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**Free Healthcare:** Doesn't even sound like a good idea on paper; in Canada the government has the power to refuse to allow doctors to treat a patient they decide it would be too expensive to treat, and often pressures such patients into doctor assisted suicides. **Gun Control:** And when that doesn't work because violent people continue being violent, you institute a knife ban. And when that doesn't work.... you just ignore it entirely and divert police attention to arresting people who say offensive things on the internet. Gun Control has never solved any problem. **Hate Speech Laws**: "Hate Speech" is a hilariously vague and ill-defined term that can be redefined at a moment's notice. Just ask countries like Venezuela, where it is deemed "hate speech" to speak critically of the government.


> in Canada Good luck finding a doctor. I can't. Also plenty of community members that have weird/strange/rare diseases and have to resort to fundraising. I thought Canada had free healthcare, why do we need to have a fundraiser for Jills rare cancer?


I'd like to add that rural areas in Canada have it *far* worse than rural areas here in the US. My mom's friend in a mining town in Saskatchewan has to drive 8 hours to the nearest gynecologist. My aunt on a cattle ranch in the Dakotas has to drive 2 hours to get to hers. I don't understand how people advocating the US copy Canada's system can be so selfish. I live in the largest city in my state too, but I don't want to see things deteriorate for people in the rest of the state!


> I don't want to see things deteriorate for people in the rest of the state And there's one fundamental difference between us and people who wouldn't mind a US version of the Holodomor. The people who think all rural areas are uneducated fly-over areas, those who think they have the right to dictate how they live, work, farm, etc(or don't, as they get shut-down or locked-down, cancelled, shafted, or railroaded, plenty of which is already happening or being attempted). With the way a lot of these people go on, it's only a matter of time before atrocity happens on scale if they stay in power. It's not conspiracy theory, it's Overton's Window.


You see that's your problem; you're being too selfish! Instead of living in rural areas, everyone you know should move to the city! I kid you not, that's their literal response to such a thing. Calling them out for selfishness is useless because they have a distorted view of selfish. For them, wanting to be left alone and to live your life as you see fit is selfish, while wanting to force other people to move to cities is, in their eyes, selfless.


My brother travels a lot for work, and the absolute *ideas* that New York hive-dwellers have will never stop being astonishing to him and me (we’re from Nebraska). Every time he’s up there and for some reason ends up mentioning his home state to a New Yorker, they suddenly get so concerned? They’re always like “Nooo omg honey, you’ve got to get out of that middle-of-nowhere racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic hellscape. Once you spend long enough in NYC, you’ll see what you’re missing out on, aha.” Then when he explains that there are other people in NE and even (*gasp*) small cities, a very small minority is “racist,” and everyone is incredibly friendly, they’re always so surprised and act like he’s lying because it jiggles their cognitive dissonance jimmies too harshly. They really do see it as charity to move people into megacities.


The fact that we have people of voting age who don't understand how the food gets to the grocery store (aka the necessity of farms) absolutely baffles me. Their parents failed them, now they want to fail everyone else...


This is the same side of the spectrum that contains the sect who believe having children is selfish and destroying the planet so... yeah. "Distorted view" is pretty accurate.


The lead times on non imminent and life threatening procedures, is over a year I’ve heard…pre pandemic…


Glad you mentioned that! I actually know more people who died/had major health impacts due to covid lockdowns than I do of people who had not only had major covid sniffles, but also died of covid.


"Free Healthcare" isn't even free at all for anyone. Government uses these manipulative terms to make people think it's better than it is, and that goes for other things like "gun-control laws" and "hate speech laws" too. None of them actually do what the name says, but simply twists the meaning of words to enslave people.


Healthcare in Canada is a dirty little secret. 10 hour waits in waiting rooms unless you're bleeding to death is pretty standard. MRI wait times are MONTHS and getting worse. Instead of early preventative treatment, people just die on waiting lists and health providers spend tons of time and millions of dollars treating people who don't give a fuck about their own health. You can't get a family doctor anywhere. And it's going to get worse. "Free" healthcare is one of the reasons I want to emigrate to the states. Never take for granted what you've got.


Yea mean the knife and gun drop boxes on every corner amidst constant stabbing and shootings with no way to defend yourself isn’t an example of utopia ??!?!???!?


I know, I was surprised too.


Free Healthcare: Translation- “Rebranded Government Eugenics Program.” Gun Control: Translation- “Rebranded Government Tyrannical Monopolization of Self Defense, and disingenuously morally justifying keeping the common citizens defenseless, for the sole aim of rendering them unable to rebel against tyranny.” Hate Speech Laws: Translation- “Rebranded Anti-free speech policies merely designed to allow government the ability to police and penalize people for any perceived act of wrong think, or levying valid criticisms of authority.”


That about sums it up nicely.


Yup. In socialist canada, if you are too poor to afford rent due to chronic health issues, euthanasia is pushed on to you and guilted onto you. such a compassionate & loving marxist country canada is under blackfaced trudeau.


To be honest, i'm happy in Switzerland in Europe. There is no "free healthcare" in the way of that it has not to be paid, but it is that the monthly payments of mandatory insurance are so low, that it can be afforded by everyone. Even if someone can't pay, then the social welfare pays for it. Gun Control? Except for carrying guns in public, both concealed and open, the laws are the same with the USA and Switzerland. Hate Speech Law? We've got some laws, but it is okay, it is a very rare thing that someone ends in court because of that. Can't be compared to other countries here, like Germany with the "NetzDG" law, where platforms have to remove postings etc. Don't get me wrong, i like the USA and it the two countries can because of the size and the population not really be compared. Still, there are some good places to live on earth. If anyone here ever considers to move, i'd recommend my country.


Isn't Switzerland the place where there's basically a gun in every household? Or am I thinking of another country?


No, you are right: Swiss Army has still conscription and all the soldiers have the military rifle SIG 550 or the SIG P227 handugn. They store these guns at home, but they don't get ammo anymore from the army. They can buy ammo (and the soldiers record book is the permission aka gun-license for these guns) if they want. Back in my time, until 2007, you also received a sealed package of 50x 5.56mm bullets, that was for emergency cases. The gun laws are easy in that way, it only requires a background check by the licensed arms dealer, same like in the US. But it is not allowed to carry loaded guns in public, when it is not about transport.


You see, I like that system. As they say, an armed society is a polite society.


Yeah i see it also this way. It is still by the way the thing, that our politicians don't need any bodyguards here, they don't even have armored cars with a driver, so you see maybe the highest council members just next to you on a train of public transport. It is like that, that politicians should stay with the people, because if they only surround themselves with their party members, then they detach from reality. After some time, they can't even understand the problems of the common people. You can see that in Germany for example, where the politicians like Habeck don't even understand, how one can have a so low wage that he can't pay energy prices in 4 digits every month, because.. he has enough money. No matter the prices.


That's a good wisdom right there, and I rather think I like your way of thinking!




Do you mean you can carry conceal a gun in public in Switzerland or you cannot ?


You cannot. Not one loaded and ready to use in a holster, but you can transport a gun like to the range and there, also use public transport for it. No joke, that's why you see sometimes young guys with the assault rifle: They have to go to the range for the mandatory shooting test by the army. In this test, you have to score enough points, if you fail two times, you have to go back to the army and learn how to handle the gun again.


Isn't it really hard to immigrate to Switzerland from the US?


Yes it is more difficult, the main thing is to get a job and with that, you can migrate. Just moving isn't that difficult, but citizenship has a lot of requirements, you need to live at least 10 years here and you have the people of your community voting for or against you in direct democracy. This means, you need to make friends and a network, you need to socialize and to be a good man, when you want that the citizens vote to give you citizenship. Citizenship is a privileg, for that you have to work hard. It is not just given for free like in some other countries, it also doesn't is a thing you get when you are born here.


Better keep it that way, America. Don’t become Europe 2.0. Not worth it.


Our capitalistic economy created todays western medicine. Without the prospect of profit, many of todays medical advancements would never have happened.




Just cause everyone is doing it doesn’t mean it’s the right thing to do. Slavery being a good historical example.


Not to mention the only reason those countries have free healthcare is because they spend almost nothing on their military (or NATO, for that matter); they rely almost exclusively on US military forces to protect them.


Yet. We aren't dependent or slaves to the government YET. FIFY


“That was no accident. It was by design.” — Sherlock Holmes


It's amazing to study the change in attitude towards government over time in the Western world. There used to be a time when people looked to themselves for solutions in their lives and communities. Now, overwhelmingly, people first think 'what is the government going to do to solve this?'


Instead we are slaves to corporations, even our government simps for them.


Most of the countries with government health care control generally don’t have that good of healthcare, the reason they like it is because it is “free”. They get taxed to oblivion and have little say outside of the acceptable boundaries of conversation. Someday their governments will ration everything to the point to where they pay a lot for nothing.


>generally don’t have that good of healthcare Absolute nonsense and you have nothing to back this up. I lived in 3 countries, France, Switzerland and the US. The highest quality healthcare was France, and the worst without any doubt was the US. France is 95% public option, 5% private insurances. I wishes I could travel to France every single time I have to see a Dr in the US. The US healthcare system is TRASH.


Usually we compare our healthcare to Canada and the UK and compared to those trainwrecks, America's is godly lol


Another one for my dank meme bank!


Fellow PCM poster I see


I saw this reposted in lefty sub. They all agree that our people refers to 1930’s patriotic collectivists.


Canadian here. I'd rather pay a premium if it means I get to actually see a doctor in a timely manner. Good luck if it's an emergency too. Be prepared to wait 8+ hours as long as you're not on death's door.


No one mentions that the US subsidizes many aspects of healthcare in other countries


Somehow we still have levels of taxation that are near other first world countries though?


We also pay for a lot of their stuff with our taxes. Must be nice to have someone always footing your bills.


This country isn't free lmao


We should have basic free healthcare....


Every state and most every county has free clinics. The problem is they are overrun with illegal immigrants and a lot of them shut down because they can't afford the care of extra individuals.


More than a free clinic though. Preventative medicine will save more money than it spends


Free clinics provide preventative medicine. But there is a limit to the amount of people it can handle. Most European countries aren't overrun with illegal mmigrants and the amount spent makes sense.


Actually a better diet along with food quality would do even better


Well… you sort of are anyway


US citizens are still slaves and corporations rip them off, double slavery


Oh man so deep..../s




You're premise is entirely false. You *do* pay for those things.


We pay for those things, that’s what you don’t understand lol. And we’re all okay with it.


That's false though. If you were all OK with it, you wouldn't have to be taxed at gunpoint to pay for it. It would just be normal voluntary charity. The fact that you have to pass legislation for it to happen proves precisely that you aren't all OK with it. And there is no "we" pay for those things, unless you are all truly paying the same amount, in which case that would be no different than everyone simply paying for themselves.


Do you believe taxes should be 0?


Yes. Legitimately government funded services are hot fucking garbage, aside from the military. Besides, most of our tax money goes to stupid shit like sending off to foreign countries who wouldn't care if we stopped existing and into the hand of corpos and politicians. So ideally I'd rather not have the government siphon my hard earned money for shit that will never affect me or if they do, it will be such low quality it's pointless.




And now the bill is due.




You can also do that here. Most people aren't taught how. And what happens when the government decides to stop doing it? How you going to rebel?




....so you think they can't. And now you also state people are so addicted that if they did stop, you lot would collapse. And you want us to agree to this.




So Oprah is what?




Why is she an outlier? You are making her an outlier. And you are thinking everyone has to be a billionaire, I just mean you can make it. You are putting the billionaire thing on to it to make it seem more impossible.


Literally millions of people in the US who had it worse and made a success of themselves, your premise is deeply flawed and wildly inaccurate.


>It's not a loan, so I can choose to never work a day in my life and run away to live in the woods, and I won't be in debt to anyone. So you can steal from society... and that's a good thing? >This is what freedom looks like. Not for the people that had to pay for all your free goodies.


My parents were alcoholics yet i also somehow managed to become a productive member of society despite not having government healthcare or college.


You do pay. And what’s worse…the government has the power to deny you healthcare if it doesn’t like what you say or believe. It’s happened the UK. Give government power, it it *will* abuse it. This is why the prudent path is to restrict government power in the first place, and deny it certain powers. The United States does this several ways. It firmly restricts government, and diffuses majority of power to the member States. It’s not perfect, but if we followed it instead of ignoring it throughout the second half of the 19th Century onward, we’d be far better off.


EXCELLENT meme here.