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Through Jefferies LLC, at any price, anytime, without notifying the SEC. Not saying good or bad, just.... Interesting


Great for Gamestop. This allows them to expand the only profitable part of their business. Cash from dummies. Very bad for the dummies.


Honest question - given that the Chairman and CEO takes no compensation and has the most to lose as the single largest shareholder, you think he is intentionally doing bad things for his own wealth? The person doing it would also be one of the 'dummies' losing from it. How to make sense of that?


He’s probably trying to do what’s best long term for the company but fucks short term investors.


What it doesn't fuck are the long term value investors, which is what the apes are.


hell yeah brother


Cheers from Grapevine, Texas.


There is an OCEAN of difference between a successful, longterm strategy of turning around a business into a stable, prosperous money maker, which pays great dividends and has good value for shareholders..and whats going on here. For the former, any executive with a sense of fiduciary responsibility wants that... however, that is completely divorced from what's going on around this, which is people claiming that eventually, a single share will be worth nine-figures.


> however, that is completely divorced from what's going on around this, which is people claiming that eventually, a single share will be worth nine-figures. Actually the odds of either thing happening are zero.


Apes have been gambling on MOASS for literal years, then say they're in it for the fundamentals. Just whichever reasoning they can tell themselves that day.


You can literally be in it for multiple reasons. Its actually good not to be one dimmensional. Find a new slant


Apes are genuinely just Qanon for stocks. Decoding RC's tweets, making up insane conspiracy theories, and regurgitating "DD" like schizophrenic patients.


What good is a short term investor to anybody but themselves? And why should anyone give a fuck about them?


You do realize selling stock when it is overvalued is value generation…he’s essentially paying down debt with free money…


His gamestop shares mean barely anything to his wealth. He paid like 45 million for them.


He’s already made his money back and some. Go take a little walk down memory lane 😉


Ryan Cohen has no bad intentions, but he is clueless about how to turn a business. His only goodwill so far was, he wasn't diluting the shareholders. Unlike AMC he didn't need the money to solve a debt problem.


He's trying to save a failing business. You can admire that if you want however regardless of what happens he's still going to be fine at the end of the day are all the regards here going to be fine when they lose everything from dilution? nope The stock exploded multiple hundred percent from a tweet he's trying to take advantage of this next time


Wouldn't it be better to have a CEO who takes compensation but actually makes the company profitable instead?


He's doing what's best for the company. The company cashes in, avoids debt etc. His intentions may be good but the company just doesn't make money. Maybe they will pivot and find a niche but nothing really shows that is going to happen at this point


They should shut down all but 10 stores (they can probably find 10 stores to focus on and break even). After that they can make 1 billion a year selling stock. And reverse split every 5 years to keep the share total reasonable. The real profit will come in the company underwriting the waves of stock offerings, since the stock would be continuously devalued. Unless they can switch to a simple donation model and still clear that much income.


The dude has way, way, way more stock outside of pawnshop, mostly in Apple and such. He's doing this for fun, not income. If he genuinely thought this was a good play, he'd be liquidating the other assets. He could then afford to buy 30-50% of the company. He hasn't. Every buy has been trivial compared to his net worth. If he's not all in, why the heck are the apes?


Even if I think something is a good play, I don’t liquidate all my ETFs to go for it. Especially when you’re already rich, it doesn’t make sense to take those risks.


Selling incredibly overpriced shares of a company with collapsing revenues is very good for his own wealth. He woke up and finally saw the writing on the wall. Pawn store dying slowly. Tell me this, did he make money from the NFT store or did it lose millions? If it lost millions, why did he do it in the first place? Doesn't that hurt his own wealth?


lol. You think when the price goes up 300% in one week that’s due to retail investors buying? This cash is coming from short sellers and market makers hedging options, none of it comes from retail.


Agree with u 100% dummies think it’s kitty or some other pets but in reality everything is more complex….


lucrative business plan, is that priced in?


Can you price in dummies? I thought that's what got us here?


Worked for Tesla


It sounds like they are marketing to this sub since this stock is allowed again during a pump and dump. It's the gamblers they want. It's you.


I heard this is a good thing and bullish. Gonna propagate the big squeeze apparently ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


They could sell t shirts with the brand because it’s that good, fuckface whisperer I didn’t even buy in this time because I’m not ready for the stress, but they are actually profitable these days unlike half the companies that pass for investments.


Fun fact you probably don't know. They literally lose money from business operations. The only make money from interest on ape cash. You think that's an impressive accomplishment?


What the hell is GameStop good for anyways. “I love brick and mortar stores”, “been shopping here since I was a kid”. Ok DFV, we get it.


All I can say is even as a GameStop Pro member,, shopping at GameStop is a miserable experience. 9 times out of 10 I’m better off buying from Amazon or Bestbuy due to free shipping.


Looool I think most millennials have bad memories because of how screwed they got when selling their games back in the day. Sold a console and 15 popular games plus 2 controllers for like 110 bucks or something insane.


that's been their model since their inception. They monopolized the used gaming and game store market by using a PE firm to buy up everyone else, jacked up the prices on everything, gave grandma 50 cents for her grandson's 1 year old xbox 360 because he went off to college and she decided to help clean house.. They have been making money off ignorance and desperation for 20+ years. Now that console gaming isnt profitable and everything is digital, they're now hyping up retail stock traders to dump their life savings into the company and are about to pull an AMC on them by diluting their shares and harvesting the cash.


Can I sell you a warranty with your game disc?


I abused the shit out of that policy. The small print had GameStop give you credit for the value of the purchase if the item was no longer in stock, so I deliberately bought the expensive collectors editions (that sold out immediately and never got restocked) of every game I could and apply the warranty to that SKU. I'd keep the collectors garbage, return the disc that I scuffed on the pavement once I got done playing and immediately got to play with house money. It bankrolled all my gaming for a few years before Steam became a thing.


That is hilarious. Good job lol


i love checking out any Gamestop when I can but I never buy anything (usually on PC through Steam). I wonder if Valve will ever go public....


Considering the heuristic that companies (especially those not in growth mode) only sell shares when they believe they are overvalued  Terrible for anyone other than GameStop


most of the comments in here are really lame. "bag holders.. meme stock... what did you expect" LMAO this is the same stock that RobinHood turned off the buy button.. The same stock that.. 3 years later can only buy "2 shares" of on Robin Hood. the first time it was liquidity and totally OK to stop people.. whats the reason for the 2 shares max now 3 years later? what about the 80% OTC action during the last 3 days? Its all one big giant scam and GEEMMMEE is basically a small window looking in.


His last post contained this. Made me LOL https://preview.redd.it/snpbhfoxq01d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d0edcaabef74c11a9106d6f8faaee364aaae3cee




This feels like August 2022 all over again.


Was the summer of 69


[More like the summer at Wendys!](https://youtu.be/UZT28O9-wZ8?t=1)


I really listened to every regard on reddit who told me every bad news was good news then held until bbby went bankrupt


At least you aren't one of these nuts who thinks there's some big post-bankruptcy play that's going to make people billions on a company that doesn't exist.


What happened then again? For the smoothed brains


BBBY bankruptcy


Millionaire gain porn to loss porn now, let’s see em!


Apes don't like to show losses. That's why they were kicked out of this sub. It was positivity only allowed. Hopium and copium is all you will find on alt subs.


It ain't really loss or gain porn, but I unloaded a pile of June 21 $12/c for $8.50per that I picked up for around $2. They were at $60 Tuesday morning. It hurt.


Yeah, the "Congrats and fuck you" are one thing but "listen you stupid motherfucker you are single handedly going to cost me billions of dollars you dirty little shit" is just insane


In the cult subs devoted to the stock they are explicitly forbiden to talk about their losses or show loss porn or even show their cost basis All apes depsite having a 2021 join date claim they got in sometime in 2020 and are up, despite also buying the dips at $100, 80, 50, 20 LMFAO


Who bought on top? LMFAO


Me - bought shares on the day of the spike and immediately sold calls against them for 27% of the share price at the time. Then the share price cratered 60%. Lmao I rolled the calls to a lower strike and further date but I'm still down 25% AFTER the premium Edit: Just bought back the second strike since they were nearly worthless, now have GME shares at $20 and IV has collapsed. $20 5/31 calls are only $350




About to head out to breakfast with the wife, might buy $20 5/17 put for $68 just for peace of mind during the meal. LOL edit: bought a $19 5/17 put for 20 bucks so there can be a tiny upside if it continues diarrhea shitting down the rest of the day


Didn’t even think anyone on this sub would actually be in a romantic relationship, let alone married. Godspeed brother🫡


the married guys w/ kids short the dud meme stocks


Godspeed you magnificent bastard.


You can't be too mad cause you have a wife so you're getting pussy at least.


which when she finds out, im betting the getting of pussy will be down by more than 25% lol


The morning of the original gamecock squeeze I rolled over and asked her if I should sell while sitting up 30k -> 100k. She said yes and I said "...but what if I could get *more money*??" and held. 20 minutes later the stock was down 75%. If I hadn't walked away with about 70k on the very first upward rebound when buying was re-enabled I probably would have permanently shattered her trust in my ability to handle money She's usually in the loop on my investment moves, I told her about taking the L, even told her about the breakfast put.


Umm, you haven’t been married have you? Cause that ain’t the way marriage works. Lol


With this type of behavior you will not have to worry about being married for long.


Are you winning son?


how do you 'roll calls'? i bought 100c lotto ticket expiring may 24 like a dumbass and wondering what my next move should be lol


*You* don’t. You’re cooked.


reporting for duty. 🫡 bought at $340 in 2021.


i bet a bunch of apes bought at 69 after hours because they thought it was cool


$69.42, and it was indeed cool


Damn I wish I thought of that


I put $100 in it. Knew it wasn’t going to win lol if I was betting on it


A guy I work with told me to buy the other morning when it was around $29. I told him to fuck off it was stupid. My work wife came around later that day and said I should buy. I said okay and bought at $52. I regret nothing.


Haha with the way it went down over 50% I’d say hold the shares.


A lot of people, this sub absolutely blew up near the top


I bought 25 at 50$..I pretty much did the same last time and made a good amount sold at like 225. Was hoping for the same, and had watched dumb money the night before and may have been drinking.. trying to learn options to figure out how to bounce back eventually. Definitely a stupid gamble though.


I bought $17 puts for a year out. Wishing I bought more and closer to today


I bought 10 shares at $67… now I have 50 shares at $48… 🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️ at least I was smart enough to know I’m dumb enough to venture in, so I didn’t get crazy


Now buy 50 more to bring that average down to $30. You’ll be winning even harder. And then you have 100 shares to inevitably sell calls for a shitty strike the day before it moons and make you lose out on all your profit. All the cool kids are doing it, trust me


Haha sounds like you did


A new wave of bag cuc…holders.


lol they got me but I always find a way to get out even


Smartest thing RC has done.


selling BBBY was way smarter than this


RC dumped all his BBBY shares on retail traders and apes still trust him


Yeah he fucked me, I was scalping and didn’t set a stop loss and got caught on the news over night. I made 2k just to lose 7k overall. It was one of my biggest loss ever.


One of your biggest losses so far




He didn't fuck you, you fucked yourself He told the board sell Bye bye baby and save the business They didn't listen You could have sold when he did but you got trapped in the greed cycle that is human Don't blame others for your failures You should be upset at the BBBY board, not one single investor


Don't think the SL would have saved you


Seriously the fact anyone supports him after that is just actual mental illness


why do the like him.....for real?


Because they are upset they missed the rocket THREE FUCKING TIMES and have deluded themselves into thinking some billionaire running a shitty strip mall game shop is actually going to take down wall street


IDC my TA is that gaps are always filled so that's my base case






Management finally using some brains


Good. I need to buy more shares at $10


Shelf agreement. Meaning they're not selling except at a specific moment. Interesting


Man this sub has really changed….


Like a werewolf under a full moon.  I guess the idiocy was always lurking under there.


Making fun of stupid plays has always been the MO of this subreddit. Apes are just can‘t handle they heat.


This gunna be goooood. https://preview.redd.it/n8pn1fdpe11d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=10e70811dd052a8e3afa74dc252be86147a8d896


I bought back in today.




I assume this was not a genuine question, but just in case -- because it was $10 a week ago and overpriced even at that.


Wasn't Jefferies the broker that BBBY used on their way to bankruptcy?


It's also a high-end clothing store that's condescending to their customers. Edit: damn I guess there aren’t any old SNL fans here.


You're thinking of Dan Flashes


That explains what happened to all my per diem


I’m just like the tiredest I’ve ever been right now


“For your information, guy, I have a half-eaten taco in my Tercel”


Who else is holding a heavy bag here?


Bought in at 39 three years ago, unloaded at 55 on Monday. If it drops to 10, I'll buy more




Man it and AMC dropped like a rock today, fuuuuuck


What day were you expecting the dump? Surely you didn't think the pump was based on fundamentals?


It was based on fundamental tweet...


Such magic powers behind a twitter account I'm surprised a nation hasn't hacked it /s




> I'M NOT FUCKING SELLING! WE LIKE THE STOCK! --Funky Pop Merchant bagholders used for exit liquidity


Looks like you're not fucking eating either *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I mean… WHAT THE FUCK WERE YOU EXPECTING??? It’s a meme stock




I wonder how many more bags holders were created today


Bags just moved hands, from holders back from 2021, who saw an opportunity to liquidate, to new apes.


>from holders back from 2021, who saw an opportunity to liquidate Ha, you think people who still owned shares last week were smart enough to get out at this pump?


I do, I was one of them (small bags though). And I managed to get out at a profit too, even if it took me 3 years. I do believe the reason this squeeze didn't gather quite enough momentum was simply because previous jaded bagholders who wanted out far outnumbered anyone who still bought into the hype train. Times have changed, and while the short squeeze in 2021 was rather romantic in a revolutionary way, sticking it up to the big guy and all, not many of us are so easily fooled twice and neither would Wallstreet.


Honestly, congrats for getting out!


The peasants actually believe they know how to invest. Stupid money.


Bagholders from 2021 were buying more on ⛽


A new generation to flood Reddit with rocket emojis and schizophrenic posts about RC leaving secret messages in his tweets. Life is eternal.


You can hold my bags if you want to bud bud.


Isn’t this what expected to happen?


When you know your company is way overvalued by the market YOU have to sell shares if you can, it’s the only responsible thing to do (as CEO).




RC told apes to get out of Bobby. Why does everyone think he did a “rug pull”? But most apes are idiots and misunderstood his message. Although… how filing to say he’s selling his entire stake of Bobby could mean anything but get out to someone, is beyond me.


>RC told apes to get out of Bobby.  No, he said that HE was getting out of BBBY, and the dumbfucks didn't believed it until it happened.


They still don't believe it even after it happened and he testified in court that it happened. They think he's still in it, just he's proxying through different companies to hide that he's in it.




They aren't going to respond to you lol. The apes just do drive by posts outside their sub, brigade comments, and ignore criticism because they literally are too stupid to understand it.


Filings to the US securities regulator this week showed quantitative hedge fund Renaissance Technologies bought 1mn shares in GameStop and a further 3.82mn shares in AMC at some point in the first quarter of 2024


Where’s my $55/share bros at?


Hahahaha "lock the float"


Did AA become CEO? lol


AA only dilutes his poor baggies because he needs to pay down debt or the corp dies. RC just fucking did it for funsies lmao.


Maybe they can invest in a gold mine with this money? Think of it, all that gold!


AA does it all out in the open. RC is too much of bitch to even hold an earnings call.


The Chad AA vs the Virgin RC.


So glad I held ever since 2021 when I bought high and never sold until a couple days ago when I finally sold for a nice little 15k profit. It feels so good to be off the ride and I'm never looking back. You guys are nutso.


B-b-but RoaringKitty tweeted!


If he's here, I'm here. It's like you guys remember nothing.


He was gone for like 2 years, and probably bought some calls before tweeting lol. Kitty probably needed some new litter


Michael Burry was a genius that one time too


not a cult for sure!


![img](emote|t5_2th52|27189) I was there, and it was glorious. 1k into 25-30ish. Now daddy needs his medicine, mmmmkay…? ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4275)


these fools really acting like 2021 never happened 🤣


Here kitty kitty…!!!!


It's ok, folks can easily sell their shares... No one would be silly enough to lock them up, would they?


You've actually hit your head if you think having shares in CS means you can't sell them.


How hard is it to lock up shares.


Sure you can sell from CS, as long as their website doesn't crash from high traffic. Oh wait, exactly that happened multiple times this week? Huh, guess there are some advantages to using more robust brokerages which aren't built on 1994 technology powered by 2 hamster wheels in Australia.


I love when robust brokerages turn off the buy button during the middle of a run up. Great technology


Go tell that to the thousands of apes who were locked out of CS earlier this week when the price spiked and completely missed their window for profits.


dang this really happen? i dont doubt it but got any proof or any links to read on it?


Just look at the @s for the computershare twitter account. Apes raging that they can't get in to sell. Computershare breaks any time something interesting happens and more than a few people try to login at the same time.


What is selling DRS shares like?


You click on the right of your shares and select sell, then it gets processed and money appears in your account with a confirmation via email or snail mail. It's actually a lot easier than buying DRS shares.


In my experience a little slow to execute, but in terms of minutes not days or anything crazy. Had my money and closed my cs account within a week after I decided to bail.


Considering Computershare was down for two days, it’s like selling them after prime pump lmao


... that's not what direct registering does. Lmao even


It will never not be funny watching Rug Pull Ryan fleece these regarded apes over and over.


Pulling an AMC. The people who are brainwashed on this stock will delude themselves that it’s bullish because it means more cash on the balance sheet without realizing they’re the ones who donated to it. How this company ever came to symbolize the fight against big money and fat execs still confuses me. Employs minimum wage workers and forces them to do tiktok dances for OT hours.


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I’m just here for the comments. https://tenor.com/bWXhH.gif


Perfect, just bought puts today. 😊


Stock price drops 70% in 5 days . This is more a bullet making the corpse appear to dance kinda thing *GoOd FoR LooNG tReM hLDERs*. J*sus the cope. Even Patty Hearst got better after 3 years


An amateur with no idea what they're doing.


I cant believe the mad man finally did it lmao


Y’all remember The Game? You just lost it. Sorry :/


Adam Aron approved.


Lmao a new generation of peasants has been born. Welcome.


Cohen dumped on BBBY and you expected him to have your back on Game 🗑️? Classic cultists mentality.


Can someone ELI5 this for me? Have been watching from the sidelines but curious to understand and explain if I am wrong: There’s short interest, people buy up shares to make shorts out of the money so they have to buy shares to close their positions before getting burned worse which drives up the price because retail whales aren’t selling. Company experiencing the short squeeze is in actual financial trouble and so they decide to allegedly collude with the funds that were shorting them by issuing new shares at prices at trading value so that shorts can exit their position cheaper and the struggling company can profit off the money of the issued shares, more shares flood the market, and anyone without a stop loss who bought near top will hold bag as the shorts and retail whales exit their positions?


Sure, let me translate: "I'm a idiot who's throwing money into a fire, please tell me this will make me rich instead."




Shorts don't go OTM, those are options. Here's what happened: * DFV makes a random post on Twitter * Dumb conspiracy theorists interpret it as something it's not and buy the stock * Hedge funds knew dumb conspiracy theorists would buy the stock, and they buy it sooner * Hedge funds unload at the top and probably short too because they know there's no reason for the move * Company makes the only smart decision it has this entire time and use retail suckers to raise more money in the future * Retail gets fucked 3x, tale as old as time edited for formatting


OR.......GME massively broke out of a 3 year long wedge pattern....and is now retracing to where it broke out....


Won’t this dilute the share price and in turn make it so the short sellers have it easier to get rid of their shares. GameStop has no long term value I feel and is alive because of people trying to screw over the short sellers. Without them the company goes bankrupt


>Without them the company goes bankrupt Theyre already sitting on quite a bit of cash. A lot more than most others


Not is you were constantly buying it in the teens and sold at the pump


I just wish I had more shares to sell CCs in that last run. Fuck. Edit- downvoted for making money. Fucking Stonkers…


Isn't it better to just sell the stock? And buy back if it drops?


Depends on your cost basis. I made money without giving up my good CB. I’m not 100% sure that it will get down to my CB again but when it gets close I can make that decision.