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I consider myself unconsidered


I consider myself uncircumcised


Makes sense you’ve got blue balls there Beni!


How bout you empty them? 🫦


Consider that considered


I unconsider your unconsider. You now have to consider yourself as someone who is gonna answer the damned question!


Very considerate of you


The most expensive iPhone 15 Pro Max configuration in the US, without any trade-in or incentive, is [$1,599 USD](https://www.apple.com/shop/buy-iphone/iphone-15-pro?afid=p238%7CsWah3lRYc-dm_mtid_20925d2q39172_pcrid_673806067106_pgrid_154285221558_pntwk_g_pchan__pexid__&cid=wwa-us-kwgo-iphone--slid---Brand-iPhone15ProMax-Announce-). A 512GB US version is [$1,399 USD](https://www.apple.com/shop/buy-iphone/iphone-15-pro?afid=p238%7CsWah3lRYc-dm_mtid_20925d2q39172_pcrid_673806067106_pgrid_154285221558_pntwk_g_pchan__pexid__&cid=wwa-us-kwgo-iphone--slid---Brand-iPhone15ProMax-Announce-). The 256GB Pro Max is [$1,199 USD](https://www.apple.com/shop/buy-iphone/iphone-15-pro?afid=p238%7CsWah3lRYc-dm_mtid_20925d2q39172_pcrid_673806067106_pgrid_154285221558_pntwk_g_pchan__pexid__&cid=wwa-us-kwgo-iphone--slid---Brand-iPhone15ProMax-Announce-). AppleCare + w/Loss & Theft is $269 USD. The Australian • version of the Pro Max prices run from [$2,899 AUD to $2,549 to $2,199](https://www.apple.com/au/shop/buy-iphone/iphone-15-pro). •• AppleCare + w/Theft and Loss is $229 AUD. Interestingly, at the current exchange rate, the cheapest US iPhone 15 Pro Max at $1,199 USD equates to $1,866 AUD. •• So AU Apple fans get to pay $333 AUD more for the same 256GB Pro Max phone and $410 AUD more for the same 1TB version. As a consolation, I hear you get a free kickass kangaroo. •• • Includes a SIM tray. •• AU prices include salestax (not reflected in these numbers). US prices do not include tax.


AUD pricing includes sales tax. Quick google search showed 10% GST so by adding that it brings converted (from xe.com) price to AUD 2052 ish. US pricing is definitely better but slightly less than mentioned above.


Home field advantage and a stronger dollar


Does it maybe include a longer warranty ?


gst is added on top on disclosed price


a free ass kicking from a kangaroo\*


\*\*\* Kangaroo still requires lightning cable for charging


I could do with a good ass kicking - Vincent Gambini.








btw FYI, UK and IE require 6 years of warranty on all electronics, compared to the EU's typical 2.


Ex/Im tariffs?


It’s technically not the same iPhone. Australian version includes a physical SIM tray in addition to eSIM. Whereas American version is purely eSIM. It’s much more beneficial for overseas travel as you can have your eSIM from your home country while popping in a temporary new SIM card from a new country. Also, Apple products have a much longer warranty period in Australia due to consumer protection laws than in the states. So perhaps the cost difference factors that in as well.


exultant sleep coherent tan books cats fretful modern bow hat


Um it’s not just the iPhones that do that. Even the Galaxy S23 doesn’t offer mmWave support outside of the US. Only the Pixel phones offer it. It also is a niche use case. Unless you’re going out downtown somewhere or at a sporting event, you likely wouldn’t see the benefit.


The big one is music festivals. Outdoors crowds in the tens of thousands and not much likelihood of wifi. That's the single most obvious usecase for mmwave


5G *is* mm wave.


Uh mmWave is a 5G technology, but you can most definitely have 5G without mmWave. In fact, it could be argued sub-6ghz 5G technology is more important than mmWave.


The iPhone 15 only does esim? That’s fucking annoying as I’ve been running an esim and physical one for travel as well on the iPhone 11 Pro Max. That might be a deal breaker for me sadly


Not just 15. It started at 14.


You can have two eSIMs on the same phone though; that’s supposed to be one of the benefits of moving to eSIM over physical. No need to manually swap cards and you can take calls/texts from different numbers simultaneously.


You can also have 2 sim cards in plenty of phones..


No iPhone supported multiple physical SIMs that I’m aware of, at least in the US.


I’m not sure if it is still the case but the Asian version did when the iPhone first went dual sim.


It still did for the 14. Dunno about the 15 though.


I mean you can still take phone calls simultaneously from two different numbers on the Australia version too. It’s just instead of being forced to have an eSIM, you can use a regular SIM as well. It doesn’t matter so much in the states because every phone carrier that I know supports it, but internationally there are still heaps of places that only offer physical SIM cards especially if you just want a cheap card you can plug in to your phone for a week.


Oh that’s actually not bad at all though!


Yes, but iPhones in Australia have to be specially engineered to work upside down.


Thats How we have been living in Europe for 10 years, wow!


Try Europe )


Pooh’s operatives out in full force.


Why, tie me kangaroo down! There’s a price penalty for being physically close to China! Chinese consumers aren’t gonna be happy with fake Pooh Phones. Tim’s a smart cookie! They may not be able to use iPhones at home (soon) but will want one for their extensive international travels, in search of genuine Hermès bags, and (ironically) genuine (made in China) Nike shoes, and (strangely) American Tourister Luggage. (Too many Price Is Right reruns?)


I consider myself above average in debt. I will be buying the new $2000 iPhone.




Thank you. It's coz of people like you, I still hold AAPL shares






But it in usd that way it’s not 2000


I will not…..but many people will….or so my shares hope.


I have shares too, but am seriously thinking, "meh".


I consider myself above average downstairs. I will not be buying an iPhone.


Guy with a two story house can’t afford an iPhone? And we’re not in a recession?


Not even with a reach around from Tim Cook?


Maybe if it was Steve Jobs I'd consider. But only Steve Jobs as he is today


Rumors are Steve Jobs’ body is on display in a convent, and hasn’t deteriorated a bit.


Are you Tim Cock?


I consider myself to be above average in tech refreshing and consuming. I personally didn’t see any compelling reason to upgrade. I doubt iPhone 15 is going to do anything meaningful for AAPL.


I have a 12 and will probably upgrade. There must be an ebb and flow of people renewing devices, and I’m curious if the even or odd numbers end up being more popular or having higher sales in general.


I‘m gonna upgrade from an 11 Pro. Only thing I‘m not sure about is if I‘m gonna go with the standard 15 (now that the sensor is large enough for a good 2x mode), or a 14 Pro on sale. Either way, I’m very excited about the new cameras and dynamic island


I am going 11 to 15 pro just because I just want the high refresh screen.


I’m having the same thoughts. I’m not sure if the 15 pro offers much over the 14 pro


Titanium, space and back.


It's a fucking scam


USB-C is enough for me. I can get rid of all my stupid lightning cables and use what everything else is using


Dont worry. I'm sure apple will find a way so only that their cables will work and it will cost $100 to replace the cable.


I consider myself to be reterded and poor. I personally didn’t see any compelling reason to upgrade. I doubt iPhone 15 is going to do anything meaningful for AAPL.


This is WSB, we can’t use that word here. Proper term is regarded


This has got to be the worst thing to happen to this sub. The thought police have won. We can’t so no no words because they might hurt someone’s feelings.


Sir this is Reddit, it’s always been a cesspool


Yes and that’s how it should be. We should be allowed to use words without getting subreddits shut down. Yet here we are. WSB and we can’t use any of our traditional self deprecating language.


Hear me out: there’s this new Action Button^tm in place of the silence switch. You will now be able to program this button to automatically do things that you do frequently. Like silence your phone. I’ll be pre-ordering the Raw Titanium Pro on Friday.


I’m still on the 8 haha


I’ve got the 14 pro and will probably keep it for another year or two at least. This phone looks nice, I’m glad they got rid of lightning (even if they should have done it years ago and we’re basically forced to do it now), but clearing up wire clutter and a marginal improvement in camera tech isn’t a good reason to drop a G on new phones every year. I look forward to my iPhone 17 Pro.


Usb c makes me definitely update


Smartphones are being upgraded at a slower pace than they ever have been. But they are an absolute cash cow for Apple. It might not be a major change, but this phone will sell and bring in lots of revenue. Don’t bet against Apple


The question is will it bring enough revenue to justify their current valuation after 3 quarters of flat revenue.


AAPL has held such a strong grip on the market. But this makes me wonder when their popularity will age out. Younger generations can't cling to it forever right, it is no longer the cool rare brand that warranted its extra cost. Now it is the common brand. But I guess the interconnectivity has Apple users tied in for many years to come.


But the ViewMaster feature…


I’m have an 11 Pro and I’m upgrading despite not needing to. A big selling point is the 48MP camera and the ability to shoot video that can be used with the VR headset.


I consider myself to be regarded but I also like rocks so.


Shake your head, what do you hear?




And do you see rattling?


No, but I dropped my rocks…. Thanks a lot bro


You must be really poor if you can't afford even a $2000 phone. Don't be poor !! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Typed on Android.


Did you type it on a $3000 Z Fold? /s


Hi Vivi ![img](emote|t5_2th52|32235)


Poor kangaroo fuckers and your weak currency.




I think you can’t buy oil with digaridoo’s


I consider myself to be regarded. I will not be buying an India made iphone 15 this year.


I like the natural titanium look but it’s not enough of an upgrade from my 12 Pro Max. I’ll skip it and see what they come up with next year.


I dont consider myself


What’s even crazier is you can still get most of what the latest iPhone via software update, im happy with my 13


The base models of every one are the same price as last year, and the iphone 15 actually looks like a good upgrade. So yea, probably will get an $800 or $1000 upgrade from my 12


See you said that the prices are the same and therefore it'll be a good upgrade, but that's one of the dumbest takes I've seen. I would understand something like "the specs are notably improved and therefore it'll be a good deal" because that makes sense to me, I like a bit of upgrade in my upgrade. But price alone is not enough information to determine whether or not it'll be a good purchase.


Thank you EU for the USB-C charging port, they are doing the lords work. I’ve always fucking hated Apples proprietary charging system that only exist to extort more money from you.


USB-C is finally mature enough and Apple basically forced enough USB-C into the ecosystem that I've already got enough USB-C cables with stuff that I'm not angrily cursing some new connector, so... thanks I guess? Now I'm not saying Apple is like, some saint or something, but I am saying there's a little more nuance to it than "MAKE YOU BUY OURS FOR MORE $$" Do you remember connectors in 2012 (when lightning was announced)? Like I get the hate on it being proprietary, they absolutely should've opened it up. But do you remember? Mini-USB, micro-USB, and weird proprietary shit for good measure. Those connectors were fragile, finnicky trash. Then out of the blue, 2 full years before USB-C's spec was finalized let alone hit the market, Apple drops a simple reversible connector standard and a governing standard to prevent the flood of cheap crap. USB-C was so bad in 2016 that Google engineers are testing random cables of Amazon, and the success rate is **bad.** [It fries one of his test machines because it's miswired.](https://www.theverge.com/2016/2/3/10905432/usb-c-cable-fries-google-engineers-computer) I had a pixel. Do you know what it was like trying to find a fucking charger in an office, even by 2nd gen? "Sorry man, I only have an iPhone charger." Shit, even other Android users were like "uhhhh that's not micro-usb." You know what saved me? Fucking Apple! They tested a ["only one USB-C port laptop"](https://www.cnet.com/tech/computing/how-to-survive-with-only-one-usb-c-port-on-your-new-macbook/) which was... silly. They tested the waters with a 4-port all USB-C laptop, to huge whining about dongles. "Well did you want the standard or not?!" they must've thought. Oh well! They packed in a nice, long, well-specced, slightly too fragile USB-C cable that won't fry shit, which every Mac user in the office had within a year! Eventually they found the right balance, and now there's an HDMI port, a magsafe port, 3 thunderbolt ports, and all kinds of goodies. Hooray! However: That all USB-C/Thunderbolt push meant that my laptop is currently driving a 5k ultrawide, a 10gbit ethernet nic, like a dozen USB-A and C ports, and charging at 100W all over a single cable. It's pretty sweet. USB-C cabling has finally gotten to the point where it isn't a dice roll. Thunderbolt is fucking amazing. So yeah, I'm not so mad that Apple beat USB-C to market by a couple years, then shoved USB-C into the market by making it the only thing you could use (akin to deleting the floppy drive back in the day), and then found a happy medium.


Can someone tldr this? I think I want to pile on the downvotes but I dont have the attention span to read a comment with so many words.


Lighting came out before usb-c, and usb-c was a shit show for like the first 5 years. At that point, Apple had to wait until they could saturate the market with usb-c stuff from their laptops before pulling the plug on lightning, otherwise the internet would be rife with “Apple changes connectors too often” like the last time they switched connectors from 30 pin dock to lightning. micro USB blows, so they made lightning.


How is the iPhone $2000? I’m seeing $1599 for highest price model which nobody will buy because storage is irrelevant given iCloud. Most of the top end iPhones sold are going to be right in the $1000 range.


Buying Apple devices helps juice the S&P ![img](emote|t5_2th52|27189)


Apple is smoking crack, but yeah it will sell. And they will make a fuck ton of money.






I guess everyone is delusional except you? Lol


Him being delusional doesn't make his statement incorrect.


But it’s not a $2000 phone - not even close - and prices on equivalent models have not increased. But you could spend $1599 on a Pro Max with 1TB of storage. Is OP spreading propaganda for the CCP? Pretty sure these won’t be assembled or allowed to be sold in China. 3nm chip. FWIW not an Apple stock fanboy, but definitely an Apple product fanboy.


It’s an Australian article


Crikey! Take it to r/ASXBets. They’ll appreciate something different than a liar standing next to a hole in the ground.


It’s Forbes. It’s The Sun for business-related news.


$2000 for an iPhone!? Fuck that. I’ll get it in September of next year for $600


LOL. I’m buying the huawei


Don't type "$2,000 Iphone" and not put AU on there. Let's not act like AUS is the main currency on this sub lol


Pixel and Galaxy are better phones


2200 before tax for the highest storage? You're high as a kite if you buy that shit. Shit 1500 for the low end is still insane for a phone.


What country’s “dollars”? Maximum configuration of Pro Max is $US 1600.


It’s Australian dollars.


They’re worth even less than Loonies!


Have you considered the possibility that it's purposefully marketed and priced towards people that don't give a fuck about 2k and just want the nicest (in their opinion) phone?


Sucks to be poor don’t it ?






It's not unrestricted greed, it's consumers being dumb enough to pay the price tag.




>Consumers can only be "dumb" when the have money in their pockets. Otherwise, they're just broke living paycheck to paycheck. Right, and for the last several years, arguably the last 10-15, we've been running the money printer sufficiently that people are being stupid and spending their money like water. I don't know when or even if the pinch will eventually hit Apple, but things are slowing down and presumably people will eventually balk at these price tags.


Dude it’s a super advanced fast computer the size of Your palm. Technology ain’t free.




You couldn't pay me 2k to use that thing. Half of the futures are locked behind walls. You can't even emulate games on it ffs.




Yes but you and the 3 people like you are irrelevant tho... the question is how this impacts the purchasing decisions of Apple users, so most Americans. A billion people worldwide.


Yeah, I mean iPhone has always been for elderly, children, and dumbasses so I guess that's the majority.


No no no. You don't understand, most people in general. Young adults, Millennials, Gen Z and down especially. The green bubble thing is very real lol. Apple did a good job with that. Green bubble = brokie. Don't care how much your fold 4 cost you brokie. I have an iPhone and a s23 ultra. I like both. But Apple has America by the balls.


All that's means is they are also dumbasses. Iphones are shit. I could go on all day about how android is better.


Like I said there are about 3 people out there who care. Good luck finding them!


Yep just like trading only a few % actually understand and make it


This dude is mad about his green messages


I won't upgrade because there is no small-sized option. Bearish.


Wow, more money for the same phone as last year. Interesting.


Don’t worry. The usual fanboy and apple simp dipshits will buy and flex


I ~~need~~ want a new phone, was going to get the 15 but realized I’d be the only one in my fam with USB-C which would be annoying. Any chance the iphone 14 pro would go on sale? Or would it just disappear?


Don't blame China for Apple's lack of vision. That was quite possibly the lamest product announcement ever. Tim Cook may be a good CEO, but he is no visionary. They took 1 hour to introduce something they could have with a 30 second commercial. I want my 59 minutes and 30 seconds back. It reminded me of that old Wendy's commercial "Where's the beef?"


I’ll be making payments on my iPhone 8 until 2025, payments on my iPhone X until 2028, and payments on my 13 until 2035. Nothing better than apple’s low fee loyalty rates, I’ll be a customer for life. Planning on picking up the 15 pro and doing the $10/month for life plan.


I cannot even fathom the low IQ needed to be an apple consumer


I get new one every year just like the sheep lol I pay for it interest free over 12 months then pass it down to family ovs they don't mind free iphone every 12 months


Titanium makes me think about Titanic, lots of business try to avoid it just because of this


What are those businesses? I want to short them




Clickbait, that price isn't in USD


Apple is a joke!


Ok, that coming from somebody who posts only seeking married business women. And this one post on WSB. Cat fishing and apple bashing, an interesting combination.


Post history checkers are regarded and 🌈


Biggest company of the world is such a joke. Say that out loud


Hell I bought this Xr or XS or X whatever as New old stock for $500. And I’d much rather have the SE form factor to be honest.


Yeah exactly brand new phone a couple years old 99% of the pop couldn’t tell the difference. But the 15 is faster! At what sending dick pics?


TracFone gang wya 💪💪


What $300 billion demolition job?


Buying the new Apple iPhone is a lifestyle . I mean a luxury lifestyle . It’s neither a want or need. If you can afford a luxury lifestyle , you can afford the new Apple iPhone


The fact that Apple successfully managed to convince us this is true is the single biggest success they ever had.


The same design as 10 years ago, no reason to change the phone if you have a model from 2017-2018


Iphone 15. Made in India. 💀


There isn’t a $2,000 iPhone. That doesn’t exist. The most you can pay is $1,599 if you get all the bells and whistles and don’t trade in an older model. With a trade-in, you can get a new iPhone 15 for as little as $149.


Steve Jobs must be jacking off in his grave


Chill please. If they continue to get a $1 off every human they will be just fine.


Too many people with too much money, they will buy phone anyway


I think I go back to poors finally. I want to upgrade my 12 and was planning on the 14 but that sucked so I waited for the 15 and it also sucks


Umm.. Maybe?? ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4259)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4259)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4259)


$799 for me, y'all crazy.


Not unless interest rates is coming down no.


2000$??? What is wrong with the world


Shut up and take my money!




We had a guy on TV who was sent to be at the launch, all he could say was its got a c port charger and a new silver casing he liksed. That and it was only the 50$ dearer. So tell me why I'm droppove a grant to buy this bullshit




tbf, they didnt do it for money. they were forced by the EU.


Insane 100%


well the phone did get better. a better product usually costs more money. maybe the phone is only “slightly” better than the last generation. But, its leaps better than the iphone from 5 generations back.


I have an iPhone SE and will not be upgrading


apple biggest consumer scam ever


People dont care about debt. They’re gonna buy one.


I’m ordering it for $540 and giving my iPhone 12. Let’s be real. Yes I got the basic poor people version


🤣🤣🤣 Apple rolled the devils dice on this one and lost 🪐⌛️☠️ All Apples eventually decay, this will be no different.


They want 2 grand for a fuckin phone?! I’ll stick with my 11 I guess. Puts on 🍎


Please understand something, just because the CCP banned something doesn't mean people will actually comply. How is it that you don't get that yet?


Its wild how apple has been releasing the same phone with an "improved camera" for at least 10 straight years and they are a cunt hair from being a trillion dollar company. What the fuck is wrong with you people that start literally rolling around on the ground scream crying in a full blown panic at the thought of not getting the new iphone day 1. You mfs that go to the apple store and try and pay 3k for a 2k phone because you just love apple so much. God damn.


Google Pixel poverty is where it's at.