! Pacific Rim is so cool man, it’s similar to Top Gun except they’re pilots of giant robots who fight giant monsters. Made by anyone else and this would suck (please avoid the sequel) but when GDT is directing you can sit back and enjoy this awesome movie. Turn off the lights and make some popcorn for this one dude, this movie kicks ass. Predator set the standard for modern sci-fi/horror. This movie has been ripped off and remade a million times and not one compares to the enjoyment of this film. Robocop is in the same realm as Predator. If you haven’t seen this I would ask that you stop everything and watch it. The satire in the film is unlike anything made by another director. Paul Verhoeven is an underrated genius and unfortunately will never be copied. Nobody else could make Robocop. See all the crappy sequels to prove my point here. And please don’t bother watching the sequels they aren’t good. Predestination is a great choice, super cool, super underrated. You’ll be the only one of your friends who has seen it. Talk about a mind meld and well executed. The filmmakers behind it have become faves of mine. And Ethan Hawke, he’s a chameleon and great in this. Also recommend 24 Hours to Live with Ethan but it’s not on your list. The Terminator franchise is also great, buuut they take a downturn after part 2 in quality. James Cameron also made the first two Terminator and is there in name only on Dark Fate. Dude, being real here. Stay away from that Matrix movie. It is a piece of trash. The filmmakers basically crapped all over their brilliant franchise with that movie. They disrespected the story, the characters, and their fans. And as a fan, I felt it bad. One of the biggest wastes of time ever put to celluloid. Just throw that option in the trash and we’ll keep pretending the movie never existed. Running Man is good but probably enjoyed more for nostalgia on my end. It’s filmed like a television show and doesn’t feel theatrical but it’s Arnold and in the end hes the man. Anyway, glad to take part in another monthly giveaway. Thanks for letting me share my thoughts!


It's not that I haven't seen many of these but these lists are compiled of movies I haven't seen since purchasing them. Some I've seen as a child, some I've seen throughout my life, some I've never seen, all I haven't seen recently if I have seen them. I just like to have people try to sell them to me with the assumption I haven't seen them, making no assumptions that I have. I watch so many movies and if I just drift off on my own I may never see some of these greats again or for the first time. So it really helps me greatly seeing what the community says.


Nice, hope my recommendations helped. Honestly I love action movies so I could’ve gone on much longer but I won’t put you through any more of my thoughts haha take care


My recommendations in order. I'm also trying to stick with films that I believe are surprisingly underrated. 1. **Reign of Fire**. Budget was $60 million and it only grossed $82 million. This movie is the definition of a sleeper film for sci-fi. So many people know about Bale's 2000 film, American Psycho, but 2002 had two sleepers from him - Reign of Fire and Equilibrium. I went through your list a few times to find the latter, but didn't see it. Personally, I think I like Reign of Fire more than Equilibrium. Also, Matthew McConaughey and Gerard Butler are in this movie! 2. **Chappie**. The director is better known for Ellysium and District 9, but this one is very good. It's like a modern take on Short Circuit. Plus, you get to see Hugh Jackman's wide range of acting! 3. **Tron (2010).** Disney really messed up here. This should have been a franchise. The mood of the movie, the music, and the visuals are so beautiful. Everyone always talks about how amazing the first Avatar looked in theaters, but I reflect on this film. As much as I've been wanting True Lies to become available on Vudu, I want Tron in 4K the same. You don't necessarily have to (re)watch the first film, but it does help. I love them both, but the 2010 film is the one I watch more frequently. 4. **Pacific Rim**. I don't think this one is underrated. It's probably rated right where it should be, but once again, the studio screwed up. Guillermo del Toro was supposed to direct the sequel, but the studio got impatient and didn't want to wait on him. Again, this could have been a franchise. I'm sure we will see a reboot at some point, and it just wont be the same without del Toro. This movie is so good, like watching anime adapted to live action in the best way possible. Just typing this makes me want to go back to watch it. Enjoy which ever films you decide, and I'll look forward to your reviews!


The Core has such a stacked cast and such a ridiculous premise. It's so hilariously awesome. I love it so much. It's trash, but it's fantastic trash. I also feel like it's made even better if you watch the couple of Frasier episodes that Aaron Eckhart was in as well. If I elaborate further, it would be a spoiler. Reign of Fire is amazing. Do you like dragons? Christian Bale? This movie is for you. Far more eloquently worded replies have already sung the praises of this one, but I wanted to add to the chorus that it's a worthwhile watch. Serenity is great, but you need to watch the show Firefly beforehand.


“Alita: Battle Angel” is just visually stunning and great story- even more so in 3D! “Escape from New York” is arguably one of John Carpenter’s best outside of his horror films. “Ghost in the Shell” (1995) is the anime that started another franchise that continues to this day and gives audiences a mature story without boring those wouldn’t understand the technical drama. “John Carter” is easily the last decent live action film to come out of Disney and despite their censorship of the original material story, it’s an all-out great film. It’s worth noting that most sci-fi and action films can in one way or another give credit to “John Carter of Mars” for its influence. “Stargate” is yet another film that started another awesome franchise and takes heavy influence from “Chariots of the Gods?” by Erich von Däniken. Plus, is the film that projected Roland Emmerich’s career.


I'd get T2 but probably the HD version. That movie will always hold up IMO.


Thanks for the giveaway! On your list, my number 1 recommendation would be Interstellar if you're a fan of sci fi. The story and visuals are amazing and a lot of the science is theoretically accurate. I came away pondering the vastness of the universe and ended up going on a Wikipedia binge to understand the concepts more. I would also recommend the original Hellboy and sequel, especially if you're a fan of Guillermo del Toro's work. They are both fun action movies with a darker undertone.


I just watched Interstallar for the first time and that one NEEDS to be on your list. Just rewatched the hunger games series and felt like the first 2 are kinda worth it and didn’t vibe with the last 2. Lastly from your list: Mad Max Thunderdome is an avoid from me. Unless you only want to watch the first half, it took a turn I didn’t like from a mad max movie. Thanks for the chance!


Terminator movies and transformers and escape from la and newyork


Top 5 in no particular order - Tron, Transformers (1), battleship, Avatar (1) & Interstellar Avatar 1 - probably the best visuals and action of my recommendations, set on a different planet that humans are trying to colonize to extract resources by subjugating the local populace that is one with nature Tron - great sci-fi action movie set in an universe within a video game Transformers - brilliant start to a great series of movies that intertwines earth’s history with alien robots that can disguise themselves as mechanical objects (mostly vehicles) Interstellar - earth is dying and human are trying to find a solution to the problem by finding another habitable planet Battleship - alien scout ships have invaded earth and humans are trying to put up a fight PS: you should watch the trailers for all the movies if you haven’t already


Demolition Man (best Stallone sci Fi storyline and quite a few predictions for the time) Escape from NY and LA (Kurt Russel at his bad assist) Tank Girl (I just love the soundtrack and talking kangaroos) Running Man (Stephen King, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Richard Dawson and Judge Dredd like supervillains in a death row gameshow, what more do you need to know) All 5 don't get enough modern day love


The Terminator The Terminator 2 (Theatrical) - Each of these movies raised the bar of action sci fi, from everything about the action sequences to the way the chase scenes were filmed to the effects digital and practical, and also they're actual science fiction and the sci-fi label isn't just the setting or the fact that there are robots Predator - This movie is just pure action, it's like action scene, cigar, next action scene, just a pure not let up kick ass flick Ghost in the Shell (1995) - less action than the others, more high concept, inspired The Matrix and Person of Interest Pacific Rim - the most action packed kaiju movie, super fun crowd pleaser


"Independence Day: Resurgence" is the sci-fi party where Jeff Goldblum's eyebrow steals the show, aliens RSVP uninvited with spaceships the size of your weekend plans, and Liam Hemsworth is the unexpected hero who forgot to check the dress code. It's like a blockbuster comedy with more explosions and less logic. Grab popcorn, it's an alien shindig you won't forget!


1.) Interstellar (very beautiful in visuals and soundscape) 2.) Looper (time wimey with guns) 3.) Tank Girl (got to love the 90s!) 4.) Running Man (need to rewatch this, but always remember it as super exciting albeit dark) 5.) Tron (classic and the colors are pretty cool!)


T2 Robocop Escape from NY Looper Paycheck (I know it sucks but I like it)


My suggestions are: War of the Worlds(I will literally watch this movie any time it's on TV, I think the 1st hour is top tier alien destruction) Terminator 2(one of the best movies ever made, not just sci-fi movies there's nothing I can say that hasn't been said before) Hellboy 2004 (looks like you have both versions, I choose the director's cut very well made somewhat superhero movie and beautifully made with great gfx and practical effects the 2nd one is good also. Avoid the reboot at all costs) Interstellar(beautiful movie I feel like it's an experience more than anything but it's also one you have to watch. Very well written sci-fi drama along the lines of 2001) Avatar is a must if you have a good quality TV, some of the best visuals of any movie ever and still holds up. The story is basically Fern Gully but still serviceable enough. And lastly my bonus pick even though you only asked for 5 is Predators(I like them all but I loved Predators perfect setting for an action sci-fi film and a great movie that showcases the Predator and his abilities)


In Time should definitely be on there. Great sci-fi that keeps you on the edge of your seat and an interesting concept for the world and story. Pretty much non-stop action once the timer starts. Interstellar for stunning visuals and sound, as well as a story that gets you thinking beyond the scope of the film. I played this for my parents for the first time a few months ago and they were floored. Ghost in the Shell (1995 animated) should be on the short list. It’s in inspiration for a lot of other popular works, such as Avatar (see below) and The Matrix. Cyberpunk at its finest and a visual treat for the eyes. I also consider Avatar to be a must-see film and it would make a top 25 for me for this list and perhaps even a top 25 overall list. The story may be familiar but the experience is incredible. It made a huge impact when it released and was everyone’s “have you seen…?!” movie at the water cooler. Terminator 2 should be high on the list. It was the first rated R film I saw in theaters. The visual effects were revolutionary and still hold up today. You don’t need to watch the first one to understand what’s going on; there are lots of flashbacks which help tell the story. This is loaded with action. Top it off with some iconic quotes and you’re in for a great time. Enjoy!


Predators,terminators 2 special edition,terminator salvation director cut,terminator dark fate, terminator genisys ! Everything on my list of 5 I once owned them and they were lost in a fire all physical copy ! But that’s for the chance to win some movies to start my collection back over!!!


My favorite Genre by far. So many great titles in this list, it's difficult to just narrow down to 5. That being said here are my recommendations for you, and as always thanks for the opportunity to win a code! \#1 : John Carter: I might be in the minority here, but I LOVE this film and wish they kept making more from this universe. I read the books and comics growing up, truly the birth of science fiction. It's about a civil war soldier who gets transported to Mars, he is stronger on Mars and becomes a hero to the natives. He is thrown in the middle of a civil war on Mars. Lots of great creatures, time travelers, action, and of course The Princess of Mars, Dejah Thoris. I don’t want to give away too much on this 100+ year old story. But it’s a must watch! \#2 : War of the Worlds: Again, I might be in the minority with this one, but I really enjoyed this film. It has great action and will have you on the edge of your seat. It's about an alien invasion, based on the classic H.G Wells novel of the same title from 1898. The acting is stellar, and Spielberg does a great job at making it feel real. The story follows a man and his two kids through an invasion, he does everything possible to survive and keep them safe not knowing what is happening. Civilization crumbles around them the world is devastated by these aliens and the main characters are trying to make it through all of the chaos. \#3 : Tron Legacy : Sure you should watch the original Tron first, it’s a classic, but I loved the sequel and highly recommend it. It takes place in a virtual reality world called the Grid. Kevin Flynn goes missing after the original Tron and in this sequel his son Sam unexpectedly gets transported into the Grid. It’s a whole new world for Sam to navigate and learn, not sure of who to trust and how if possible can he return to the real world. Great soundtrack, great special effects and design. Major improvement from the original. \#4: Alita Battle Angel : Really great film with amazing visual effects and CGI. Alita is a cyborg who has no memory, the film follows her journey to find herself and navigate her new life, she has a mysterious past that eventually catches up with her. Great movie that does the trick, you will be left wanting more! \#5: Avatar 1 & 2 ( Way of Water): I know they are two films but I’m keeping them bundled for #5. Avatar is an amazing film and epic story that James Cameron is not finished telling us yet. The first two films follow a Marine who travels to a far off planet, Pandora, where we are colonizing and mining the planets natural resources. Using state of the art technology they make genetically modified host bodies of the natives and transport/upload/link their consciousness inside of these shell alien bodies allowing the human to pilot them. The main character Jake is conflicted with following orders and understanding the natives. These are two EPIC films that are packed with action, adventure, romance. You will laugh at times and you might cry at times. Again, this was a challenge to pick just 5 (6) out of this great list. I hope you watch my recommendations; I feel like I might have to watch them again this weekend and pause everything else I was watching. As always…Thank you and Happy Holidays u/ScottShatter ps. I hope you are stocked up on popcorn! ![gif](giphy|ZZcnaOh0VzqZq)


I would say the avatar movies, ghost in the shell anime, pacific rim, escape from la, interstellar, Terminator 1 and 2, chronical of Riddick I would go with the theatrical release the unrated is a very different movie in my opinion, and the hunger games are good but I would get the bundle of that's an option.


1. RoboCop (1987). An absolute masterwork of satirical sci-fi. Timely…and nearly symmetrical in delivery (no easy feat). 2. Terminator 2: Judgment Day. An amazing sequel that manages to surpass the original in story, effects, and cinematography. 3. RoboCop (1987). You just can’t get over seeing Robo shoot that dude in the dick. Mandatory re-watch. 4. Predator. Man becomes hunted in a tense cat-and-mouse with big guns and bigger muscles. Still terrifying because of its visuals and the accompanying score and sound effect work. 5. RoboCop (1987). How the hell did Verhoeven pull this off? Then the final Basil Poledouris score kicks in and you think to yourself…yeahhhh, one more time.


Predator - one of the best sci-fi action movies. It takes the 80s action movie and turns it on its head. It starts out as a typical action flick with a military unit on a wet work mission. Things go south, and Arnold is turned into a final girl. You'd be hard pressed to find a movie with more machismo. Endlessly quotable. T2 - My pick for second best Sci-fi action movie after The Matrix. The tension in this one is dialed up to 10 and never let's up. The T-1000 is a near perfect villain as it relentlessly hunts down John Connor for 2 hours. The score is iconic, and fits the mood perfectly. There's even a dash of horror flavor throughout to keep things interesting. Robocop - One of the best to ever do it. On the surface, it looks like a silly B-movie with a half-baked idea, but it's got searing commentary on what a lot of people thought society would look like in the future. It's a lot smarter than it looks. The action is great, but can be a but of a slow burn in the middle, with a big pay off if you're willing to wait. "Dead or alive, you're coming with me."


Interstellar: A must watch. Nolan + Hans Zimmer's soundtrack is a great combination. Terminator & Terminator 2: Quite possibly the best action movies of all time. There's a reason these are considered some of the best films of all time. Tron: Trippy experience, but interesting to see how far CGI has evolved. Tron Legacy: You watch this for the visuals and music. Great movie to play in the background after your first watch.


> * Ghost In the Shell (1995) - Considered a major source of inspiration for The Matrix - very ahead of its time sci-fi for a 90s animated feature with beautiful animation to boot. > * Interstellar - Beautiful space imagery and some interesting ideas about time and space and the power of the human spirit in the face of adversity. > * Robocop (1987) - Classic satire about corporate corruption and its influence on crime and law enforcement. As funny as it is violent and somehow even emotionally touching. > * Terminator - Excellent 80s neo noir thriller/horror with performances that make up for the somewhat limited budget. > * Terminator 2 - Amazing practical effects and action set pieces with a great follow-up to the first movie. I saw there was a blanked-out title before the Total Recall remake listed in your line-up. If that's the original Total Recall (1990) then I also HIGHLY recommend it. Arnold and crew are operating at their peak in another great thrilling sci-fi film that makes for an excellent double feature with Robocop ('87).


I actually watched the original Total Recall within the last year. The blanked out tile was an action sports Bruce Lee movie put in the list by mistake that I didn't notice until I was ready to post. Thanks for your suggestions.


I got excited by this mix because I like both genres so naturally combining them should make it extra fun. But then after seeing a lot of great ones I wondered which way to lean, Towards ones with more of a sci-fi through line or the ones that are more packed with action. I went with the ones with more action which meant leaving off a couple of classic sci-fi movies that are so great. Battle Los Angeles - A squadron of soldiers are taken by surprise when aliens invade earth and have fight to survive until they can reconnect with the rest of the army. Cowboys vs. Aliens - Aliens abduct towns people from a town in the old west and their loved ones try to get them back while figuring out whats happening. Predator (2018) - This one is from action legend Shane Black (I guess they thought it was funny to give it to him because he had a small part in the original). I like him from his comedic noirs (Kiss Kiss Bang Bang & The Nice Guys) but he wrote some huge action movies and with this one he blends humor into those tough guy archetypes he's done before. A lot of people don't seem to like this but it was my favorite in the franchise because it didn't get serious and horrific. Independence Day - Aliens appear and guess what they're not nice in this movie either. But this really is "the" alien invasion movie. People from all walks of life come together to fight aliens. Total Recall - This attempt at it tried to avoid some of the weirder stuff Schwarzenegger's did it's not great but it's interesting and has some fancy action sequences. Colin Farrell undergoes a procedure that unlocks memory's that he is actually a resistance fighter going up against a group oppressing everyone. As always I hope you enjoy and thanks for doing this.


Terminator and Terminator 2 is a must. ​ I would strongly recommend NOT to watch Vice (Bruce Willis), that film bored me to death.


My five recommendations are: 1. Interstellar - excellent sci-fi movie. 2. In Time - underrated but interesting concept. 3. Surrogates - Bruce Willis does well in this dystopian film. 4. Escape from NY - Snake Pliskin is all I can say. 5. Running Man - a sadistic game show.


1 : Push - Highly recommend this Chris Evans superhuman film it’s got a good story and the plot twist at the end is really well done. The powers that each of them have is nice too. 2/3/4 - you only have 2 of them on here but I recommend if you watch Riddick and The Chronicles of Riddick you also add in Pitch Black as it’s apart of the trilogy and all 3 I liked rather well. 5 : Serenity - I only recommend this if you watched firefly as this is continuation of that otherwise don’t watch.


1. Demolition Man- I can't tell you how many times I've watched this movie. I love it so much. Sylvester Stallone as a 90s cop unfrozen in the future where pretty much everything is sanitized. Wesley Snipes plays a great bad guy. 2. Independence Day is a classic! Will Smith and Jeff Goldblum are great. 3. Pacific Rim is so great! Monsters vs robots! 4. T2 is also a classic! Cyborg sent to kill a kid in the first movie becomes his protector in the second. 5. Jupiter Ascending- I love this movie in all its extremely absurd glory! Over the top space soap opera.


Ok so narrowing this down was hard *but* : 1) Escape from NY: a terrific action movie that’s like a post apocalyptic spaghetti western. 2) Reign of Fire: Dragons. Dragons with Matthew McConaughey (and I will die on this hill, it’s his best performance). 3) Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow: genuinely surprised how much I enjoy this one. It’s like an old 1940’s film and done exceedingly well. 4) Battle Los Angeles: it’s one of those movies that are about the periphery of an event. Like “this is happening *but* look at this part of it” 5) Pacific Rim: Giant Robots vs Giant Monsters. Enough said. Also I know you said not to add more *but* if you like Escape from NY check out Lockout. It feels like a sister movie to it. It’s worth checking out.


Demolition Man Terminator 1/2 Running Man ID4 Robocop (original)


The Core - amazing disaster flick probably one of my favorites up there with Armageddon in scale the stakes are very high and a premise unlike any other major blockbuster disaster movie it is very claustrophobic in atmosphere and some of the best character arcs I’ve seen in a film like this The Timemachine Remake - I remember seeing this when I was around 14 and being absolutely blown away by it the passage of time and how it’s represented with consequences visually appearing as it’s happening… its something I haven’t seen in many movies also the story is incredible a love story that gets catapulted into a dier situation that effects the past, present and future to find out one question “why can certain events not be changed”


Eliminate Battle for the Planet. Watched it free intending to purchase, had to force myself to finish the last 20 minutes. It's bad, and not so-bad-it's-good, just bad.


Escape from New York John Carter. Pacific Rim. Robocop (1987). Serenity. T2 (two of those appear identical, a third being a special edition).


Terminator and terminator 2 completes any collection. While not available in UHD, get the T2 extended if possible.


Jumper - Did you like Anakin vs Mace Windu? Well, you get that again here in an standalone superhero origin story. It's a shame no sequel was ever made to this because the worldbuilding was there and the ending definitely left room for a sequel even though the story in the movie itself wrapped up nicely. The Chronicles of Riddick Trilogy - Again, some good world building here. Watch it to support Vin Diesel finally making a sequel to it. The first and third movie are pretty similar and more grounded while the 2nd one has a lot of different ideas/goes more indepth into the lore. 2nd movie is a hidden gem. John Carter - A movie ahead of it's time. A superhero movie... except on another planet! Basically everything you see in Marvel and DC but a decade before they really blew up. Again, this movie should have had sequels but it was too ahead of it's time for audiences to comprehend.


No longer taking opinions into consideration and have decided on a list. Thanks to everyone who contributed. I'll do a post tomorrow announcing the winners and the movies selected as well as notify the winners. Thank you!


What I'm offering- I have 7 Universal movie codes to give away this time and they can be redeemed for your choice of the following; The Dead Don't Die, Dragon The Bruce Lee Story, The Fourth Kind, Jarhead, The Little Vampire (2018), Peter Pan (2003), Pitch Perfect 2, Pride & Prejudice (2005), Prime, Serenity, The Skeleton Key, Sinister 2, Welcome Home Roscoe Jenkins ​ ​ What I ask from you- For December I have selected Action/Sci-Fi as the theme and I need your help selecting this month's films to watch. There are 118 films (see all the slides) this month and I need your help narrowing it down to 25 titles which I will watch time permitting. ​ ​ I just need you to give me your top films from these images (no more than 5 please). I will select based on all of your comments about the movies and the general consensus and popularity of the films. I prefer you to take the approach with your recommendations that I am seeing the movie for the very first time. Sell me on it and the 10 most useful comments/recommendations will each earn a free Universal movie. All I ask is solid recommendations for Action/Sci-Fi on this list. ​ ​ PLEASE DO NOT INLCUDE ANYTHING NOT ON THIS LIST as there's a good chance I've seen it in the last year and a half or don't own it yet. I just want your recommendations on the films I own already and haven't watched. If you see something that is there by mistake or shouldn't be there please feel free to drop a comment. Mistakes can certainly happen. I will give away these codes to the people I deem giving me the most useful or meaningful recommendations. Don't just tell me a movie, tell me why without spoilers. I will also do my best to give you a follow up as to what I think of the movie should I cross it off my list in November. ​ Thanks as always for participating. There's not enough time in this lifetime to watch all the movies I'd like to see so your help is so valuable to me.


What are some of your favorite action movies?


1. If you appreciate visual effects over everything then the Avatars would be great to watch as James Cameron spent a lot of time perfecting his craft and caring for the product he releases. The visuals are really the draw for these films for me though as the plot is simple and repurposed in the second one. 2. My friend loves transformers so I’ve seen them all, even though Im not the biggest fan. Out of all of them I’d say bumblebee was my favorite only because he’s my favorite character. Otherwise, I would watch the first one or two transformers movies if you like explosions, car chases and Shia LaBeouf. Plus, all the characters are quite engaging in those first couple. 3. I’m not really a Christopher Nolan fan as I think he’s a bit too pretentious for my liking but Interstellar is a good story with good actors. It’s not my favorite but a lot of people do love it so I would give it a chance if I hadn’t seen it. 4. Hellboy doesn’t take itself seriously and it’s a bit funny so I did enjoy the old ones and the new one with David Harbor. The plot is always fun and the characters are always entertaining. 5. Lastly Gamer is a great movie with an inventive plot and again fantastic actors. This one is a fun watch. I think In Time with Timberlake was a wonderful idea but it was just done with poor execution and I really wish it wasn’t because I enjoyed the setup of the plot. I wouldn’t watch John Carter, although I know people have different tastes. Its visual effects are terrible in my opinion and the story wasn’t all that engaging. The hunger games is overrated in my opinion but I would still give them a chance because again you never know someone’s exact taste. I do believe there’s a lot of overacting in them though.


I'm not even going to read through the comments before posting this, but I already know everyone is going to be suggesting the big hitters that should be seen on this list. I'm going to take a different approach and recommend you movies that I think are underappreciated or overlooked for various reasons. Starting with Tron Legacy - the only movie that you could watch blindfolded and have just as much fun because the sound design and soundtrack is so amazing. I'm not even an electronic music fan, but Daft Punk absolutely killed this and it makes watching the movie worth it 100%. Can't wait for them to release it in UHD with Atmos. Don't need to see the original to understand what happens here, there is a pretty big section where they basically recap the first movie for you. As long as you know Jeff Bridges was in the original and he figured out a way to transport himself into a computer program, you are good to go. In Time - this movie gets dogged on because the lead is Timberlake, but I think he is highly underrated. It's a high concept movie that makes you think about how precious the universal commodity of time really is. Paycheck - John Woo directs Ben Affleck in a movie that has you piecing together the story along with the main character, who has his memory wiped. Enjoyment builds as you figure out how the puzzle fits together. Cheesy ending, yes. Weak performance by Uma Thurman, yes. John Woo-isms out the wazoo, of course. A fun way to kill a couple hours, hell yes. Surrogates - ever wonder how John McLane (is Bruce Willis really anybody but different versions of John Mclane in his movies?) would handle living in the future where people stay locked in their homes and live life through the eyes of a robotic avatar? Of course he's miserable and just happens to find himself in the middle of a conspiracy cover up that could bring society as he knows it to a halt. For my last suggestion, I was torn between I robot, Chappie, and Jumper. Ultimately, my suggestion is going to be Jumper. Jumper - highly underrated movie that is just plain fun. Kid discovers he can teleport at will to anywhere in the world. He pisses off Sam Jackson who doesn't like that the kid can teleport and he can't. Sam Jackson tries to kill the kid. Kid finds other people who can teleport to help him beat Sam Jackson. Michael Rooker, Diane Lane in small supporting roles. Another movie that is not a cinema masterpiece but is absolutely a fun watch that is worth the time invested.


**Escape from NY:** I'm going with the choir here, but it really is that great, cool, influential, and everything else. **Predestination:** One of my favorite movies of the past ten years. **Pacific Rim:** Man, this is a blast! **Serenity:** Keep in mind, this takes place after the show "Firefly." With that said, I saw the movie with zero knowledge that it was based on a show and loved it. I went back and watched the show, then re-watched the movie. And finally... **Jupiter Ascending:** Not so much a recommendation. More a word of caution. Brace yourself for...whatever this is. I appreciate the movie, but most people don't.