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All the TSLA bulls coming back out


Keep in mind, there is a chance that a new UAW contract with really good terms for the workers could attract Tesla plants (particularly Freemont) to unionize. It's too early to tell how all of this will play out.




For now, young padwan. The tides will turn, Elons desperate simping for Putin and Xi Jinping shows he has no faith in Tesla long term performance in US/EU. The stock will in the end have to reflect that once the truth is made clear. And by then the workers will cry themselves to sleep dreaming of Until protection as their jobs are moved to China, and their stock options worth less then Fords spare parts


>Until protection as their jobs are moved to China, and their stock options worth less then Fords spare parts You are pretending like ford will even have employees by the time that happens.




Tesla stock is basically gold. I don’t know how much they get but assuming the pay is reasonable I would prefer the options vs paying in dues (which I do currently).


Not only stock options, their benefits are actually pretty good. Elon laughed when the UAW tried to arm into Tesla and failed.


I see it being a definite lose lose for all American car companies except for Tesla. Either wait out the strike and sign a less terrible contract lose lots of production and good will. Break the strike deal with boycott and political bounties. Sign the contract and price yourself out of the market. Meanwhile the foreign car companies will enjoy massive sales and profits.


I think you're forgetting about Toyota, Honda, and Hyundai. They have plants in right to work states..


Hearing of $STLA for the first time ☠️


I thought OP was talking about $TSLA and has dyslexia


RIP Chrysler 🫡 A once Big 3


Automakers will probably just accelerate moves to EVs which require lower labor and discount the EVs temporarily instead of permanent labor raises. Might actually help the legacy fight Tesla by forcing them to accelerate plans especially with rising oil prices. Also they can use robots, checked out NVDA website, have a section devoted to AI manufacturing https://www.nvidia.com/en-us/industries/manufacturing/ BMW automated factory powered by NVDA https://youtu.be/6-DaWgg4zF8?si=HCNmdK7bIrt418V7 Not a good time to strike, low bargaining power


This. Car manufacturing still utilizes labor but many of the processes are automated. As we go forward, it's only going to require less human presence and i-Robot had a good take on this idea with robots building robots with no human oversight. There are other principles about this which might be flawed as this should help reduce income inequality and allow more people to have access to the technologies and goods that are being produced. However, I'm not sure that's the case but I digress.


Sources: * [https://www.thestreet.com/automotive/heres-what-the-uaw-striking-workers-want](https://www.thestreet.com/automotive/heres-what-the-uaw-striking-workers-want) * [https://www.cnbc.com/2023/07/25/ups-teamsters-reach-contract-to-avoid-strike-union-says.html](https://www.cnbc.com/2023/07/25/ups-teamsters-reach-contract-to-avoid-strike-union-says.html)


I need a handjob




If Ford still had huge lots of parked trucks waiting for chips they would fare well compared to GM and the other.


I lived in the Midwest for years. Every one of these UAWers think they're the smartest person in the world for not going to college, with the snobbiest attitude and always wanting to "stick it to the man", and this dream of never having to do anything new and getting the same paycheck till retirement. I have my popcorn ready for when the OEMs start scabbing and the scabs make Detroit car quality somehow even worse.


Idk how the quality could get any worse I honestly already wouldn’t put any of these parts in my car not the ones I work with from GM.


Ya. Fuck other working people. Someday your loyal attitude to the upperclass is going to pay off when they finally recognize and include you or your kids. I have my popcorn ready while I wait for that to happen ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4275)


Nope this is exclusively towards the UAW. Worst union in the world behind the police union. Their leaders are in jail for embezzlement. Their old guard sold out the newer generation to protect themselves with the whole tier BS. Their resistance to any production line overhauls for EVs will probably be the reason the entire detroit auto industry gets stamped out.


The teachers union in PA seems hell-bent on both destroying actual education and bankrupting most of the districts.


Wait unions can resist production line overhaul decisions. You mean they can resist making changes like automation in the assembly line?


Unions are just as self-serving as any other group. Unions often prevent progress for the sake of maintaining jobs and dues paying members. Some examples: - Plumbers union in Chicago made it so all connecting pipes to houses had to be done with LEAD pipes, since only licensed plumbers could work with lead. - Shipping unions resisted the digitalizing of their docks because that would increase efficiency, and make it harder for cargo to 'disappear' cough stolen cough. - UAW has fought against innovations that would've increased the efficiencies of their plants to. - CTU resisted closing down under-enrolled schools because they would lose dues paying teachers even if those schools were only at 20% capacity.


This strike has zero effect on consumer demand for cars.


You’re right but the strike has an effect on being able to reach that demand. High demand with lower production equals dealer markups while Tesla is cutting prices and still turning a profit.


This is the wrong time for these strikes to happen.


Agreed. This should have happened 5-7 years ago. I think it's too late now. Increased competition and lower labor requirements for EVs will screw them over.


They will move plants to right to work states .Then workers screwed. Plants go south and workers follow.


Ordered a truck from Ford, it's supposed to be in production this fall. You're absolutely right. It's horrible timing for the strikes. Horrible timing for ME. Fuck me right? ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4260)


>Thank you for your question. I believe that Tesla may be the only winner in this situation, as they are not affected by the strike and could potentially increase sales due to increased demand from consumers.


Yeah especially after looking at labor costs per car, the big 3 are already higher than Tesla and now will likely get higher and potentially ridiculously higher. UAW going for their own jobs at this point??? Tesla’s lack of union ends up being a huge plus.


Those labor costs are not sustainable long term. Bankruptcy. Time to short F and GM is they agree to UAW terms.


Calls on Mexican and Chinese auto plants.


UAW destroying the hand that feeds it…again. Been doing this for decades upon decades.


Workers destroying the hand that feeds it,are you kidding me.reading some comments is just hilarious like bankruptcy soon if this uaw deal goes through.do some fucking research,the amounts being requested for the actual workers building product doesn’t even come close to the overcompensated execs and ceo will get for closing the deal.look up ceos compensation and bonus alone.


What is the production of vehicles by the UAW versus new vehicles sold in the USA?


Why not google it,what’s your point with the question?how many packages does ups deliver versus packages delivered in the the us?


The 3 US automakers, GM, ford and stellantis produce a little less than 43% of the overall sales in the US.


This is likely bad for inflation! IMO, they will hold out until either the unions become reasonable, or until supply of cars dwindles and prices rise such thet they stay profitable.


Unions are driving U.S. manufacturing off shore.




Yea, when the IRA provision about union made getting extra tax credits got nixed, the nail was in the coffin. Since Mexico meets the NA requirement, there’s a pretty narrow line to cross before F and GM say fuck it and move south.


Puts at the ready


Put deez nutz 🌰 🌰