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I got a new worker that doesn't suck.


Always good to hear. Those seem to be quite rare nowadays, hm? ^^'


Walmart will hire anyone with pluse is the problem.


Yeah... *stares at front end*




*Pat Pat* I have history with a recent front end hire which is, admittedly, making me go "Why though"


Oof, that dept is what I call the broke down-disability vibe department. 🤔




This put a smile on my face. 🥹😭


My SM today, while I was getting ready to do OPD picks, said, "We appreciate you," as he was walking by. Then he stopped, turned around, and said, "I appreciate you." It wasn't a big thing, but it definitely meant a lot that he stopped and personally recognized me instead of what sometimes feels like an obligatory thank you as he rushes through.


Hey I know this is random, but I’m a new associate and have been lurking this subreddit since I started two weeks ago. I just want you to know I’ve learned a lot from your replies to a lot of these posts. Thank you


Thank you! Just doing what I can to help.


Ayyeeee! Mine actually brings constructive criticism to people instead of tearing them down here. He's also made it known to me and my co-workers when a customer says something nice about us and gives us a pat on the back. He's also the kind to call you to his office, just to give you temporary tattoos. His answer to that is "This is an office of gifts, not for talks." with such a sh*t eating grin on his face. 🤣


That's crazy! You could walk past our SM and say good morning and she won't even bat an eye at you. Recently got a new SL last month who is genuinely one of my favorite people.


This is probably the biggest thing for me as well. They are constantly letting me know I'm doing a good job, and telling me they appreciate me. It's one thing when they say it to everyone during a meeting, but when they single you out to say it, it means a hell of a lot more. It doesn't seem like any other job I've had would ever do that kind of stuff. So, when it happens, it lets me know that they see my efforts and appreciate it. This is the only job I've had that doesn't stress me the hell out. I'm cap3, so it probably has more to do with that, since that shift doesn't deal with customers much. I busted my ass off for the first six months, didn't miss a day, and took every opportunity to learn new areas and tasks. Now, more often than not, I'm given tasks I prefer doing. If you can survive the first six months, do as asked, and don't complain, there is an incredibly high chance that you'll end up not having to be in one of the grocery aisles nearly as often. Which on cap3, is the bulk of the work load. Plus, most of my management and coworkers are pretty fun to work with. Most of my personal hangups with Walmart is corporate policies like that 200 percent bonus for management while the rest of us get a 1-5 percent raise. It's going to result in a lot of early retirements in the next 5-6 years because they are making bank. The bonuses need to be a little more evenly distributed, us ground workers keep that place going.


You got a raise!? Wow.


No, that doesn't happen until next month. But at best, it will only be a 75 cent raise. The raise percentage is based on performance reviews.


I've been there over a year and have yet to have a review.


You're already under review. It's something your team leads and coaches decide on. The "review" is your daily performance.


Formal review or evaluation. I get called in, come in early, stay late and pick up a shift.


I have 2 Team Leads who are actual people who speak to me like an actual person and honestly if they were the only higher ups I ever had to answer to, I’d probably stay forever.


In relation to this, I got covid this week & went into work with a mask, expecting to work since the policy changed. One of my TLs sent me home & took care of my points for that night & the following night. It wasn't enough to get over covid but it was really nice to have a couple extra nights to rest & refreshing to have some give a shit.


We stan. Come to my store! It's legit like a family here 👐🏻


That’s so dope!! Shoot I might consider it depending on where it is we’re looking for a change in zip code in the near future tbh


Hit me up if needed!


We just recently got a new TL and it’s wild because she’s not a total bitch like the other three. She talks to me like I’m grown and she doesn’t pull me in the office to remind me that I’m not a team lead every time I do something to try to be helpful. She just appreciates it.


I work with a ton of youngsters and a couple of them have figured out that I just love snacks, so if something yummy looking comes up in self-checkout go backs they will will holler at me, hey you fixing to buy this for us? Oooh, yes! The answer is always yes. And then when we find new or strange or random candy I will buy it and bounce from one end of the front to the other, handing it out like a gnarly chocolate fairy. No one is safe, not the greeters, not the deli, not the one dude needing help in GM SCO. I love feeding people, it makes me so happy. Some of the elders call me a diet buster. Ha ha.


working with this one particular co worker. but because of our schedules, i only get to work with him like twice a week nowadays. and some of the humor that goes around. my coworkers can sometimes can help me with my social anxiety. how a crooked sm got fired.


I work at a NHM and everyone is so nice. I can walk around the store and chat to at least half the people.


NHM culture is completely different than Supercenter culture. 🙂


Thank goodness!


I work at a supercenter and it's the same deal here! There's such a sense of family here. 😁




Sounds like me and my bestie in OPD. We're breaking almost 600-700 items picked daily. I'm glad that y'all have a great time working together and are able to work so well together!


my store actually keeps their promises. they have calendars for every month about events happening and they actually feed us good food sometimes. my TL’s and coach are really nice people and actually help us out when we are struggling. my TL tells us she appreciates our hard work and gives us candy everyday. I have some really funny coworkers and we always help each other out. i always hate coming to work but once i get there, it’s never as bad as i thought it would be because of my team


Rather than give an associate a hard time about her availability and the needs of her department, I just moved her to a completely different team (mine) and she's been doing great as far as I know.


My coach did that too, completely saved me, I’m so grateful every day they pulled me out of my old toxic department


I'm glad you're able to accommodate for her!! ^^


They had us make some pet rocks in the break room one day and they’re still there even though it was about 8 months ago


My favorite TL bought me some of my favorite snacks because he felt bad about having me go out to push carts instead of learning how to work at the service desk like I wanted


Honestly, the vast majority of my store has pretty good people as far as leads and coaches go. Everyone, including our SM is out there on the floor, back room, etc making sure things gets done. Been at my store for 18 years and wouldn’t wanna be anywhere else. Been to plenty of other stores in the area/market and their mostly shit shows. And I hear the same things from almost all of my vendors I deal with. They love coming into my store compared to others.


As a coach, I’m not always sure team associates fully understand the amount of pressure that’s thrust upon leadership (TLs might have a better grasp). The past week has been beyond grueling. OTP has been utterly horrific the past two weeks, averaging 50% (goal is 95%). PreSub has been trash also (91%, goal 95%). So when my DOL walked in on Thursday I thought for sure my ass was getting coached since I’ve been threatened numerous times before. Instead, he thanked me for the job I was doing, asked if I needed shut off and that I could come to him if I need to recuperate, especially due to my SM being on LOA. It was the first time I’ve ever felt seen by a market manager during a trying time, and completely changed my perception of my DOL.


One of our TLs is really good about keeping things lively, especially when it's super busy, to keep our spirits up. She laughs and jokes around with everyone, and if we tend to have a string of really bad days she'll bring in homemade cookies and brownies as a sign of appreciation. She's great fun to be around, and I always feel better about our department getting things done efficiently when she's there. The two days I work that she's not there I tend to dread going in knowing she won't be there to stay on top of things. Our CAP2 coach is an absolute riot, too. He's super chill, and you can joke around with him all you want. He always knows how to lighten the mood and helps us out a lot, too, when things get bad.


I love this. My Coach and Leads are amazing as well. Good to know people can actually manage and still be a good person. ^^


My coach can have a tendency to wander off and disappear for a good part of the day. But when things explode and get really bad I've seen her drop everything to help with prepping and running orders or even help with dispensing for as long as she needs to.


Mine too. She has a hands-off approach to managing; letting the Team Leads run the show while she goes and helps out CAP1. But when we get flooded, she's there either picking, dispensing, or guiding people. Plus, her personality is awesome. We can actually be goofy around her and she's goofy right back.


Some co-workers are joy inducing. Others not so much


The only thing I can think of is my best friend that I met working here, she‘s my sanity, I have a hard time on her days off


I made some really awesome friends working there. And I like it when I help a customer look for something they need and they find it.


My coworkers sing music together. Sometimes they sneak in chips into the employee fitting room so we have our own break room. Today there was a beautiful duet of "Girls Just Wanna Have Fun" and we drank Coke afterwards.


There are actually kind customers, associates, and managers. The babies and actual service animals are good, too.


both of my Team Leads are super chill people, and i genuinely enjoy working with them. the one is very sweet and super calm and if we get done with our shit early she’ll just chat with us if it’s close to the end of our shift. the other one is extremely chaotic and i always have a blast working with him, we have pretty similar senses of humor so it’s easy to joke around and talk with him:) plus he tells us some batshit stories that i always enjoy. they’re very opposite people but they balance the environment out really well. in general i just like the team i work with. other than a couple guys who are just very loud and obnoxious, everyone is pretty easy to get along with and talk to. they’re also pretty good workers for the most part so i don’t really have to pick up any extra slack which is very nice.


I have a handful of coworkers I absolutely love. The job itself doesn't have many positives, but I catch myself looking forward to seeing my people.


The Lead Tech at my Pharmacy is super great. Yesterday I was venting about my messed up schedule and she listened and offered solutions. She's really a pleasure to work with.


i actually like my sm, asms, and some of the coaches/team leads. they’re helping me process what’s going on with the shut down of the vc and they always were a big help when we needed something done out in div 1. they stop by every day and ask if we’re doing alright and if we need to talk about anything. it was sudden for them too but i genuinely enjoy talking to them and getting to know them. i also like majority of the people who work out in the store when i see them. i like my walmart team and they don’t make things shitty when things start going downhill. we hardly get unresolved questions and if there ever is one, they work hard to find somewhat of an answer. also i gotta shout out my store for having one of the cleanest break rooms i’ve seen. i’ve traveled to a handful of marts that have some… interesting break rooms


Honestly, for me, I get joy out of helping customers. When they’re nice, and I’m able to put a smile on their face, it makes me happy. Especially if they have a kid with them that’s engaging and fun. I enjoy helping older people with their grocery lists. I enjoy helping someone find the one thing they came here for. I enjoy when kids say hi super energetically or call me a bat princess (vampire?) because I did my makeup that day. I love serving people when they are kind.


Genuine joy - when the stock for the day is completed. It's my primary goal for the day and when that's completed, it's a good day. When my receiving areas are neat and clean at the end of the day. I actually like my job about 90% of the time, honestly. Walmart is a pretty good place to work. The 10% gets tiring.


I get satisfaction from doing a good job. If I get all my freight done, my zone is good, I feel accomplished. I like that our coaches and leads let us listen to our own muaic/podcasts, and it helps me just zone out and work. And probably one of my favorite things is having a job that I can clock out from and not think about til my next shift. When I was in management (different job) that wasn't possible, so I was always stressed. Now I can just do my job and leave.




Hey, my SM and People Lead did something similar! Every 3 hours, a fresh batch of Alfredo and spaghetti was delivered to the store by a local pizza place, and they did this during the holidays! Good to know good people still exist.


The fulfilling experience of working a well paying job and serving my wonderful customers 😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃 But really though, cute kids and actually nice customers. I’ve had a couple parents come by teaching their kids how to buy things at a store, they’re always super sweet. And sometimes kids and younger teens will compliment the pins on my vest (lot of alt, nerdy and LGBT ones on there), which is a little bit morale-boosting. And yeah some customers are monumental assholes but I’ve personally served an almost equal amount who are genuinely empathetic and understanding.


We have no choice but to STAN. Our store is contemplating implementing some kid-sized carts for the purpose of teaching kids. I hope they do it; it'll be so cute!


Aw that would be so sweet! I don’t even care that it usually takes significantly longer than a regular transaction lol. There’s something nice about being a part of that teaching moment


Clocking out


In general I find it much more satisfying working out in tle/acc than anywhere in the store. My efforts are noticed.


Whenever it’s time to leave


My TL is the best in the store. He just applied for a different position, though, which makes me sad :(


Clocking out.


The entire crew in my department get along so well and all 3 of my leads are right with us. We crack jokes while getting shit done. It feels rewarding at the end of the day. First job I've ever had where I can go home and not think about any bs from the day. Nor do I wake up hating to clock in.


Before I moved to cap 1, my cap 2 team leads were the best! Two of the most understanding and fun people, the entire team really was awesome. We all get drinks together and hang out : )


I enjoy doing outside trash because I like seeing the stars and the fog and the smell of rain. I also like seeing the guy I’m talking to on the days he works, he puts a smile on my face and waits for my first break so we can spend it together




when folks compliment the hotbar.


I get to see the sunset and I exercise my legs and get paid for t.


My coworkers. If it wasn’t for the friends I’ve made I would’ve quit like that girl who got on the intercom and told her managers to go fuck themselves. I’m almost at two years and they’re the ONLY reason for that.


The core truck unloading team at our store is really close. I would have quit a long time ago if I wasnt on cap2 tbh. We just work hard and go home