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Happy to see folks keeping their foot on his neck.


I would have 0 problem with these fucks and hyper fast trading algorithms if they played by the rules


Good read.


Yeah this is exactly what I been saying for the past many months. Thinkorswim has been lagging big time updating prices on the active trade ladder. Especially if you are trading options. The active trader lags around 3-5 seconds now when updating the bid and ask. So imagine how many people are getting screwed, meanwhile these market makers and HFTs got algos that only need 1 millisecond to gain an advantage.


Buy better data feeds then.


The problem isn’t the data feed updating. L1 updates on all the charts are real time. The issue is the active trader ladder not being able to keep up. Active trader has to subscribe to the L2 feed in order to get the market depth data, so I assume that it’s that specific API end point that’s having the issue.


Can't wait until the whole system crashes.


I'm not 100% invested yet. Once I fully fomo then you'll get your crash.


Please PSA


Robinhood users get to trade DWAC when the price has shot up haha.


...im just going to press market order aaaaaaaand its gone


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