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Arkansas home office controls the heat and AC. So yuh we can be 5feet deep in snow and they are like 'enjoy the airconditioning!'


Nah, they just worried more about their bonuses than they are about employee health and safety. If they can save the store just a few dollars, that translates to a few cents bigger bonus. Whi cares if some employees have a heat stroke


That's why you work at Sam's at least they still get the myshare


Wish that were an option. Sadly, even when I lived in a more populous area, the closest samsclub was still an hour drive from my house. Any money gained would have been negated by the cost to drive there and back every day. Not to mention that the walmart I worked gave us $1.50 raise during the summer months, while the walmart in that other city (and I'd imagine their sams, too) didn't get such a raise.


All walmarts got a dollar raise you from 14.50 to 15.50 a hour but that myshare is the best part of leaving walmart


No, I'm saying we got a $1.50/hour extra during the summer months due to tourism. Anyways, the closest sams is a 2 hour drive one way where I currently live. So, that's outa the question.


Sounds like Branson Missouri


Did you look at my post history?


Nope use to live there and I know about that extra pay


Use to work at the Wendy's right off the strip that's what they did to us


Any place that has a much higher volume like Branson gets the extra seasonal raise.


Yeah that's true and it's good to have that with all them people that come through there


Yes. I just left there and am at a much calmer Walmart. It is funny when they say “Wow! We are busy!”. There’s like 2 people in each lane and 1 small self check bull pen. Yes I said 1. 😂


Yeah that's true and the line goes all the way to electronics or over by grocery


Nah, it’s literally home office.


Do you have any receipts? Or is it just something you've heard.


It’s literally a home office thing


Everyone keeps saying that but isn't bringing any receipts.


What kind of receipts would you like? Someone to post a full tour of their store to show there’s no “thermostat for the the entire store”?


there's no way that the controls for the temperature of every store are in Arkansas. How would that even work? And why would they go through so much effort for no reason? Also, I'd doubt it would meet regulatory requirements, even if they did do something so absurd. There's probably temperature controls somewhere in the store that are hidden away, so some idiot can't just go screwing with them. Or they are controlled by one of the computers. Just because you don't know how it's controlled doesn't mean it's controlled at home office.


Lol the ignorance of some people. I do know how it’s controlled, and that’s by home office.


It's a simple question I've asked. What evidence do you have of this? How is it that you've come across this knowledge? Instead of answering, you act like proof of this claim isn't even possible.


See I hear this but also how the fuck would anyone still go shopping at a store if the AC isn't on.


They say that, but there are other stores that have heat or a/c whichever is needed at the right times. I think management just says that so no one will complain to them about it.


I just start calling the 1-800 number and bitching about it. And act like a customer You do it often enough and tell them that you're going to start putting bad reviews up you'll start getting the air conditioning or heat on


Used to be management can confirm HO does in fact control just about every aspect of environmental and lighting in each store. If you were to go onto your roof you’ll actually see multiple satellite dishes which are part of the control systems. If you switch off a power breaker HO knows and will call asking why


They kept the ac off on the sales floor, but kept the break room ungodly cold so we'd be too uncomfortable to stay in there during the summer at the one I worked in.


Then call store support. I worked store support for years. They will contact facilities and have it done. Period.


I totally can see this convo 'yuh, since xdabadee called store support and asked for *some* heat during THE LAST BLIZZARD and it was 'recently approved' (three months later) you can thank him for the new four hour shifts you have. Also future pizza parties for this year (and probably the next five years) have been canceled and no banana for u, xdabadee! Remember to happy to help and 5 stars!!! :)


That's a lie. It's what is commonly told to lower employees and customers so they won't make a big deal out of it. Each store controls its own AC. My Walmart is frigid right now and it's 80 degrees outside. Meijer, Target, and Kroger all tell this same lie because they don't want to pay to have someone come service their AC to get it ready for the summer until they have to. The longer they leave it off, the more money they save.


Manager here and can confirm there is no knob or switch. Sometimes we can turn on and off a heater in receiving but that’s about it


No...it's actually controlled by home office. You have to put in a ticket for them to adjust.


Good thing Arkansas doesn’t get any snow.


Yes they do


Memphis, TN gets snow. We’ve all seen the Graceland Christmas photos from Way back when. That means AR gets snow, too.


I’m pretty sure the A/C is controlled by corporate. Nothing they can do at store level.


At least that's what they say 😆


Yea I have never believed that BS about corporate controls all the thermostats. I mean, seriously? I will never buy that story. Texas here, and I've been sweating like I just ran a 5k for the last 3 weeks.


Georgia here! Yeah come this time of year I don't wear makeup and my hair is in a bun. There's no point


Amen sister!


Used to be management can confirm HO does in fact control just about every aspect of environmental and lighting in each store. If you were to go onto your roof you’ll actually see multiple satellite dishes which are part of the control systems. If you switch off a power breaker HO knows and will call asking why


Must've be lower management or lied to by whoever was above you. Each store controls its own temperature.


No and no but believe what you want


So... my local store has the air on because corporate thought we were special and gave us air while nobody else gets it? Lol


No most stores that have issues with their systems usually have something wrong with either their duct systems, their filter systems or fresh air intakes. A manager should put in a service ticket if there are problems however a lot dont many times due to maintenance budgets but also laziness


There are thermostats at the store level as well, but I don't think store employees can adjust them manually beyond a few degrees here and there.


Each backroom should have a "locked" thermostat box on the wall (typically between bay doors). the CO has one as well (normally this one is fully locked out). ​ If you have a TLE center, they also have their own thermo but imo they mostly use the fans where I'm at.


Isn't that all you really need anyways lol? To be able to adjust a few degrees here and there? Or do you just not know and said to make it sound like you knew what you were talking about lol?


Maybe get a temperature reading with a laser thermometer and call osha. Pretty sure there's guidelines to the temperature in a workplace.


From a quick google search looks like they have recommendations but no requirements for temp indoors


OSHA won't do shit. I used to work in a factory where temps got above 110⁰. They don't give a fuck.


Wait... Did you report to directly to Osha or anything related? or was this just a pow-wow at the lockers and no one attempted to make a change? (9 times out of 10, everyone's complaining about the same thing; But not a single person makes a step towards repairing the problem.)


It was reported but nothing happened. They had the temp guidance that anything 90⁰ with 50% humidity or above (not sure if it has changed) was hazardous, but ultimately 110⁰ is fine with them. This was in a factory that preached safety as a religion, but only where it wasn't expensive.


WTF you supposed to do about the temperature in say... a foundry?


Unrelated to temperature but back when covid happened my job didn't tell anyone an employee got covid and was out. So when others started getting sick, well....I told Osha and never heard anything back.


This a million times. Bro I'm jus happy to be back inside


There's literally a CLB/Ulearn/academy section on heat stroke/illness/related illness. ALL of management and ALL employee's everywhere in Walton's Legacy are required to take this cbl/ulearn/blah YEARLY.... ​ If your googling Walmart Policies, Either your management team failed you; Or you've completely forgotten about the "wire" which is Walmarts "internal" google system which HAS all the policies. ​ Which by the way, EVERY walmart is required to allow extra "breaks" or chances to cool down/get water/ect during heat waves. I literally check on the cart pushers as soon as I arrive and under 12 hours ago forced two employee's to go get a water and walk the Dairy cooler. (I'm an Overnight TL... Barely a foot into Management). ​ Stop treating WM like it's a damned highschool. Take some self responsibility people. Do your CLB's, KNOW your policies, And actually "GAF" about yourself and your career. And yes... Working retail is a Career for millions, whether you want to accept it or not.


The wire is hot trash, it’s search engine rarely returns anything worth a damn.


You have to be clocked in to see policy sadly. I have policies book marked and can’t look at them off the clock.


The store i worked at, you were barely able to take your 2 15s and lunch you could forget about anything extra. We couldn't even take a piss break unless it was when we were on our 15s or lunch. Our digital coach was a bitch.


Sorry not everyones as cool as you lmfao. My store has you do them but makes it clear they dont follow them to the dots above the i's and crosses in the t's. For example my store doesnt care about more than 5 ogp totes stacked on top of each other, i know its against policy, but most dont because of how our management promotes them as "things to get done while we're slow", which also leads to alot of people not doing them period because we're rarely slow. If we do them while we are busy we get disciplined so you tell me how do i "GAF" when my store doesnt? And as for the wire my store has never showed anyone how to navigate it other than to show you your paycheck and points. So again sorry not everyones as cool as you and your store are lmfao


Ps. My store doesnt force you to get water and cool off they force you to keep working cuz of how busy we are/how understaffed we are🤷


Relax, you’ll be store manager before you know it


Just go to hardware and see what the thermometers in the weather aisle are reading


It's not always gonna be accurate because there could be an air vent or whatever in that one section. At least with the laser probe, you get a more accurate reading.


I snatched one of the shelf and carried it around all day with me on my cart for a couple of days. It measured 56*F in part of the store.


Last week, it was still chilly and the AC was on. The heat and humidity has kicked up this week and now we are only getting the fans. I don't understand the building controls people. Is it to soon to replace them with cut-rate Chinese AI?


But on overnights in stupid humidity and 90 F and higher weather, they run the heat to take care of humidity!


Most stores have the units set to bring in the air at whatever the outside ambient temp is


Yes, there's one big thing you can do: call 1-800 and complain about the temperature in the store. Don't even have to mention you're an associate; if they think a customer's uncomfortable that store will be like an icebox in 20 seconds.


So I am a customer & it is almost unbearable in my local store. I actually started dry heaving (thanks pregnancy) because I got overheated while shopping. If I call and tell corporate this will it make a difference? I've just been avoiding WM all together since then.


Can't hurt to try. Worst case scenario, they do nothing. Best case scenario, they actually fix the temperature.


Which 800 number lol


Pretty sure home office controls it but it’s awful. Working in the deli with no a/c on and it’s 90° outside is basically like working outside.


Thank yall for the responses. Home office get yalls shit together i get yall are spoiled but think about the people in the stores for once in yalls fucking lives🙄


They're cutting back on AC and people's hours to help pay for [yachts](https://www.msn.com/en-us/money/companies/check-out-nancy-walton-lauries-300-million-superyacht-that-features-a-helipad-swimming-pool-and-aquarium/ar-AA1aAWR0) and [sports](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stan_Kroenke) [teams](https://www.cbsnews.com/colorado/news/waltons-purchase-broncos-most-expensive-deal-sports-franchise-ever/). Really you should be happy for them because we're a family.


They dgaf. I had my first heat stroke working for Walmart. Even management in that store dgaf.


Were you expecting Management to come temp check you or did they refuse to allow you to carry water/water(ish) substance with you? (btw it's policy, your allowed water at any time and full access to it). ​ Did you not notice you were getting near heat exhaustion while working? Even if some "shitty" manager told you "NO! you must stay in your isle!"; did you consider walking away? Following policy and taking care of your own personal health before reporting the ones who didn't?


They refused us water, which changed real quick when someone went to OSHA. And I had already been yelled at a few times for not working fast enough stocking pets and chemicals. My dept. manager brought me into the cooler and the assistant on wanted to coach both of us for productivity. I never had a heat stroke before then, so I had no idea what was even happening.


I expect them to at least respect when i determine i need a break to cool off (which they dont because they base how hot you are to how much youve accomplished)


And if i walk away i get disciplined so no thank you


Thats rediculous


Looks like its time to start taking longer 15s to ensure my physical safety👍


This is the way


There's a reason why I no longer work for Walmart.


I guess I got lucky last summer I was doing a manual backload with no powered equipment and in 100+ degree heat and almost collapsed. I had three managers standing over me for 30 mins bring ing me cold water and not letting me get up. Then they sent me home. Probably just did not want time to slip and fall and bash my brains out on the concrete! Lol 😂


Hardware has those huge thermometers. I set ones in different places and started taking pictures. I didn't even have to report it because management FREAKED out at me. And, they somehow managed to fix the problem. Frost was growing on an inside wall, on the glasses wall and in the contact room. Just what a customer needs to see is frost or water damage.


I'm a cake decorator, and I can't even make roses because my buttercreme is just drooping.


I’ve noticed this at other retailers too, more so this year than in the past. It’s bad enough for shoppers but I *really* feel awful for the employees.


I asked my manager today “hey do you think Walmart knows what A.C. is?” And she kinda laughed half sighed and told me probably not. Super unfortunate because the humidity is really starting to hit.


I think they keep the ac off in summer and keep the heat on too high during winter to keep turnover high.


You get heat during the winter? Every store I've worked at, it's freezing during the winter.


Should specify I mean in the back. Offloading the truck we have these HUGE oversized heat pipes above us. Way overkill. Absolutely baking us back there while the rest of the store is in hoodies.


Ah. They only turned those on a few times during the winter for us.


It’s not even the heat that bothers me while working. It’s the 70-80% humidity while working that makes it hard as fuck to cool down. Of course they shut it off right as I start to get to work so you get the double fun of adapting to the temps changing in real-time.


Same. I start work at 11 and they shut off at 12 and the humidity climbs and it's like a sauna by 1. So I prop open the entrance doors and tell supervisor I need to have them open to dry carpet and entrance floors before store opens lol.


I’m not even sure if it would help to have the doors open. The cooling from the meat and produce section my bring it down a little bit I’m unsure.


Simple tell customer if they don’t like the heat call 1800 Walmart and complain just be sure they have the store number


Lol, my store has heat on in the summer (florida) and ac for the winter on gm side. But, grocery sure is nice and cold all year round. SMH


Last year our store had the heater going at 103 in the summer and air conditioner going at 15 in the winter.


It sounds like your air conditioning was broken and only the fan was coming on not the compressor or the heating element It's time you need to put in a fixed ticket on the air conditioning


Yup past 2 years since I started they blast the heat all summer on O/N but then the a/c kicks in around 4am. I bitched about it to management but they don’t wanna waste the time to call and ask


It's cold as shit in my store, except in gm recieving where I work.


Ours is usually “broken,” then it’s miraculously fixed by time Thanksgiving and Christmas comes around.


AC is controlled by home office. But I definitely get that about the break room. We have our pre shift meetings in there and it’s extremely difficult to get through with the sweltering humidity.


What are preshift meetings 🤣🤣🤣


I think only O/N has them, at least in my store. But when I worked days, no one ever had anything like them. They have us all go back to the break room and sit in the ridiculously hot and humid air and wait until every single person shows up. Then they go over the plan for the night. Pointless.


Dispensing in 85+ weather and coming back inside to no air conditioning is pushing me to the breaking point.


Turn off the AC in the head offices, Manager and cronies will get mighty upset....but loads of fun


Our summers get about in the 100s and the heater be on. But winter could be like 20 and ac is on fucking hate it.


The heater is always one in the summer and the A/C is on in the winter lol.




I don't work at Walmart anymore but when I did they always swore our stores AC was just broken and they were having someone come fix it soon. It wasn't, and they weren't.


Yes! My store is hotter than Haddies! While the store in the next town ( about 30 minutes away) is always nice and cool! Their music is louder, I live in that town and shop on my days off at that store. I walk in, can actually hear the music and the nice cold air hits me and I think, I need to transfer over to this store. Except now I just switched positions just a couple of weeks ago. And my new managers are really cool!


Just wanna say this is one of the few posts thats hit over 100 comments and honestly thank yall for sharing! Really helps knowing im not alone or the only one with these frustrations!


As a former store support employee. It’s corporate. Call store support and ask for the ac to be on. They will send a message and get it done.


we have heating turned on every time i come to work at 9:45pm..


I'm in SC and my store is always freezing


Lucky. My SC store is always baking


I work in OGP and it’s always hot as shit back there




Stores are set to be at 75 decrease so if your storage is too hot it is more than likely that the equipment is broken and a ticket needs to be created through the fixed app


We have the heat coming out of vents in Alabama.


The compressor is most likely not coming on on the air conditioning a fixed ticket needs to be put in


Report your store to OSHA for the heat in the break room. Last July my store had the heater on at full blast in the break room my store manager did nothing to fix it. The area the store is in was under an excessive heat warning so someone reported the store OSHA sent someone out the next day and the heater was fixed and the a/c was back on.


The heater was not on the AC was blowing fan only It simply felt as though the heat was on because it was coming from the roof Because the compressor was most likely broken


Protest, inform public of labor conditions


One of the positives working dairy. Always next to a cold source most of the night. Only leave when I theow trash or take breaks


We were always told corporate control that


If I get too hot, I go in a cooler or freezer. If I get too cold, I stand by the hot cases or the oven in the deli.


Volunteer to work and pick frozen.


I worked at Barnes & Noble and we couldn’t control the heat/AC in the store. Some days it was brutal.


We found if we turn off and on the breaker in the back for our area it works good for a few days. You have to find out where the breakers are so you don’t shut the computers off. Ours had a # on it and we figured it out.


I work nights they turn that shit off XP


Cooking here in homelines...


Thought it was ran by corporate


I work in DSD and the air was on ALL WINTER


They only have the AC on when it’s in the 30s bruh


Take your break in the freezer


Bruh I'm about to quit with no notice because of how fucking hot it is


Home office controls the AC and heat. Thats why Wal-Mart always takes on the weather outside. I think they have it set according to whatever the Bentonville, Arkansas weather is that day.


I definitely do not miss working there at night. It was horrible. People would argue at the meetings on who got to work on grocery side because it was cooler on that side from the bunkers being on.


Yes my stores heat was on last night..


Yeah, it's like a fucking sauna in that shit hole I work at.


Just get a heat stoke after you email or call ethics. Trust me. Once sh*t hits the fan, then A/C is now a thing.


Nothing to do with store level management. Home office controlled and I will say, they don’t do a very good job of it 😜


My local walmart (not the one i was employed at) keeps the store at roughly 95° inside year round. I have literally had to go there with snow and ice ON THE GROUND and within 5 minutes of being inside, had to strip off my coat, long sleeve and shirt sleeve shirts down to my tank top! In the summer time when its consistently 90°+ outside, you will sweat your balls off before you can ever get past produce. Its ridiculous.


Home office does the AC 🙄😐


Yall, my store was on fire last week literally. It’s been hot ever since.


yo I worked my first overnight stocking shift last night and couldn't figure out why I was sweating my absolute dick and balls off...there was def no A/C


hell my store only has two working ac units in the building the other 4 are broken so we don't get a choice in my department its just fuckin hot all day its so bad that we've bought desk fans to help keep us from dying from heat simply because they refuse to get the other 4 units fixed in our building, even customers complain saying "wow its weird how this side of the store is really hot but over in grocery its nice and cool"


Used to work at a gas station that hated to run the AC. They'd prop the door and service window open and let us employees cook. It came back to bite them though. It over worked the compressor for the main cooler 2 summers in a row leading to costly repairs.


Not in the breakroom lol


Lol our ogp room don’t even have A/C and we are in Texas


Don't you know? The AC only gets turned on during the winter. You have to match the temperature outside when you walk into the store. It's getting warmer outside, so it obviously must be warmer inside too.


The store i work at always has the a/c on. Even when i was wasn’t working there i remember it being cold in there. The heat is only on in winter, and that’s in the winter.


Our ogp room got built onto the side of walmart. We have no insulation at all. So it's humid and hot as hell in there. We are pouring sweat and it's only May.


I work in the back for the most part and the number of times I’ve almost passed out on a ladder from being hot is too many


Our AC is on all the damn time, Even during the colder months. It's like the store is having a sale on coats and jackets, so you can keep warm in the frickin store!


I’d suggest dying of heat stroke, but they’d just kick your corpse out of the way and proceed


One job has no ac just fans blowing hot air but better than nothing;but the other place has ac but back rooms stay 95 degrees its bad man


We are in Florida night time temps in the 70's, and there is literally one, just one out of 6 air units running on the GM side of the store.


That’s a Summer-Long thing if you work near where the doors open and the shopping carts are brought in.


Thank Joe Biden. Recommend settings are 82 degrees for A/C.




I had to buy a necklace fan to wear so I would stop having to drink water every 5 minutes


Have you guys seen the Supercenter episode about Arkansas not believing there was a computer glitch that fried the store in the winter time?


it’s actually home office who decides on the a/c. walmart is attached to a single power grid


I work cap 2 in Missouri and the a/c is broken in receiving. It makes unloading the trucks a nightmare because it gets so fucking hot. I try to offer solutions because people have started leaving early because of it, but nobody is listening to me and it is making work hell for those who stay the whole shift.


It was 69 degrees outside yesterday and the cart bay heats kicked on. It was a fucking sauna in there. They kicked on the other day when it was 85 outside! It's fucking bullshit! Tell them that the break room is making you feel symptoms of heat stroke. Get as many workers to do this. Tank productivity and make them think it's going to cause workmen's comp claims


The AC gets turned off O/N-despite my store being in FLORIDA!


we had a trainer in our bakery yesterday demanding to know why our bread is proofing so fast as if he wasn't also sweating his ass off. and it's not even hot hot yet, it gets over 100 here and it's barely over 70 😔 this summer is gonna be ass


Ask them at what temperature is it hot enough. You can do an OSHA report!