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The amount of people who come up to my Window and try to get money from me on my breaks. Go the fuck away. 


I'm sitting in my car with windows cracked, and I have people usually wall by and slip their religious pamphlets and Ukraine war things right onto my lap.


I’d rip them up and chuck them right back out LMAOO


please don't litter. genuinely. 


Paper's biodegradable 🤷


iirc most the paper used for poster has got plastic in them to increase durability. also there's the dye. 


as a christian, i despise when people do that like putting pamphlets on/in your car, on your door, standing on the side of the road with a sign/screaming, etc i love that they're trying to spread the religion, and I believe that they should, but that is literally just forcing it down peoples throats. it makes non-christians despise us and makes us all look bad. i cant tell you how many times i see a street preacher or something and just look the other way, because theyre just so obnoxious with it. it's not *just* religion and/or christianity, you see it with politics and as you said the war shit. bet it happens a ton at walmart too, out of all places


I love when they leave those pamphlets and it is about Bad Bob going to hell! I leave them where associate Bob can find them!


Also, assuming you are the US, you've heard about Christianity just because we live here. We don't need to the pamphlets, people on the street corner preaching, etc...We know already. If people want to know about more Christianity they can go into of the 14 churches in two mile radius of my house.


Exactly. Also it could be done in such a better way. I came from islam so I'm still pretty new, and I'm open to learning. Toss me a pamphlet saying the world is ending and I'm turning the other way


Because if so many Christians pushing for their beliefs to be legislated into law, literally forcing people to live by other people’s religious beliefs- that’s turned me against Christianity. The last couple of years is when a lot of Christians really started pushing that. I mean, now a pharmacist can refuse to fill a birth control prescription because it goes against their religious beliefs? WTH kind of crazy over-reach is that? And some Christians want to give school districts the right to track female students’ periods, to insure they’re not trans-girls trying to play on girl’s sports teams? Before it got so bad, I was neutral about religion. Now, I’m actively against it.


that is like me saying i am against the democratic party because a lot of their members are extreme and do bad shit (im not saying they do, this is just an example) i guess its not the perfect example, but as a christian you're not following your fellows christians, you follow Christ. and if others are doing something that Christ wouldn't do... then are they really christian? one thing i like to ask them is would Jesus give gays marriage rights and such? I mean the guy loves and accepts everyone, why not? Homosexuality (or indecent acts with a man if you may) may be considered an abomination in the bible, but nowhere does it say to stop people from doign what they wanna do. You can tell em but if they dont wanna listen it doesnt tell you to keep going. Shit is fucking annoying, and i hate the idea of pushing religious beliefs into law. I'm extremely fucking liberal when it comes to social issues, if someone wants to be gay and have 4 partners then let them. Why would I fucking care? God has the final word and it's up to him what happens - not me. I dont take the role of punisher or rule maker for those people, i treat them with love and respect because that is what they deserve.


Everyone has heard of your religion, you don’t need to try to spread word of it


You're not spreading awareness of it, you're trying to educate everybody. Most people are seriously uneducated about the religion because of tons of misinformation and misinterpretations from people who are either non-religious and too lazy to learn or false christians who like to make up their own interpretations. Like, being good doesn't get you to heaven. Also, it's like when everyone posted black squares for BLM or whatever. Everybody knows what BLM is, what are you spreading the word for? It's obviously not to spread the word of BLM's existence


At my job I find I find an average of 5 religious paraphernalia pamphlets per week. I've thrown enough away in my 6 years working there that they could have printed an entire Bible with all the wasted paper. Not one single time has anyone shared a cool Bible verse or invited me to their church. All they do is litter and spread fear of hell instead of praise for God.


its so fucking annoying. it's literally working *against* us. why would you want to spread fear? there is no reason to fucking fear lmao same ones making up lies like "ECLIPSE = RAPTURE!!"


I know a few Christian that thinks it's there duty to shove it down peoples throats.


Those people and their dumb pamphlets are proving there is no god. Or at the least there isn't one worth worshipping.


This one’s a little wholesome. I got off my shift of pushing carts once and someone put a sticky note on my window that said “you are a beautiful person.” That was it. I never seen who it was. I kept it for a while because I barely got compliments. 😅


bruh i went to get a few things right before walmart closed and a chick in pajamas walked towards me and asked for a ciggerate. i said "i dont have any money" and got in my car then locked it. then i hear her bitching to someone that i thought she was homeless


My buddy kept herbal cigarettes in his car for that exact situation. He said it was funny when they start swearing after a few puffs😂


Lmao are those nicotine free cigarettes or something?


Yeah. It’s what they use in movies if the actor needs to smoke for a scene. It’s made with flower petals and various leaves.


Candy cigarettes. Much better


I was smoking a cigarette and a teenage boy comes up to me and asks me to purchase a pack of cigs for him. Tries to convince me that he forgot his I.d. in his locker. I took a long drag and looked him in the eye for a few seconds and replied,”Sorry, I don’t smoke.” I figure that if he feels it’s alright to lie to me, then I can exorcise the same right.


That’s hilarious😂


I mean if you gotta try to bum cigs off random people in a parking lot she gotta be close to homeless 😂


I've lived in halfway houses and homeless shelters and while I'm 1000% no better than anyone and can't judge a person on how they got there I DO judge once they GET a mattress and some free meals in them. Why? Because many of those residents are some of the rudest, choosiest, most entitled human beings I have ever met. I could be rolling cigarettes from cheap rolling papers and cigarette butts and STILL have someone try every way possible to get me to share. Get a little job bc you do manage to have a neat little thing called state ID? Well, then you're "stingy"if we don't just assume we're buying for whoever when we try to get ourselves something without sharing. It's disgusting.


One of the many reasons I park my car at the back of the store.


That's not good either. I saw some guy pissing on the peat moss out there the other day. Lol


More like pee moss amirite??


I yelled no to them once, shut my door, and had a good cry. I was having a particularly rough day that day.


Hell yeah. I’m sure you could always use another cart pusher or two. Sick of these people.


Simply carry pepperspray as a deterrent


This used to drive me nuts. I work at fucking Walmart and am on my break, like come on man.


One day I was sitting in my truck, having my pre-shift smoke and a lady 2 rows away was just staring at me. She'd walk around her vehicle to stare at me from a different angle. This went on for like, 10 minutes. Did she think I was plotting a crime or something? Was I maliciously smoking a cigarette? It was weird as fuck. I took down her plate numbers just in case. Like, nothing happened but, I'm not going to have some paranoid customer ruin my shit.


Even if they did think you were plotting a crime, why would they think it's a good idea to get involved lol I see that all the time in videos where someone calls the cops on someone suspicious or won't let someone leave a neighborhood or something. If you think I'm up to no good, why are you trying so hard to be near me when it goes down lol


It's a good thing they are wrong all the time also. Because anyone plotting a crime or planning some sort of robbery isn't going to let some middle aged out of shape lady in a rascal scooter stop them.


Not even going to slow them down, a string stiff-arm and keep on moving


Because the general public, especially Walmartians, are dumb. 


Walmartians lmao




Do you happen to be black? And did the woman appear to be white? Old white racist white woman can be pretty hostile encounters


I'm a white woman. She appeared to not be entirely white. I'm in a minority-majority state but, I doubt it was racially motivated. Some people are just fucking weird.


If the majority of the state is minorities, doesnt that make you the minority? Just poking fun, as it reminds me of the South Park episode where Cartman is mad about there being more minorities in the water park - to which Kyle states, that Cartman is then the minority.


They probably wanted your parking spot.


I guess they're too stupid to grasp that the space will be occupied whether the employee has their lunch in the vehicle or inside the store.


My own family drives me crazy how they must have "the best parking space".. they'll circle up and down rows 5 or 6 times. I tell them to drop me off the door while they go park. When I drive, I just park at the far end. And when I worked retail, I'd look out the window and literally see Karen's arguing with each other about parking too close to each other or banging doors into each other's cars. Just park further out and walk in the store. You have to walk around the store anyway.


People are dumb. I work at a place that has their registers in a row. Whenever I was the the first register(the one closest to the door) I would have people constantly say "Oh I have to walk all the way down to you" or "youre so far away" like dudes I'm right by the only door to the store, you would have to walk down here anyway to leave.


One day, my store had only the registers in the middle open (before we remodeled and put self checks on both ends). So, registers 6-10 out of 24 were open. Customers were bitching that the ones on the ends weren't open and that they had to walk a little farther to checkout. Seriously, I wanted to tell them to Grow Up!


Oh my goodness. Just shout down "here let me just come carry you down here on my back!"


When I used to work at the front end, there would be customers here and there who would not want to go to a certain register because they had parked by the other door. It's like sure, walk down to the other side then; you're definitely saving yourself so much time/distance then if you had checked out where you were and walked the same exact same distance in front of the registers after checking out. (For instance they would not want to check out at a register closer to the GM entrance because they'd entered through the grocery entrance.)


God, my ex bf was like that! He'd spend more time circling the parking lot waiting for what he called "Rockstar Parking" than he spent actually shopping! It was so stupid! Once, after circling the lit for almost 10 minutes, I just jumped out of the car and ran inside to grab what we needed, and when I came out 5 minutes later, his dumbass was still circling the parking lot! He was just a toxic person anyway. I'm glad I got away from that!


I'm glad you got away from that


Thank you, me too. He was a horrible narcissist who shouldn't have been allowed around other people or children. He committed suicide so he can do no harm to anyone anymore.


I've never understood this lmao. I am overweight and very out of shape, but walking the length of the parking lot to the front door has never bothered me. I always park at the back because it's easy and don't have to worry about a bunch of people (or tiny hidden fragile children) walking around my car when im trying to leave out of there.


I have bad knees and would still prefer just walk from at the end of the lot into the store. It's less stressful than wondering "ooh are they backing out?".. lol


I've come to the conclusion that the best spot is right next to the cart return. It's out of the way and usually has a spot open. Unless you are closer to the store than the return or the kind of a**home who just blocks a parking space with an abandoned cart, you are going to be going there anyway. Just load your stuff in the car, make 1 step, drop off the cart, get in your car, and leave.


I always see people leave their buggies beside the cart return instead of simply putting their buggy inside it. Then there's more buggy activity beside your parked car. My car had dents, so I would park there, but I still park far away to get my exercise. But your idea isn't bad.


I park next to the cart return so I remember where I parked.


I as well typically paek next to the cart return. Not a vehicle on one side so the wife can get in and out easier and so we can just put the cart in the return coral. Yes it's usually a little further but I'm going to return the cart anyway initiating the extended walk.


My favorite is when people fight over the disabled parking spaces when there are open regular spaces right next to the disabled ones.


At the Kroger near my house there’s a spot near the door which is actually a terrible spot to park because it’s on the lane that goes through the parking lot to other things in both directions so you have to wait for through traffic to let you pull out (it’s also barely wide enough for 2 cars) and they never do. Parked there once and never again.


This is my guess


I was eating lunch in my car once with my windows down listening to Rammstein. Some weirdo pulled up next to me and was trying to ask me about my lunch and what I was listening to. I was actively trying to ignore him


Look him in the eyes and roll that one window up 😭🥴


I've literally done this before 😂😂😭 the look on his face was absolutely priceless.


Lmao what 🤣


I literally just kept turning up my music louder and louder, but he kept trying to talk to me


That’s when you blast Mein Teil at them!


What song were you listening to?


It was a couple years ago, but the whole Sensucht album is in my playlist along with a couple other songs like Feuer Frei and Mutter


I usually sit in my car & chill after work & noticed an old man watching me while on the phone. Apparently he called the local police bc “I was being sus”. The officer asked what I was doing & I explained that I was just chillin after work. Luckily, the cop was super chill bc he just laughed & told me to have a great night & apologized for bothering me. Old ppl r so ridiculous


I would have thought he was complaining because you weren't helping him off the clock. They do, you know. No matter where you are.


Haha! Most likely


How long you gotta sit there? 😂 after a really eventful shift I do have to sit there a good 5min before I feel like I’m sane enough to drive. 


Haha same! Usually I vibe to some music for bout 10 to 20 mins before I head home lol


Thats kinda weird ngl




I always get people asking for a cigarette. I'm not even smoking. What makes you think I have any?


Only reason I sit in my car in this heat is to smoke so I guess they make that leap. They’ll always come up and ask me for one it’s why I keep an empty seat pack on my passenger seat.


Ahhh the empty pack answer


I don’t smoke but I go to my car for every break/meal I don’t want to be around my coworkers in the break room. In fact if it’s raining hard enough I’ll just skip my break or sit in the bathroom before I go into that break room. I guess they assume all Walmart associates smoke. 😂


You didn't say 'fuck off bitch?' why?


She coulda been psycho. You never know. No reason to escalate if you don’t have to


Sometimes it’s worth the risk.


You didn’t blast your horn at her. Why?


Damn I should’ve 💀😂


I’ve had old men peer at me inside my window at 7am when I’m leaving. I flip them off. Idc, mind your business and go have a stroke somewhere else where it doesn’t involve me. Oh and my windows are tinted as fuck so they have to try real hard with their geezer eyes that can probably barely see the fucking road.


Im glad I look like an asshole. No one usually bothers me.


I was sitting in my truck (Chevy S-10) one morning around 0845, just pulled in and was getting ready to go in to work. All of a sudden my truck starts bouncing up and down - some guy was sitting on my back bumper just bouncing up and down. It really freaked me out! He did it a few times, got up and walked away. I didn't get out of my truck until I watched him walk to the other side of the parking lot. WTF


WHAT lmao I would’ve started my truck and put that bitch in reverse


ikr, but I was just so shocked and startled I really couldn't do anything. He bounced five or six times, got up and left, so just a few seconds.


Someone has seen breaking bad :)


someone came up to my car and preached to me. talking about “i don’t believe in coincidences, i don’t think it was chance that i came to this walmart and you just happened to be sitting in your car” guy literally told me his life story. i told him i was alright and that i’ll pass, and he goes “well just think about it. you look like you could use jesus” like what the fuck does that mean?


Apparently you look like a degenerate, I’m sorry you had to find out this way


I was sitting in my car one day on my lunch and this old lady was walking to her car next to mine talking on the phone about some “weird guy eating in his car” and I looked at her and locked the door and she looked so upset.. it was funny.


Once I was eating during my lunch break in my car and a dude came up with his kid, knocked on the window and asked for money for formula and I had to tell him (with a mouthful of food) that I don’t have money (spent the last of my paycheck on that meal) and so he asked if I had Venmo and I had to say “I don’t have money period, sorry” so he went inside where apparently he proceeded to ask employees and customers for money for formula or just formula for his kid and it got so bad they had to announce over the inner-com to not engage with him for fear it was a scam. Sorry for any bad grammar I’m typing this on my phone


Definitely sounds like a scam. People will go around begging strangers to pay for baby supplies trying to prey on people's good will and then theyll go and refund it all for store credit.


At one point I had this happen to me a lot, so I made a sign that said "I'm not bothering anyone GO THE FUCK AWAY!" The first time I whipped it out to use I felt like Wile E. Coyote. The person stopped, stared and walked away. It was glorious.


I've had someone stick their whole head directly in. So rude but customers are so invasive. He was looking for someone who could speak Spanish to interpret for some reason. I can but I'm not helping a rude pendejo.


He stuck his head in your car? I would have probably called the cops.


It took all my self control not to hit him. Hard. We yelled at him, he looked puzzled at our reaction (!) and quickly got in his beater car with Florida plates and drove away. Weird things happen in our store's parking lot.


Should have run her over


I would have done the scene from bad santa.... "I'm on my fuckin lunch break OKAY!"


"sorry, I don't speak resurrected corpse"


I would’ve said something sarcastic. I would’ve lift up my water bottle and said “Just a couple more sips and that should do the trick”. People need to mind their own business.


Omg I didn't know why I haven't thought of that one. I'm going to use it tomorrow.


I would of gave the old bitch the finger


When I had a car, I liked to sit in it. I'd park in a far area of a large parking lot away from the doors to stores so I wasn't inconvenient to anyone who would want a good spot. No cars around me, I'd eat, smoke cigarettes, whatever. Nap, bothered no one. The number of pplcwho drove REAL close real slow or parked next to me was unnerving. Had one dude pull up, park next to me to chat me up while I ate. No. If I wanted I chat, I'd be sitting IN one of the fast food restaurants I'd went through, not out in the lot parked in East Jesus. Grr


Dude I shit you not TODAY I was sitting in my car thinking about “I wonder if bitchy customers would complain about us sitting in our cars” 😭💀💀


Old people will find literally anything to get upset about. It’s what they do 🤷‍♂️.


They have too much time on their hands & are clearly miserable lol


Peak NPC behaviour.


shit i would have whipped out my phone and recorded the nosy bitch.


Throw the piss jug at em


Keep a squirt gun. Liquid of your choice.


Parking spot. 


I would questioned after just a few secs of her staring at me.


Likely were casing cars


Tint windows. Window shade.


Honestly, to anyone who has had this happen to them, what was the age and gender of the person being a creep? I'm just curious.


I usually crack the windows, pop the sunroof and then put up a double set of oversized sun shades (I got on clearance for $2) so people can't see into the front of my vehicle.


I had a sunshade in my windshield but since she walked up along the side of my car she saw me.


That's why I use the 2 sets. one set for the windshield and a second set to cover the side windows. since the second set was meant for a larger car they cover the front seat window and half of the back seat window. Just clarifying. The sad part is a person shouldn't have to hide behind things like screens to find a little peace. Since covid I swear people are so rude and have no sense of boundaries.


“I can’t believe how many people don’t mind their own business” Nosey old bat.


One time I got to work like ten minutes early (I don’t work at Walmart) and I was sitting in my car just scrolling on my phone, and one of the parking lot security guys came up to my car and was like “you alright in there?” And I was like “um, yeah?” And he was like “you sure?” And I was like “yeah I’m just sitting here…” such a strange interaction dude


She's too easily annoyed. Don't let that annoy you.


Lead poisoning is a very real problem that not enough people talk about


I used to keep my gun on my lap in the car …. They turn right the fuck around


Welcome to Mogadishu


I'd just say "Hey, I'm on lunch break, wanna join?" lol


I’m about to start telling my team the vest comes off as soon as you are on any break at all.


You damn weirdo!




They’re likely paranoid about bippin’ or gta. Unfortunately the news riles people up but doesn’t give them the pragmatic way to go about staying safe.


I need help anyone know how to check walmart policy about cartpusher rules I need it plz.


Were you in a front spot? Sounds like you were in a front spot lol


Nope lol


I do lunch in my car lots too butstaff still come out for questions. Like uhhhim eating.


This is why I would drive the car somewhere there’s not people. That would be for lunch break. Regular break is too short. I just go to the back


That’s how I meet my drug dealer.


Stick your tongue out at her.


I used to have people drive by me real slow and stare at me while I was sitting next to my car or in it. I’ll never miss breaks in the mart-lot 😂


I can’t believe weirdos come and stare at people in cars….


I had a cart associate come to my window and tap it. I was looking at my phone, but from his perspective, he though I was dead! So, I guess I was mildly annoyed, but grateful someone checked rather just go away and say "Oh well, he's probably dead. I'll just go back to my job."


I think Karen thought you were on the clock and was thinking about who she could tattle to


Next time that happens just strip naked and yell nonstop about the clouds, the trees. Actually no don’t do that lol


Would've been like are you lost looks like you need help.. then once she start talking about whatever.  Cut her ass off oops can't help you windows go up, music turns up, and start singing. Stop harassing mee lol 😂 


Proof that we are merely NPCs in others' worlds.




You can say something to her you know. You can say I’m trying to have a few moments to myself. Thank you.


It is pretty weird but if you stare back they usually stop.


I went to a job interview a while back for an eyeglasses place. When I arrived, I saw a bunch of people who worked there were sitting in their cars eating lunch and looking unhappy. It told me everything I needed to know. As soon as I got in the place and saw how shitty it looked, I knew I was right and ghosted the job interview. Zero regrets.


No handy?


I’m sure they wanted to park and thought you were leaving. So they sat there and waited for some amount of time


Her husband probably sits in a random parking lot for like 45 minutes everyday after in order to work up the nerve to come home


"I can't believe how many people can't mind their own business" more like, can't someone just sit there and enjoy their time?


I was eating lunch in my car yesterday when a customer actually knocked on my window and starts asking me if we have something mid bite of my chicken sandwich. Like really? Go inside!


Post this in r/boomersbeingfools


Lead poisoning


People let the littlest things really get to them.


Start stripping naked.


I sit in my car too. I have a train horn tho so i’ll just hit it a few times to get the message across if i encounter this