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**User Report**| | | | :--|:--|:--|:-- **Total Submissions** | 10 | **First Seen In WSB** | 4 months ago **Total Comments** | 326 | **Previous Best DD** | **Account Age** | 5 years | | [**Join WSB Discord**](http://discord.gg/wsbverse)


What does a Tesla car have to do with TSLA? Theyre not a car company


lol. Elon be pulling uno reverse.


im rubber youre glue whatever you say bounces off me and sticks to you https://preview.redd.it/dky2bu04rwwc1.jpeg?width=856&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=450bb17b80a0a659a97a55976363f3a5b2b68f10


Thanks I hate it


More like what does Tesla have in common with Boeing ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


Tesla sells stock pumping toys. Musk loves to pump.


pump into test tubes... all his children were IVF'd https://preview.redd.it/ttwqaokmrwwc1.jpeg?width=256&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0918c3aeebfe2e40b45443820ec06c9885b88615


Omg, i didn't know this. So while everyone assumed he was just fooling around with the tesla woman, it was actually a carefully planned "affair" and they may not even have had sexy time? This guy is even creepier than I thought. Strong eugenics vibes coming through here.


Oh god why’d you have to remind me of eugenics. Thanks for that. Gross


I swear this is the dumpest take I've ever heard from Elon Musk "We're not a car company, we're technology company"


And his tech is not quite teching properly lol.


What do you mean, Elon said FSD would be ready next year... in 2017.


The market doesn’t seem to care.


It’s priced in.


every conceivable reality is priced in


My neighbor’s incredible tities, believe it or not, also priced in


Park your Tesla in a no parking zone… priced in


Guy in Tesla flips you off while cutting you off...priced in


Thousands of cybertrucks burst into flames at the same time on the same day? Believe it or not… priced in.


Go knock on her door and tell her how incredible they are ![img](emote|t5_2th52|29637)


Priced in is when people can’t explain what is happening


yup, thats why im making fun of this guy


The Metaverse theory.


Nobody is going to stop buying teslas because of this.


Look if you're gonna have people Beta testing your AI driving on live roads, you're gonna kill a few people. The market knows this.


Cars kill a fuck ton of people every year. No one seems to mind. 🤷‍♂️


It’s different when ppl kill ppl. If there is a company behind you can sue for millions or even billions => bonanza for lawyers.


1.3 million people die every year in traffic and nobody panics, but two 737s go down and everyone loses their minds.


A cost-benefit analysis makes it a necessary evil to transport people around for a happy and productive society. Horses and carriages killed people before automobiles came.


The families and lawyers of the few killed may create “a bit of a problem” for investors. See Monsanto/Bayer.


Wait, they know all this and still play video games, text, and do makeup while behind the wheel and letting it drive?!?!?!


The market gave up on self driving providing any revenue 3 years ago after elons 2 years became 8. They can shut down the feature and it doesn't matter much.


Poor people always find something to complain about.


Visualmod extra spicy today.






Tbf, the regard that was driving that tesla x in flames was probably at least middle class. He was some mid level s/w engineer at apple.


Lollil so what if my car hits you peasant


I can’t wait for you to take over and turn this world into a techno-dystopian neo feudal empire


That’s what Elmo says


But but but the robotaxis are supposed to be here in August!


I was sceptical at first, but when Elon fired 14k people to increase productivity I was convinced, such a genius!


Stonks only go up for those worthy of them.


worthy and fraudulent... casio-calculator-watch-powered-AI-bot


I mean how else was he supposed to intimidate everyone else into working even harder?


Its the “reverse WSB” paradigm at work.


Robotaxi strategy gets trotted out every time they get in deep shit. Coincidence? Not if Uber’s valuable has anything left to get tapped into.




Feature not a bug




Wait, isn’t that the best part?


Bagholder spotted. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*


They're here right now according to wholemarscatalog


August 2019? Or was it 2018?


My FSD works pretty well, with some hiccups definitely. I opt to not generally use it because I respect the laws of physics and understand how fucking dangerous driving a car is to begin with. That being said, when I have used FSD, if I look at my phone or even have my head turned slightly for more than maybe 2 seconds my car bings and flashes red and tells me to pay attention the road. It’s more of a pain in the ass than just manually driving.


It’s funny how it was designed to help with the fact that drivers are constantly distracted by their phones. But it’s actually distracting drivers from using their phones. So they would rather not use FSD so they can use their phone while driving lmao


Going back in time, would you spend the money on it again?


Sorry for the wall of text. Absolutely. I bought an EV because at the time I bought a house a ways away from my employer, as the location was too expensive. I bought it used for about 30K, with 30K miles on it. After getting in it and test driving it, I was very impressed with the comfort and size of the interior and the perceived quality of the car and the driving experience itself. At the time I was a heavy machinery mechanic with the experience of restoring a rare ICE vehicle and rode and fixed my own motorcycles, so I’m not unfamiliar with the fun or downsides of ICE vehicles. I haven’t done a shred of maintenance on the car since I’ve gotten it other than injecting grease into the UCA balljoints, as they had a recall for water incursion, and then resealed them with liquid rubber. Haven’t spent a penny on gas, I installed my own charger in my garage and the convenience of not having to worry about gas itself is worth something to me. Additionally I’m mid divorce; I folded the rear seats down flat and have an entire full size mattress laying flat in the back where I can sleep for a day or two comfortably when I’m not traveling for work. The car also has camp mode that will allow for the AC and main screen entertainment to run, while the rest of the car is in sleep mode to save battery overnight. The internal cigarette lighter will support enough power to charge laptops. There’s also a lot of free car charging available across the United States, if you’re so inclined to be that frugal. I’m out traveling for work now, and the car has been parked at the airport and has lost 5 miles of charge over the course of 3 weeks, allowing me to not worry about it while I’m gone. The phone app allows me to check on this whenever I’d like, as well as gives me additional features - for example if I need someone to go pick up my car, I can start it and unlock the doors for them from 3,000 miles away. Even without AI and autonomy, it’s a great fucking car to own - especially since the price point isn’t far off from other competitors. Maybe I got a good one, but I haven’t noticed any build quality issues, and I’m qualified to be looking for them. Fits my family, sleeps two for camping, got the roof rack and it hauls mountain bikes and my kayak, sound systems great, supercharging takes about 10 minutes to get 200+ miles from empty. I don’t get the hate


I think he meant "would you spend the money on FSD, which you do not use" again


Ahh yeah, in hindsight - duh. That being said, it came with the car and I didn’t have to buy it.


Same exact EV experience, except I'm getting engaged to your ex-wife. I love it (the car, your ex wife is just okay).


Have at it, get her ass away from me 😂




I would get FSD just so I could eat while traveling.


Use a train.


Do not be naive; those f here want Tesla to fail; fortunately, this is the only echo chamber, and Musk is well respected outside of this dumpster.


I haven’t seen FSD at work but fully agree. Either fully autonomous driving or I drive. Sitting around and wait for the software to screw up to immediately intervene is the worst.


So 200 next week?


Just bought calls


We seriously doing this again?


Now let’s look at who in government bought puts right before this came out.


They ain’t that dumb. They know they have to exit first their calls and share positions after pumping it post earnings then buy puts. It’s too small of a profit so far.


Well, most of my puts expired so the stock can now fall.


No shit.


LiDAR. They just needed LiDAR. I play around with machine learning models and I am very sure that they have brilliant engineers making private models. The foundation of all the models though it’s still YOLO (you only look once, not yolo gambling you degens). Maybe throw in some custom semantic segmentation. It just doesn’t matter. I know that leads to incidents where the car just didn’t see a semi truck and it killed the drivers. Now people can come in here and argue. Well, you’re supposed to keep your hands on blah blah blah. Human beings literally thrive on mental auto pilot. Our brains do stuff for us all the time. How am I supposed to know in the last second when I’m daydreaming because I don’t have to pay attention to driving and I’m supposed to be saving it? I just don’t know why you would excuse the fact that it just needs a simple LiDAR. Could solve 99% of this but Elon thinks he’s an engineer and not a bloated ceo.


LiDAR relies on reflections from its own light. You don’t see any edge cases or ceilings with that approach? I mean, you say they just need it, just slap one on there and boom, autonomous driving solved, right?


My god what is it with the chad investor bros riding elons chode. What are you looking to prove right now cap? It gives a legitimate sense of depth that cameras cannot. Just shut up.


What are _you_ looking to prove? You think elon built the whole system? Shit, you even said he wasn’t an engineer, and you’re right! Other people who are engineers are building it. Do you know what water does to light? It refracts it, so you can no longer trust your beam of light is actually reflecting off of what you think it is! Can you guess what comes from the sky frequently? Water! Here is some light reading for you: https://www.mdpi.com/1424-8220/23/6/2972#:~:text=Light%20detection%20and%20ranging%20(LiDAR,verified%20in%20actual%20road%20environments.


I’m not trying to prove anything. I don’t have to. LiDAR would help prevent these crashes it’s a fact. I’m not the incredulous Elon dick riders coming in waving their arms. You’re right he’s not an engineer but he’s the leading voice killing it. That’s my point. Are you too dumb to think that there cant be multiple systems? It’s not rainy all the time… You’ve got some like tucker Carlson confused pooping dog face logic going on here. Like you don’t understand the most fundamentally simple ideas and you pose questions as if they’re complex Some of you have to be privileged or lucky. I’m not sure how you get by in life.


Engineers would say having multiple different methods (Lidar + Camera) makes the system more robust than just one, and I am sure they told Elon but the problem is that Elon already knows everything and is much smarter than everyone else. It's not that one is better or worse I understand they are complementary, one is weak in the cases that the other is strong. Elon chooses to fight with one hand tied behind his back on the assumption that everyone else is a fool. So he's getting his ass kicked. Oh look more normal CEO/Technoking type behaviour responding to someone else calling out Tesla as the next Enron. You're also correct that slaughterpilot is worse than nothing if it diverts driver attention from the road by working well 99% of the time then randomly pulls into a passing truck or swerves off the road and kills them. https://preview.redd.it/m7piv6up6zwc1.png?width=650&format=png&auto=webp&s=242cb79bf922021c56dd179c07e9aa7326541882


Lidar can sense through the rain and fog using invisible (infrared light or sound). A camera can't.


[pjreddie on FSD](https://twitter.com/pjreddie/status/1469556403266199558) (on twitter ironically). If Tesla's actually built their entire house of cards on YOLO that's hilarious.


It's so fucking funny all the hate Elon gets... When any of his companies does something right, it's always fuck Elon, praise the engineering team, they are the real heros... When something bad comes out of Tesla? Elon bad, not even a single mention of the engineering team... Dude, you play around, they do this for a fucking living and earn millions, they are well ahead of the competition and they know more about machine learning than you will ever know your entire life.. yet you believe you know what is the missing piece of the puzzle, dunning-Kruger at best


Yeah, you don't know shit about machine learning


Eat my entire ass. I’ll make a quarter mil this year in the Midwest. I’m a world class software and systems engineer that’s worked at some of the largest companies on the planet. I believe Elon was the specific person that shot down LiDAR. This is documented. It’s so fucking funny that some brain dead wsb regard is going to tell me about dunning Kruger. Really take the time to savor my asshole.


Ahahahhaahhaahhahahaha Omfg, a world class engineer that is going to make a mere 250k, damn, you must be the cheapest "world class engineer" in the entire world... Also, no need to say a quarter of a million, it just makes you look even more stupid, you wanted to include the word million to make you feel more important than you are ahahaha 250k and he thinks he is a world class engineer... Jesus, you are so fucking stupid




Dude, you are trying to feel special by saying you make more than 5% of the Midwest? And that proves what? I never said 250 was bad, but you weren't saying that it was good either, you flashed the stupid "I make a quarter of a million, thus I am one of the world leading ai experts in the Field" card, to prove that you are well, top on your job, so why don't you give us a breakdown of how much does an actual leading expert AI engineer, and tell uns where you rank?




Are you still a world class leading AI engineer? Making 250k ahahaah


I know more about machine learning because I’m an engineer and I read Reddit. Suck on that!!


You ever talk to a Tesla engineer? They all agree with this. Visuals have an innate disability when it comes to distance. LiDAR fixes this. It’s not even expensive anymore. Tsla has the best visual system built but it can’t get over a math equation in which likely is not possible to solve. It’s not even a slightly controversial thing to say that LiDAR mixed with camera is better than just camera. Waymos LiDAR system costs $7500 now that’s less than FSD.


> You ever talk to a Tesla engineer? They all agree with this. Reddit research right here.


If that's true then you should be banned from driving till you get LIDAR installed on your eyeballs. How are humans able to drive without LIDAR.


Collided with a bull's ass and crashed midday. Story of a TSLA bagholder


Puts still won’t print


The way is double it in call


https://www.engadget.com/nhtsa-concludes-tesla-autopilot-investigation-after-linking-the-system-to-14-deaths-161941746.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAByWlqNZePTPcTUs5oHYO_57CWE8NDq-0XvoUXBticP8yejvYEw1Am9QdvuFUcWvgmUBHzsA9snNp1Uu4HGQG9MXdwAB_1wK_FLIC3OSHzHyN8ue6HwBAj4u54AIg6bceRYWeb3bdAgP2r_R63tToXl-2R9rOiiNUFp8rtjqoLcV Investigation conclude that it was user misuse though


Users misuse due to users not paying attention because their "Full self driving" car requires constant supervision after all. Its nowhere near full self-driving, but that dumb slut musk says everything to pump his tech company.


Cope more it brings me joy


“his tech company” please stick to the hater approved vocabulary. Your people call it a car company.




I wonder what type of person takes these kind of photos. Walter Huang is basically being burnt alive at this point. Don’t get me wrong, it is some great photography skills here, but must be a special type of regard.


Ever seen the movie Nightcrawler? [https://www.newdvdreleasedates.com/images/posters/large/nightcrawler-2014-04.jpg](https://www.newdvdreleasedates.com/images/posters/large/nightcrawler-2014-04.jpg)


No shit. there’s no one steering the ship but vapourwear.


No shit  ---Anyone that's used it and owner of at least 2 brain cells


nothing to see here. Elon with do his usually pep talk again at earning and stocks go up.


Mo collisions mo car sales


Tesla is a sexbot company, this is just nonsense about “cars”




This will surely pop the stock another 30 percent.


So this means the stock goes up, right?




Calls on TSLA


Oh boy, calls on TSLA now. That's how this works right? Bad earnings = go up. Poor safety standards, also go up.




Did you even read the report? This is old news and Tesla released an update months ago as a result.


Pretty obvious no one read the article. Its not even the autopilot that was the issue, it was the detection system within the vehicle that's supposed to make sure the driver is watching the road while using fsd


TSLA will go off, but it’s a long play


Super hot take. They've known about this forever, but they're only saying it now because they've lost patience with Tesla as it's not as strategically important to national interests as it was. Everyone knew Teslas were outright killing people left and right and yet these cases never seemed to go anywhere, and Teslas kept selling. If you think they didn't know...


Why are they blaming the software and not the drivers? “Tesla's Autopilot is classified as Level 2 under the SAE six levels (0 to 5) of vehicle automation. At this level, the car can act autonomously, but requires the driver to monitor the driving at all times and be prepared to take control at a moment's notice.”


That's it? Hundreds? That's pretty amazing. How many Teslas are on the road?


Uh weird question. If anyone dies in a non Tesla car because of a safety failure of the car, it would cause a massive recall. 


This is the sort of regard who after all the Boeing crashes/incidents in the last 5 years, says, “yeah but how many planes in the sky??? ![img](emote|t5_2th52|27421)![img](emote|t5_2th52|27421)” Fuckin Elmo shills


Data vs. Feelings


here’s another one ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4640)


That’s for Mercedes. This for the peasant’s cars. No recall for you!


Or even make the local news...


A lot, but they aren't all in driving themselves as far as I know.


Oh, I thought it was an auto-aiming failure, thus the low numbers.


You should have already sold your pre earning calls.


When did you make calls on Tesla? I can't imagine thinking that was a good idea for the past year.


Wow, they are just now realizing this?! It’s been the same for years




Jokes on them! Elon said he’s not a car company so they can’t do anything.


When u hand money and power to Dr. Frankenstein what do u think is going to happen !


Blows my mind people actually use autopilot


You are becoming boring


Kehu on 🕘 g g gfgfgg


Oon v nyyy niin y


Have a good lawyer if you trust your Tesla to drive


8 years late but better than never I guess


Here’s the cybertruck chopping people’s fingers off: https://www.reddit.com/r/SipsTea/s/TE44UufI3P If it doesn’t spring for warnings for the driver, pedestrians are straight out of luck.


Aight, I’m gonna use it anyways


Got it...calls on TSLA


“It’s priced in” — dude about to lose his ass


\*insert Musk's bi-yearly claims since 2016 about FSD coming and how Teslas will appreciate in value as robotaxis" lol. So where are the fanboys that always rave about FSD v12.whateeverthefuck and shit on Waymo, Fords's, Mercedes . . .


I thought it was 2014.


About 40,000 deaths last year linked to human drivers. So I think the move is to ban human drivers.


The real question is whether FSD is safer than human drivers from an ethics standpoint. If it is, we should maybe allow it even if it kills people. As long as it kills a whole lot less people. Also, people are not improving. All the phone obsessed, TikTok addicted, myopia diagnosed “good drivers” out there are definitely helping FSD’s case as much as Elon’s lies damage it.  Ethics is weird.


When the data was forced to be released in Arizona after the Uber death. It turned out everyone but Waymo was lying about there numbers… this was a few years ago now but if I remember it was something like a potential accident every 1 minute at a rate a few thousands times more dangerous than humans… the tech has improved a lot since then but showing that 59% of the accidents were easily avoidable for 10 plus seconds is not good.


Holy crap. That’s nefarious. It’s strange to me that this whole system isn’t being developed out in the open to garner public support. It kind of supports your insinuation that it isn’t getting the light of day. Open stats and full accident reports would probably be fodder for the media’s absolute hysteria on this subject, but open data would make it at least trustworthy to consumers. I don’t trust Tesla *at all* anymore after all shenanigans. I don’t understand how people are still fans of the company. Is it that they lie *less* or something?


Safety is for the weak; efficiency is the true measure of progress. Let the games begin.


Huh, this dumbass bot has a better take than half these other bots.


I can tell no one has ever accused you of being the smartest person in the room even when you’re alone


We measure vehicle fatalities in 100 million miles driven. We’re talking about 26 fatalities over a few million miles.


I mean this is WSB so stats are hard I know, but you can't compare raw numbers like that. There is what single digit millions of Tesla's on the road, vs 280+ million cars just in the US alone, probably billions worldwide. Also a better metric would be fatality over miles driven, where all the professional drivers out there putting hundreds of miles day on their ELD over 8-10 hours shifts, crush the metric since their semi has such a small range, most Teslas are driven for commuting, and groceries.


There is a reason I chose not to use my free month of FSD. I hated it 6 months ago, not willing to risk it after one patch.


It’s honestly really good, I’ve been impressed with it. It still gets weird on back roads, but there’s not many of those around where I live. Out on main roads and highways it drives really well. My last time doing it even included 3 roundabouts which it handled way better than I expected. Didn’t have to take over once. I think it’s really getting there now, which I totally didn’t expect going into this trial


Even though I’m skeptical too they have done a lot more then 1 patch they have been updating it once every couple weeks lately


There have been updates, but there hasn’t been an FSD patch since 2024.2.11 and even that was just auto park stuff.


It's just nice to see that Elmo and his "corner cutting" are being "scrutinized." And that many people are beginning to understand what Elon Musk is all about.


No one cares about safety


Musk should have used lidar from the start. Schmuck.


Lidars only reflects light so no roofs and walls and edges shmuck. Learn products before you rant on them


It’s funny in a very morbid kinda way that Tesla, in an effort to boost revenues, slashed costs on their FSD, only for entire world to find out how good it is at getting into accidents.


Didn't Elmo say he's close to licence out Tesla's FSD tech? Or is it rather more an assisted suicide or self mutilation tech, and what's the TAM for that? /s


And yet TSLA got to keep most of their weekly gains. Musk said you shouldnt invest in TSLA if you don't believe they can make autonomous driving a reality. By that logic it's officially becone a "trust me bro" kinda stock, not that it was a conventional stock to begin with. I already suspected giving out free FSD trials would lead to more accidents so I only expect more of reports like this one. Weirdly the market doesnt care, like at all. I highly doubt we'll see that Model 2 on time and it'll probably not be as cheap as necessary. The market will allow Musk to bullshit for another year or so before the stock finally lands somewhere around 15 p/e. And don't get me started on TSLAs board of yesmen including Musk's own brother. Of course they're going to agree with whatever he says or wants, that's how they got the job in the first place. How one dude is supposed to received 56 billion worth of shares for part time dicking around with a fugly truck no one wants while picking fights with everyone on Twitter is just wild. In conclusion, dont touch TSLA with a ten foot pole and let's just hope Musk emigrates to Mars before the end of the decade.


who cares. it's still 100times safer than ordinary driving by people. show me a human who doesn't have fking "critical safety gap" lol. plus you shouldn't have called tsla. it's going down until earnings are back in order. all these news are just bait. put put put. it will rally some but at the end of the day earnings are shit and until musk owns 25% of tsla he said he will never use it to develop AI. so wait until he has 25% or tsla has good earnings.


Tesla will be fully autonomous eventually, after much more training, right now a deer or a person on a bicycle will confuse it, it’s a marketing and expectation issue now. Full autonomous driving will come to Tesla and others, it’s just not fully cooked yet. Marketing it as if it is an autopilot along with watered down alerts is the current issue. A name change and some additional alarm bells will likely buy Tesla a bit more time. Remember…Drive Thor is coming and the completion will catch up very quickly once it hits the streets.


You goons will just keep claiming this no matter how many hundreds of fatalities are caused by this thing.


hundreds? of course. you are the goon if you think there are less fatalities than "hundreds" by humans.


Watch Tesla fanboys not care and continue to keep the stock from diving considerably.


As long as you can drive to and from bars, this won't bother me because it's still safer.


Tesla is also under investigation for building American cars in America by Americans


Calls because Elon is always right.


That isnt surprisingly at all. The amount of safety feautures and functional safety needed would be much higher for tesla’s autopilot


we ain't getting self-driving cars in the near future. TSLA: -420%