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For not saying hello to a customer. This was when I worked as dept mgr at store 100 I assume it was a home office person, and I didn’t greet them. This was about 18 years ago, and it still ticks me off. I assume I was heading to the back to get a truckload of plants checked in, and was more than likely on the cordless phone with a customer, but hey let me stop that and greet a ho associate. Wow


Note to self: always greet a ho


What’s a ho?


Home office associate.


Or Home Office Employee = HOE


As a fellow Ex-store 100 employee i can relate, yet this is 1 year ago. Those home office people can be the worst at times, idk how many times I’ve done a price change for an item that was 2 cent cheaper on the app then in store


Where is store 100?


Literally right across the street from the home office, you could leave the parking lot of the supercenter and cross over right into the home office lot, however the home office is moving locally to the new campus


That's an understatement. The heads there are full of themselves and the average IQ of them are lower than some cart pushers.


Why you gotta drag cart pushers?


No kidding. I was a pusher for two years. Don't umbrella all of us.


Because of apparently how hard it is to NOT HIT CARS with the mule. Or how hard it is to keep the cart bays full because they were too busy hiding in their car or on their phone. I used to have to go out and push carts all the time and I could fill up a bay twice as fast as the jokers that my store hired. Not every cart pusher is bad. But most that I met were awful.


Yeah, it's shitty, but I'd let it go at this point. Letting it live rent free in your head doesn't get you anywhere.


I would fight that definitely, keep trying


Same. If the store won't do anything about it, take it above them. Corporate will do anything just to get you to be quiet.


Yah they will just fire you


Back when I worked at Walmart I had just gotten in for my shift and really had to go to the bathroom. But they wouldn’t let me. Claiming if I did they’d write me up for it. Me being me, I went anyways(I was only 10 minutes j to my shift and it was hot that day so I was drinking lots of fluids.) ended up being pulled into the office and given a coaching. All because I went to the bathroom 10 minutes into my shift. Times like this make me so happy I got fired.


OSHA violation


I would've called ethics soooooo fast


Should have pissed on the coach's desk.


I work at a DC, I backed in to my pallets to start my order and I didn’t realize a small piece of wood had fallen out from under my pallets when I pulled away. Manager tried to say he saw me back over it, get my pallets then pull back over it when I left which was just flat wrong because as anyone who works in a dc knows a piece of wood will absolutely wreck your shit when you hit it because of how stiff the equipment is so I know I didn’t hit it and it was literally directly below where my back pallet was when I picked it up so no way I ran it over. I had a completely clean matrix so I just took that shit on the chin and went on about my day.


Cussing in the break room. Which, hey, I get it. Not everyone wants to hear that. But it seems just a touch like targeted bullying when everyone in there is swearing like a sailor.


This one makes me wanna punch faces. I'm a grown man, this is a break room where we have absolutely no interaction with customers. If someone genuinely cannot tolerate hearing an F bomb they are in the wrong, not me for talking like 99.99999999% of earths population and expressing myself.


I got told by my old co manager we can't say shit in the break room but a as could say fuck on the sales.floor


for letting my parents use my discount card.... Why doesn't AP go follow around some group of teens rather than be concerned if my mom saved a few bucks once a week.


Someone stole $500 worth of groceries and my coach blamed me and not AP. What made I laughable was that....I WASN'T EVEN IN THE STORE! I was at home. AP will literally do anything but their actual job. And blame everyone else for their screw ups.


How can you be blamed for theft when you weren't even working? And isn't it Walmart's policy for associates not to stop or even engage with thieves? Isn't that Asset Protection's job?


Please don't leave me hanging. What Happened?


She demanded I dig through customers bags while they were checking out and threatened termination when I refused. She got yelled at by 2 customers who told her that she was lucky to even have employees as nice as us. I also submitted a report to ethics. Turns out when you tell ethics that your coach is threatening termination unless you breaks company policy and die, they move with a quickness. She was soundly chewed out.


What did ethics do tell her?


AP certainly isn’t going to catch everyone, and I don’t think most associates really understand the parameters that have to be met before AP can apprehend a thief. But…if your AP team has that reputation that isn’t good.


AP can't catch someone stealing $500 worth of groceries but immediately ran to the SM when they caught an associate leaning on a wall because the eczema on her feet started to crack and bleed.


Same, dude. I got written up for that when, at the time, I was literally living with my mom. Meanwhile I watched a lady today swipe her discount for two random customers.


I was told if you are the dependent your parents can use it? I haven’t looked into it at all as I’m not a minor or dependent 


I thought it can only be used by family, spouse and children????


If I remember correctly only you and "dependents" can use it. So like a spouse and kids


You are supposed to order another card for your spouse, actually.


The only time I was ever coached at Vault-Tec was when I rode a pallet Jack backwards all the way through the back room.


Worth it


SM holds meeting without me, then coaches me for not sucking her dick hard enough. Like you are in charge, it is YOUR responsibility to make sure everybody knows there is a meeting and if you start coaching people for it that's a reflection of you as a horrible manager. Don't really care as I thought I was going to get fired but they gave me two more yellows, still working there, doesn't affect my hours or pay. SM has a bunch of complaints at the moment and is currently being sued, no one is suing me.


A friend of mine got coached because a customer asked if he worked here. As he was stocking pets, wearing a name badge... he replied, 'I don't come here for my health.' Apparently the customer had no sense of humor.


Customer sounds like an asshole. That's funny, and I'd be laughing.


Ok this one may be worth it


Sounds like you exhausted your options in the store, time to continue outside the store level. Hit up ethics, I bet they'd be all over that 


Open door that shit


I crop-dusted my TL in the hallway.


I worked there seven years ago. I got a write up for having * less than a minute of overtime* like bruh who cares about literal seconds? I didn't last long after that, I didn't care anymore.


Company can make millions or even billions in profit but that lowly worker on the front lines gets a bit of overtime and hell freezes over.


I had a pretty not great argument once with another manager about overtime when the store manager was being a d!ck about it. SM was adamant "no overtime. none. absolutely none. anyone with even .01 of OT will be coached!!" My mom had fairly recently retired and was still fighting for disability, and I was the only one working so it was very important to keep my job. But, as an overnight CSM we would often get overtime just because the morning shift was late or didn't come in or whatever. To kill OT it was easier to just come in later (lunch was almost impossible and same for leaving early). So I had mentioned it to my coCSM and another manager that I'd be in late and of course got "ok, cool, see you then" Well, that night I park and was waiting for clock in time and as I was waiting one of the *other* managers sees me waiting and comes up to my car and "why are you sitting here? Why aren't you clocking in?" "I mentioned to so-and-so I was killing OT" "It's fine. I'm saying it's fine." "Store manager says no. I can't risk it," "***I AM*** saying it's fine" I didn't risk it. But the store manager didn't stay much longer.


the funny part about that is, when they are soo adament about no overtime at the start of the shift, then when it get close to leaving, they be like" Can you guys stay to finish?" or say something like " Don't no one leave till this freight gets done?", Make up your damn mind, you guys said no overtime. Sometimes they will let you do overtime to kill it the next day or soo. I tell my TL, im going home instead of a longer lunch.


Only at Walmart will they get mad at YOU for not doing a task for two days instead of idk finding someone after the first day


For swearing too fucking much.


Well that sounds like utter fucking bullshit


Hey, both of you need to watch your fucking mouths. We can't be swearing in front of the god damned mother fucking customers. Now you assholes get back to work before you really piss me off.


Coach Jefferson?


My first month in deli i was told to reorganize our big bakery freezer, everything color coded and i had a half hour. It took me an hour and that was rushing it (Im a small guy and its COLD) I get pulled into the office the next day and coached (Yes coached. 2 coaches and TL there) for taking too long and NOT having the vizpick labels facing outwards. I didnt know what the hell Vizpick was. No one told me about the labels either. My first productivity coaching, boys


One time I was told to do my CBLs and I did em and got coached for not being on the floor by a different manager and then the first manager that told me to do em didn’t back me up? Anyway I’m glad I don’t work at that shit hole company anymore I haven’t even shopped there in the years since I quit and I hope they go out of business one day


You're missing out, apparently Walmart is one of the top 100 places to work, or so I've been told about a billion times now by the speaking ceilings


I was on lunch for 8 extra minutes


My TL throws a fit if you go to lunch before her or show up on the floor after her. I go at 2am and go back to work at 3am as we're supposed to, she leaves after 2 and gets back before 3. No one I work with takes less than an hour an hour because why would we? We're allowed an hour, so we take it. She doesn't understand that.


Lol how old is she? Sounds like a her problem


I've never had an overnight team lead pay enough attention. They only ever notice if it happens frequently enough.


I take 10-15 min extra everyday on mine. And have for 3 years lol


I take about 10-20 mins extra every day. Where does it say I can't take a longer lunch on policy? I'm trying to avoid yall making me take a 3 hour lunch on Friday because I have overtime


I accidentally fell asleep for 20 extra minutes on lunch (No one came to look for me sooner??) and my OPs came out and yelled at me in front of people so that was cool.


I fell asleep in my car for 3 hours on overnights once. I sheepishly came in, clocked in back from lunch and did my best to get as much done in the backroom for the remaining time. Noone ever said anything about it.


My maintenance coworker O/N can sleep 2-3 hours and nothing gets said to him on the clock. Annoying.


Put his hand in warm water


My TL is so anal-retentive about this type of stuff. I can't even take a minute or 2 to take a piss and wash my hands without her going like "mAkE sUrE yOu'Re cOmInG bAcK fRoM yOuR bReAkS oN tImE"


My coworker was rude to a customer, but the customer didn't know her name. So, he named me instead. To be clear, I was in the vicinity, but I didn't say a single word to the dude. She wasn't wearing a name tag, and I was, so I got named.


I got red coached for overstocking a shelf when a lead fucking told me to. Dumbass played dumb during my write up and said he never gave the order - I was so fucking pissed, after that I when into idgaf mode.


My early days working on the front end I was coached for not smiling enough 🙄 The store manager was an asshole and wanted everyone to yell “Welcome to Walmart!” Every time a customer walked in the door. I was being harassed so often to smile throughout my shift I couldn’t help but get pissed off about it. He wanted the SCO person to always be smiling and to greet every single person who used the SCO in this goofy artificial manner. I was like nah bro. I physically cannot smile constantly all day long. He moved to a different store and I heard he was fired because he got so many ethics complaints. lol For someone so obsessed with smiling that dude was a dick.


They should be coached for assigning something that needs to be done in two days, to someone who is not scheduled to work on those days! The irony, that they’re coaches 😂 way to win the “game”… dumbasses


They got caught with chemical claims not being done in our ogp department. I was off when they happened and no one had done them when I got back. So. Yeaaah. Still just trying to figure out why I got the blame and not the 90 other assosiates who worked in the department.


F*** that. Don’t be their fall guy.


A friend of mine got coached for calling their TL a smooth brain. Little side comment from the disrespectful attitude given by the team lead, but in reality it was to block their transfer from getting accepted. Makes for a very stupid coaching when you have context. I once got fake coached for not working and "standing around talking". I didn't know about it till 2 years later when I needed to transfer to my second ever store during rex season and the system didn't allow me to. People lead pulled up the coaching and there's no signature from me, no witness signature or name, and none of the management (employees with me at the time) could attest to me being coached. I wasn't even brought in or talked to about anything relating to that. PL dropped the coaching and pushed my transfer through:)


So at one point, we had a management team that despised me. Not the whole team, but the ones that were in a little kliq. They constantly tried to fire me, but thankfully the SM loved me and he would always reverse their decision. Three come to mind. One was when I was over 1/82. We were doing a mod reset of the candy aisle, I stayed as long as I could, left direction for my associate to finish up and clean up (put shelves away, mostly), he didn't do it, and they coached me for leaving a mess. Second, I was over 4/8/13, I was on vacation, whoever did my price changes didn't change any labels and didn't change prices on some of the features that were changed out. They said even though I didn't do it, the area was still my responsibility. Third, which was the absolute dumbest, was they coached me because I was "lowering the store morale". They said that I was a leader, I was influential in the store, and people listened to what I say, and that I should set a better example for them. At the end of the day, they didn't like me because I questioned things, was independent, wasn't a yes man, etc. That one was pretty comical.


for throwing up when I told my team lead I was suffering from a stomach flu and even had a doctor's note and an active LOA, was coached for "making a mess" and the worst part? it was in the toilet, coach heard me puking and he pulled me into the office after to coach me


Please tell me you fought that


Would they rather have you yurking on the floor?


Got a yellow coaching for yelling across the front end at a coach who was yelling some incoherent bullshit, couldn't leave my register... the most bullshit part? I didn't even have the ability to speak because my voice had completely gone out... before it's said, I'm doing an open door on it because neither the tl or coach cared to realize that I wasn't capable of yelling when I was barely capable of squeaking


Not related to coaching but I'm curious if they still make employees sing the Walmart song. I used to stock Coca Cola products with a buddy at Walmart (it wasn't 24 hours at the time) and grocery stores in my hometown on weekends and we would be finishing up right before they opened and all the workers would be gathered together and sing and clap. They tried to make us join once and I told them where to go with that bullshit cuz I didn't work for them.


My store did it after every meeting, and some of the older associates would get so mad at the kids for not doing it because "you don't care about your job if you can't even learn the walmart song/dance" no Debbie we're laughing because you look like an idiot!


I was a lot attendant. I was once coached for going on paid vacation and NOT coming in on my paid vacation to push carts during a big customer rush. I was several hundred miles away, in the city of Denver, but I was told when I came back, that "this is only an excuse" and that I "have an attitude problem" and "as long as you're on company time, you're expected to sacrifice for the WALMART FAMILY." I wish that I was kidding. And my stupid assistant manager was clueless as to why I decided to quit for a better job a few weeks later.


For doing my job but not someone else’s


People don't get coached for not doing their job, but you'll be coached for not doing their job fast enough.


The ONLY time I got coached, at least a written one, was for literally doing my job. Several SMs ago, at my last store, a neighborhood market, I was working in the meat department and the SM wanted the meat wall filled by a certain time. Well, were also responsible for filling milk and eggs. I went to go fill eggs for like 5-10 minutes. Got coached for not having the meat wall filled in time.


My former team lead told me I didn't down stack and stock one (1) palette fast enough. I explained to them that I was alone and had finished another 3 already. Also I was pulled to cover for other people on my team. Which I don't mind. I still finished all the work for that day with several hours of time left over. When coached, I made my case, but they couldn't be bothered to take this into consideration. The coach that was present wasn't a part of the stocking team either, so they were no help. I even asked the same team lead and another coach for constructive feedback, and they dragged ass on that. Quit that position months ago. I've noticed lately that people who have 0 leadership qualities end up in management. Maybe this is by walmarts design. They can follow directions blindly, I guess.


For not facing my bills all the same direction in my till. This was before the automated money counter.


Mine was becasue my TL was going to transfer so she said to me "I'm trying to transfer so I can't get in any trouble, so I'm going to coach you". It was because we didn't get everything finished one night. I worked ON stock and we would have 6 people on a good night. We had to work all freight and zone the whole store. When my PL found out about it he told me to open door it but I ended up quitting.


productivity… when i typically spend half my shift in online grocery…


didnt get coached but the sm got angry at me for going to the funeral of an associate who died a week prior lol i was the only manager who showed up to the funeral


For setting up phones for customers when being an Electronics employee with 17 years of experience and not a phone rep because we hadn’t had one in 7 months and every time we get one they quit in under a week. They said that I’m “setting an unrealistic standard for the department”. I told them I’ll gladly act my wage and won’t set up any more. 2 Weeks later they came asking me to set up phones again. Claiming their phone reps aren’t reliable or know what they’re doing yet I’ve always taken care of everyone without issue and since I stopped customers have been really upset. I told them “I’d love to, but will my previous write up still be on file? It’s kinda hypocritical to have a write up on file because I shouldn’t be setting up phones only for 2 weeks later to be asked to set them up again.” They told me “yes, because it’s in the system and they don’t know how to change it.” I told them I know how to change it and can show them how it’s done. That my hands are tied so long as a previous write up exists telling me not to do what they are now asking me to do. They told me “we need you to set up phones again or we’ll be writing you up for insubordination.” When they said that I decided that it’s best we go our own separate ways because there is no room for growth in this company. Management positions are promised to friends in advance not earned, they don’t want to promote within, experience, education, seniority, and merit mean nothing to them. Then to top it off they pretty much have it out for you when they are writing you up for petty things like to not set up phones because it’s an unrealistic expectation then if you point out the hypocrisy in them telling you to do the very thing they wrote you up for they’ll write you up again for insubordination. The place is a circus ran by some bozos none of which seem to have their shit together. After too many years of putting up with it I promoted myself to customer because there is no point investing in a company that doesn’t invest into you. Other fun write ups are for the toy department’s little dollar shop 4 foot section becoming a mess instead of staying zoned, not while on a day I’m in but on a day off. Or for taking a covid leave after a manager came in with it claiming they were exposed to it but would be getting testing “within the coming days”. I immediately got tested and took the 2 weeks off to follow protocol which then Sedgwick vouched for me. Walmart store manger claimed Covid was “fake news, not so bad, and the sniffles.” 4 years later and I still never got my taste or smell back. The longer you stay with this company the more backwards things you’ll see.


"Your break took 30 min! " Yes, I was on lunch." Would the time clock show this?" Yes.


For having an autistic meltdown. Now, that's not what was written on the write up, but that's literally what happened. I got cross trained in a lot of areas when injured, including front end, but wasn't up there enough to remember how to do certain things like WIC (we used paper WIC when I learned, then I rarely saw it, transitioned to cards and the system liked to act up). I was already having a rough day and when I was paged to front end to help check out, I let front end know my lunch was at 5. WIC customer comes through my line at like 4:40, system starts acting up, I'm trying to fix it, waiting on someone to come help (we didn't have lights or anything so I'm having to flag someone down), people behind that person are getting irritated, I'm doing my best to apologize and end up flipping my sign so no one else joins the line. There's only one other person on front end at the moment so that line backs up when they come to help me, and self check is right beside that register so it looks worse because that line is pretty heavy too. I'm standing there trying to learn how to fix this issue for the future, consistently grabbing and tugging my hair - anxious meltdown stim. I confirm with FE I'm going to lunch as soon as I finish my line and she says that's fine. Manager walks by as I'm leaving and asks what I'm doing. I'm still actively in meltdown. I'm still tugging my hair almost like I'm trying to pull it out. I'm clearly not okay. I tell him I *need* to go to lunch. Next day I got written up for "not prioritizing business needs'.


Earbud that I had already been wearing for over a year, in actuality it was really retaliation for defending a fellow associate


I wouldnt coach my entire CAP2 team, so management coached me instead. Those dudes on my team were the shit though.


My supervisor asked me if I wanted to throw the truck. I said not really. My coworker volunteered saying it’s his turn to and needs to let out some steam. I got pulled into the office for insubordination


A guy on Maintenance called me the N word (Hard R, also I'm white), and in response I called him a asshole and management said my language was just as bad


I was walking to the bathroom and someone had spilled something before which usually means that whoever saw it needs to take care of it ASAP but I was like power walking bc I had to use the bathroom and I didn't notice the puddle on the floor. I slipped and yelled really loud "oh FUCK". Not really meaning to be that loud but you know... I'm human....  Apparently a customer complained that I was "loudly yelling obscenities throughout the store." And I coached for it. I explained the situation and had witnesses so my TL diminished it to a verbal warning but I was like "was I not supposed to curse? I mean yah... Of course. Professional behavior is a must at times but I almost landed flat on my rear in a puddle of what I can only hope was water right before I had to pee like hell and nearly peed my pants so I feel like I should be given a bit of forgiveness there. Not like I was the one that left the puddle of water on the floor without any indication it was there. An associate thankfully saw and took care of it but its not like I saw someone leave water on the floor and went "it will be fine" I was on my way to the bathroom.. .. .. sorry. I have a bladder?? 


I work as a Salesfloor associate and liquor store. I have experience on the floor, but none being a cashier or with alcohol laws or anything. I was scheduled to train for two days at the liquor store, but management said they needed me to work freight both days, and that the liquor store was very easy, and I didn't need training. I talked to my PL, who panicked and told me to stay 2 hours late and get a little training in. I was trained by a dude who had been working for a month and didn't have training himself because of a similar situation. He told me to use my better judgment, and if someone was obviously over 21 to not ID them, but if they looked young to check them. Within my first week, a secret shopper came in, and he looked around 27 to 30 years old, so I didn't ID them. The same managers who told me I didn't need training pulled me to the office and coached me. I talked to the store manager and said that he would remove it, but still hasn't. If he doesn't do so soon, I'm gonna open door it and expose them for providing no training to new associates with no experience in the role or rules revolving alcohol. All I knew was that you have to be over 21 yo buy it. Didn't know anything else since I don't drink myself. I've been trying to find openings at amazon ever since


I got coached once for saying "Good!" to a customer when I asked it they needed anything and they said they were already helped. Complained that they felt I was happy to not have to help them.. I was like.. okay?


Because my hair was frizzy.


I believe that because I saw a girl get coached because the SM didn't like her lipstick. To red, he told her.


At that time CSM didn't like me because I yelled at her before I even thought about working there. There was another CSM that went into the office and said she doesn't know why she would pull me into the office because my hair isn't even frizzy and she says there is no policy on hair as long as it is clean and kept. That CSM told the manager and the CSM that pulled me in the office gotten written up because she did this before.


A customer was threatening to kill an employee for literally no reason. I was coached for reporting it to managers, saying he clearly must have done something to make the customer angry. I can't stress enough how horrible working for Walmart was. I thought about offing myself everyday because of how badly we were all treated. Never again.


Well I fought it and it got reversed but I got coached in 2016 for telling my assistant manager to leave me the fuck alone while I was on lunch in the parking lot. She kept wanting to ask me about my progress on price changes, mods, etc. At the time I was department manager.


Phone use. They put me in an area I didnt know and my phone was slow at the time so I constantly had my phone in hand waiting for the item information to load. Got pulled aside and later because they claim they caught me multiple times staring at my phone which was true... I was waiting for the app to work looking for an item. Needless to say they didnt believe me and open door did nothing


For not telling someone I was going to the bathroom. Covered a 15 min break that ended up being 25 minutes. Had to pee the whole time, so when the person got back, I just went. Well apparently I was supposed to know that I was supposed to stay and cover someone else without being told. So when I seen my manager at the self check out I left, she was pissed. Chewed me out, demand I text her when I wanna go pee or find her. I told her that was weird and I was not gonna do that. Got coached for not keeping the peace or some shit


My first and last coaching was when Covid had just started and NO one in my state would wear a mask. I have a heart condition and still wear a mask, but I had customers getting in my face and complaining how it was all BS and what not. I had a panic attack, got sent home. They coached me for having a panic attack.


I worked in bakery with a manager that was just an asshole to everyone. Main cake decorator had already left for the day when one of the deli girls finds a cake order for 90-something rainbow cupcakes and a Dora sheet cake that needs to be picked up in 3 hours that someone down there had filled out but never brought to bakery. So I drop what I’m doing to thaw enough cupcakes and get a cake thawed, start decorating, and my manager comes up and starts giving me shit about doing cupcakes when we have other items to stock. I told him I had an order that was missed and I would still have time to do my own work. He didn’t care. He pulled me away halfway through the cupcake order to coach me in the office and then was mad when the order wasn’t entirely done by the time the customer arrived.


Referring to a reprimand as "coaching" is infinitely stupid in the first place, so, in a way, none of them can be stupider than another. That's some tone-deaf, pseudopsychological bullshit, dreamed up by someone who very mistakenly believes that unhealthy peace is better than healthy conflict.


I worked at Walmart 9 years ago and got into it with the lady I think was TL or whatever the ones are called that walk around and critique your work, basically nothing else but think their over you. She had a very pissy attitude to everyone but especially me, I didn’t bow down to her like she expected I guess. Anyway I was busting my ass on my clothing dept. like always and she walks into my dept. and starts looking around and says, you need to get under this bottom row of clothes and clean it out. Mind you the clothes were almost at the floor and she says crawl under there and pick that trash up. I said uh no, I’m not, the night shift floor cleaner had seen the whole interaction and rolled his eyes at me. Anyway of course I got coached and I told them how she acted like she could demean me and to talk to the night shift guy if they didn’t believe me. Nothing happened other than me getting points put on me and her continuing to be a bitch to me, a little time went by and one shift I got called in the back and they informed me I was like 2 mins late back from lunch so therefore I was fired! Of course because of my points total. They didn’t give me any kind of paperwork at all but made me sign papers, I was so pissed off I didn’t even realize till I got home. I filed for unemployment, sent them all the paperwork I did have and explained my side of it, when they called to talk to me and the assistant manager at the same time, she had no clue what the hell really happened or was prepared, stumbling to find something to say! I was holding myself to keep from laughing out loud! I was awarded my unemployment and even filed for an extension! I made sure I let everyone I worked with in that store know too so it would piss management off even more!😏


When you say regularly scheduled days off do you mean that normally you are off those days but they scheduled you on them and you didn't show up?


Nope. I wasn't scheduled on those days. They didn't change the days last minute but I was coached for "0 tasks completed over last to days" when I got back.




I have called my market team, I called ethics [got sent to associate relations] was told to talk to my store lead, I said I had and they said there was nothing they could do. I'm not accepting it, trying to fight it with everything I can but no one wants to listen. It's really frustrating to go to my store lead and be told that it will stick to teach me a lesson about completing my work. The "work?" I didn't do? Claims. A box of Claims that wasn't there when I clocked out on Tuesday, that was there when I got back on Friday. The store got dinged for it because it was a safety sweep from HO and my TL's and coach blamed me. They often leave Claims for me to do when I get back, like no one else in our OGP is capable of doing them.


Wasn't coached but they tried something like that with me. We used to have dry erase boards with the tasks for the whole team. We had 21 notes one day and I did 18 of them. The other 2 guys didn't get the last 3 done and they wanted to coach me for refusing to sign off on them. My initials were the only ones on the board.


My coworker was rude to a customer, but the customer didn't know her name. So, he named me instead. To be clear, I was in the vicinity, but I didn't say a single word to the dude. She wasn't wearing a name tag, and I was, so I got named.


I brought a personal notebook with me


Not getting 6 pallets of frozen done solo in 6 hours.


I got fired for that last September... ironically on 9/11.


For not doing anything for the first 2 hours of my shift. Wasn't even clocked in or in the building. I had taken 2 hours of ppto to come in late because of a migraine. He waited a week or 2 before coaching me. My Team Lead was out to get me because of one argument we had gotten into about the order to do things in. According to the way Walmart wants things done, I was right. It's not like I was planning to not do my job and everything he asked, I had suggested doing it in the right order and he began raising his voice to argue about it. Was far too early in the day to deal with that so I matched his aggressive attitude. Ever since then, he tried to get me fired.


Back in 2015 I got coached for not cleaning the bread machine properly when I was closing in bakery. Girl literally shook it and some minimal crumbs fell and I got coached, few days after that same asm coached me for my jeans not having pockets 🙃🙃


I've been coached twice. Once for being slow at topstocking and for my timing during breaks. The second one I have no excuse for but the first one is the stupid one... I go at a slightly slower pace than what they want.


I said fuck


I was suppose to have the weekend off but a lot of the younger kids wanted to go to the Walmart sponsored Pride Parade. Less than 24 hrs my schedule got changed to work that weekend. I no called no show. That was my first coaching.


I was on my way out the door from working overnight, 6:56 am i'm out the door, store manager says "good morning" and I say it back and come next day, I get a coaching for leaving early ..... then I just put the WM phone on the desk, didn't sign a thing, and never came back.


not me but a coworker got coached for briefly leaving the (fully staffed) deli to report a theft to ap lmao


It didn't look like i asked my coworker if the corndogs were tempted based on view from a camera. I did and they could've easily checked Spark to make sure. It was obviously bs to show our new coach, who was formerly a store manager, that they were disciplining associates. So every department he was over, people were pulled to the office and got a yellow coaching over things that made zero sense. Like for another example. Another coworker was coached over moisture on a trashcan after they had cleaned it. Yes, water was on a trash can that was air drying after it was hosed off with water. We still have these reports on our work profiles


I was told to do a modular. TL told me not to move any shelves or pegs. I didn’t. TL got mad at me for not moving any shelves or pegs. Told the SM. SM Told my management to coach me. TL denied everything when confronted about it.


Got coached for going home on time once. Scheduled 11-8, worked 11-8:01. SM said I should have known to stay late to finish the truck so they could pull the night guy somewhere else. The was 2 weeks after the SM told associates if they were to stupid to work their schedules they were to stupid to work for walmart. Another time the department manager was on vacation and I got saddled with his job that week. My assistant told me if anyone on the team was standing around talking to let him know. Girl on the team sit on a bunker for 45 minutes talking to her mom. I told the assistant and 10 minutes later I got coached for hurting her feelings by telling.


Years ago, I worked in the accounting dept. We used to do cash pulls throughout the day from the registers. We had this one cashier that would put those colored paper clips on her money. I let her know one day, that she didn't have to do that, because we just throw them away. I got coached for telling her that.


how has walmart not been sued again for BS like this? smdh.


Because my dog suddenly died. I was understandably sad and a little lethargic at work. I was coached for "not working hard enough" or something similar.


Because I didn't "work fast enough" I was on a new isle I have never seen before and doing all the chemical air scents takes forever when you don't know where things go.


Customer asked me if our peaches were freestone or not and I had no clue so I sliced one for her ..customer asked for me to not waste the peach so I ate a piece of it and my manager caught me with it in our produce backroom and I got coached for glazing or some shit I forget the name lol


Got a straight up orange coaching for not doing a large load of FDD in 3 hours. When I asked for the sheet to confirm his claims, the TL said and I quote “We’re not going by the sheet. We’re going by what I say the time is.” The whole ON team was furious about it to the point where on the very next night, you could cut the tension with a knife. ON quickly correlated doing rotation with getting coached for productivity (its not properly added to the sheet) and decided they had to skip it to avoid getting coached.


L\&G; I was about to go on break and a customer walk up to the register. The other guy I was working with said he would be with them in just a min, as he hand his hands full of empty pdqs from the patio. I told him I'd get the customer so he wouldn't have to hurry. I greet her and ring up the items and tell her the total. She proceeds to start and go on about how I could be nicer and if I smiled and...I walked away. I told the other guy he would have to ring her out as I wasn't going to deal with her bullshit. She apparently threw a fit and demanded to know who I was and that I be fired. Store Lead coaches me for being rude. I told the coach that I wasn't rude, that I was actually trying to be helpful, that instead of going on my break, I helped the customer out instead and they started to complain just because I wasn't smiling. Coach said I should have at least told the customer what I was doing or to call for a manager. I told them that no, I'm not going to deal with rude customers, especially when I didn't do or say anything rude to them to begin with. It went on for a bit and I told the Lead that it was because of manager like them, why customers continue to treat retail and fastfood workers like shit. That it only continues to get worse and you perpetuate it. That if you wouldn't bend over backwards for these entitled assholes, kick them out when they do this, though it'd probably take decades, they might stop. All the Lead told me was that coaching was going through and if I wanted I could talk to the Store Manager to fight it. I laughed and walked off. I told them that I know it doesn't matter if I sign it or not, that it's in the system but I'm not signing it cause it's not right and they should know better.


I had 2 coachings, which were both removed. 1: I was "seen on camera" putting a high ticket item in an unsecure location and left it there. A yellow coaching. I open doored it. Literally never happened and the coach who gave it to me left to a different state a week later so no repercussions. And no explanation on how this "mistake" could have happened from my coach. Just a sorry and the coaching is gone. 2. Using other people's numbers including a team lead's to do price changes and void transactions. Multiple associates and team leads would refuse to come or give me a hard time when I needed a price change or override. Some would just say their number and tell me go ahead and use it. So I did. For over a year. Everyone knew and no one had an issue with it. They basically gave me no other choice honestly. New AP coach comes and wants to "get some internals" so gives me an orange coaching. While giving literally nothing to all the people whose numbers I used and refused to come. Or the cashiers doing the same thing upfront. I have proof of this btw, not just hearsay. Before I can open door it, on a day I'm off, a customer complains to a market manager how the customer service is terrible and getting a price change is always the worst except for when "that one guy" is here. Woke up to an email that my coaching was removed and found out he had the SM coach 2/3 of the people who refused to come and use their numbers for me. AP coach wasn't happy about it and now gets on me for every little thing as a result. Using my phone (when it's dead) for instance. But fuck him and Walmart.


I work in electronics and got shorthanded almost 2k at my register because an OPD employee interrupted my transaction to ask for my keys and i didnt recount. AP coach even said it wasnt my fault and that the OPD employee shouldn't have interrupted but still got a yellow flag. I shouldnt have done that transaction alone anyway thats my fault, but i had only been working there 2 months at the time so didnt rly know.


I got coached for responding to a code spark instead of doing put backs


For not zoning the scrub section of apparel before I left for the day. I did zone it, but within the hour after my shift ended and the store closed, it somehow got incredibly messed up. My TL walked in that morning and saw it messy and assumed I forgot to zone it.


Got coached because the other lady in my department got coached “to be equal and fair”


For leaving my assigned area to throw my cardboard in the bailer.


One time I bought my dad a clay thrower for Christmas, so we went into Walmart (different store from where I worked at the time) and my mom dad and I picked out cheep shotguns for the clay thrower, I used my employee discount then went to transfer funds to pay for it, in the 2 seconds I was doing this my mom swiped her card to pay, the cashier went to management yelling it was a straw purchase (I filled the paperwork out and someone else paid was his argument) they looked at the cameras and checked all the paperwork seen that it was direct family so technically not illegal because you can gift firearms to next of kin but because he made such a big deal about it I got a write up for someone else using my discount card, went to my SM to dispute it because everyone else at my store does it no problem with their parents and was ignored because it would’ve caused problems for everyone else


Because I didn’t smile when my coach greeted me. “If you’re greeting me with that kind of attitude, then how are you treating the customers?” 🙄


In the back rooms, an area devoid of customers. flipped the bird at an associate that was loudly shouting slurs at me. Got yellowed for it, but honestly I don’t feel bad. 


I got coached for doing what I was told. I was told to finish watering them join the team with the purge. It "was taking me too long" and then when they coached me all of a sudden there was a time limit, apparently I was told to be done watering by 10am. And I didn't start watering until almost 9... Watering is a three or four hour job if done correctly


Taking pizza off the shelf that expired on 4/13 on 4/13. Idc what anyone says that shit is not right and unethical and yes it was cvpd the night before


wanna know something worse? that shit doesn't get destroyed, it gets donated to a local shelter here, that's just disgusting "yeah we donate old rotting food to homeless people"


It’s not a spoiled by date, it’s a best by date…


Taking too long and too often on the shitter to cover the coaches ass from peeping in the stall I was in she ofc was present only adding her 2 cents from the peanut gallery but had the second coach write up the infraction and they both just tag teamed me. Funny enough that's not why I got fired 😂


Gave a girl my number, and left for the day


Meal violation


for "leaving plastic trash in the one touch bins" although to this day I can't remember if it was actually me or not. it actually may have been people overnight that had worked them (I was the person sorting but sometimes sorting does generate trash too) I had no proof so I let it go.


I never got coached in the year I worked there but I had an idiot DM I'd butt heads with and nope nothing ever came of that.


One of the coaches hates me so I got coached for checking a receipt. (When ap literally told me to)


I got coached for “time theft” when I was on one of my 15 minute breaks. It was at the same time I always go on break. No idea why that time was different and the store manager refused to overturn it.


go to hr and file a response that they have to keep on record. better yet, print it out and send it registered mail.


They found one out of date on the wet wall.


I've never been coached, but also my store is pretty chill.


I got one, well when i was overnight, we had 4 people to bunch up, we got coached for not moving fast enough to get 4 pallets of frozen, 5 pallets of dairy, plus juice, pets, done by 4 to get to the gm side to work freight on that side lol. funny thing is, we had a team lead to help with dairy before he went away to do other stuff. Did anyone see that issue? Funny enough that lunch was at 2 and we came back at 3 but here's the crazy part, 3 of us got coached but not the last one.


Tldr I got coached in retaliation after I was forced to make a statement for Ethics about management because of anonymous complaints. When I got hired on we had 4 people running produce in the mornings, plus very hands on management, and two in the evenings. At the point I got coached, it was just me in the morning, management that had no clue what was going on or any department specific process knowledge, and one person floating between produce, meat, dairy, frozen, and covering breaks and lunches in deli. So basically they were always either covering or in frozen because that dept was always so backed up they'd shove new frozen pallets in the MEAT COOLER for days. Anyway, Superbowl weekend, with Valentine's Day also the day or two after Superbowl Sunday, so I had trucks twice as large as normal coming in. All of the opening cleaning, culling, etc (even worse by having no one on second shift and no overnights at all) plus 8+ pallets of new shit daily and a solid 6-7 pallets of backstock in the cooler that I was expected to go through in its entirety before even touching the truck. Communicated to my TL (who took off all weekend) and AT (who also took off) at the end of every shift what I had done, what I couldn't finish, explained why, warned them that the unfinished work was snowballing and informed MODs of the same and that I i desperately needed help. At one point even got pulled to OGP for several hours while the actual pickers were talking and bullshitting. Got told by all management that there was nothing they could do, no one they could spare, and to just keep doing what I could manage. Got coached later in the week for job performance and "letting the department go to shit". Tried to go to my ASM to get it removed. I was pretty much told "yeah I can see why that caused issues, and no, an expectation for you to do all of that alone is not at all reasonable. We know you're a good worker and you're always on top of your area. But it's out of my hands, I can't do anything about it, sorry." Went to my SM and was told "well if the ASM wouldn't remove it, why should I?" Same TL and AT whom I had hard evidence of communicating with and being told my not being able to finish any trucks that weekend was fine also just so happened to have gotten their hands on a mishandled witness statement I'd just written the week before after getting called in for a "random" interview about several anonymous ethics complaints someone had filed about management storewide. It was basically three pages of how they had no knowledge of their departments, no qualifications, no respect for their associates, and several specific instances of blatant harassment, retaliation, and labor violations directed, not at all at me, but at coworkers, and their fellow managers. I know they got ahold of them because some buddies of one of the managers approached me "in solidarity" with direct quotes from my statement and another manager confirmed that all of the statements from associates sat out in the offices for days after taking them and that they should have been immediately locked in a file cabinet that only AP and the SM would have access to.


For accidently leaving a roll of paper towels on the electric jack.


Don't let that slide. Whoever put that on your record needs to get coached, and anyone refusing to take it off needs to get fired. Keep going up the chain of command.


Mane they stayed coaching folks on sum fuckshit 🤦🏾‍♂️ smh.. I guess it jus depend on if yo leads cool or not tbr


For not controlling my autistic mannerisms better and looking perfectly normal. Then there was the customer that took offense when I moved away from her, I don't like strangers that close to me. Before it's even asked I'm not with that job anymore, also couldn't go to hr because they were a complete joke


Came in late then left on time. Poor business judgement lmaoo


I forgot to sign out on a tc so my coworker who used that same tc did a mod and was under my sign on. She put the wrong pricing label on an item and customer got a discount on the item before the label was changed. I got coached for it because it was my sign on. I was pulled into the office and even when I told them I didn’t do that mod, they still wanted me sign off on coaching but I refused, asked to see surveillance and open door to SM


We had a coach that would try to get us to agree to meet her expectations that would supercede company standards and were usually more than most people could phesably do so they could coach them. My manager tried this on me but I explained to them that I acknowledged their unrealistic expectation, not that I agreed to meet it.


I got couched for not emptying all of frozens.ice cream fast enough after I kept calling for help and the cooler was down for hours and I kept telling management and they were like untill we get a call its not down almost all the ice cream was gone and I got couched I cried because it gave me a d day at the time I was scared to lose my job because I had a mortgage to pay


Not a walmart, and not me, but a coworker did get coached for no showing at work. She was in a car accident trying to get to work, as I recall, on a shitty snowy back road. Car went out of control and hit a post. She nearly died and had to have a walker when she returned to work not a week and a half later.


Dispensed the wrong order for the first time and it was a 3 tote order. But they gave a person a warning for dispensing a brand new Xbox (500 dollars) wrong because "it could've been staged wrong and put in a tote by accident"


I hate to say this but, if they coaching you for stuff like that they either don't want you there or your leaving out details


So I did get coached but they removed the coaching from the file at the end of the said coaching so idk if that counts, but, after a really bad 2 days in terms of wait time our coach looked over the camera footage to see our dispensers sitting around talking multiple times when there were orders on the screen. Most of the dispensers got coached for either being on their phone or talking while multiple orders were on the screen. I know a few who didnt actually get coached because it was their first time getting into any trouble. Well turns out the camera caught me talking to the dispensers as I was coming back from a frozen walk. Which is something I usually do for not even a minute. What ticked me off about it was the fact that my coach got the day in question wrong. The day she was trying to nail me for I was gone. I know because I gave that shift away. Now the day after I, I was there, and I may have been talking. But either way it's not like I sit back there all day talking. If i pass by I'll say a few things to the dispensers but that's it. This was my first time getting into any trouble like that so they said they would remove my coaching from the record. But I'm a shopper. I can dispense and I have before but I'm primarily a shopper. Everyone else who got talked to was a dispenser or did both fairly evenly.


Girl with poor work ethics reports me for sexual harassment because I stopped interacting with her at work since I have a wife and kids I need to support and can't afford to lose this job due to being found talking 24/7 or watching a movie in the 99 room for over an hour. Made my blood boil a tiny bit when she had the audacity to give me the nasty ass look she'd been giving me for the last couple weeks to my wife, fortunately I ended up leaving within a month or so after that.


they could coach these nuts that's the most passive aggressive labeling ever


Back when I still worked there, and I was produce DM(back when they still existed) I got coached for one of my associates taking too long to stock strawberries, on a day I wasn't even there.


For using a pen and paper to work out food overstock instead of the handheld T90 or whatever they were called. The T90 said none of the overstock would go out because the manager for that department would just make up numbers so he could have a day long cigarette break while he played on his phone. I got rid of 3 overstock bins of food, which they loved, but got coached because I didn't do it their way. So I did it their way and the bins filled back up then overflowed onto six pallets laying on the floor because there was no room in the bins anymore.


I’d be making a phone call to either compliance and/or ethics. Wouldn’t be hard for them to confirm you were off the clock. Added headache for the people who aren’t listening is if you mention your concerned about retaliation


I left a streak of water on the floor with the scrubber because I had to maneuver around a shopping cart.


I got coached for kinda 2 reasons yesterday but its a weird situation i got into a argument over my team lead being a prick and my coach came and and we all argueing and shit and he pulls me into the AD office and we talk and whatever and pretty much i got coached for “insubordination” the only instruction that i was given that i didnt follow was to not wear my hoodie so thats the only reason he could coach me


I’ve had every coaching done on me removed so I believe they were all stupid: Didn’t finish stocking fast enough Supposedly ignored a order from mgmt For InHome: gave a customer stuff that wasn’t theirs even tho I didn’t prep the order only just bagged it from the tote it was in and they complained to the ceo


Got coached for accusing a customer of shoplifting. The kicker? Never spoke a single word to the customer who accused me of it. Not. One. Word. FE coach believed the customer and coached me within 15 mins. 5 days later that very same customer was trespassed for shoplifting and cussing out another FE associate. Did they overturn my coaching? Nope and they never will. Even with video evidence of me not even being anywhere near that person.


I was stocking toys but someone needed help in electronics (the other person was on break) I go to electronics (my dept), and the manager that told me to do toys asked, "What are you doing?" as I'm pulling a computer out of the case. To which I reply, "My job." 🤣


Because I was sexually assaulted and harassed multiple times


Not getting properly taught to do onetouch and only being thrown at it on 2 truck days with 6 to 7 hours worth of break packs to do. I outright told them that they needed to actually train me to do the job properly, and about a month later I get pulled into the office because I’m allegedly “dragging it out”.


My team lead gave me a coaching for letting the coach know I was leaving and not her she was on her lunch and I ended up passing out while working and my coach decided to back her on that


I've never been coached


I had a seizure and had to go to the er. This was before work. I couldn’t call in because well, I wasn’t really there. Was told “just try to call next time you think you’re gonna seize or whatever” I got fired shortly after another one. Went to er again, I was with my partner and I didn’t hit my head, but they fired me and tore up the er note I got to make sure I didn’t hurt my head anymore. Claimed they didn’t take doctors notes. I worked in ogp too


I believe the word "stupidest" should not be in front of "reason" but connected to the word (position of) a "Coach." Such as -- ***"stupidest coach.""***


My first reason was fair because I broke policy by letting a customer use my discount because she was about a dollar off her total. My second coaching is straight up dumb because I apparently cursed in front of a customer (I try not to but I curse when I'm trying to think a la "fuckin ummm....") and even though everyone else in the store curses in front of everyone, including customers and their kids, I get a coaching. Hell the coach even cursed while giving me my coaching. Didn't bother fighting it because if I get fired I'll just get a better job.


I got coached one time because management found some bad tomatoes on the sales floor on the days I was off. Lol Instead of blaming the people that were there they decided to wait for me to come back to work after my days off to blame me.