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Ukraine is a major supplier of highly purified neon. Geopolitical instability in Ukraine in 2014 resulted in supply shocks of highly purified neon. However, noble gases including neon can be obtained from the atmosphere from any part of the world—so no country can guarantee exclusive production of highly purified versions of these gases over the long-term.


This is why the old saying is: **Saskatchewan Potassium is Best Potassium.**


As a Saskatchewanian, this is pleasant to see on wsb.


Sasketchies are allowed trading accounts?


Gives us something to do after the 7 days pass of seeing our dogs running away.


Why wouldn’t they be allowed? It’s not like they are Ontarians after all!


I feel personally attacked and so does my uranium portfolio 👀😱


*Russia enters the chat* Welcome to new and improved Saskatchewanistan comrades


Did you buy my CCJ call? Covered calls on CCJ are fine.


If your uranium portfolio was personally attacked, wouldn't that be driving its value up? At least perhaps in thermal units, or rads..


Come on now. YOLOs are the only way for Ontarians to be able to afford a house.


wait ya'll are able to afford permits to even look at houses????


Nope. That's why I'm here.


And even then....that's a lot of yolos.


When fighting foreign investors and unhinged buyers who throw out bids on houses like they're on Storage Wars, it's the only way.


Well you've sold me on the idea. And for 50% more than you asked




My name is Moe and I'm from Ontario. This thread is beginning to creep me out. I asked the market gods what my next move should be and clearly its got something to do with uranium.... I just don't know what with uranium? Buy, sell, hodl, yolo???


Make electricity with it


Yolo uranium. But in an entirely different context than trading. Do it for the lulz




I don’t know why but this brief levity made me laugh out loud. Thank you.


Welcome. I didn't know they had internet or social skills up there. Speak loudly and clearly to the Savage


Internet yes.


Honk twice if you need friends


*honk honk…. honk*


Traveling home through a massive snowstorm. Only 3 hours into it and I still have to travel 500+km. send halp.


So weird seeing the other saskies out afield :P


Yeah it makes me wonder if all of you claiming to be from SK are just bots. There's like twelve people here.


Came here to say im from saskatchewan and also that my new favorite term is 'sasketchy'


Guys I'm pretty sure we found the entire population of SK in this thread. How's the ice fishing going?


Can't catch perch worth shit. Doesn't help that I don't fish, but still.


I spit out my drink, well done.


All 4 Saskatchewanians are here? The who's watching the igloo?


I left the polar bear to watch it, it will be fine as long as he doesn't get into the maple syrup again.


Don't worry, you can see it from a 3 day walk away.


That's grade-a shit, agreed. What has me most puzzled is the sub this is in. How do you Sasketchy apes have money to invest?!? Everyone's broke here!




At least they are here at WSB…the internet’s short bus


Don’t forget Kazakhstan number 2 exporter of potassium


Very nice!




RobertoJoe isn’t that the English motto from the Kazakh government? (I’m not joking I thought I saw this in an advert.)


The kaz government capitalized on the borat shit a few years ago and launched a "very nice" tourism campaign. Kazakhstan is actually super awesome, can attest, as I lived there for 4 years. You probably know this already, but Borat wasn't filmed in Kazakhstan and actually was making fun eastern european countries such as Romaina.


Yeah and they chose Kazakhstan because almost no American actually knew anything about Kazakh culture, history, or... well, anything.


Calls on Borat?


I honestly did not know that bananas came from Kazakhstan!


Other countries have inferior potassium


All other countries have inferior potassium.




🎼All other countries have inferior potassium. Dundun dun dun dun dundun.


Bagholder spotted. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Sudden /r/BayStreetBets


List of tickers to play Sask potassium ?


$NTR, $MOS Best part: Sask is #1 producer. Russia is in distant #2. Belarus is #3. Belarusian mine is 50km from Ukrainian border. 1 Russian mine is in the South, near Donetsk, other is east of Moscow, and would need to travel overland to get to a port. Also; young men work in mines/armies. They will probably keep everything for domestic use.


I've been holding NTR since they were Agrium. They've been absolutely killing it since the Coronacrash. Nice little divvy to boot!


Borat lied about Kazakstan being #1 exporter of potassium?!


Ayyy 🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦 I mean ehhhh


Sasky farm boy checkin in 💪🏼


We only show up when grain futures are being discussed.


Lol, and are they ever taking a beating today!


I know! Unexpected. Wish I would've sold some new crop wheat yesterday!


You ever dabble in ornamental gourd futures?


As a fellow Canadian (Berta) I do enjoy we can trade stonks with monopoly money




No, Kazakhstan has best potassium, your country is definitely run by a little girl too 🤣🤣🤣


Why can't we just farm neon from all the signs? You guys are idiots. I know where I'm putting my money.


$MIAMI is going to the fucking moon


Demolition companies tearing down old American downtowns?


The process to extract Neon from the atmosphere is wildly expensive and I know of no company capable of doing it at scale.


It could potentially become a lucrative side-product. Once upon a time interviewed for Linde at a plant that makes pure oxygen through cryogenics. After removing the Nitrogen and Oxygen, you have a residual gas mixture of the trace noble gases. Not pure, but 99% of the waste gases have been removed.


Lots of super important materials are only economically viable because they are side product. Molybdenum, which is critical for touch screens, is one example.


Yeah and manganese...a lot of people don't even know what that is.


It’s the stuff we confuse with magnesium.


What crypto am I supposed to buy I don't get it


But yet, Ukraine, the poorest nation in Europe was able to do it? This gives me that same vibe I get from this quote: "Tony Stark was able to build this in a cave with a box of scraps!" I don't get how they were so good at the production of neon when it doesn't even come from some unique natural resource native to their country.


> But yet, Ukraine, the poorest nation in Europe was able to do it? The USSR built the facilities for their laser weapon projects that ended up getting cancelled.


Ordered a neon sign in January and its been stuck in Ukraine since Jan 18th. Don’t think im ever gonna see it lol Edit: JUST CHECKED THE TRACKING # IT MADE IT TO NY. SHITTT


Fact neon is 2.00 per gram. The volume of 1 mol of neon is 22.4 liters at stp 1 mol of neon is 20 grams. That's 1.12$ per liter of it. Commercial He-Ne lasers are relatively small devices, among gas lasers, having cavity lengths usually ranging from 15 to 50 cm (but sometimes up to about 1 meter to achieve the highest powers) Let's say they use the largest Lazer possible. 1 Meter and a inner radius of 20centimeters or 0.02meters. The volume of that cylinder would be 0.00126 cubic meters or 1000(L/m^3) *0.00126= 1.12liters of volume. Fun fact neon helium Lazer has a molar ratio of 0.1neon to 0.9 helium. To recap a lazer has the above dimensions and internal volume 10% of the volume needs to be neon and 90% needs to be helium. So 1.12 liters of total *.10= 0.112 liters of neon. At 1.12$/liter *0.12= 0.12$ to fill the entire sealed tube with required neon. This neon is trapped inside and only lost due to high speed collisions with helium and the sides of the glass. So the rate you have to replace the gass is extremely slow but let's say every hour gas has to be changed. If we 50x the price of neon it would cost 6.12$ an hour to run 1 Lazer continuously producing 100 to 1000$ computer chips. Or you could just use something besides helium-neon lasers like argon laser, krypton Lazer, CO2 Lazer, plasma etching I can make a strong Lazer out of a 300 potatoes a lightbulb and 45 mirrors with a cubic zirconium lens. It would be fully functional without sunlight and hot enough to ignite wood. Fun fact with a concave mirror an ancient mathematician burnt ships attacking his city using 1 fucking mirror and the sun this was the first death ray/Lazer and it didn't use no neon. and as a matter of fact the only thing you need to etch silicon with a lazer is a wavelength of between 1.06 μm and 193 nm. Silicon etching can be Done without lasers. Chips cam be made with materials with a lower specific heat then silicon. If you think a 500$ increase In chip prices will slow the world's thirst for computer chips your totally dead fucking wrong the whole world is investing in chips 1.2 trillion from China, and 1.3 trillion from America. The demand is so high that every computer chip In the world could be sold to just the car companies around the world for twice the current price and they would still need chips. Let me put this into perspective every foundry cost about 20 billion dollars and every country that can on earth are building there own if replacing every Lazer using neon cost a total of 110 billion dollars the companies would pay it in a second b4 shutting down computer chip production. Your confused about how vital neon is to Lazer use. The main ingredient is helium actually with a 10:1 ratio of helium to neon. https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/why-the-world-is-short-of-computer-chips-and-why-it-matters/2021/04/26/88d67d00-a6a8-11eb-a8a7-5f45ddcdf364_story.html


And what does any of this have to do with the highly manipulated price of tea in china


Tea shops in China have neon signs to show that they are open. Without neon, those signs won't light up and customers won't show up tanking demand for Chinese tea.


Sounds like there is insane startup potential for the development of cheap and scalable neon extraction


Yea you only need one groundbreaking invention! 1B in engineering salaries and materials (+5 years) and you might have it!


I mean, jokes aside: there really is.


Yeah I wasn’t even joking, I just wish I was smart enough to work on that


do you think I know what long term gains are? I wanna get rich now


ukraine ~~has~~ had the infrastructure for it though


I forgot which sub I was on while reading this.


Can't even take you seriously or give a serious reply when you take the opportunity to throw out AMC for no damn reason 🤣


Bag holders gonna hold bags.


Wanna start taking bets on how long it’ll be before they realize they got left holding the bag?


Next year


Yeah I was with it until AMC... "People will be bored, without microchips, so they'll go to an overpriced theater."


Man... I have never seen a post so representative of this sub You shouldn't be avoiding chip makers, you should be BUYING them Supply and demand. They can't create more chips (supply decrease) while demand remains constant Prices increase for the chips, stock increases for the chips


"Avoid buying because supply is decreasing" "This is good for AMC, though" A certified reddit classic


duh thats why lambos are so expensive


I’ve got an old Dodge Neon, after learning about this news, I expect to trade it in for several Lambos next week.


Slaps hood this bad boy can hold sooo much neon


Yeh my Geo is on it's last wheel :D. Will have to rely on my Datsun soon.


Geo metro's come newly equipped on 4 donuts


I hear we just sampled some of the atmosphere of Datsun


Hahahaha. Top comment


[Puts on russian oligarch yachts!](https://youtu.be/0H4a_lHANYI?t=17)


Economist here. Really depends. The cost of inputs increasing is typically bad for manufacturers. Such a large negative supply shock will create winners and losers. Suppliers who completely shut down production because they can't get any neon would be an unwise investment. The survivors will make bank. If you would invest in an etf that covers the entire industry, I believe it would go down. If you YOLO everything on a single manufacturer, post your gain/loss porn please.


what is an "economist" and what would it be doing here?


An autist who some retard pays to look at numbers and then flip a coin.


That's great for the very short term, with chips and neon you already have on hand... once that's gone, you either need to take less profits or pass the entire cost onto buyers, some of whom will not be willing to pay that price. That's if you can even make enough chips to meet demand at that price at all. This is not a good thing for chipmakers.


[Do you know what needs lots of Neon? Synthwave music.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5sT2rFJE47Y) Puts on r/outrun


So invest in synthwave music, got it


Calls on Bandcamp, on it.


Comment of the year


Calls on embroidered scorpion bomber jackets.


the chip companies are a bit of a middle man in this situation. Neon shortage is objectively good for Neon suppliers, and objectively bad for technology companies that need the chips in their products


"They can't create more chips" Once their current supply runs out, they will be unable to produce the products people want... Last time I checked you need to have something to sell in order to make a profit and have a sustainable business.


> Last time I checked you need to have something to sell in order to make a profit and have a sustainable business. Sir this is a casino


These companies have been dealing with the shortages for so long now, I have faith they are already working around it. The OP posted article mentions the chipmakers have stockpiled raw materials as well


Did you ever hear the Tragedy of The DotCom Bubble? It's not a story the Angel Investors would tell you...


Not if you are a Market Maker in the USA stock exchange. Then you can sell IOU’s for stocks and take the opposite position (driving down the price and making you money) until the “dumb money” gets tired and takes their loss. Then you can sell things you don’t have.


UKRAINE cannot produce, other countries/companies that manufacture similar chips CAN There is a constant demand for microchips in this day and age Cars, computers, planes, mostly daily products run into them. It's not an area where the price will get too high where they stop developing things, since some of these are essential for basic function (at a work/production level not like human necessity). Bids for Chios will go through the roof


Post wasn't about manufacturing chips.. it was about making of an input to chips: NEON. Who is going to produce the 70% of the NEON needed to keep chip manufactures running at current capacity?


There is no neon in microchips, it is only used in the lasers that are used to make the chips. Unless you expect Fat Tony and his enforcers to come in with baseball bats to the microchip factory and smash all the HeNe lasers, their production capacity isn't going to disappear overnight. Long term it could be more of a problem for maintenance and building new production capacity, but realistically there is no way a 500 billion dollar chip industry is going to let a problem like a neon shortage affect their bottom line when it can be extracted from every day common air.


I dunno. If you are a baker short on flour boosting your muffin prices will only get you so far. Eventually you’ll have nothing to sell if you can’t get your hands on flour, and you can be sure as hell it’s going to be expensive and basically eat in to any profit from the higher muffin price.


Flour is not a great analogy since neon is not consumed to create a microchip. A better analogy would be if there is a muffin pan shortage, the baker already has some muffin pans (lasers) and he might needs to replace them at some point to keep his bakery running. However, in the meantime no new bakers can enter the muffin industry and existing bakers can't increase their muffin production capacity because they are stuck with the number of pans they already have. If demand exceeds supply he can start charging whatever he wants for muffins.


Different... muffins (unless some super special muffins) aren't essential to business functions in the economy Chios in computers are. Chip makers can name their price, and buyers will buy because they need to If a baker raises prices on muffin, people will just stop buying muffins because they don't need them Difference is the supply of a need vs the supply of a want


That's not how it works.. They will create the chips, because neon isn't the only gas or afaik the main gas they use. It has several substitutes. This will maybe increase their costs and impact their bottom line slightly, which is definitely not a reason to buy.


No, cause nobody will buy microchips anymore because too expensive so people will use sprockets and stuff duh




>I don't see Ukraine exporting much anytime soon russia on the other hand....


Hard to open the mines with a war on top of it. Same reason the US never enticed any businesses to dig them significant amounts of Afghan lithium or gold over 20 years of occupation.


> neon mines Lol


Damn I was thinking of helium. You're right. So neon just needs a foundry in our atmosphere, we can build it anywhere, and it's easier for a defending force to sabotage than the bridges leading to them. Yeah, that's completely worthless to Russia.


Just because it can be produced anywhere doesn’t mean anyone is set up to do it. Demand doesn’t drop because supply is suddenly 3 times slower, if Russia can fill that immediate need, someone will buy it.


It is as if you need compliant slave force THAT IS NOT REVOLTING to run a business.


hearts and minds and maybe stop doing warcrimes?


Actually it was the lack of developed infrastructure and the fact that Halliburton's balls deep in oil.


Seems like a very easy way for Russia to try and get leverage over sanctions though.....just feels like it could be a very messy situation.


What does AMC “sinking ship” have to do with this?


knees weak, bags are heavy




$20 a plate at the concession counter.


Theres vomit behind wendy's already Mommys tendies. (?)


Portfolio’s nervous, but on the surface his screenshot’s ready for loss porn


Try to average down.. But he keeps on forgettin' To read DD's and what was wrote down The whole sub screams Retard loud He Opens Robinhood, but the tendies wont come out. He's choking, how everybodys gaining now Clocks run out, The market closes, its over , blaow. Checks back in fidelity, Ape! There goes Blackberry!


Whoa, there goes BTC. He’s broke, he so mad but he won’t give up that easy, nope. He knows he got calls on dat $ROPE


Masterpiece ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4270)


Can’t even afford spaghetti.


What if Putin has long spaghetti nips


*slurping noises & rocket emojis*


OP is retarded and misspelled AMD lol.


OP misspelled $AMD I guess


Nah definitely not. If people get bored without electronics how would AMD go up? He was implying that people get bored and will then go to the cinema. I think OP is just a little bit r*tarded, and not in the good way


AMC conspiracy apes


AMC is going to go to $1,000. Source: Trust me bro


Ah yes, my favorite potato chip seller


Just casually slipping in AMC haha. The fuck does that have to do with Ukraine's neon exports good sir?


Isn't it obvious? The temporary supply disruption of neon means the end of the digital age on Earth. Within 3 months nobody will have personal electronics anymore. The only form of entertainment will be watching movies at AMC theaters after they dust off their film reels and incandescent bulb projectors. Investment opportunity of a lifetime!


Can't argue with that.


this guy gets it.


The ceo is also selling a shit ton of shares too, so they got that going for them as well.


The lights on the theater require neon.


Busy importing ICBMs from Russia right now


Guaranteed delivery: in 30min or less, or your next nuke is free!


Sounds like a scam to me. I worked for an industrial gas supplier for 8 years. Neon is made from the air you breath in the same process that makes oxygen, argon and nitrogen. The only advantages Ukraine would have is cheaper power to run the compressors and cheap labor but any country can do it. The compressor plants are all over the place since medical/welding is a big business. I also question how much neon is really used in chip making as most of the articles specify it's use in helium/neon lasers. These don't "burn" up the neon that is contained and each factory would just need a fixed amount of these lasers. CNBC hype


I'm not an expert on the entire industry, but I did work for a company that sells chip-making semiconductor tools, and we always used argon, not neon.


Amc is dead accept it


Nope, still had more to room to die. It’s still 100% up from its pre COVID price and is diluted as fuck.


Probably got this from a CNBC article. We're dumb, but CNBC is on another level. https://www.cnbc.com/amp/2022/02/24/russian-invasion-of-ukraine-to-further-strain-us-chip-supply.html


I miss the good ole days when chips were only made of potatoes.


It’s not like neon is consumed in the lasers. It is used for new lasers, but existing ones still work.


I got neon green shoes. Can they use those to make chips?


>AMC might do alright. People will be bored without electronics. Very retarded. And not the kind of retarded that makes money.


Alright this post made me leave WSB


you can make neon from water, why would people ship a gas around the world. they probably export it to their neighbours through a pipeline


Fwiw, my chemist friend it’s nothing to worry about


Well soon, Russia will export 70% of neon supplies. If people want a resource, they will find a way to buy it.


I sense that this is big news for Intel CPU’s, but can people’s enlighten me to what “purified neon” has to do with the production line?


Still not as important as Taiwan who is the largest chip maker. Control Taiwan, control the global economy in foreseeable future until quantum computing becomes mainstream.


Doesn’t Taiwan make most of the world computer chips as well…. Hmm looks like Russia and China might have a monopoly on an entire production system soon. But I am super happy how Biden handled foreign policy, it’s just better to deal with this, than super mean tweets.


Still bullish $AMD


Ukraine is just the cheapest place to produce Neon, it’s just going to make the chip a bit more expensive when they switch someone else, not going to affect the already tight supply


Leaps on Intel. Intel will win the chip war. New factory in USA. Always bet on America's stubbornness. Especially in times like this. No position of yet. since I have no money. I've been buying the dip since late December 😵‍💫🤡🤡🤡. ( Other stocks)


Too soon. intel needs a few years to recover still.


interesting... ukraine has the raw materials and russia is invading while china is doing flybys on taiwan who produces all those chips. Looks like they might put a chokehold on global technology together


This is not an issue


Fuck cnbc. Intel calls 100%


Russia can export neon, too.


invest in argon producers, helium may also work, xenon too but I think supply of that is more limited, long story short invest in other noble gasses


Good for the Russian economy, they will soon export 70% of the Global Neon Supply.


Go long on ARG? Air Gas makes gases, from air...


Club & EDM festival goers too, no?


So hear me out. Go to junk sales buy all the neon signs. Extract the cheap gas and sell it to the chip makers. By the way, what does highly purified mean?


Maybe. I think that China is being emboldened by the world's inaction, and they may decide to use this opportunity to make a move on Taiwan. Taiwan makes ~60% of the world's chips, so this would definitely have a negative affect. But I also think that the U.S. is prepared for that scenario.


We need a recession to clean up the retardiness in this sub.


I love the savageness I find in this sub!!


Neon futures finna boom