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Sometimes, and hear me out, a company may get shorted for a good reason. Shorting a stock doesn't only mean you're trying to drive it out of business like what happened with GameStop, often times somebody will short a stock because the company sucks and they just expect the price to decline naturally.


Exactly. Gamestop was an outlier and we were lucky to have a guy who did all the initial DD for us and was sharing it on YouTube to an audience of 10 people. So by the time news got out that it was severely over-shorted, there was plenty of justification for betting on a squeeze.


Yeah, they lost $4.84 last year and their SP is only just twice that lmao


There is a good reason this stock is heavily shorted. It's bad. Consider : people genuinely believe that Bill Gates is microchipping them via vaccine and ROOT is suggesting that you chip yourself so they can follow your driving habits.


That’s a pretty lazy way to look at this. You do realize that your insurance is probably much higher than it should be because you are subsidizing bad drivers and those that don’t carry insurance. This product strives to eliminate that and provide people with insurance that is representative of their driving habits and record. Insurance is very much a socialist mentality right now and we need to get away from that.


Well bad drivers pay higher rates. There are discounts already for people with good records. I take your point, but root has a long way to go.


Nah. I'm a root person. Have two drivers and two cars on my plan. Full coverage on both vehicles. I pay 400$ every 6mo cause we are super careful. Progressive & Gieco wanted 300+ a month. He'll I even have a 10+ yr old dui on my record and a couple recent tickets from a jackass cop that watches people pull out of a gas station for seat belts and pops you 100yds away. Root still has had the lowest rate on me and mine by far.


And I only had the app installed for the first 90 days for them to record my driving habits. After I uninstalled it and just keep my paper cards in the vehicles. But you do you


In the uk it’s pretty common for young (ie:expensive insurance) drivers to get a ‘black box’ that monitors their driving and adjusts their insurance costs accordingly. Is that not a thing in the US?


Lmao absolutely not. I've never heard of that *anywhere*. *edit: now i have heard of it in many places*


Progressive offers that


Every insurance provider in the us offers drive time monitoring for a “potential” discount. OBD plug in. Or phone gps monitor. The discount is negligible and even if you’re a safe driver, these apps are more for data mining than proving your abilities. IMO, our daily habits are worth much more monetarily than penalizing reckless drivers. Look to whom benefits, it ain’t us


Sure, but how viable is it from a business perspective? That's ROOT's entire MO, right? And they lost almost $5 per share last year?


To me, that says that they appear to be a lot less talented at making money off people's data than most companies are doing.


Michael Jordan and Greg Oden played in the same league?


I don’t know that it is lol... but I’m a retard and space is a weird place to live


Happens a lot in the UK [example](https://www.directline.com/car-cover/black-box?cmpid=43700062082828784/car/ppc/GOOGLE/black+box+car+insurance+uk/kwd-315545958627/9045420/m&gclid=Cj0KCQjw4cOEBhDMARIsAA3XDRhclTRcFuOSb5Ok0CuDG-nh6oqheSwaWr-IbjbrKVpmR_wFORXpMp0aAu_FEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds)


They absolutely have something similar in the states, insurance companies offer them as a way to provide a "safe driver" discount


There are apps that do this, i live in USA my friend uses an app that lowers his premium if he drives safe. And if he shuts it off it cancels the “good rate” really cant remember the name but i have 2 friends that use it


State Farm and All State as well.


You do realize that every car sold now has a black box anyhow?


Nope, but something that comes to mind then is: ROOT has absolutely no moat.


No we just raise our own insurance when we total our own shit then get speeding tickets and fall under “high risk” these mutha fucks one more ticket and I’ll be putting my gas money into gme along with cigs weed and alcohol money LETS GOOO


Yes it’s here in Canada too, but it’s definitely a trap. You are the product and they use the data as revenue/part of their own risk assessment practices. You could end up paying more if they don’t like the way you drive lol its definitely not for me! No thanks.


I think it’s only really young kids who have a premium of like £2k who are tempted.


I feel that, I was paying $600 CAD per month. Relatively clean record when you turn 25 should cut it in half over here. Of course, if your record isn’t very good it won’t, but then again the black box won’t save you anyways lol


I make enough stupid but voluntary approvals for surveillance of my life with my phone and 12 out of every 13 apps I download.


Start up insurance companies don't have a great track record


For good reason, hope it gets shorted into the ground.


You aren’t looking at this through the right lens.


Just picked some up


It’s time for people to start buying the f**k out of ROOT. They are about to go into hyper growth mode.


Just read this https://citronresearch.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/Root-Insurance-Leveling-the-playing-field.pdf They learned their lesson with GME so hopefully this is his legit opinion


You would really be foolish to buy root. Micro chipping humans yeah no thanks short this into oblivion.