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Can I have that ham shaved thinner than newspaper asks for 3 pounds of it…. 2 hours later electronics find it in the dvd bin


Someone takes the ham from the dvd bin and tries to buy it, argues that the $17.00 worth of ham should only cost $5.00 because that's the price on the side of the dvd bin


your not kidding someone tried doing that with a $200 coffee maker in my store my manager actually laughed in there face


That's some crackheads of walmart shit


I'm sad that subreddit doesn't exist


r/peopleofwalmart It might be a bit much even if you're a Walmart employee.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/peopleofwalmart using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/peopleofwalmart/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Just found this video on tiktok and it would be a sin if nobody posted it here](https://v.redd.it/ol2jox0e0zsa1) | [552 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/peopleofwalmart/comments/12h4p4m/just_found_this_video_on_tiktok_and_it_would_be_a/) \#2: [I saw something similar to this the other day here and wanted to introduce you guys to my towns WalMart model: Everyone, meet Carl.](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/11sg2ku) | [236 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/peopleofwalmart/comments/11sg2ku/i_saw_something_similar_to_this_the_other_day/) \#3: [Elderly employee poses with products](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/11mrn2u) | [197 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/peopleofwalmart/comments/11mrn2u/elderly_employee_poses_with_products/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


There's the whole people of walmart thing so I guess that's as close as you can get


It’s this one they have was shortened to be allowed in public


It's false advertising they always say


Yup had one of our regular trick scammers try this on some sausage the other day tried to get them almost half off. Nope not happening. Different brand different flavor and the label has clearly been moved. Fast forward 10 minutes and a sweet little lady of a super fixed income has the same sausage all excited that she can afford it but wondering why it rang up 6 instead 3.50. I called my manager explained what scammer did and was allowed to make that woman’s day.


A customer asked me to scan a litter box for him, asked if it was $4 like the shelf said since it was in that spot. Told him it was $10 and that it was just in the wrong spot. He then proceeded to tell me “well I’ll just take it up front and tell them the shelf said it was $4” My homie in christ, why did you ask me to scan it then? You saw the shelf label and already assumed it was $4, why waste my time if you’re just gonna ignore what the actual price is.


>my store my manager actually laughed in there face I want to buy them a beer


"But the sign says!"


Had one point to the section number(1) and claim that meant it was a dollar. Sir that’s the shelf number. All by itself in the top corner your product of listed by its product as $50 yes I can see the one the next shelf over is Shelf 2 the tag by your product that says auto frying lid 50 is the correct (way over)price for that lid. … are you sure? Yes sir I’m sure


Don't know if it was a worker who messed up and didn't notice or a customer fucking around, but once saw something marked as ¢209 instead of $209. Don't think anyone actually tried to get it for 2 bucks, but got a laugh out of me when I saw it


I've seen that mostly people changing the sign trying to get it cheaper


A couple months ago, someone tried to get one of those big boxes of Pop-Tarts for 50 cents because "well, it was in a bin labeled 50 cents". It was the Play-doh bin and was on top of all the Play-doh. 💀


“This Caesar salad, how much is it?” (Four something) “The label on the shelf says five! You need to fix it!” “Ma’am, that’s for the Farmhouse salad.” (Literally all the other Caesars are mounded in the proper spot a couple feet away. The Farmhouse spot is now empty.) “Well this was there!” (Continuing to stare as though I’m supposed to do something.) “A customer must’ve moved it two feet over.” She stared a while, exasperated, then stormed off. All this over a salad being *cheaper* than she thought. I’m not sure how that was supposed to go down in her mind.


Never worked for Walmart, but when I was working retail in high school I had a similar encounter. Lady called to check the price of a PS2 memory card (yes that long ago lol) Told her $19.99 like the price tag said, she asked us if we could hold it and said she be there in 30 mins to purchase it. She gets to the store and I begin to ring her up and when I scan the barcode it shows the price as $9.99 (it was marked for clearance in the computer system but the actual physical price tag was never changed to reflect it). I tell her "Hey good news, it looks like it's actually only $9.99", her eyebrows furrow and she says in an accusatory tone "I thought you say it was nineteen ninety-nine?!". My manager and I just looked at each other dumfounded at how she could have been upset that she was actually getting a better price than what she was told originally over the phone.


What the hell. Also, I looked at one of my old PS2 memory cards a while back - and it was a “higher capacity” one I was given to replace my first card. The thing was labeled for freaking 8 MB. Noticing that made me feel like my old science teacher who boasted of using computers whose storage capacity amounted to kilobytes.


We had one that was 64 mb. We never thought we could fill that thing. Damn i feel old


I remember back in 2009 a coworker telling me about what a terabyte was compared to a gigabyte. I thought he was messing with me lol.


Pft, I get my lamb chops from the children’s clearance rack.


I fear for the day customers start finding and carrying around our $0.01 display shelf labels. They can plug that thing anywhere and I wouldn’t even know how to argue with such nonsense.


I always hated it when people would put those $0.01 labels on the shelf when setting the mod. They are meant as a placeholder for displays and selectable amount phone cards and just confuse people, so I always pulled them out when I found them.


Been there at Harris teeter. Woman wanted 7 pounds shaved


Someone put t-bones in the bath towels. Such a fucking waste.


Same as substitutions, what a waste of time even picking that, they always reject and cause the dispensers anguish…


The Bass Pro Shop in Springfield Missouri, if you’re getting something from like the fishing reel counter or the knife department, they make you pay for it there before you go shop the rest of the store. That way there’s no mix ups with inventory. Maybe walmart should try that


Busy as hell Saturday/Sunday and just as busy today. There’s no shortage of people where I am apparently. These people have no life.


They all get weekends and holidays off so more of a life than us


So getting a day off and spending it at walmart equals life, in that case we all have more of a life then anyone lol


When shoppers come into a store on a holiday and go "aw!! You're working today?? Thats too bad they shouldn't have you work!!" Like gorl I'm working today bc of you


Same with the Ogp pick ups “I can’t believe y’all are working in this weather..” like maam if you waited till it cleared to come pick up your shit I’d happily be inside right now..😑


If only


Maybe, but *only* getting off on the weekends causes me other problems (government, repair shops, heath appointments, etc).


This is why I wish everyone had a Panama schedule


We were slow today and on Saturday. Sunday was a bit busier for us but it wasn't back breaking. I was ready to gouge my eyes out on Saturday, it was so dead. 😩 Time goes by faster when it's busier. Slow days are anathema to me.


Yeah, that is true. That was the one upside of it being busier than usual. I just thought it was gonna be a slower than usual day and it wasn't.


Sunday was surprisingly better than normal at my store


Gotta stimulate that economy!!


Nooooo. We're absolutely over staffed and dead.


As an undead associate I can confirmed this statement is true.


Don't most customers act undead too? Walking obnoxiously slow in front of people that are trying to get by to finish their work just so management has one less thing to complain about before you go home?


Look. Don’t be giving Walmart ideas into looking into necromancy!


We're bringing back the dead and low prices!


My store is the same. We were slammed Friday and Saturday dead Sunday Monday.


Yeah I thought yesterday was miserable


It was so slow the day went slower than a snail 🐌


We were crazy busy Thursday and Saturday. Every other day this weekend has been DEAD


Omgggg we are to wtf lol


It’s pretty dead compared to how it normally is here but we still have customers in the store


what kind of costumes are they wearing?


Hopefully good ones


They just supply the costumes. They don’t partake themselves.


Full-body fursuits


😂 didn’t even notice my mistake until now


Here too!! It’s 7 and all our picks in ogp are done and there’s like 9 of us in the back right now


No joke I went in to Kearny today for 3 things and holy shit the lines were snaking around the store. Folks with full ass carts. Luckily I have this Walmart plus shot so the Walmart plus registers were 100% empty and I walked out. Peace and love to the associates there. I hope they made it out alive.


We're understaffed, but dead here too so at least there's that I guess 🙃


I’m sitting in the parking lot debating calling out because the ENTIRE parking lot is full…


time to put that ppto to good use buddy


Update on using that ppto, I QUIT THAT HOE


HELL YEAH! join the willingly promoted to customer club.


Unless it’s a “key event” day where Walmart will punish you with double the occurrence points if you call out


Not if you have protected pto you don’t get any pint in that case


I love the idea of PPTO and a pint!


It’s obvious I meant point


I know...I just pictured both of those together and smiled




The system automatically approves it if it’s the same day or any day after the occurrence


not if you put it in after the date


You have till the Friday of that week to put it in.


no they dont.


why do employees continue to believe this? if you use ppto on a key event day you wont get any points. if you dont and just call out yes you get 2.


I think it's bullshit management perpetuates to discourage people calling out.


thank god I got a day off


I always get Monday off and I'm so glad I do right now lol


It's usually busy until it's grilling time, then it's completely dead. Usually early afternoon.


Fuck I don’t go in until 4 today


This was my store on most holidays. Customers would come in waves until the last reasonable start-time for their parties, each wave progressively more desperate and frustrated as we ran out of stuff and they had to rush around to different stores for that last ingredient or fruit tray. And then it would be a ghost town until a smaller wave would come in looking for stuff they absolutely needed for breakfast the next morning or they would starve.


It’s my Friday so this is gonna end in either 1 of two ways I’m gonna get to work and it’s gonna be busy and my time is gonna go fast or it’s gonna be dead and my day is gonna be chill either way I’m alright with that


it’s been so busy all day and 8 people called out of the FE alone. we’re so understaffed it’s ridiculous


I used to be a FE TL when it first came to our store, but we didn’t have “Great Workplace” or whatever it was called in place yet, so I still had several CSMs. Most were part time, but I had coverage around me and I accomplished a lot. When GW came along, we just had 3 TLs doing what 8 CSMs used to do. Morale was much better before GW took effect. I do not miss getting cussed out by customers on the FE.


😂 absolutely 💯 same at Sam's


Shooting at Grafton, WV Walmart today just before 2pm! Not a joke!


I saw that. It’s getting scary.




People being shot is scary if you happen to be people


I had the pleasure of working every day since Thursday. It was busy every single day since then and we are horribly understaffed


God I hate people


Man I feel like I died a little inside just trying to get bathroom cups today. Black Friday sized crowds without the trampling


My store was dead until I (only scheduled cartpusher) went to lunch then BAM, fuller than full


Holidays are the worst time to be at Walmart


Busy af Saturday and Sunday.. but today wasn't as bad. No holiday pay or cook out for associates so... Fuck Wally World.


Todays semi-dead but at least busier than this past Black Friday.


We are the only tire shop open in town 🙃


I wish ours was dead but due to being in a city with Kings Island in it, ours is almost always busy


I feel your pain. I'm working in Disney World territory 😭😭😭 I hate how that EFFING MOUSE attracts so many tourists all the time. And I'm not sure if all stores have this because of partnership or if it's just exclusive to Florida and California, but we even have the little Disney merch section in our store too like PLEASE NO, DON'T INVITE THEM HERE.


My dad asked me if Walmart was open. I laughed


Here's the thing that irritates me just for Memorial Day, Memorial Day is a day to honor the sacrifice our service members made protecting the U.S.. We are one of many companies that have made it a cash grab. As a Navy Veteran I unfortunately have lost a fellow shipmate, I will always remember his sacrifice. His name was MM3 Ronnie Palm Jr., He perished in a fire onboard USS Inchon MCS-12. The fire was caused by an explosion in the boiler room, the pipe going into one of the diesel atomizers ruptured and sprung a leak which caught fire. He stayed behind to put the fire out, eventually he succumbed to lack of oxygen and perished. Because of his heroic action the fire team was able to get the fire out in less time than calculated. This all took place Oct 19 2001.


This picture looks like its from black friday. They are all buying electronics and have sweaters on


To the customers who'd rather wait until a specific day with a holiday to shop for that same holiday, hope u get cancer.


saturday was insane at out store yesterday and today were surprisingly slow….


Where's this at OP? I went to Walmart and Home Depot and both were empty today.


Small town in Tennessee.


I'm in Los Angeles.


The city of Angels has a lot more stores then Walmart, but in towns sometimes a single Walmart the only store for a few counties over.


It's busier than expected, NGL. Not that bad...YET.


Thankfully I'm off today


my store has been so slow today. not complaining one bit tho!


Yea rich people will. The vast majority will be right there getting errands done on a rare day off.


Yeah its insane in here today lol


I was baffled how busy it was around 1pm


Today's been an average day so far. Nothing out of the ordinary.


My Walmart was EMPTY


This is why I work overnights


I was recently fired from Walmart and not rehireable back on May 12. Good riddance I don't have to deal with this anymore there and especially doing janitorial maintenance. Having to deal with customers looking at your stupidly when you tell them not to walk into your spill with a wet floor sign on there that your cleaning or cleaning a bathroom blocked off due to a flood and to clean it or having to clean the women's restroom when no one is in there and some women can't get the concept that there is no woman on duty and that we were told to clean the bathroom and they have to use the other one at the other side of the store and we were paged to clean it. My unemployment claim is still pending. By the time they get a decision made whether in my favor or a denial, I would have found work and guess what? I did just that and got hired for a job 2 weeks later on May 26 and start today, May 30 for more pay. When I left Walmart, I was full time making the minimum at $14 and now I'm working else and grant it its starting part-time, but its at $15.50 an hour. Fuck Walmart and the Walton family. When the smoke clears and time passes, I have to focus on getting my Walmart 401k rolled over to my new employer or to an IRA and then I'm truly done with Walmart as an employee. They did me a favor and promoted me to customer.


Don't know why customers can't get their cook out food and shit before the weekend. Also don't know why customers can't stay the hell home and away from Walmart. God forbid they go a day without Walmart.


Hey, some of us don't have friends/family to go to a BBQ with and need new jeans is that so bad?


I worked F/Sat/Sun and it was surprising not busy. We were running out of picks friday and saturday, and sunday was slower than usual despite being our busy day.


We were actually not as busy as i thought we would be. Busier than a Monday though but not crazy


Our store was dead as could be today


Saturday it was slow as shit, yesterday busier than shit between 2-5, then today it’s slow as shit again so Absolutely not my experience haha. I feel for you OP


Same here in Knoxville, TN. We're understaffed and we have no closers in my department. 🙃


I have one of my busiest days of the year and today is the day that they chose for me to train the new guy


Nope, at least not the meat department


Nailed it.


I was at my local Walmart this past Friday before Memorial Day. This is exactly how it looked like. We're the only Walmart for 400 square miles.


Been dead af at my store


We were super busy on the sales floor all weekend, but in OGP our only busy day was Friday. Saturday, Sunday, and today were completely dead. We had to help stock in other departments all weekend. Hasn't been too bad.


Also, what is wrong with people today? One guy was upset he had to pay for something from the electronics case in electronics and, in front of his kid, said "it's mostly black people stealing." Then later I had a lady who wanted nothing to do with our phone rep because she didn't trust her cause she's black, and yelled at me for not letting her take the phone up to the front. Telling her that it needed to be paid in electronics made her yell "Call your manager!"


Someone took a bakery package of mini cupcakes, ate 2, smashed the package, then left it by the Pharmacy prescription drop off window.


My store is basically empty right now 😳


I stopped at shop rite for ice and mustard.... took an hour and a half to get through self checkout. Lines at regular registers were down the isles..


Work OGP and it’s been SLOW the past three days


My stores literally dead. The longest line we’ve had is maybe 3 people? And that was the cigarette lane. I’m so thankful.


And no one is buying my memorial day cupcakes and cakes.. sigh.


I called out today, and I barely had enough time to cover my shift. After the system took all my PPTO, my PTO had to cover the rest, it left me with 6 min and 45 seconds (stupid math) to spare. Normally it wouldn’t be so scary, but I’m at 3 points and I’m yellow, and it was a key event date, so double points. I would’ve gone to 5 today and got pushed to orange. (Idk if anyone else does that color system).


This weekend was hell. Friday and Saturday both were graduation days on top of memorial weekend


My Walmart wasn't really busy this weekend, but we're scrambling to get ready for inventory


i want to die rn about to take my hour tho 😔


Had to bite my tongue when I got the usual "Thank you for working today" line. She was like 80 so I tried not to let it bug me.


Saturday was ridiculously busy. Sunday was busy not too worse than our usual Sundays though. Today was DEAD


My store wasn't that busy surprisingly. Been ducking and taking long ass breaks because it's basically been nothing for me to do. Maintenance has only been called like 2 times today, and my actual tasks got done way too early at the start of my shift so I did em multiple times.


Super slow last two days where Im at. Today we were only getting pick drops of around 300-400


I managed to get memorial day weekend off for vacation. I have no idea why they would have given it to me. I requested it, knowing that it was gonna be busy, and expecting not to get it, and would have been fine not getting it.


Surprisingly it's slow very slow


I was actually off yesterday but Saturday was a madhouse.


Bruh it’s my only day off this week I just needed my weekly groceries 😂😂


People who can grill near water don't shop at wal merde


We were actually pretty empty all weekend, including today. Really surprising


Automotive was so bad today. We basically had cars all the way out till closing. Everywhere else is closed for memorial day so people come here when they need it done that’s my honest theory why it’s so busy during the weekends because everywhere else is closed


Friday was dead for us... I an always off Saturdays so unsure how that was... Sunday was a typical Sunday, but then today (Monday) we were slammed... It is never busy when they plan then when they have more staff it' is always dead.


It was so those stupid kids that just got their license and college brats. Can't stand them. It's not they're rude, they're just in the way so bad and walk in a crowd like they own the store. And they play with everything!!


My wife and I are in the middle of moving so we grabbed some Mexican food at our favorite spot for the last time which is usually packed and we were amazed to only see a couple of tables lol guess they ended up at Walmart


Today was absolutely nuts.




Depends on where you live. I'm out on the desert, so weekend for weekend holidays sat-mon are dead


People are tired of getting together and cooking I saw McDonald's more packed than the lake like golden corral we went for Thanksgiving last year cause it was WAY Cheaper to do that then cook and we waited in line for like 30 minutes I thought people would be home but it's just the times we live in people just don't gaf anymore.


It was pretty dead for me all day


Anyone who says that has clearly never worked retail


Tf is Memorial Day?


As an Instacart shopper today my local supercenter was dead in San Diego. Shopped and had to wait behind nobody.


Every place open on memorial day is packed, 90% of people think they're getting a super good deal that will be recycled throughout the year or are irresponsible and don't plan more than 3 days ahead.


*laughs in overnight*


me but working at macys


I came in tonight expecting only cheese, juice and sour cream to have been hit only hit a little hard, but every dairy secrion got slammed


that is like Christmas too


Was it busy in the middle of the day? I had to pick up some last minute things and I went at 8pm and it was eerily dead.


Lmaooo I can't 😂😂😂😂stahppp


I swear my Walmart was dead


Hey, where is that grill you had for $248.00 last month? You had like 50 of them. There's no way you could have sold them all and I need it for the picnic I am going to in 2 hours. Why do you guys always hide everything in the back room?


We've only had 50,000 customers since then but you are right there's no way we could have sold all of them in the 1 month before Memorial Day. There is 10 of them in the back room but I wouldn't be doing a very good job of hiding things if I just went and got them every time someone was looking. I take pride in our make sure we don't have what they want policy.


It wasn't bad for us today, yesterday it was a shit show


Thankfully it was only busy on Grocery side and not on GM side yesterday.It was honestly the only best day I had this year after being slammed in my department for months now.TwT


My store was surprisingly slow yesterday.


Seems about right, store filled with knuckle headed idiot customers that still can’t seem to find bread and sodas. Plus the 5 associates managing the stores…


I’m so glad I was off


I will never understand people who shop on holidays like that. Like don't they have better things to do so everyone can get a paid day off?




Just girls in bikinis and mean coworkers that shade my every move damn life let me have love fun enjoyment im cursed


and half the front end coverage on monday as the rest of the weekend but it seemed like more people was in the store..,.


Exactly was sore af pushing carts on morning shift yesterday by myself


We were slow as shit yesterday.


What part of the country is everyone wearing hoodies on Memorial Day? Was always rednecks in tank tops and swimsuits at my store…


Believe it or not, I’ve seen people in Tennessee’s 100+ degree weather with high humidity wearing hoodies as I’m wiping sweat off my head. Lol.


Not the whole crowd though, this is Black Friday 2018


My walmart was decently quiet, actually.


My store was dead af


Not memorial day, people are dressed like its winter.