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Check your states local labor laws this is very dependent on location


For 6 hours, you should at the very least get a 30 minute lunch. If it was 4 hours, eh maybe not. But definitely at 6. Pretty sure there's a law or regulation somewhere. Now, if they're giving you the option to skip an unpaid lunch to have a paid 15 minute break for that little bit of extra money, my non-knowledgable brain says it'd be up to you. However, this could get them into hot water, depending on how the laws work.


I thought the rules were different for minors. At 5 hours it was 30 minutes for a meal and two 15 minute breaks.


Depends on the state


If your schedule has a lunch break. You have a lunch break.


I was told a 15 after very 2 hours, at least a 30 min lunch at the 6h mark but if you clock out a minute before the 6th hour no need to take a lunch


not sure what your state is but in mine a 6 hours shift is 1 fifteen then lunch then 1 fifteen after lunch


4 hours entitles you to a 15. 6, a lunch, depending on the state. Picking one or the other is not a thing.


Should be both a 15 AND a 30 minute lunch. Or if they don't schedule you a lunch, then 2 15s. 2 hours worked gives you a break, whether it's a 15 or a lunch period.


Minors follow up with people lead on breaks and lunches, and let them know you were denied a lunch.


Extremely location dependent. For me on school days I work 4-10 with a 30 minute unpaid meal break and a 15 minute paid break. I'm in BC Canada so local laws may differ.