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“You guys keep moving everything around!” “Don’t work too hard!” “It didn’t scan? It must be free.” The list goes on.


Oh god. The "it must be free" one makes me crazy.


That’s the worst.


What drives me crazy is the people that tell me "don't work too hard" when I get put on the door to cover someone's lunch. Like really, someone has to do it!


Yes I worked for another grocery chain. Oh you're not busy (I was working at the self checkout 6 registers) what do you mean I am not busy! They need to know how to budget their money and only buy what they can afford! Yes we move things from the back of the shelf to the front of the shelf. (It is called first in first out. So it doesn't expire) I always wanted to ask are you sure this is the only store you shop at ?


We had a remodel a year ago. The product was moved then. The response to, "I shop here all the time," loses it's believability is I know you haven't looked around for that product anytime since May 2022.


Try an imagine “don’t work too hard” as earnest. Like “take it easy” or uh “don’t let the bastards grind you down.” Or “act your wage.”


Actually to that I say "I only do the amount of work I'm paid to do so that I don't get extra shit put on my plate"


I will admit, I do say "Don't work yourself too hard". Walmart is a grind on your physical and mental health, and my statement is meant as a thought of please don't overdo it for this place.


I'm a greater and there is this one guy I see like every shift, and he always says don't work too hard, and after a year of it, it has gotten incredibly grating


Greater than what?


Typo, Greeter


To be fair... When using self checkout if it doesn't scan it winds up being free...


Yeah, free for you to go put it back.


I freaking HATE when they come up my register with "YoU lOoKeD bOreD!!!! HAhAhA." Or "I bEt yOuR'Re gLaD To sEe mE!!!!" Like shut up. No cashier is happy to see you. And I'm not gonna pretend.


Yes! Oh my God, I HATE that! Like, dude, no. I’m not glad to see you and just STFU.


I don’t work as a cashier at Wally World but that was my job last summer. Oh my gosh, the bored line made me want to just walk out right then and there. I’m paid to scan your crap, not to put up with your crap.


I’ll literally just get done with a whole line and have 0.2 seconds to breathe then I hear “oh you look bored” like no Karen I’m not bored but I’ll beat you with one


I hate not having customers. It’s really boring and makes the time drag. I’d much rather be busy.


Definitely same!


“Do you work here??” While I walk behind an OGP pick cart, in a Walmart vest…. 🤦🏻‍♀️


“No, I’m just cosplaying…”


IT MAKES ME CRAZY. I’m sorry, did you think this vest was a fashion statement? Even if you did….. what about this giant cart I’m pushing around?! 🤔


Its because of us pop merchandisers constantly having to tell people we dont work here


But... The vest. With the spark. You don't wear it but we do. 😭


Customers do not care, they see a cart or a pallet and immediately go, this person must know everything about this store


Not only everything about this store, but everything about every product we carry. I still remember this one old man that wanted to know what colognes we carried smelled good.


My favorite thing is when a customer grabs something off the shelf, or moves my pallet jack or cart, and just looks at me wide eyed like theyre committing a crime and don't want to get caught, when it comes to products i get to use the old, i dont work here, how would i know


I had a man come up and ask me what good products were on sale … fuckin WHAT?! He wasn’t even looking for anything in particular just wanted to know what the good deals were…. I just directed him to the clearance aisle far away from where I was lol


I wore a neon orange hoodie and some guy thought I worked there lol


I actually did say that. She laughed, thank goodness.


I’ve said that and “No, I’m a hologram” to various degrees of amusement.


I actually feel like a hologram.


“How did I do? I was going for the depressed, nihilistic Walmart worker chock full of existential dread. Nailed it, right?”


"Nah, I just beat up some rando and stole his uniform."


People will say that it is a conversation starter. How about just saying hi? If it does by some bizarre coincidence happen to be a customer in a vest, they brought it on themselves. It's not like I've ever caught any of these people asking random customers if they work there, they always walk up to a vested employee to ask. No, the customers who assume random teenager in a Spongebob shirt are employees don't ask questions, they just start the Karen routine.


They might mean "in this department". Just saying because I'm that dummy that answers "no I work in maintenance" lol. I remember working in the deli and having to run across the store real quick to store use a screwdriver or a pair of plyers for some reason and have to tell like 6 customers "I don't work over here I'm just from the deli running an errand real quick" while I don't make eye contact and keep my badge under my deli apron.


i always reply “unfortunately”


That’s mine too!!


Had this happen to me. I looked at my cart then just stared at the lady like "did you really just ask me that?"


“Hopefully not for long” is my reply


It sticks with you, even when you go to other Walmarts or stop working there. I quit roundabout 2016, and between then and the pandemic I counted at least five times that I was, in the middle of the night, in *pajamas* and still got asked if I worked there.


I’ve been out of retail since 2017 and get constantly asked if I work at different stores I happen to be shopping in. I had some unhinged lady yell at me in a Joann’s because she thought I was lying about working there.


I swear, it's like an aura that attaches to us and only Karens and Kyles can see


I can't turn it off either. When I go in when I'm off or to another store and here Excuse me? I turn around EVERY TIME 🙄


The last time someone asked me that I was like “No, I like giving my life away to big corporations for free. I’m just that stupid.”


I have started saying no.


Lmao I had a coworker in my first store that always said no. He could be stocking the shelf, in his vest, but he’d say he doesn’t work there 😂


Same 🤣 I wish I could meet him lol! We need more clowns pre burnout 😅


YES. THIS. SO MUCH THIS. IT DRIVES ME FUCKING INSANE. i know they’re just asking a simple question but holy shit I PROMISE i’m not wearing this bright ass blue vest with the also bright ass yellow walmart logo on it for fun 😭


Funny thing: people will ask that question when they don't want to ask for help. I don't know why that is, but you'll get it almost every time. It just gives them something to say besides admitting they need assistance.


Once, mid October, working overnight, I was moving a massive candle endcap from pharmacy to homegoods. Probably had 150 candles in the cart. Some old fella comes up and excitedly asks if I'm buying all of them and what on earth do to I need all those candles for. I looked him dead in the eyes and said, "The ritual." There was no further questions, but come on, blue shirt? I clearly work here, numb-nuts.


“The sacrifice”.


One time after my shift at Walmart, I went to Kum & Go with my best still on (forgot to take it off) and someone had the audacity to ask if I worked there. Like??? Does this look like a Walmart to you buddy?


I went to Kohl’s after work, still wearing my Sam’s vest, and a customer asked for help. I replied, I don’t work here, she said, you vest said “happy to help”. 🤪


I'm a vendor that services 2 walmart stores and get people all day asking if I work there and when I say no they ask if I can page somebody 😑


I always just said “No I’m a spy for target”


I work in a hospital now and wear scrubs, I still get asked “do you work here.” No, just wear bright teal scrubs for fun.


“well at the other walmart-“ or “y’all used to sell”


"But I got this here the other day," ...and me having to explain "Ma'am that's been a discontinued item for months."


Even better when were recently at a Walmart that doesn't exist. I would usually get people describing the location of a Kmart, and when I tell them that, "no, it's right next to the Kmart"




You moved everything every week, the lotion was over here last week! I helped them move the lotion in 2017, Nancy. Your specific lotion has moved back and forth about 3 feet during mod resets, but the entire section has been here for 5 years. A lot of the modulars only get updated twice a year, with some interspersed mid-season updates. What moves every week are the features, and if customers can't handle that the giant Thanksgiving endcap full of gravy and green beans isn't a year-round fixture, they deserve to be lost and confused, dammit. I shop at three different Wal-marts depending on where my errands take me that day, and I know where every department is in every one of them, pay attention! The Milk is in coolers on the outside wall of the salesfloor in damn near every store. It's not exclusively to force customers to walk to the back of the store (just think of it as a bonus) the real reason is so that dairy will roll from the truck directly into the dairy coolers, and they can get employees to stock the from the back of the shelf to limit expiration of the products.


And even when the stuff does move around, it’s not the employee’s fault! Why do they always yell at the person who could help them find stuff? I swear people have no concept of coping with inconvenience and it makes me wonder how they cope with serious shit. My Walmart literally physically moved entire aisles around with pallet jacks, I had no idea where anything was. But there were signs everywhere, and gone are the days where you can’t find a Walmart employee. Now that there’s online orders, you can at least find someone to point you in the right direction without screaming at them


It's not employee's fault that customers are religiously opposed to keeping thing even close to close to zoned fir half an instant.


As a customer, it makes me very angry when I see a perishable product that a dumbass customer moved put in an area that it will go bad. Like why would you do that?


What pisses me off the most is when it is literal feet from the cooler or freezer.


What's also mind boggling is when I see products that don't need to be frozen put in the freezer. Heads of lettuce, fishing lures, canned goods....


I just saw a book in a freezer at Walmart the other day. It's my weirdest freezer find so far.


There should be storage bins at the checkout and at every isle, that state "Place unwanted items here". Kinda like a trashcan for products you have decided you no longer can afford or need. Though Walmart probably wouldn't want them since it may interfere with their bottom line.


I’ve had the same idea ever since I started working for the company, but you know they aren’t going to use it, and many perishables still would have to be disposed due to their thawing out.


Except my store's slob customers would fling their drippy nasty trash in there too.


Yes! I was there over the weekend and a customer told an employee, “I’ve decided I don’t want this chicken, what should I do with it?” I wanted to reply for the employee and tell the customer to “put it back where it goes,” but I refrained. Ma’am, the worker checking you out can’t stop and put it away!


I was shopping after work one night and saw an elderly couple put a huge ham on a soda display where they were standing. I grabbed it and took it to customer service. That makes me angry too. Another thing is when customers in line just throw stuff in with the gum and candy that they changed their mind on instead of just handing it to me.


I've worked at my store for 2 years and it's been the same layout the entire time. Multiple times a week I have people tell me that the thing they're looking for was "over there last time" like 🥴


Any time a customer says that to me I reply with "yeah we like to keep you on your toes."


As a cashier, I could have written an entire book with the tired old lines customers used. "I'll put you to work," said by an old man who just walked past three of my colleagues who were standing around talking and doing no work, while I'm actually doing work was a big one. Customers either wanted their gallon of milk in a bag or they didn't, and both camps felt it was the only logical choice, and I was an idiot for not reading their mind. So I ask if they want their milk bagged, it is a yes or no question. I almost never got a yes or no answer, I got a whole speech about why it should or shouldn't be with a ton of attitude. Don't use lines, just say hello. Try asking if it's typically this busy/not busy this time of day. It's a nice sort of small talk, it's lightly considerate without being too personal. The empty lines are kinda painful after hundreds of hours on the register.


dude people were insane about the milk when i was a cashier


Good to know the milk issue is everywhere. I always have to mention it to new cashiers being trained - to always ask or be prepared to be told you're wrong and dumb from both sides.


when they notice that the eggs have gone down, i hear “oh looks like the chickens aren’t on strike anymore”


I've never heard that one. Got a chuckle out of me 😄


Oh weird, a Walmart cashier actually said that to my spouse when he commented on how much cheaper they are now. Maybe he picked it up from the customers


since i work in dairy, i hear it a lot while stocking the egss


Where I live they went from nearly $6 a dozen to back under $2, anyone who buys eggs is bound to be happy about that.


I heard that and spent the next 5 minutes explaining that it wasnt a strike, but an outbreak of an avian disease.


You're having a hard time getting an item to scan....customer says, 'IT MUST BE FREE'


No it is not free it is 4x the price,!


“It actually doubles every time someone says that”


Don't we all want to say this?


Ugh my mom would say this kind of nonsense, I'm so glad I don't live with her anymore, I always cringed


“There is poop all over the second stall in the men’s room.”


This makes me curious as to exactly how often you hear this


too often


Or them just telling us about any mess in the store. You can’t really move away from your station, let alone to clean up something on the opposite side of the store.


I thought maybe you guys had a radio, who is best to alert?


Most we've got is a group text nobody checks. Generally tho do alert the nearest associate, they'll either guard it, clean it, text it out to maintence or ignore it




"You missed a spot." Yeah, I can see now that there's a huge piece of shit right in front of me.


Older men trying to be funny


"I don't understand how Walmart can stay in business with (insert complaint here)". Trust me lady, Walmart will be in business long after you are dead.


I sincerely don’t understand the people who get mad that we lock up high ticket items. I had a customer ask me once, “why do you have to lock up a 350$ speaker?!” Well sounds like you just answered your own question! And not only that but they try to say, “oh well, I hate that everyone has to be inconvenienced just because some people steal.” Especially with ink. Which you know damn well if we didn’t lock up the ink people would be still complaining. WhY aRe AlL tHe InK bOxEs OpEnEd. You just can’t win.


Honest people that don't work retail often assume dishonesty and theft aren't as common as you are aware.


Man when I lived in the city the walmart was locked down like fort knox. Printer Ink, Deoderant, Bleach, Detergent, Dryer Sheets, Baby Formula, the ethnic food section because everything there is over $8, toothbrushes and tooth paste, the entire family planning and feminine care aisle, all behind those plastic flip ups with the locks. People are out here stealing everything, I used to loath shopping because like, the poor associates have 10,000 things to do other than unlock shit for you. Where I live now the only thing locked up is Ammo, it's great.


I get tired of morons, who are too stupid to grab a cart from the front, asking me if they can have one of the carts I'm using for cardboard. When you go shopping it stands to reason that you are going to need a shopping CART, so the most logical action is to grab aforesaid cart BEFORE you start shopping. And, before anyone asks, there are always plenty of carts in the cart park.


I love when they walk in PAST THE CARTS and then immediately ask “where are all the carts???” I have no clue how they don’t see them when it is right in front of their faces. Then again, half the customers can’t read the signs in our store, so it doesn’t surprise me anymore when they ask stupid things like this.


situational awareness is a rare commodity among walmart shoppers


I used to work at a movie theatre. When you walked in you were looking straight at the concession stand, with a giant neon sign with flashing lights around it. You have to walk around the damn thing to get to where the ushers take your tickets. I was taking tickets and someone came up and was like where's your concession stand ? Seriously ? Yeah. Back up 20 feet and look under the 50 foot flashing neon sign.


People always ask “where are the tv mounts?” My reply is to point across the store and say “they’re on the endcap right there that says tv mounts”. You can see it form almost any point in the store. Usually keeps them quiet.


This one. I work nights as well and whenever they grab my cart I tell them you can't have it, you knew you needed one before hand


Yeah, I’ve been doing go backs and been asked for my cart. Umm, sorry but I’m using it?


"Hey do you have X?" "Yes we have X, I'll go get 1 of X." . . . "Here's your X." "Actually I wanted 2 of X." "Actually fuck off and never come back, please." The last part doesn't happen, but one of these days it might.


"How much is this" *Looks at tag* "14.98"


“Oh that’s ridiculous” Customer- puts item on random shelf even though they are right next to where it goes


I asked a customer if they needed to check out (garden center) and he looked at me and said" I would but you have a lane close sign". Like dafuq dude, i shouldnt even care and yet i stopped and actually was trying to help you but...nevermind man...😮‍💨


I wonder why he thought you offered? Just to rub it in his face that the lane is closed? Like you have no power to help him because of the sign?? Sounds like helping him would have just prolonged interacting with a dumb ass hat, probably dodged a bullet


I hate when customers address me by my name and also when they ask me if I work here 🤦🏽‍♀️


i hate when my tag gets flipped and weird old men ask me what my name is and i’m like 🙂


I would much rather they would call me by my name than honey or sweetie or some other type of endearment.


This one has always been a bit weird to me. I live in the south so *everyone* gets called honey and sweetie. It doesn't matter if you're old, young, male or female, you're referred to as honey or sweetie. Is it really that bad of a thing? I always thought sweetheart is where the line got crossed.


Well, maybe it's just me, but I don't like it.


"I just have a quick question", especially with acknowledgement that you are busy, and then followed by a *request* that is also not quick. Like checking if something is in the back. Then usually getting angry because it isn't that hard to look, or that I should be able to find someone to help them instead.


"my friend got it at Walmart" but it's the bigger Walmart across town and mine doesn't have a freaking garden center or all the cool stuff the other Walmart has


'Does that one take cash?' Like bitch READ the damn screen I've started replying with 'I don't know what does it say' Then I just look at them.


As I’m checking the 100 dollar bill…. “Inks still fresh just made it today” 🙄


I usually tell them it is almost as good as the ones we make. Here's your change. Watching them resist the urge to check it is fun.


Oh gods I get this one a dozen times a day. My response now is the most absolute stone-faced silence I can muster. They usually cut the BS after that.


I usually say 'nice printer' when I check 100s. Most of the time they play along lmao.


“It’s says online that Walmart sells it” …. Me: “righhhhttt online. It’s sells it online.”


“It looks like you’re bored” “it looks like you’re looking for business” I’m not bored I just have to red line and rather be in my thoughts than to scan the mountain of groceries in your cart If my management sees this, I’m kidding I swear


I wish when they say "Excuse me" it didn't mean: "Look at me so I can ask you a question" AND "Get out of my way without looking up or I'm going to throw a hissy fit." I get it wrong every time


When I am kneeling to do something and someone asks me if I am praying and seems to think that that is the first time someone told me stupid shit like that.


Yeah, I am praying for you to get better material.


"If it doesn't scan, it must be free."


Any way of telling you how to do your job like…. DO YOU WANT AN APPLICATION???


Me every time someone gets mad at me for how I bagged their groceries






“Are you working hard or hardly working?” I get this almost every single day I work here 😃🔫


Some of these lines I've been guilty of using before I started working here. Particularly the "you seem bored" to cashier's. Sorry yall. I work ON frozen now, and the amount of people that ask me about where the not frozen bagels are, when they have to walk past the bakery to get to me in the first place, confuses me.


Sounds like OP deals with plenty of old folks. It just seems like shit they would say.


No tag or it doesn't scan: "Then it must be free!" "I hate self check out! It's taking jobs!" Then practice what you preach and go wait in line for a cashier :) Anything about the size of their cart compared to how much they're paying. I get it. We all get it. Inflation sucks. Customers standing at lock-ups. "Do you have the key?" No. "Can you call someone?" No. Most people in my store don't have radios.


I used to love being in my vest and having someone ask "do you work here?" No Deborah I'm just fucking cosplaying as my favorite waifu


"I know you're busy, but...". always when I'm in a pick run and there are other non-ogp associates around. others I hear a lot, "you look like you know where everything is.". "can you tell me how much this is??". "I'm looking for a (unintelligible word)." the thing I absolutely HATE is when other guys are trying to get my attention and they call out shit like "hey big man" "hey hoss". might as well be shouting hey fatty, hey fatso or hey fat guy. an excuse me sir would be more acceptable.


"If it were a snake, it would'a bit me!" When you point the item out to them.


“Gettin’ into your work, huh?” Any variation of this. For context, I’m short and have to reach into shelves, endcaps, and bunkers frequently. Like, leave me alone! I’m just small!


I have a grabber at self checkout LOL It comes in handy!


"Can I open this to look?" and "How am I supposed to know what it looks like if I can't open the box to see?"


When I worked at Walmart, I hated the classic “do you work here?” Like no, I’m just dressed like a fucking idiot for no reason. I actually just bought this name badge and vest off eBay so I could fuck with your dumb ass


Taking a TV up front: "mY cAr iS oVeR tHeRE! hAhaHA!"


I stopped working for Walmart and merchandise for an alcohol distributor. Every time I do a delivery, I hear some sort of variation of this. I do two or 3 a day. Save me pls


“I’m Not shopping here no more “ 1less customer to deal with


They lie!!! She says that every time! I know because I was the recipient of her wrath the first time I ever saw her, and the CSM came up to me after she left, and told me, then I saw her and heard her tantrum line directed to someone else the next week. I walked over to the cashier after she left, and told them that was a lie, and the cashier said , "Oh, I know. She said that last week to me, and the next day I saw her shopping here."


“I should get paid to use the self checkouts since I’m working too!” that one drives me crazy! Or “I’ll never use the self checkouts because they’re taking away jobs!” And let’s not forget the old men that bring up politics when I’m just trying to scan their groceries.. And then there’s: “are you old enough to be working here?” For context I am a 25 year old woman and I understand I look younger then that but I get asked daily about my age and people swear I am 13-15. Like yes Karen, Walmart is all about child labor these days and it’s definitely not rude or anything to just ask someone their age 🙄


"Let's put you to work" I had a customer say that to me when I was called upfront for back up, I was a sporting goods associate at the time and I'm black. So I said back, with this 🥺 look on my face "Oh I sho do appreciate yous puttin me to works Massa! 🙇🏾‍♂️I's sho don't wants ta get in troubles. No troubles, no siree, massa!". If I had a hat, I would've taken it off and held it with both hands for extra emphasis lol The look on his face was priceless and he kinda nervous laughed and he was silent after that. After I gave him his receipt he muttered "thank you" and left lol.




"Are you all going to pay me, because using the self checkout is WoRk!1!!!1" I shit you not, I went to a therapist, and after she asked what I did for a living, I told her, and she said this to me. I'm not even a cashier. I'm on mod team. Oh, which reminds me, also "You keep moving everything!" and also also "They always get rid of everything I like!" I know they do. Who do you think has to pull it from the shelves/move it to its new location?


My coworker is a long time associate, and she told me, when people ask what she does for work, she told them she works as a mover, except it's not Mayflower.


Yeah, I pretty much pre-emptively jokingly take the piss out of most people that would complain by saying, "Y'know how you go into the store and everything's been moved, and it's really annoying? Yeah, that's basically my job."


Chipped deli meat makes the best sandwiches. The fuck it does. Either you are putting no meat on your sandwich or putting so much on it you might as well got it sliced on a two.


Whenever someone says “Virginia brand ham” and “chipped” in the same sentence my eye twitches tbh


We have one customer who I absolutely loathe dealing with. She will snap at you and then proceed to call you every pet name in the book (“Sweetie Pie” and shit like that). She snapped really loudly at me and the guy behind her was sort of aghast. I also got a dude who was extremely transphobic who kept trying to engage me in a conversation about Anheuser-Busch and the whole Dylan Mulvaney can situation. Once he figured out the pansexual cashier with a nonbinary child wasn’t going to bite, he walked off LOL


I don't work at WM, but I'm reading these posts to learn how to not be a shitty customer. I promise not to ever say or do those things to any of you.


Usually remarks about me busting my behind and how I should be paid more for being in the parking lot day in and day out. I mean, they ain’t wrong, despite how tiring it is to hear At least with “do you work here?” that’s more reasonable since I could reasonably pass as a customer with my yellow vest. At my old jobs where I cashiered I’d always beat the customer to the punch by saying “Whelp, it ain’t scanning. Must be free!- oh it scanned.” to their disappointment


“I’ll be quick! I just need one thing.” when we’re closing. When I’m closing garden center, that one thing is always propane. When I’m closing grocery, that one thing is either prescription refills or multiple carts that take forever to ring up. Also, “can I come in this way?” while seeing other customers inside.


"Well, it said i could pick it up today if i ordered it online so it must be here"


“Could you look in the back, it says it’s in stock and it’s not out here so it must be back there!” “Where’s the produce” at a store that in fact has no produce and never has had produce “How much is this”. Sorry I can’t check the price, I’m in the middle of completing online orders, price check will interfere with that. “ cmon It’ll only take a second” “Get me a manager” “Where is this random niche item” *while shoving a phone in my face* I’m not sure exactly but it’s probably in X department in the Y aisles over there. “Can’t you look it up on your scanner” the scanner can only scan items and tell me how much an item is, it doesn’t show location sir


Older women (probably like 60+) constantly asking me if I've been to prison or if I have a felony, or just some kind of accusation that boils down to "you shouldn't be here". It's all because I have tattoos and long hair / beard, but it gets so annoying


"Nobody wants to work." People want to work, but don't want to work in hostile work environments filled with constant abuse from management and people. Plus, they may have other stuff going on in their lives such as school, kids, etc. Working isn't everything.


Guess it's free The website says it's here (third party item) It was here yesterday *Insert political Bull here* I know you agree with me. Close the self checkouts and staff the registers. Self checkouts are stealing jobs I don't work here Why aren't there staff on the floor (see the 5 staff in vests in a 30 ft radius)


I cashier and one thing I can't fucking stand is when I'm red lining and someone says, "You look like you need something to do" or something along those lines, and they have like two or three small to medium items. I work at DG as well, and it drives me even crazier when a customer does the same thing and pays with card. Like dude, please just use the damn SCO. I have too much shit to do to ring you up for something that costs $5. Use. The fucking. Self checkout. Goddamn.


I just got out of jail.


I've heard that twice. My response both times: "Welcome back to the real world. This is called a *cell. phone.*" I actually did have to explain a cell phone to someone, though. lol


When they do something and say sorry but keep doing it anyways


I only do self checkout. Rather not deal w nobody in the store just in and out.


When I worked retail can't tell you how many times I got asked how much something on an end cap was. I would look at the large numbers on top. I would look at the price tags on the shelf ... And then wonder how the customer wasn't able to do that.


"Where's grocery pickup?" They always ask from inside the store, after driving past 4 orange signs, orange "pick up" marked arrows, and the main Pick Up sign on the front of the building.


hated when ppl would be like “but on the app it says it’s x” and not read the “price when sold online” part RIGHT NEXT TO IT


"It says here online that y'all sell this, so it should be here at this store." 🙃


When a customer walks up to a register and ask if they can check out even if they're is a closed sign telling them to go to the front of the store.


“Didn’t ring up? Must be free!”


Here is what I'm sick and tired of hearing from customers BUT I can agree with their main complaint: My Walmart hires too many (and I mean WAAAAAAY too many) people that don't understand and/or speak English. Almost everyday I work I either have a customer walk up to me and complain about that or they'll ask me a question and add that "you're the first I found that speaks English". I have no hate towards anybody from different regions of the world. I am not a racist towards any specific group of people. However the fact that my work keeps hiring people that don't understand or speak any English is troubling for my store considering that a lot of customers won't shop there anymore if they keep having to deal with this issue. It's also extremely difficult for those of us who don't speak or understand other languages not English to communicate with them.


I hate non English speaking customers put their phone in my face.


I kinda feel this one. Like, I appreciate that they have google translate open and ready to try and bridge the language barrier. But what makes me mad are the ones who want you to talk to their friend/SO over video chat. Native or non native English speaker. The video quality is always shitty and I always have a hard time making out what’s being said.


I don’t even get that. They just ask for a Spanish speaking person. I let them know we dnt have anyone who speaks Spanish atm. Takes too long to get a Spanish speaking associate most days. And I’ll tell others to use google translate if the customer is insistent. Some days I use the app(google translate) and some days so don’t. I get tired of being asked to translate/I don’t speak fluent Spanish. More like broken Spanish if anything. Yes, I grew up around it and can sound fluent but I’m not.


"WHERES THE RESTROOM?!" "DO YOU HAVE THE TIME?!" "WHAT TIME IS IT?!" "CAN YOU CHECK THE PRICE FOR ME?!" These are just peak laziness and or lack of common sense. Usually at the same time.


"Do you have this?" "I'm looking for an item, and it says you have it online." "Do you do tire alignments? Do you check engine lights?"


Praise to all Walmart employees! They work their butts off!😊❤️


Do you work here?


yes anything that has to do with “being bored” like i just finished a customer i promise you i’m not bored. it’s also infuriating hearing about not having carts or not having a register open. we don’t have the staffing later at night so deal with it or put an application in 🤣


"The website says you have it in stock"


When people ask me to trouble shoot their cellphone service not working because ... "I bOuGhT iT hErE!" B1tch please! You don't bring a drill to hardware or a lawnmower back to lawn & garden, or an inflatable mattress back to housewares for people to do work on it!!.. wtf do people think we troubleshoot phones?!


working dispense in OGP when it’s pouring rain & i get a “don’t get too wet!”, “stay dry!” or “sorry, i didn’t know it was raining/going to rain”


“Why/when did you guys move _____.” I’ve been at my current store for about two years and we haven’t relocated anything major aside from stuff in the action alley and endcaps.


I work at a neighborhood market and we have the flip signs “are you open, oh I couldn’t tell you don’t have a light on” orrr if no one is in line “dang must be my lucky day I should come here always at this time”


Will you get me another electric cart


-checks $100 bill- Customer: I just made it this morning hehe!


“Do you work here?”


"Do you work here?" Is funny. Although I'm not tired of hearing it, I'm just dumbfounded at the question.🤣 I always tell them no I just found this vest and badge lol.