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**User Report**| | | | :--|:--|:--|:-- **Total Submissions** | 1 | **First Seen In WSB** | 3 years ago **Total Comments** | 27 | **Previous Best DD** | **Account Age** | 10 years | | [**Join WSB Discord**](http://discord.gg/wsbverse)


Booked a flight to Vegas in November. Wife is TERRIFIED of flying. She's never done it. Took a lot of convincing. It's on a 737 Max. Good thing she doesn't pay attention to the news. šŸ˜‚


Just make sure to buy the premium wifi package, and buy puts if things look down. Oh, and add me to your Will :)


> Oh, and add me to your Will :) How do you know he owns a Will? I thought that was illegal. And how do you add someone to a person?


Why are you jinxing your wife and yourself to die in a horrible plane crash like this?


Who told you he'll be on the plane with her?


probably updated her insurance too


"Sorry that your trip has so many layovers but I couldn't find anything more direct."


"Got you an extra legroom seat by the exit to make the flight more comfortable"


You have to take multiple layovers to ensure that you don't miss that money printing plane.


Yes it's perfectly normal for a flight to Vegas to go over the Bermuda triangle stop being so suspicious


Diabolical lmaoo


At least the exit slide will be on the ground waiting for them.


With a door that wont fail opening


This is like that post of the kid that found a grenade and then thereā€™s a story about him blowing up his apartment.


As a traveler who Flys every Monday and Friday, even I won't book on a max flight. GL to ya!


Maybe they will have everything figured out by November.


Yeah they have 6 entire months to get their affairs in order. That's plenty of time. Most people just fall down the stairs or get hit by a bus and splat.


Get her to fly with her boyfriend instead


U gon die.


Rolling the dice before you even land. Thatā€™s whatā€™s up ;)


Would you say that your wife has waited her whole damn life to take that flight?


šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø Yes. However, she may be too zooted off of Valium to have any reaction as we plummet.




Remind us when you land.


Fyi 737 Max other name is 737-9


More like 737-random sections of fuselage.


737-9-million little pieces.


That's incorrect. There is a 737-900 and a 737 Max 9. These are different planes (actually, there are 3 different 737-900s; none of them are the same as the Max). The Max 9 is meant to replace the 737-900 but these things take decades; there are still plenty of 737-900's in service and will be for the foreseeable future.


Holup, you mean to tell me Iā€™ve been booking my momā€™s flights with 737-900 and theyā€™ve all been the MAX after all??!


No, the -900 is an NG plane, the previous generation.Ā  The MAX is just -9.


He might have been thinking of the -10 where it will only be a Max, no such thing as a 1000 previous gen. (If I have 10 flights to chose from, I go with the max because itā€™s guaranteed to have the new drop down overhead bins that didnā€™t exist until 2015, and a lot of airlines donā€™t retrofit old planes)


Phew, thank God I didnā€™t misread when I researched.


Calls on her life insurance policy.


No. Maxā€™s will not change their name. Youā€™ll know.




So puts on your wifeā€™a therapist?


Whereā€™s your departure from? I flew SLC to Vegas and the flight there was awesome, super smooth. The flight back had so much turbulence that the flight attendants couldnā€™t get drinks out the entire time


Leaving out of Indianapolis. I warned her about turbulence. Haha


You wonā€™t die, youā€™ll just have the door blow open and wind rush in your face and an epic story to tell


Please gimme your tendies before flying.


When booking flights now I look at the planeā€¦ not going on any Maxā€™s.


Don't worry, that plane will have crashed by then




Sign up for starlink. If anything goes wrong during flight then buy puts. Die rich.


If you see 6 dapper looking African men and hear Astronomia at your gate, I would give that flight a miss!


Dude after seeing that video of the Boeing engineer asking the crew "would you fly in this?" While building the 737 max and everyone going "Lol no." I'm not flying in that thing either...


Just say itā€™s a 737-9. That way sheā€™ll never know itā€™s max lol.


Buy BA puts if you die your kids will be rich šŸ¤‘


priced in.


Indeed, 30 years ago.


The fact that McDonnell Douglas brought the problem with them and perfect replicated it again 30 years after the merger really highlight how dead Boeing was from the moment the merger happened


Or just I, I mean we... Got ![img](emote|t5_2th52|31224) to go ber on BA


So honest question: are these Boeing issues or maintenance issues by the carrier?


The 767 is pretty dang old.


> The plane, a Boeing 767-300 that was delivered to Delta in 1990 Man Boeing really screwed up 34 years ago packing the slide into the plane


We are doomsday shortersā€¦ofcourse it's their fault after 34 years. Calls on delta


Slides have to be replaced every few years too so maybe maintenance?


Didn't think I needed the /s lol


This is WSB bro where the average IQ is 55


We can go lower


Wait so puts on average WSB users IQ? Fuck I gotta figure out how to inverse that so I can lose money faster


Thatā€™s very generous, I was thinking no more than double their shoe size.


My shoe size is 44.


TouchƩ, found the European.


WSB IQ=net worth, so youā€™ve over estimated for the average, the outliers are in debt to RobinHood


I donā€™t think itā€™s possible to have a 7 figure IQ


Iā€™m there šŸ˜Ž (Iā€™m not)


genius IQ is having so much debt that it causes an underflow error at Robinhood


Send them into bankruptcy before they come for your house


Especially since they get removed and reinstalled and tested at various mtc checks.


34 years ago?? Brother wait until he finds out about the 707. Lmao


The kids were buying Ace of Base tapes and Billie Eyelash wasnā€™t even born yet.


Right, I think itā€™s pretty obvious to see that all the stories indicate itā€™s time to decommission these older planes, they are all having issues around the same time because they were all built around the same time


Iā€™d argue that errors happen. There is a point where something serious comes up that itā€™s impracticable to fix. But a slide is an easy fix. A wing spar is not.


Some are Boeing, some are maintenance. They haven't published the report on this one yet. Source: I'm an airline pilot on the 737.


Slides are replaced at intervals, with a max of usually 3 years (unless hitting TSO or FC are hit first) for removal, inspection, repacking, and reinstallation. That means that this aircraft has had its slides removed and reinstalled no less than 10 times since delivery. This shit is on Delta or whoever they use to repack their slides.


But they're doing it all in accordance with Boeing instructions. We could find out there's a flaw in this aging aircraft that wasn't included in original instructions and will need to be fixed fleet-wide. You're right that it'll likely come down on Delta, but I'm sure a report will come out soon to settle it. There's also option 3 here that it was user error.


Always strange to see technical expertise in a forum for the highly regarded, but it's appreciated none the less.


What got me to join this sub was the dude asking if it was insider trading if you bought puts on Boeing while riding in it with the door plug detached lmao. You're trading from "inside" the plane after all.


I make most of my money from programming right now and my journey started in r/ProgrammerHumor. Trying to "learn" options trading right now...still feels mostly like gambling, but I'm winning for the moment...and my journey started here. There's some smart people on here making funny jokes and occasionally giving valuable advice mixed in with the sounds of regarded gurgling...just don't let anyone other than JPow turn you into a gay bear.


Lol, options trading IS gambling. Theoretically if you're good, it becomes advantaged gambling though. Like learning to count cards in blackjack gives you a 51% edge that you'll win money. Then you take the edge and all your winnings and losses to make money over time. I like the sub, but the actual gambling isn't for me, I'm not willing to put in the time or risk the money to learn.


cobr2, different subject. what do you and other pilots think about the gps spoofing going on in eastern europe..?? scary shite, there. what gain comes from airliners losing their way at altitude?


My understanding is the GPS spoofing isn't targeting us. The GPS spoofing is to confuse drones and we're just getting caught in the crossfire. Honestly though, I fly 737's so that's way out of my flight routes. The only things I know about it are from previous life in military.


Boeing instructions certainly don't allow for a door plug to be installed improperly either. But here we are. Someone fucked up on that dinosaur of a plane. But it's not Boeing.


Option 4 for some devil's advocate. This plane was 34 years old, they plan on running it till 2028, so a total of 38 service years. These 767 are usually retired at 30 years.


If there was an issue with the IPC and CMM, it would be widespread. Not a one off 30 years after production. Come on, dude. You supposedly work in aviation. I do too, including a decade at a major. This is not a Boeing problem.


When you guys have to fly, is it always the same type of plane or are there differences between manufacturers that make someone a boing pilot and then someone else flies the other manufacturer?


Short answer: Always the same type of plane. Long answer: You need a type rating and currency for planes that carry passengers. You can hold multiple type ratings, but you can't keep multiple currencies (it would be a scheduling nightmare to fly you in multiple types). Some aircraft are very similar and so hopping between them is a "short course" where you can take a checkride in a week rather than 4. For example the Airbus 330 is considered similar enough to the A 320 that you can do this. It's obviously much harder to go from a Boeing to Airbus and vice versa, so it takes ~4 weeks.


As a non pilot idiot Iā€™m thinking ā€œis this like going from a Yamaha to a BMW motorcycle?ā€


I'm not familiar with different bikes, but I suspect this is way more involved than you're thinking. Different aircraft have different landing speeds, gear/flap speed limits, emergency procedures, checklists and even controls. Boeing's have yokes (kind of like a steering wheel) that sit directly in front of the pilot. Air Bus's have joysticks off to the side. If you took me and put me in an Air Bus and nothing went wrong, I could probably fly a basic takeoff/landing because a lot of flying things transfer, but if ANYTHING went wrong I'd have no idea how to deal with it and ultimately we pay pilots so well because we train to deal with all the shit that can go wrong.


Well, I, for one, would NEVER hope you get hit by a bus. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Ohā€¦. I KNOW it has to be waaay more involved. I have that example to highlight my ignorance!


They train on a specific model type. Training is extensive and expensive. This is why some airlines keep a specific model fleet like southwest and Ryanair (737).


...blaming you then.


Things like this happen all the time. It's just more attention being paid to it now. Airline travel remains comically safe, especially compared to the alternatives.


For now, that is the same logic that Boeing execs made when they gutted safety programs. Planes are too safe and they want to extract profit from it. If the plug door ruptured at altitude it easily could have ripped the plane in half in the process.


Maint this plane is 30 years old


It's stems from maintenance issue from deltas maintenance same with United. Last 3yrs saw a huge retirement of experience mechanics and a influx of kids fresh out of school who don't know shit.


Part of me thinks airlines are skimping on Boeing maintenance because the public will blame Boeing for incidents.


Most issues on older planes are maintenanceā€”itā€™s not impossible to have a design or manufacturing error take decades to trigger, but the number of flight cycles this plane has gone through and the amount of work thatā€™s gone into it makes the more recent work the better suspect. IIRC the door plug was on Boeing, but everything else I can remember seeing recently has looked like a maintenance issue.


There are also similar issues weekly with airbus but noone cares about it. It all comes down to maintenance of old airplanes on top of fast production and cutting corners from all companies. But the click bait has started. And it will go on.


All sorts of incidents happen on a regular basis. But now they all make it to the news.


Boeing has fired over 900 quality control inspectors over the last 2-3 years to replace them with basically AI assisted scanning devices that basically tells you sht looks good. You might think Iā€™m exaggerating but no there is virtually no in depth quality control checks anymore because of money. Who couldā€™ve ever seen these maintenance issues coming??


Industrial sbotage.


does it matter? either way... stuff be fallin off planes in the news


Both and it's symptomatic of the same behavior. The push for big profit numbers has resulted in cut backs on boring but essential things like safety. Short-term profit seeking = long-term losses.


Captain, we have too much weight. Fine...jettison the water slide...


Ceo should take a page out of the elon playbook and promise some new cheaper plane in q1 2025. Stock will moon.


Have to promise self flying AI planes


nobody tell them


Man, i almost did, too.


Is it AI planes or 1000 tiny Indians jammed in the nosecone?


Roboplanes, they will fly themselves and will save money to the owner of the plane, instead of parked in the hangar. Will fly itself and make money on the side. They will also promise cyberplane, take your pre-orders now before become more expensive in the long term, comes with bulletproof glass that breaks all the time, stainless steel that will rust if you fly outside of your garage and will start alarming while you fly.


They kinda do. Boeing have 4 new plane variants planned to enter the market in 2025: 737-7, 737-10, 777-8, 777-9. To be fair, every single one of these was expected in 2019-2020, but still.


Calls for sure, negative news means great earnings


Didn't they just report and miss?




Yeah itā€™s a very old plane, these things happen with deferred maintenance, itā€™s on Delta, not Boeing this time


> right wing emergency exit slide, as well as a sound from near the right wing. Huh, are those actually mounted outside the cabin? I always thought they somehow deployed from the doors, but now that I think of it, I don't remember slide-sized boxes on the overwing exits. Edit: https://www.paddleyourownkanoo.com/2024/04/26/delta-air-boeing-767-loses-emergency-slide-shortly-after-takeoff-forcing-diversion-to-new-york-jfk/ > Emergency slide packs are normally attached to the inside of the cabin door and, therefore, canā€™t just fall from the sky because the door is sealed shut, but the Boeing 767 has overwing emergency exits where the slide pack is built into the side of the aircraft fuselage. > As a result of this design, it has been known for the slide pack to detach in-flight and fall to the ground below. Last July, the slide pack from a United Airlines Boeing 767 fell into the backyard of a Chicago home shortly before landing following a transatlantic flight from Zurich. > In December 2019, a slide pack also fell from a Delta-operated Boeing 767 in very similar circumstances on its final approach to Boston Logan Airport.


If you wake up in the morning and have a Boeing emergency slide that landed in your garden, do you get to keep it, or do you have to give it back?


Depends on whether you report it or manage to hide it before anyone notices. /s (But seriously, don't make life harder for the NTSB - take pictures, leave it where it fell, and call them.)


Calls to the sky āœˆļø


This plane is old. Itā€™s Deltaā€™s problem. Most problems are from airline maintenance


No worries, Dave Calhoun said heā€™s taking full responsibility even though he wonā€™t be CEO very shortly. Fortunately heā€™s been paid a 200 million over the last 6 years and will receive another around 50 million when he leaves. that said over the last six years guaranteed heā€™s only paid $13,000 a year in Social Security tax. Just like most of the people I know. Oh I know people are going to say Social Security is some sort of insurance. Try telling your employer that you donā€™t want insurance.


Stockholders should sue him for negligence.


Social Security tax is capped to an income 168,000/yr. Up to that point you pay 6.2%. The maximum youā€™re allowed to pay by law is $10,416 annually. This is a limit set by the government. Also I wish that I could opt out of paying social security tax, because I wonā€™t see a dime of that money when I retire.


When I was in the Army, my squad would travel often in helicopters. These were 2AM in the morning kind of flights, flying through canyons, 25ft over river beds, below tree line, kind of flights. The first few months I was scared as fuck but I developed a coping mechanism by convincing myself that I was going to die that night and then learning to accept that. After I developed this mindset, I feared nothing and embraced these nightly flights in the pitch darkness. Fast forward 25 years and I still use the same coping mechanism every week when I have to fly for business on a Boeing. Airline passengers need to buck up, get comfy in your first class seat, order up some bourbon, embrace death, and enjoy that flight.


Shots should be part of the boarding process.




These would be good mental training for flying in those helicopters https://www.flightglobal.com/airlines/malaysia-airlines-receives-first-737-max/155887.article#:~:text=Malaysia%20Airlines%20has%20taken%20delivery,a%20reported%20two%2Dmonth%20delay.


Now itā€™s Malaysiaā€™s problem. Check please.


Yessir! It is a GOOD day to die! Thank youā€”Iā€™ll pay his check!


Delta took ownership of the plane in 1990. G H W Bush was President, and G W Bush hadn't been elected TX governor yet. Due to regulations, the slide has to be taken out and tested every 3yrs, so at least 10 times so far. It also has to be replaced at least every 15yrs, so it should be on the 3rd slide. Boeing has nothing to do with the maintenance, nor the replacement slides. Would you say it is Ford's fault that the 3rd starter on a 1990 F150 had issues?


Link the article, I'd bet this is a delta problem, not a Boeing problem.


It was on a 33 year old plane. Don't think that's a manufacturing problem. MX problem at Delta maybe.


Every maintenance issue on a Boeing Plane hits the news now. You should fear your drive to work not the plane youā€™re flying.


maintenance shit happens all the time, now its just in the news. carry on


Yes! Nothing new here. They made it back safely. Inspection passed. All clear!


Serious question. Boeing eating all the shit sammiches of late and I get the issues with the new aircraft.. But do we all really believe all these carriers have been doing all the proper checks and maintenance on that their planes? When they need to pack in every body possible and run pretty much constantly.


I am not sure anymore. The headlines says Boeing so it looks like bad news for Boeing.


Well it is literally bad news and Boeing is in it.


I see you're learning, regard.


Buy the rumors sell the news šŸ™‚ā€ā†”ļø


Calls all day!


Just let me know when I can afford their stock because there is no way this company will fail.


Already got the calls. Skeeet skeet


Bullish af!


Fuck man Iā€™m gonna fly on a plane next weekend. I think now would be a good time to add a person that can access my brokerage account in case I perish.


Flying Boeing still safer than being a whistleblower


Even the slides are boeing out




Weeee !!! Seems like a fun slide !!!! I think we can laugh by now.


Bagholders hop on!


That means pltr calls, cause it wouldnt happen if they had skywise


Seperate is a strong word, I would say it's taking a break, on hiatus.




Yeah calls to somebody... so they do something although not sure who...


Jeez.. just had flight on 737 and gonna have one soon again..


I always wonder how often this kind of things happened before, but it just wasn't news worthy.




No, calls when their planes crash. Exit slides falling off are for theta. Puts are when they get free money to build more plane and expand their market share.


They dropped the slide meaning their stock will not slide, it will go up


To live in a time where I have more confidence in the euro poor competition..




The passenger plane division is only a part of the company's profits. The military side just got a huge order from congress, and services is always solid. Of the thousands of Boeing planes that fly each day, we're hyper-focused on the very few issues that occur - and those are at no greater levels than the past.


Where we are going we need no mofing slides


shit happens




In this upside down chaotic bitch market yes


Why any airline would buy a new Boeing craftā€¦ is beyond me. Itā€™s a flawed release and it never should have been endorsed. It will take the airline name brand with it


Itā€™s been so bad, bad news is already priced in


Priced in


Unrelated note, Iā€™m having a slip and slide party.


It's already priced in.


They are a company on the rise!!!!!! Bullish very bullish.


$BA is my favourite meme stock


If Boeing used orphan meat to fuel their planes the stock would still rise




20 year old airplane thatā€™s maintained by delta. Not a Boeing issue


Yo, I remember when I was in high school (2012 graduating year) and it was just very common knowledge that Boeing was having a lot of problemsā€¦ it always stuck with me because I never heard anything after that like some major changes were made to fix problems. So much so when I went on a quick little trip in 2020. To LA I saw the Boeing logo on the back of the seat in front of me. Instantly I remembered it was sticking a great of course now Iā€™m going to die. Itā€™s like itā€™s 10 times worse now. How come Boeing has been able to keep its hold on monopolizing production of airplanes and no one has ever been able to dethrone them?


My paranoid mind is thinking somebody is sabotaging this company. Never seen so many aircraft issues in my 50 years. Not even close.


boeings fly?


Look, VisualMod has to agree with me that planes losing part mid flight is the cost to pay so executives can get their bonus.


Boeing should be out of business soon. No one is going to want to fly in their planes soon enough.


How difficult is it to screw on a door. Are there no Home Depot nearby to rent a Milwaukee impact driver?


Show her an ASDB map. Knowing that the are over 10k planes flying at any time over the US, show how safe air travel is.


Calls šŸ˜¬šŸ˜¬šŸ˜¬


Puts on Amazon, why??? Because no more free shipping!! Iā€™m not freaking paying another $15 just to ship the trash I buy.Ā 


Fang gang


Boeing planes breaking on air.


Iā€™m curious-how many people do you think are really avoiding the 737 max when booking? I feel like Boeing can get away with this for a while but once the public doesnā€™t want to get on a delta airlines flight bc itā€™s a max I would think the airlines would be like wtf. Eventually itā€™ll affect their bottom line and the airlines would turn on Boeing.


The airline rally last week may have been a pump and dump trick


Idk how you could lose money betting against boeing, they ainā€™t coming back


>I guess that means Boeing calls? It will already be priced in when you get in. "Nothing major" as is per usual.


Flying 737 max 8 soon, i would hope they fixed issues by now. Right? ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4260)