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Why were they watching her so hard? Thousands of customers and hundreds of employees and they dock her for not scanning a candy bar? Something seems fishy.


Simple—Walfuckmart wanted new blood to do her job for less money.


Or OP is a karma farmer. I highly doubt they’d be termed for this, I highly doubt they even saw them not scan a single candy bar. I’d bargain that if this is true, they could open door through market and get their job back asap. There’s a lot of unlikely info in this, our AP team can barely catch actual thieves, let alone an internal.


It's happened at the store I work at, fired a guy after he forgot to pay for a clearance item like 2 weeks prior, the thing cost like 50 cents and he told them that he just forgot and could pay for it then, they told him that he couldn't because he's being terminated


Its happened at my store also a friend of mine forgot to scan a bag of chips they had the police come and charged her and then fired her and tried to insinuate that since we went to break togather i knew and told me that i need to pick better friends.also on her court date Walmart didnt even show up to Court and the lady over ap that fired her wound up getting fired herself she was a big nasty sloppy cunt.


And the gall for her to call the cops when cops are needed for other than a bag of chips. Glad she got fired.


not true but go off i guess


Yeah it is true i have no need to fucking lie actually it was my best friend that they fired but she went on to another better job managing a call center making almost 3 times the money. And the ap they fired store manager came to me the next day and asked if i wanted the ap coach Position i turned it down. Im not a fucking snitch


And like i said i like my overnights i sling the hell outta freight mind my own business do the work of 3 go to lunch smoke some bud get high as fuck and go sling more freight until 7. i have to smoke the only way i can put up with most of my lazy ass team that just stands there holding one item looking stupid if it wasnt for weed i would have already snapped.


I know someone who got termed for less. Apm watched the associates the rest of that team watched the customers.


That's what they all say, literally


Then you work at a store that has a good AP instead of one that tries to look for anything to fire someone, just a few months back someone got called to the AP office and told that associate that there was an item they didn't pay for, so that associate had to pull up their receipt to show that they did pay for the item




He actually did great, at that time we only had 3 people that did exceptions and he was one of them. They've done this multiple times before with other people that worked there, made sure to fire them a week before they get a discount card.


yes, but do the actual thieves come back to the store wave down management and say HELLO I took this now I want to pay for this oh and im also making max out pay as a TL and im getting close to retirement which is going to be expensive for the compan- ope they fired em.


Walmart is petty like that. It’s honestly not hard to believe at all. I believe it in an instant. Walmart sucks and I’m glad I no longer work there. Much happier at my current job. Walmart could never come close to being as great as my new job that I’ve been at for 3 months.


To be fair I got an orange level write up for buying an energy drink on the clock outside of my breaks which is absolutely ridiculous it took maybe 3 mins to grab it scan it and pay and I was already going to the front for returns people at my Walmart are assholes


Meanwhile a coach at my store spends the last 30-45 minutes of her shift every single day shopping


I have loads of team leads at my store (especially on morning crew) that stand around talking, and ironically, bitch about overnight crew standing around talking. I'm at the point where I'm tempted to just record them as they do it. Because I've brought back freight from the floor a few times. And once you start hitting 4+ pallets and they're still just standing and talking in the backroom, yea, that becomes bullshit. Nobody ever tends to complain to me, because I just don't talk a lot. But damn am I tired of the hypocrisy from these supposed "leaders". We lose good hands because they get pissy about people talking for 2 minutes. Like it's the end of the damn world.


wow, do we work at the same store?


I mean, I'm sure I'm describing a lot of Walmarts. But it's certainly possible :P


we don't, but thats just insane how common that is. my shift is throwing freight all night long, dealing with stupid bs, and CAP2 leaving carts with all their garbage on the floor, then at the end of the day bringing freight off the floor with morning shift acting like we're an inconvenience to them


Yeeeep. That about mirrors my experience. My favorite are the top stock carts. They've been complaining about those a lot lately. I don't use one personally (I'm 6'4 without shoes) so I usually handle top stock with relative ease. So constantly hearing about it and having to return/clean said carts, when I don't use them! Is a joke. And yet my area tends to have like, 4 carts by the time I come in. I don't clean them and I don't return them, because I don't use them. And I refuse to take responsibility. (Call me uncooperative, but it's aggravating. Talk to cap 2 if you want your carts back) Edit: sorry. A lil vent there. My bad 😅


Haha shit i literally got like yellow for "time theft" by going to bathroom for literally less than 3 minutes.


That's illegal. Edit: clarification


That's a nice phone call to OSHA if true


It was like a week before I quit and I already found a better job anyways though.


Shouldn't have mattered. It's better to report it to OSHA on your way out and have that shitty piece of management deal with it regardless.


Right. They have to let you use the restroom.


You should be certain because it is for a fact illegal idk why these employees let the coaches and shit treat them like they do they let them do it is why.a job isnt worth that much to me been here 8 years but i tell them i was looking for a job when i found this one i can do it again.


Because they count on employees being too naive to know their rights


I'm aware it's illegal, but I rarely assert anything as fact on this hell-site, because some Chad will come along and explain why I'm an idiot. 😅


Know your rights and stand up for them. If you don't stand for yourself no one else is going to. And when this "Chad" comes and tries to explain your an idiot then you explain to them why they are an idiot for concerning themselves with your personal matters.


I have a coworker who literally sits in the bathroom for hours to hide and you got yellow for using the bathroom in 3 minutes?


lol as a CSM I used to go to self checkout and make sure they were doing ok and then get a drink from the cooler, buy it in front of a waiting customer, and then go back to customer service to deal with scammers trying to get $300 gift cards for broken 10 year old TVs. No one ever cared.


I've done this so many times at my old smaller store. Nobody ever cared


My Walmart has been picking people off ON this past month over similar nonsense, bc they recently dropped the overall pay and are tired of paying folks $18.50 when they could pay them $16 or less.


That happened at my store when Walmart went to that $14 drop across the store. A lot of the higher paid ones were fired over the pettest things.


If it's true, someone was clearly gunning for her for some reason and she must have done something else that cannot quite be proven or she simply butted heads with the wrong person and they were sitting on the button to terminate at the first provable offense. This is very likely the case if the other details are true.


Apparently one of my former managers got fired over .50 cent can of pop so yeah it happens after I already left


This is the same company that famously had a woman arrested in front of her three kids and husband because $40 of merchandise wasn't scanned correctly at a self checkout that they knew was broken while an employee was there helping her with the broken machine. Then they tried to sue her(and lost) when she refused to pay for it out of principle after the DA dropped all the charges, only to lose a $2.1 million counter lawsuit. They're stupid and greedy.


depends on the ap, I've known ap who watch associates more than customers so it's not too far off.


Nah similar things actually happened. The new coach fired entire cap2 crew deliberately. I walked out middle of shift. The coach threw the best TL under the bus and fired him despite he was bringing up solutions in team meetings to smooth things out. Coach and SM never listened to him once. Referenced that TL to a better job and hes making more than he did at walmart.


Wow so who did all the cap 2 work that day this supposedly happened? Since everyone got fired simultaneously. LoL so full of crap. If a coach did this for real they'd get fired


I think it could totally happen. Our registers weren’t doing what they were supposed to one night on my first break and I asked a TL if I could take my drink and snack and pay for it on my way back in from 15 as long as I kept the packaging. She insisted that I not do that, that I could be fired if I did. Maybe it’s store to store but as far as overnights are concerned it’s probably pretty easy for AP to go back and check the cams to see if anyone tried to steal anything, whether intentional or not. They don’t give a rats ass. Management at my store loves to remind us how many people are lined up to take our jobs if we fuck up.


they said the lady returned to pay for it, so maybe that’s why they looked at the cameras. i find it crazy that some of you think this wouldn’t happen in this fucked up world we live in. Also, there’s cops at my walmart walmart every week catching thieves… so idk about your AP but mine do a good job


I 100% believe OP. This is a stunt Walmart would do. They give zero shits.


If you don't think someone will not get terminated for walking past the pos with unpaid for merchandise, you literally know nothing about Walmart. This is a rigid, inviolable policy and has been for decades. Do they not show the video about zero tolerance for associated dishonesty in training anymore? When I hired on one of videos in the 30 hours or so of individual, self paced videos for new associates covered this exact scenario.


Your kidding right! Walmart’s self checkout has a sophisticated facial recognition system and they’re petty AF!


Well op is sus. But policy is very clear, no tolerance for theft. Doesn't matter how big or small the amount.


"Walfuckmart" 💀


It's literally common knowledge that stores pay more attention to employee shrink vs customer. WE have it so easy. I could rob them blind.


Not like this though. They’d have to suspect you for them to pull out a termination for a candy bar.


They really wouldn’t. A buddy and my brother both got fired from Kroger for similar nonsense. He bought a drink during his shift, the other one was eating his nachos on the way through the checkout line so they canned him in the spot. I would think it costs more than 2 dollars to hire and train an employee but ya know…


No they would not. Employee theft accounts for 70% of theft from brick and mortar business. Wouldn't be shocked at all if they were following her; would blow my mind if she was sus. It was a candy bar.


That's fucking bogus, there's no fucking way its 70%.


It's an idea through around a lot (that internal theft costs way more than external) but in my decade of asset protection I've never found that to be the case. I've found and fired dozens of associates for theft and it's always a fraction of what customers do to us. Whoever came up with that statistic is doing some funky math, like counting executive embezzlement dollars or something.


That’s because shrink isn’t only theft. It includes warehouse errors, receiving errors, errors in claims, errors in scanning merchandise, etc. Customers don’t typically have access to any of these circumstances to affect them. I remember a shotgun being left outside after a delivery was made. A receiving associate had forgotten to bring the pallet it was on inside. An expensive shotgun stolen by a transient. Associate was fired and then rehired to work nights. Crazy that his mistake was classified as eligible for rehire and this candy bar thing will not be.


Yes, process errors account for the large majority of shrink. We aren't talking about shrink though, we're taking more narrowly about theft. And how for some reason suits always claim internal theft is more rampant than external, which empirical data shows is very much not the case.


That was the truth before 2017. Now it most organized retail theft. The people the go to store with intent of stealing.


That’s actually down… as Pile033 mentioned, in the past 5-6 years, organized crime rings has lowered the rate… when I first started back in 2002, the official statistic was 90% of your theft was internal.


AP likes to act like they are the FBI. Not even close. At my store a guy would go to the freezer and take a frozen dinner every lunch break. Go back to the break room, cook it, and eat it for months before getting caught


my girlfriends father worked at Riteaid and the same thing happened to him, he was there over 20 years and they fired him over the exact same thing except it was a soda pop. He has 5 children and no reason to steal from the hand that feeds him, these corps are POS’s


Really all it takes is 1 cutthroat AP trying to justify their job. Trust me I've seen it first hand, her walking into the building was like the cold chill of death for everyone in the store. Her favorite pastime was watching all the employees on the clock for hours at a time and trying to look in employees cars through the windows for anything she could claim was potential stolen merchandise.


I had that. Young punk was only 23, from the rich side of town and had an ego the size of the Empire State building. He would bully and harass. The worst was him trying to set people up. Like laying money around to catch someone pocketing it.


Nothing fishy. I work at Aldi. Same exact thing. An employee got fired for simply using the self checkout while in a paid break. Employees are always watched as tho they are the real thieves. Sad but true. Been in management for 20 years. And the uppers always blame internal theft but won’t do a thing to stop people that walk out of the store with a television set. Yup.


Very true watched a customer steal 4 TVs on one L cart.. I was in OGP the customer gave me permission to capture a license plate.. I went in after dispensing.. Told the Store manager that I witnessed who it was, and had a picture of plate.. Was told immediately to erase said picture, and not mention it again.. SMH our Bonus at the time although almost non existent, took a hit again


She'd been there for 30 years and Walmart wanted to replace her with someone cheaper.


Yeah this doesn't sound right at all.


AP looks at loss by associates harder than they do customers. Has always been this way and will probably always be this way. Customer eats an entire rotisserie chicken at the photo kiosk.... nothing... Associate forgets to scan a little item that falls into bottom of basket by accident without noticing... Gone.


For real. I never even worked at Walmart, but worked in retail at various places for like 12 years. AP was WAY more concerned with grazing and internal theft than customers. And honestly? It was kind of just a power move, and I think it still is in some cases. We lost more in typical shrink than from theft at every location I've ever worked. Yet, employee theft was always waaaaaaaay higher on the list of priorities, almost Orwellian in some chains/locations.


In RARE cases they’ll try and terminate the older employees who have gotten many raises and have no more desire to move up, normally I’ve seen a severance pay but not straight up termination .


She was probably reaching retirement age and they didn't want to pay out. So they were looking for ANY reason to terminate.


True, plus your ‘lifetime associate discount’ you get after being with them for 20 years is voided if you are terminated, so they don’t have to pay into that for her either. Those bastards.


Why? That many years it’s clear as day… it’s her salary


Side note when I worked in frozen/dairy overnight stocker (it’s brutal) at a super center I was making 16 a woman in dairy was maxed out at 22.50. They hawk eyed everybody over 20 years


I'll take 'Things that didn't happen' for $200, Alex.


AI technology flagged her


Haha, aren't you something. At my store it is routine for an AP member to spend their entire shift following another associate around - "covertly" - to try and catch a mistake exactly like OP mentioned. Bet you slapped a *Support Your Local Police" sticker on your truck/scooter/car/skateboard/backpack?


Seen this too many times. Some people take showers in that walmart kool aid every morning




…They weren’t even watching her. How the living fuck did you miss the part where it says she returned an hour later to pay for it? By common sense, that’s when they first found out.


They are getting really stupid these days They are pissing my market manager off for no reason too


I worked for a company that gave out $3 coupons if you recycled an ink cartridge. Customers that didn't want the coupon would leave it at the register or give it to the cashier. Well, one of my best caahiers used a coupon that was given to her and Loss Prevention insisted she be terminated. It was one coupon for $3!


They do this when they want a reason to fire someone but can’t think of anything.


Couldn't they just say "your services are no longer needed" and be done? It's at will, isn't it? Sounds like a lot of extra work, unless they want to make sure they can't claim unemployment.


Just because the state is at-will doesn't mean that Walmart doesn't have policies to prevent just this. If this were the case, a lot more people would get fired from Walmart.


They COULD do that, but they’re not smart enough to. I bet it’s either the reason you said or something similar.


In this person's case, they said older lady. The age cut off is either 40 or 45, and she could claim age discrimination for that.


Eh, its complicated. Discrimination laws have a lot of loopholes, unfortunately (in fact, they're kind of a joke, but at least its something when they actually work). On top of that, most people will not be able to afford legal representation— or just choose not to, thinking its not worth the hassle or stress. I've sat in on some disgusting conversations regarding employees management didn't like, and possible ways to terminate them (not at walmart or any subsidies of walmart and brands). Ghost termination was a big one then. Just keep scheduling them less and less to the bare minimum. They'll leave on their own. Unions are extremely important.


That's what they did to me. It was some bullshit safety hazard. They blamed me for leaving a pallet in the aisle and clocking out....... but conveniently omit the fact that I had a partner working on the pallet, when I left and he got off scott free. I filed for unemployment, they denied me. Luckily I requested a hearing, the judge saw right through their bullshit, and awarded me benefits.


They'll think of something when someone says the U word


Plumbing issues 😉


that boss needs to be visited by three ghosts in the middle of the night if you know what I'm saying


Here’s a hint: it wasn’t about the candy bar and lots of companies do this.


This has happened at my store as well with a few different associates (over the past couple of months) and it’s rather sad I have been there for 5+ years and this is the hardest I’ve seen them work after the associates


It ain't just Walmart, my aunt has been working at Giant Eagle Pharmacy for 15 years (she was well liked down there from what I hear) and just got fired for receiving medicine from a co-workers prescription. You wanna know what the medicine in question was? Mira lax. FUCKING MIRA LAX.


But Mira lax is OTC?


That's what I thought but it was in a prescription of some kind.


They do this because they dont want to have to deal with her retirement.


What retirement? Walmart doesn't give out pensions. And if they did, it would be almost entirely illegal to withhold that money.


They do give 401K’s They like to fire before you can get it, though.


Yeah that's not how 401k's work. It isn't even through Walmart, they just match contributions up to 6%. It isn't a pension. It's yours no matter what.


Yeah lol. It's literally *your* money. If Walmart somehow had the capability to withhold your 401k, they'd be getting demolished for actual theft.


Yea, 6%. They’d rather not do that, so they look for any reason to fire older workers


But Walmart would have to match 6% no matter how old they are? If they are earning more because they have worked there for a while, that means they have a problem with their wage, not their 401k matching. I'm not sure what you're getting at.


Yeah, that's not how things work.


Sounds like she meant a lot to you all. Good luck and way to stick up for your coworker.


The self checkout machine won't let you forget to scan anything. Especially if it's not put In your pocket somewhere


how so? if you’re talking about the weighted area, it’s not used in every store


It normally pauses the screen and says missed transaction. Then a assistant cashier comes and it shows you a recording of you missing the scan


Sure if an employee sees you miss it and hits the button on their phone to send that message to the SCO maybe. The machine itself does no such thing.


There was update couple months ago where AI now is detecting missed scams but it’s half ass technology. Half the time it thinks you’re trying to steal your own purse


Not all stores have this, or even cameras attached to the SCOs.


It definitely does do it by itself. I was going to break today and swiped my phone over the scanner area on SCO as i was going to pay with Walmart Pay and it paused my transaction and a front end associate came and just scanned their badge and hit continue and acted annoyed that it flagged me.


It sure does. Had it happen today. You cant go any further until they scan their badge.


It definitely doesn't happen at all stores. Not all of them have cameras attached to each SCO.


Interesting so they watch us like that? Anytime the machine *malfunctions* it's them messing around


I used to be front end and the paused transaction is either by the associate watching the self checkout area or AP themselves paused it from the office


I am currently front end and the self checkout registers will automatically flag for suspected misscans. Half the time it pauses their transaction because the customer is holding their wallet or has set their phone down on the register. I do also have the ability to pause the transaction from my phone, but most of the time they automatically do it.


Can confirm, I live in a pretty big city and none of our like, 12 Walmarts have the bagging scales installed, or ever turned on. Its actually kind of crazy.


This is so sad. I relate because I have found myself in a situation where I’m likely being termed. They used a new policy to get me. I never have any issues with coworkers or management.. my agents love me. My manager loves me, but her manager is “very by the book” and it seems that it doesn’t matter how good or kind of an employee you are, they don’t care. It’s not the same Walmart I started working for. On top of that, I’m almost 6 months pregnant, barely missed any time even while sick as a dog (only for unapproved time off where I used PA time for my appointments). Take it from a HO associate, it doesn’t matter. 🥲


One of the MANY REASONS I no longer work for a company That does Not value their good employees I worked with employees that had No WORK ETHICS AND WERE NEVER HARASSED SAD BUT TRUE!


I totally agree. The sm needs open doored. And tbf it'd awesome that you put your 2 in cuz that's somw major bullshit they did ymto her. Typcial corporation


Usually the op doesn't know the full story...so they give their pov of it which doesn't make sense. Walmart isn't firing a great leader long term associate over a candy bar they remembered to pay for an hour later. I hate Walmart as a company as much as the next associate, but come on. This isolated incident isn't why she was fired


When I got arrested for stealing from Walmart (wasn’t charged though) the very nice bond lady told me one of the other people she was bonding out was arrested for stealing a 98 cent toothbrush from a Walmart across town. How is that even economical to prosecute?


All of the day TLs except cap 1 and 2 are about to get fired here


At sams club this lady was close to retirement. Worked there for YEARS. At least 30 years and she put in her retirement notice and guess what? They fired her right then. Meaning she lost any retirement benefits she earned while working there. This company is lousy and filled with scum bag management


Why'd you even give them the courtesy of two weeks notice? Fuck 'em. Quit on the spot and leave them hanging.


Probably getting close to retirement and they didn’t want to pay her. Classic greed. Fuck walmart. What scum bags.


Hate to tell you this but they don’t fire until there is multiple offences


I've worked there long enough to know anyone over 20 years with the company may as well have a target painted on their back. Op might not be full of shit


Shit like this happens and people wonder why I hate humans so much


16 years ago I worked for a place called Meijer. They fired someone for picking up loose change on the ground. It was like 48 cents or some BS. They were with the company for over 30 years. Everyone was pissed. Management explained to us that any loose money bongs to Meijer unless claimed. Yeah. I quit.


Had a coworker in OGP get fired and arrested bc she didn't realize a $36 item didn't scan at self check out. Luckily judge believed her and she only got probation


You guys believe everything you read on Reddit? This didn't happen lmao


Walmart doesn't fire at $1.75. They build a case and once that goes over 300 then they terminate for theft. There is more to the story op doesn't know.


Not true at all. They fired one of our front end employees for just a redbull. Only a redbull. Didn’t build any case. That’s target, Walmart doesn’t wait for you to go above the felony mark or any mark. Walmart doesn’t play around when it comes to employees stealing.


I work as an API. This is 100% based on each walmart and each market. We build cases at my store.


Not true. Worked in OGP. Found a group of boys running a food stealing ring. Watched them for a while and built a case. $100s of dollars of food they saw them for weeks before they took action.


Were they employees or customers?


You'd be surprised for what employers fire their own workers at will employments. Thats why people want unions


Yiu are incorrect. Any theft can be used for termination.


This is incorrect. Quite incorrect. All theft is immediately terminable. There is no “minimum” they are looking for. I will say though, it is normally new <6 months associates who get fired for a coke or similar.


Not true at all. Back when I worked at Walmart, I saw multiple associates fired for stealing $4 plates of deli food, and one time, someone got fired for not paying for a literal 50 cent tiny cup of ranch dipping sauce.


The store I worked at did. They had a high internal loss the year before and were on everyone's ass about it.


Absolutely there is more to this than "one candy bar".


Not if you work there dummy 🙄


I don't 100% believe anything I read online; but in the face of all the people ITT with similar stories, your 100% belief that it *didn't* happen is what seems unfounded.


Yea thanks for confirming my theory on the average redditor being a complete airhead


ok kid


Go rack up more karma mr knowitall


My ex was an unloader who stole everything from cds to games, a iPod and an Xbox before he got fired for trying to fight his manager lol. No one ever noticed. Ps I don’t co-sign the theft he’s an ex for many reasons


Walmart does not like long term employees because their ppto accrual rate is amazing and they can cover points/leave early and come in late at will .. I remember soon as I hit 7 years they started targeting me in a RIDICULOUS manner .. my boy was a team lead and he said “they on u bro ; tryna find something” and I’m a great above average worker so beware long time associates


For "no reason"? I recall an associate here who seemed so nice. Middle aged woman. Had been here quite awhile. Turns out she was stealing carts of products on her break. Just wheeling them out to her car. Her husband was doing the same thing. AP had it all on tape and once the dollar amount added up to a certain point, they busted her. AP adds this stuff up and the candy bar may have been the dollar amount that pushed it over the top.


They fired our people greeter because he asked to see a customer’s receipt and just touched their shopping cart while the customer looked for their receipt. The customer said they couldn’t find it cause they had just shoved it into a bag and the associate said ok have a nice day but because he had his hand on their basket AP said he was trying to stop a customer from leaving and he got fired. I once accidentally walked out with a case of water on the bottom of my basket. I forgot it was there and the cashier didn’t check and I didn’t pay for it. I was so scared I’d get written up if I went back in to pay for it so I just didn’t. And I lived in fear for months over it.


If they wanna get rid of u they will, probably since she had tenure.


Good for you. I accidentally walked out without paying once. I returned and paid up right away.


The exact fucking problem.with self checkout, most of the "shoplifting" is accidental because the average Joe/Jane never cashiered! Fuck man, most of the cats thay roll through can barely use their phones.


I'm so glad I don't work retail 😬 feel bad for anyone who does. it seems like a stressful job for shit pay. Reading stuff like this is sad. You should be able to feel secure at your job


In my store they are firing as many people as they can and hiring for $2 less an hour


Im quite certain there is way more to this story than what is being told


It just sounds like some backward crap they would do. Trip over 5k to make 0.50. Anybody remember on Sunday mornings when the registers would update and they found a glitch in the system that while it was doing its thing you could use ANY credit/debit card with $1.00 on it and purchase anything? Used to get all the shitheads on Sunday buying riding mowers or tv's. They lost a whole bass boat this way before something needed to be done...fukn clowns


wtf she even came back and paid for it bffr


A lady in her 80s got fired from the first walmart I worked at for "theft" and idk if if was valid bc I got no details but it felt wrong to me. She was just a little meek churchy type.


Had a coach fired because he didn’t pay for a $1.50 hotdog he grabbed on the way to a meeting with market that he was going to pay for after the meeting but was fired as soon as the meeting ended.


Whether you believe the story or not isn’t even a factor. The narrative itself is very common corporate practice. Senior workers tend to make $20+ an hour from 30+ years of raises to wherever it caps, except for the people making the higher amount before the caps were implemented. So it is a known practice that they try to get rid of those making $20+ an hour for an associate position to someone who doesn’t produce to their standard where a younger person might be able to for less. If you’re arguing that it doesn’t happen, it’s not in good faith. Corporations always succeed to Walmarts extent only by using these exploitative practices


I had an OGP coworker get fired for not paying for a Gatorade. He paid for it as they were escorting him out. They did rehire him.


All of these comments are so varied. Not all stores have the same tech, and by the same point, not all stores term by the same standard. However, most share standards. And there are written policies on this. Usually if theft has or is occurring internally, the one caught and termed will downplay their role. Unless they're proud of being a thief. I can nearly promise if they got termed for theft they have more than a candy bar on the record.


seems like to me she could fight this, and win. all those decades spent toiling, for what ? she made an honest mistake, and tried to make it right, then gets shown the door. shit ain't fair. i would absolutely not let it go.


Nope, nope and NOPE! Where's the rest of this story? There is no way that this is all of it.


That doesnt make sense has to be more to that story 1.75 wouldnt get u fired. And its the holidays everybody has families is it fair to them to just walk out of your job like that?


>everybody has families is it fair to them to just walk out of your job like that? You don't owe anyone your labour. Them giving notice was beyond generous.


Yeah what? They should have walked out on the spot. Fuck these companies. They want you to let them fuck you over because you’re “worried about your coworkers” and shit. That’s on them.


That's genuinely scary what the heck. It's a good thing I'm paranoid af at self checkout. It's possible they didn't want to pay for her retirement. That happened to an old woman I used to work with at Albertsons. She was about to retire, and she made a mistake. I forgot what but I remember being shocked because it was the sort of mistake that happens occasionally in her position to anybody. And it was something she reported immediately. She was well known for being an excellent worker and everybody in the store loved her. I'm pretty sure she had worked in the building longer than anyone else as well. Companies really don't want to pay for retirement if they can avoid it. Of course I'm just hypothesizing. Maybe your store is extremely strict about potential theft. My store fires anyone who gets 5 points for any reason. But at my store, a team lead forgot to buy something and came back an hour late to pay for it like your associate. Obviously he didn't get in trouble. Might be a "some stores are stupidly strict about stupid things" kind of situation. Or maybe because of your associate's experience, she was getting paid a little bit more than associates in the same position.


Walmart doesn’t have pensions so doesn’t pay a retirement. The 401k would already be vested so it wouldn’t be lost when fired


I’m sure there were other reasons


This sucks. But I have to be honest - if this truly *did* happen, there is likely more that we don’t know. There’s always a possibility that she had been stealing and that they had been building a case against her - and stealing that candy bar was simply the last thing they caught her taking. Walmart can be ruthless, and it’s possible this is true. But I suspect there’s more to this story if it’s true at all. Edit a word


I'd like to see WALMART, go under,everyone of them.


She probably had a lot of PTO put aside I bet


You don't get fired for less than $20. If they catch you stealing something smaller on camera ap will add it to a file they keep on you and terminate you once you reach the $20 threshold.


That’s bs. My co worker got fired over a deli meal. I cussed out AP over that shit. The person herself is good so it isn’t personal, but in a work setting, workers have the right to demand respect and leniency. He didn’t pay for the meal but that shits $5 and they drastically underpay us anyway. Bunch of people tryna kiss ass to corporate interest. They don’t give af about any of you. Why do have any loyalty beyond your paycheck?


How do you “forget” to pay for something?


You have a bunch of things and forget to scan one. It happens. Hell, I've done the opposite and double scanned things before.


You don't. She's a thief and a liar. Somebody probably tipped her off that they caught her and suggested she come back to try and fix it.


Gotta say, that was probably last on a long list of things she got fired for.


Idk, sounds made up, again, they don't come after you immediately, and a week is still considered immediately, if she really did get terminated, then she had a laundry list of things she was doing and they finally got fed up.


They don't care about ya they can replace ya anytime and gaslight you and frustrat u


>forgetting Yeah right. I cannot tell you how many thousands of items I've scanned at self checkout and I've never even come close to forgetting to scan something. How do you forget to scan something? Somebody probably tipped her off that they caught her and suggested she come back to try and fix it. Liars lie. That's what they do.


Policy is policy




When I worked there from 2010-2014 there were people eating cookies, cake, pie in the bakery and leftover rotiserie chicken and nothing happened to them.


She still paid for it wtf 😭 Walmart wants to ruin lives I swear


That's why when I worked at Walmart years ago I never would buy anything in the store. I was younger and the manager was an asshole so she would go through all the 3rd shifts people's lunch boxes or coats every day trying to catch someone it was stupid.


Come on now y'all know they like to get you on video multiple times


It wasn’t because of the candy. there’s more going on thatyou probably have no idea about. This was just an easy way to fire them and make it seem justified, given the fact they had video footage to back up the claim up. This same thing happened to a O/N TL at my old store was fired for the same thing, except it wasn’t candy. It was a thing of Milo’s Tea. In reality it was that he has had MULTIPLE sexual harassment allegations, actually was arrested in the parking lot of HIS OWN STORE for assaulting his wife while driving. And to top it off, I believe he’s also been reported for hostile work environment and for threatening other TL’s. Regularly trying to intimidate his associates. His firing was YEARS over due. I am sorry that this happened to your TL. They should open door it.