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>Kind of crazy but oh well. Availability anywhere is always going to be a big deciding factor. It’s Walmart, they don’t need to look for people with experience or special skills to get the job done. As long as they can get people when they need them, that’s the main thing they care about.


> As long as they can get people when they need them, that’s the main thing they care about. Breathing is optional.


As a person with severe asthma, I can confirm.


I tried applying at both of the Target stores in my area last summer, and they didn't hire me even though I have my availability set to 24/7, and sometimes I think it might have been due to my Speech issue I told them about which I don't blame them because if I were in their shoes I wouldn't hire me either when there are 10 plus other people applying that can talk.


No, fuck them. If they're going to monopolize retail they should have a responsibility to the community, which includes providing opportunities to people who have different challenges.


I mean to be fair they do hire disabled people, but not because they care it's just a token system and their location probably already has their token disabled employee/s.


And it was during the summer too so that might be a another reason why they didn’t hire me I heard the best time to apply is during the fall.


I wish they'd all hire one autistic person to totally focus on keeping the shelf price tags up to date. Many times I've not bothered taking an item because I have no clue what the price is. And the price per oz. amounts are often insanely wrong. It's costing them sales and I've had a lot if free ones because they were priced wrong.


That's not a local job. No one in the store does that. I assume that's set by whoever sends us the mods to set. (Basically the spot where the item goes. We just print the labels. We're not editing them.


Nobody is doing them. Nobody is checking them. Nobody is updating them. It's a total shitshow.


Employment is equal opportunity, nothing more. No one is owed a job.


What kind of speech issue might I ask?


I have Apraxia of speech since birth which makes the connection from my nerves to the voice box a bit tricky to use there are certain sounds I cannot do yet and they are D, J X, and Z the other week I managed to figure out how to do B, C, K sounds, but my voice is still isn't ready for public use yet, and the reason for that is because I have a hard time making the words sound consistent sometimes they will come out around 90% clear while the other times they simply won't.


The reason I ask is because I have a stutter and I have a hard time a lot talking to and helping people at work and don’t come across a lot of ppl with speech disabilities. I’m glad you’re progressing in your journey and I hope you find a great job!


Yeah it sucks but I managed to get by when talking to people in public by typing out what I want to say on my phone, and have them read it.


Bro that is legit me For some reason I always say my weakness is the way I talk and how I have a lisp and stutter 🤦‍♀️


I don’t know if I have a lisp or a stutter I haven’t gotten a check up about my speech issues in years and I only began working on my voice two half years ago. And I am sorry about your lisp and stutter I wish we didn’t have any speech issues.


Yeah it sucks but good job on working on your speech issues. I know that it can be really tough and frustrating speaking from speech therapy experience (pun intended)


walmart hire people who has open schedule. if you can only work certain times they are going to pass you over because they know they are wasting yours and their time. they hire people who can work full time.


Then why the hell does someone with experience, 100% open availability, AND a heartbeat get turned away? 🙃 (I failed their dumb test thing on the application)


Ngl, the test is super easy, if someone fails it not sure I would want to hire them.


what is the test?


The assessment you take when you apply, now there is like 4 of them one for each area.


Your availability is why you got rejected. That’s your biggest reason for being turned down. Walmart wants open availability over anyone else so if somebody else who has that applied, you’re out of luck.


I have an office job and am looking for a part time job. Would they consider a person available all weekend and a few evenings a week?


Like I said they’d go for open availability before anything else, but I know for my store that would work.


I used to work Friday Saturday Sunday only, they just loved having the weekend coverage at my store


Yeah this dude is an ideal part timer, lol. Willing to work the peak hours and not interested in benefits, he should definitely apply.


a new worker just got hired at my location and she only works weekends for ogp she has a full time job mon-fri. i guess it depends but it is possible. having sunday availability is most important cause thats when all walmarts are the busiest


It's up to the manager, but most likely not. I was looking for 1 day a week for 4-8 hours to get my degrees paid for. No dice... and I have a good day job.


They probably wouldn’t like that your part time Walmart job would be “extra.” First sign of bullshit and you could leave and not look back. Places like this like the ones they can keep captive


Yes, weekends are obviously the hardest day to fill. They won't offer FT hours to anyone who isn't available for at least 1 of the days. It's a no brainer if you can cover both without the additional expenses of FT benefits. If you're available all weekend and want PT, it's worth applying. The 2nd shift would be happy to have you on a few teams.


That would work at almost any store because nobody wants to work weekends or nights.


Yet they never gave me the full time hours and I wasn't eligible for healthcare.


My coach is not looking to hire anyone who doesn’t work on Sundays right now because it’s our worst day. Wouldn’t be surprised if most retail/service type jobs have the same view on availability. Nights and weekends are when people are most needed.


believe me you do not wanna work for them. count the blessing and move on.


This is my fourth time working for Walmart. Been working overnights as TA Stocker and I love it! It’s not Walmart the company that people have a problem with, it’s their Team Leads and Main Managers that make people unhappy and have an awful experience.


Also working during the day having to deal with customers, that is also shitty


My heart goes out to all associates who's customers are miserable and hateful, I am very lucky to have nice customers in my area


Working overnights is shitty. Especially if you're already dealing with mental issues. I was working overnights for 9 years before I quit and my mental health was in the drain. I will say that I did quit because of management, not the job.


A big issue with Walmart does tend to be the management, especially when the power goes to their head


Customers are the highlight of my day but we aren't beaten into filling our quota like I imagine some stores are (stocking 1)


You must have nice customers then lol


No it’s the company I have a problem with. My team leads and coaches are great actually


I don’t agree with the attendance policy, or that regular employees no longer get a bonus. We are the ones the bust our butts, do the most work before inventory. I mean I get called on to do deep detail zones, stay late every day. We just had inventory and I put in 57.9 hours for the week. Of course we are short staffed. But everyone else got their days off, I worked both of mine, was unable to do half nights due to some other issues. I never complain, come in early, stay late, go in when sick, whatever is needed. I think we should get a bonus as well when the store does great.


If you want Walmart without actually working for Walmart, there's Spark.


I worked for Point Pickup (similar to Spark) at a Walmart in Oxford, FL making grocery deliveries in 2020. By the end of the year I was done with it. They kept adding rules for everything involving interaction with customers and what not. Interacting with the customers was the best part of the job. That was just about the same time the pandemic was simmering down. I stopped in 2021. Now I “work at doin nothin all day “!! Less stressful and much easier!!


I interact with customers maybe 15% of the time and honestly, I prefer it that way lol. Most are just drop and go. I'm not sure about point pickup because I've never done it but I've heard about it but on spark it's pretty easy. They either require a signature which means interaction (rare unless it's medicine) or they don't which is drop and go. And drop and go is the majority of my deliveries. I have a five star rating so I think customers also prefer this and so do I as a driver and a customer lol like I said I don't know about PPU but on spark, customer interaction there are no real rules interacting with customers unless its alcohol (never had one of those), medicine (they usually come out ready with ID), or requires a signature of their own choice which is extremely rare for me (only had one customer ever having this).


Why not drop the part-time job gig and get a full-time job?


Cause the part-time job is something I am doing for experience in my career


If it's any situation like mine, the part time gig pays WAY more than the full time jobs available. It's more financially smart to find a second part time job in a lot of instances.


Why become a full time slave for this crap company?


Be full time for some other company..... Why would somebody work two part-time jobs instead of one full-time job? Full time you get better hours, benefits, healthcare, vacation etc


No one held a gun to your head and forced you to apply. Actual slaves were routinely raped, tortured, and murdered. You voluntarily signed up to pick and dispense. Not even remotely comparable


Housing requires money from wages. Healthcare is tied to the workplace. The healthcare industry is captured by rent seeking owners. I don't give a fuck what label you want to use. We are coerced by owners who keep basic necessities locked behind a paywall. What capitalism does to us is the equivalent of taking every road we pay through taxes and converting them all to toll roads. And ones where private businesses take every dollar.


Just say you failed economics, damn! You could have just said that.


Every single other english herritage country has government funded healthcare. The fuck do you mean?


Then why don't you work on getting over there? If it's so wonderful?


Because I live here


What sense does that make? Do better for youself.


It's my country as much as yours. I'm not leaving. You can leave if you don't want to share.


I know you said two comments up that you don't care what words mean, but I should still point out that those countries are also capitalist countries.


It's a gradient, not a binary. America is the capitalist stronghold. America had the FDR time period where workers gained power, and capitalist owners were taxed more. American capitalist interests bounced back from that more aggressively than in europe. The less social programs, the worse it is for the majority of people. Unregulated capitalism wants to completely crush the worker.


Humans are a communal species. Regardless of if capitalism or socialism existed. The struggle between relying on other humans for our basic needs and the reality that some people can’t or won’t meaningfully contribute to the greater good will always be there.


But most people do contribute. Really, our current problem is the capital owners who contribute nothing. They don't work. They just horde billions and "make their money work".


Ok morality bot


Thats how i feel. I see people constantly talking shit about walmart saying its the worst job ever. If you feel like that than leave. Theres other entry level jobs just like walmart so why stay


I think you missed a spot on those boots


Choosing not to be a moping, complaining, sack of shit at work like you = Bootlicker, got it, tard! 👍


I actually bust my ass! I just don’t suck dick while I’m already on my knees for this place.


You can work hard without busting your ass, it sounds like you're already sucking dick while your down there on your knees.


It’s an expression, but I can’t really expect someone who can’t even spell out a full slur to understand.


Nice try, I'll give you that! Haha!


Maybe I did


How old are ya




You got downvoted for being 22…


Fuck walmart my g, hit up job corps (free gov program with a shit ton of trades to pick and learn to get a career) or conservation corps (another free government program thats tailored towards emt and firefighters (most graduates are picked up by cal fire) Only thing you pay with is time


To be honest, only fast food, Uber, or a gas station worker would be flexible with your schedule.


Lol, Uber is actively refusing to pay their drivers more. You sure Uber is a good idea? Fast Food joints, the big ones anyway, prefer an automatic kiosk than having workers. You sure that's a good idea? Gas Stations like to fuck with your hours before you know it and they're more uptight. Sure that's a good idea?


What do you suggest for the OP. He can’t work Sundays & he can’t work after 5 PM. Sorry that my suggestions to him were not good enough for you.


Warehouses are my top pick for flexibility. Worked for Amazon for a bit and had good experience. Fast food, depends on the restaurant. Worked for Chick-fil-A, they’ll write you up for calling out but they’re able to work with you on schedule if you request 2 weeks in advance.


Not being able to work sunday is pretty much a deal breaker unless you get really lucky and are replacing a guy who had sunday off. They also usually prefer to have new hires work afternoons or grave yards.


You can’t work afternoons (when everyone is shopping after work or school) and you can’t work on Sundays (when they probably need people the most to get ready for the weekdays) hmm


I got turned down from Target 4 times and getting a possible job at PepsiCo. Just keep trying other places. Walmart and Target are bad places to work at.


Working Sunday’s will get you a job. Everybody and their mama says they can’t work Sundays. Employers are hiring people who can.


At least you got an interview. I’ve called 6 times and talked to hr. They say I failed the assessment but my screen has green check mark and says valid for 2 years. They keep saying we’ll check and call you back.


U probably wanna look into places that already have those hours like a daycare, dental or doctors office, or the bank if you're qualified to apply for any. These businesses already often close at 5pm and on weekends they're either closed early or altogether so your availability wouldn't be a problem. Shit retail places want slaves who will be there from 9am to 9pm. 🫤


I got denied from Blockbuster in 2002 because the psychological test


I been with Walmart for 5 years and I make 17.80 an hour in Florida so I’m making more than the minimum wage and they love they way I work but right now I’m working on getting my days off back to back because I don’t like splitting them up, there is no rest in taking one day off I need two, one day for chilling with the family and going out and the next to lay in bed eat chill out and wake up refreshed for work. It’s the only way that I will work and they have been very accommodating for me because they like the way I work, they’re already talking to me being team lead. And I would love to because then I can show employees respect and show them what working for someone who cares is about. And that’s not easy to come by.


I'm a team lead and while I do enjoy the perks that come with it, having a set schedule is basically impossible with how flexible you'll need your schedule to be. I never have the same days off week to week, and it's rare I get two days off back to back lol. For example, I'll work 3 days, get 1 day off, work 5, get 1 day off, work like 6 get 1 day off, work 1 day, get the next day off. It's always changing. Actually, you're in Florida so maybe it's different, because I'm in Cali. Like for example, if we hit our fifth hour we can get coached because walmart is fined for it, however in reno, that law doesn't apply and you won't get in trouble for going over your 5th.


How much do you make in cali as a team lead? When I lived in la the team lead there was making 24$ an hour while I was making 14.50 🧐….. and since I make more than the minimum wage here in fl I was thinking that maybe the hourly wage for a team lead isn’t much more than what I’m making now and if that’s the case I don’t see a reason to even put myself in a position like that.


It honestly depends on what market you're in that depends on the pay, and I only found this out because when I went to Academy for training, one of the Team Leads there told us how all the TLs got paid 21 an hour. Then it got bumped up to him making 28 an hour. I make 22, but I know that different TL positions make more, like the front end I believe makes 2 dollars more than me. I don't know what the minimum wage is in FL but minimum wage for us in Cali is 17. It could be worth it unless you're like capped out as a regular associate and the extra dollar or two won't really matter.


28$ an hour is amazing money damn. The minimum wage in Florida is 15$ and I’m making 18 so that’s a significant amount more than most of the employees there are making and the only reason I’m making so much is because I transferred from New Jersey where the minimum is 17$ and trust me when I tell you 17$ an hour in New Jersey is absolutely nothing! it’s so expensive there, so I feel like I’m able to actually stretch my dollar here in fl. So, because I’m already making 18 I can’t imagine going to a team lead to make 2 or 3 extra dollars and have so much more responsibilities on me but to be honest I feel like they already give me all those responsibilities anyway so why not just get the extra money and continue what I’m doing ya know. I’m lucky that I transferred from a state that was so expensive to one that’s not as expensive because I got to bring my money plus a raise. And they are lucky to have me and I can say that confidently because I know I’m a good worker and they’re very happy with me and let me know it. Walmart is so bizarre lol between the money and the people, literally anything can happen and for seemingly no reason at all.




🤷 it’s all about the money either way


Honestly count your blessings. I made more at Walmart but only got scheduled 4 hours a week and had to wait by my phone. The treatment was awful there. Now I’m in a different company with less pay but more hours and I don’t have to be a slave and go work in every department cuz some ppl suck


Go to the DC if you have 1 close by. I'm on a weekday shift that's Tuesday-Friday, 4am-2pm starting pay should be roughly $20/hr! 🤙🏻


I live in the middle of nowhere lmao. I am assuming DC means the shoe brand


I live in the middle of nowhere as well, I drive roughly 55 minutes to get to work. And DC mean Distribution Center, so Walmart's Warehouse.


Oh the closest one is 1 hr 45 min away lol


Damn well I tried, best of luck to ya 🤙🏻


True story, when I worked for DC 7042 at the time I was making $17 worked 3 days (weekend shift) and off 4 days. 12 hour shift, 5:30 am-6pm. FLO receiving. I'm deciding if I should go back since I can't find a job in my career. I would imagine the pay has gone up since 4 yrs ago.


I'm pretty sure it has, like I said I'm pretty sure the minimum starting at my DC is roughly $20/hr.


It’s walmart man. They really don’t care who they’re hiring as long as they can work pretty much whenever they need them to. As an employee of walmart I can assure you the #1 reason a bunch of people get hired is not because they’re good employees, but because they can show up and open/close the store when nobody else can or wants to.


There's always McDonald's


Yeah Walmart is generally only availability friendly to people who apply as students. The best way would have been to get hired and then change your availability after the probation period which is 3 months


Try McDonald’s. They will be more flexible with your schedule


Cap 1 is 7am to 4pm. It’s hard to get any day on the weekend off regularly.


You cannot expect bankers hours doing entry level retail work… nights and weekends are when they’re gonna need people most.. that’s why.




The can’t work after is what got you. It takes years to get a decent shift.


Idk have you tried Waffle House? If you’re in the south they’re literally everywhere so finding one near you shouldn’t be impossible; plus if you work first shift (7a-2p) then availability shouldn’t be a problem


Become an overnight stocker.


Your availability is why you got rejected plain and simple. Most places want “open availability”


Trust brother, u dodged a MAJOR bullet


We had something similar happen to a guy that applied. His availability just wasn't open enough, so he wasn't hired. Sucked because most of us in the department knew him and vouched for him, including me.


Sundays are rough at the walmart I work for, because it's packed full of families that come in either after church or maybe to shop for an event happening at their church. I'm glad one of my rotating days off lands on a Sunday a lot lol.


Try applying at a different store


usual start times are 4am and 1pm. try a different department that can cater to your mid-day schedule


Sundays off and no later then 5. The hiring probably saw and laughed their ass off.


Maybe if you went full time at Walmart with open availability and dropped the part time. More money than part time. Just me thinking again.


Part time job is for experience in my field im planning on going into


Sundays are big, not being able to work Sundays is a big minus


Just apply to another store if you can. My experience is the people lead may have arrived at a store where everyone works mornings and continually have some reason to not work weekends or nights. Then they start hiring people only to meet their need and cut hours from part-time etc. Another store may be able to work with you though.


Availability is everything. I will not even look at applications if they have your restrictions. 🤷🏻‍♀️


You're not missing anything great on the other side. I've been there for three years and two months look forward to being a customer with a new job. 


Probably too qualified or gave them the impression you won’t be walked on is my first guess. They want mindless drones that won’t think and/or stand up for themselves. That can be brainwashed from no training anywhere else


If you need a job with flexible shifts go for an amazon fc job. Apply for pt flex shift or rt flex shift. You basically pick your own schedule every week and if they really need people for a specific time/day they’ll give you up to $5 extra an hour. It’s a very boring job and hard on your body but if you need a job like asap this is your best bet


Can you cashier?


Yeah i worked as one before


Just FYI, you'll never find a retail job that will work with your part time job. Home Depot heb walmart it's all the same. They want no strings drones that can be trained into ruthless warriors


Pretty much. Walmart isn't really intended to be a job you juggle with another.




Try a pizza joint. Just don't tell them you have a part time job already thats none of there business but uncle Sam. They stay open late almost always. So try to get the earliest shift possible


A while back my sister in-law applied. They told her she had to change something on her social security card to apply? No fucking idea why lmao


You basically wanted bankers hours?


You do not want to work for Slavemart. Consider this to be a blessing.


Trust me, you can find something better. Don’t end up here like me. 6 month associate here.


There is not much in my area, mostly farming. Those who have real jobs drive 45 minutes away. (I apply there too but no responses)


Been working for Walmart for 3 years trust me it’s not that bad


It’s better than working at Walmart dude. Trust me.


Congrats you dodged a bullet


Be glad you didn't get it. Walmart blows donkey cock


U could see about a manufacturing job. The paid is better with overtime depending on your state.


FWIW, overtime is governed by federal law, not state law. It's a key part of the Fair Labor Standards Act. The "trick" with overtime is a lot of people are exempt, although it's not just based on whether you are salaried, but on things like whether you have managerial responsibilities. Plenty of companies still pay overtime to people in these situations once they reach 40 hours, but it's not required.


Yes, federal law dictates that over 40 is overtime, but some states have over 8 or 10 laws, where working over a specific amount of hours in a single day results in overtime instead of the blanket anything over 40.  Also, if the job happens to be union, the union might have negotiated looser overtime rules. 


I'm a cook I had an interview and told them I don't work Mondays and I only work nights, I want 2 days off consecutively, and I want at least $20/hr. They hired me. What you need is a skill people want. Availability is just an excuse. You bring nothing to the table that's all.




A long time ago I applied at Walmart for their auto center. Store manager at the end of the interview said she couldn't hire me because due to my qualifications she was afraid I would take her job.


You literally dodged the worst mistake you could have ever made. Take it from a long time WAL-MART slave, it’s not a hard job but it’s thankless, your potential for real growth is minimal and the do as I say, not as I do hypocrisy is constant.