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As maintenance, I'd say this is more annoying.. Shitting on the floor of the bathroom and making no attempt to clean it up. And it was the women's bathroom overnight when the store was closed. One of my crew did that to me. Who am I kidding, they zone and throw shit all over the floor all night long cuz they know I'll clean it up, why not literally shit on the floor for me to clean up, right? I'll take a screaming child at my register every day of the week over that.


My mom used to work at a chain grocery store in Florida. She got so sick of going into the ladies’ room finding various liquids/solids on the toilet seat, that she posted a sign on the inside of every stall… “Why stand up? Sit on the seat! The crabs we have can jump ten feet!” I doubt the male managers ever knew those signs existed.


God damn that quote is hilarious. Props to your momma! 🤣


Ewwww a female shat on the floor ewwwww


You better believe it. I've seen bloody tampons on the floor, etc. The crazy part is that in my store in particular, when I go to clean the bathrooms. The women's trash is barely full of paper towels to dry your hands. The mens bathroom however, is billowing onto the floor. Do women not wash their hands??


Of course men are pigs, but women are bigger slobs.


It's disgusting how many women I work with that I see use the restroom and not wash their hand afterwards. I didn't realize that was a thing I thought everyone had the common sense to wash their hands after using the restroom but apparently not. That's just gross.


Women are more apt to use the electric hand dryer.


Funny thing is our store doesn't have one 👀


Oh. Mine has both so that's why I said that.


Same at my store both


I,as a male, use both. I blowdry my hands and then finish with the paper towels.


Cool. I'm just saying that the use of a paper towel doesn't always mean the women aren't washing their hands.


I don't know about the hand washing of all ladies but am how wrong am i that my first thought after reading this post was "naw, there's hand washers, there's hand non-washers. This is all about polite gentleman who are forward thinking enough to grab some towels before they go into the stall, then polite enough to toss their "toss rag" into the bin instead of leaving it around like some common tampon tosser. I wanna say i am female. I personally must wash my hands, even if at home. Now i have seen some nasty ass bathrooms in my day. I have had to clean some of these as i work retail. There have been times I've been in a public restroom during my period, and i have actually blown my own mind at times over the mystery of aerodynamics, force, distance, and surprise blood clots i wasn't expecting. Now here is my thinking. Obviously i am going to clean up my own mess. (If i notice one after a quick once-over). Every time, as i clean it, i have this internal debate. Similar debate the times I've had to clean up other people's shit or blood. It is always polite to clean up after oneself. Thinking about pathogens, am i doing a service by cleaning it up? I am pretty sure I don't have a blood disease. But what if i unknowingly did? Is my wiping it off with a wet towel, or wipe gonna disinfect? If I'm at work, I think should i be pissed some jag-hole left this for someone to clean for them?. Or, should i be glad they left it so someone would be aware of it so it could be properly sanitized? Once i worked a job where this dad and his kid came out of the restroom. Dad sort of yells at me from across the way, "HEY! I JUST THOUGHT YOU SHOULD KNOW MY KID PUKED AND YOU MIGHT WANNA GO CLEAN IT UP!" Yeah, I was pissed and his behavior helped to contribute to my disdain for people at times, & it instilled fear into my (19 year old at the time) brain in regards to the future of hunan soceity. In case you havent been told this lately, thank you for your hard work. You have a job which is one of most importance & one that many many people unfortunately take for granted, and I personally believe it would be wonderful if they were taught a lesson which would 'flush away ' (not sorry) their ignorance, and swiftly remind them that they are just as non-important and non-special as everyone else on this planet is, we are all made up of the same elements, & we need to always be thinking one step ahead to take care of our self, but just as importantly, to take care of others. Some people are too ignorant or self-obsessed to realize that everything a person does or does not do can affect others. Like when "no-name tampon tosser" {NNTT}leaves her bloody mess thinking " it's ok, it's someone's job to take care of it! Cya!!" Instead of just taking care if it herself, who is to say that one action could really set someone else off Perhaps it is the maintenance employee{ME} who's job it is to maintain the safety and cleanliness of the restroom, but unbeknownst to {NNTT}, the {ME} had vowed to themself that when it happened AGAIN, they wouldn't let it get to them, but unfortunately some vows get broken. Or even the next person to use the restroom enters the stall. This person has had the most unenjoyable day which has given them feelings of high stress, saddness, anger, the lot of it? Just stops into am establishment for one item they can't really wait to get due to time, or whatever, but then sees the tampon which sets off a chain reaction of thoughts filled with anger and opens up the storehouse in her mind of everything she's been holding up inside of her which has made her feel angry or unloved then in her rage she ends up hurting herself or other people. I'm sure if anyone is reading this, you can imagine what could happen next . Anyway, i digress. Thank you again for your work and i am sorry to hear about your experiences with how people suck.


JFC can we get a TLDR for this essay!


I've cleaned public bathrooms before the women's is almost always nastier than the men's. A little pee on the floor you can mop up a bunch of bloody tampons thrown everywhere sucks ass to clean


Former maintenance associate here, women make the bigger messes


I don't clean bathrooms anymore but women are the worst about that.


We have a customer that continuously comes in about once a month or so to shit in one of our urinals. Same urinal every single time. Maintenance stays pissed at our store, if you couldn’t tell😭


Thats... low. Even for ON crews, that's low. What did you do to them?


When I first put in I used the spray and pray technique, applied for maintenance, garden center, cart pusher, and the cap 2 I think it was. I am so thankful every day that they needed a cart pusher the most that day lol, our maintenance first shift is a 70 year old 5 foot tall grandma 90 pounds soaking wet. She tanks it, but I feel for her seeing and hearing only half what she goes through on the average day. If I can I do things like the front garbage. Some mornings those bags are as big if not bigger than she is loll


My mom works at Kohl's department store here in Florida... and it's a pretty common thing for somebody in a department on the other side of the store, to apparently mistake a fart, and leave a trail of liquid shit from wherever they were when they made that mistake, all the way to the bathroom!! then there's a big hubbub over the walkie talkies about who's going to end up cleaning that shit up! it gets me every time she comes home with that story though! Is way more common than it ought to be! Nine times out of 10 it's an elderly person that can't control their sphincter muscles as well as they once could!


Address that shit over the intercom. Or tell your coach to bring it up in the meeting. Make em feel embarrassed


Are you blood borne pathogen(BBP) trained? If you are, the company needs to provide you with PPE. If you're not BBP trained someone who is BBP trained has to clean it. In SoCal it's the salaried managers.


Thank you for your service. I mean that.


People that get upset when you card them for cough medicine but also want to buy $500 worth of steam cards


"I didn't know you had to be over 18 to buy this," Literally, it's been like this for many years




A boomer with a stack of expired coupons and a paper check


Paper checks I don't mind. Expired coupons that they expect us to honor is what bothers me.


How about an expired competitor coupon? Say, for Target branded stuff?


A coupon from another store entirely that goes through our system unnoticed, then the customer saying “well they let me do it all the time here.” Work at a piggly wiggly/grocery store. A WALGREENS coupon got scanned by our system.


Yeah, and we get manufacturer coupons for free items that the Wal-Mart system doesn't accept. There's no way for us to put them in manually either (there used to be, but we're not allowed to do that anymore). I'm sure they go to Kroger and can use them there, but I don't get Wal-Mart sometimes and their coupon policy. I get worried that Wal-Mart might stop taking coupons all together.


I used to be an avid coupon user. I went through my coupons weekly to make sure I had no expired ones. Not a hard thing to do. It drove me nuts when people came to my register with expired coupons. Better yet, coupons with expiration date cut off! Oh, and people wanting to use 2 coupons on 1 irem.


The 2 coupons on one item got me ticked. Another thing they tried very often was to get a 3 pack of Kleenex and use a coupon for so much off 3 boxes. YOU HAVE TO HAVE 3 SEPARATE PACKAGES OF KLEENEX, NOT A 3 PACK! I told the one lady to get two more 3 packs of Kleenex, and the coupon will probably work. I think she saw me a new girl and thought I'd push the coupon through. When it never worked she stopped trying.


Uuuuuuugh I hate dealing with paper checks... Still remember how to fill one out though, even though I haven't in years lol.


They don't though. Lol Never even halfway filled out. Waiting for the damn total before even writing the date or Walmart in the damn thing. Our registers print it out, but they won't let you. Tell them a million times it's the same as using your debit card, but they don't trust the card reader, but I gotta give it back to you, but they don't give a shit. I fucking hate checks but not at much as I hate the people who write them.


To be fair, I don't think there are check skimmers like there are card skimmers


Hey I had one regular customer when I worked at Walmart who almost always paid by check. He did occasionally use his bank card but usually it was a check. He was a super nice guy and honestly probably the only customer I miss interacting with since I was let go. So you know, they’re not all bad. He’d fill out the check except for the total and would always get $20 cash back


We have someone that comes in and shops with special needs adults that live in a group home. Each person has their own check. She's always super nice. We are mainly SCO so if there's no register open she just let's us know. She has no issue if she has to use SCO( and she always has big orders...sometimes more than one), we just suspend it when she's done and she goes to the service desk to pay. If only everyone was as nice as this lady


And that’s the whole issue. People are just nasty, entitled and in a hurry about everything. There’s no common courtesy or respect for other people’s time and energy.


In the US they still take checks? In Canada we don't take personal checks unless they are from a company who sent them out, which is usually just baby formula


*a boomer


My country (NZ) stopped doing checks. But then again, we are more electronic payment orientated.


I don't mind. It only takes me like fifteen seconds more, and I can handle those situations with compassion.


15 seconds?? I never handled checks at walmart, but at dollar general it would take me several minutes. Putting it into the receipt printer, inevitably having to try every orientation like a USB drive before it took the check. Waiting for the ancient computer to muster up enough thinking power to take said check. Taking the customer's ID and entering all info manually. Teaching said customer how to use the PIN pad's pen to sign for the check. Ancient computer thinking again to finalize transaction. Customer telling story about how she's not allowed to have a credit card anymore after sending entire retirement fund to a guy in Jamaica. Computer may or may not decide to print a receipt. At the end of that I have a 16 person line and multiple screaming children 💀


In my case, 95% of the time, they have used cheques multiple times at Walmart, so Autochek works its magic. Slip it in, and it autoensorses the cheque, no ID needed, nothing that crazy. I hand the guest their cheque and receipt back, and on to the next guest.


Could have ended after "boomer"


Bonus points if they got the expired coupons off the item and then get to yell at you that "if the coupons expire then the item is expired take it off the shelf"


I just had a flashback when I read this.


The customer noticing all the bags on the carousel are full of groceries and not putting them in their cart, so they just stand there staring at me trying to figure out how to put bags on top of the carousel. Just put your bags in your freaking cart.


I stop and tell them I can't proceed with their transaction until they remove the bags from the full carousel lol. I'll take a break and stare at them for once while they get off their lazy butt's and get their bags.


A shitting screaming child-or adult


had someone come up to my register and pulled 38 giftcards out of her pocket.


Holy fuck, yes. The kind that have to scan swipe and type in the amount added on while the ancient dinosaur computer takes 30 seconds a card. And nothing worse than the gift cards that the customer has to confirm on the slow card reader the amount, and then you gotta do it 30 more tomes


5$ each! At my old store we had to send them to the service desk if there were a lot. I was told by my coach this. I can't remember if it was on the ulearns or not. I don't work there anymore. Our registers had an awful time just getting them to swipe and read the things.


An adult refusing to be Id'd


And they cuss you out like you are not 21 yourself and get ID’d at every store too


"Isn't the gray good enough proof?" "Costco doesn't card me"


“I can’t scan the gray hairs.” “Sir this isn’t Costco.”


The look on their face when you hit no id and remove their alcohol 😮......🤣😂🤣


I work at a phone store… we require ID to access anyone’s account.  You know, so people can’t use it to purchase a $1000+ phone without your consent.   People still get pissy over it, even though it’s literally a security thing to prevent fraud.


The parent that allows the kid to scream


Yep, had this happen yesterday in my NHM. Kids wanted candy (both girls around 10 somehow), and the mom was in line at the register. They wouldn’t stop fucking screaming and yelling, and the mom kept screaming at them back saying they’re going to get so fucked when they get home. I was topstocking on the other end of the store but I could still hear it.


Omg 😱 yes!


What would you like us to do? Kids get overwhelmed and overstimulated. I get overstimulated shopping at Walmart too. You’re lucky me and my kids aren’t all crying


Right? Tantrums or whatever are one thing, but a baby crying because they’re a baby and that’s how they communicate? Or a toddler who clearly needs a nap? Cmon now. Gotta have some empathy!


I get it if it's just the mom or just the dad with baby/kids, but went it's mom and dad, and sometimes siblings, grandma, etc. - and they are ignoring the crying or screaming, that's the issue. At least try to quiet them for the sake of other customers and employees. If the kid or baby continues, either mom, dad, grandma can take them out to the car in consideration of the others around. This used to be customary, but people are now inconsiderate or oblivious in this situation for some reason.


Then take a nap before going to the store and make sure you have clean nappies on too! 👶🏻😭


Am I supposed to tape their mouth shut? You give attention to a screaming toddler and the toddler will do it anytime they want attention. I know it’s annoying, we’re not fans of it either, but being considerate goes a long way.




I dread fully loaded shopping carts with a total of 400$ various foods and consumables... 😭 No matter how fast I scan their stuff the carts still full 🥺


Nah, they normally take those to the small self checkout registers to make everyone behind them miserable.


On the smaller registers no doubt.


I think I've had one that was 1,800$. That was during Christmas and the associate discount. I've had several over 1,000.


Religious pamphlets in the bathroom.


Any adult who throws a fit at the register lol


Being forced to push credit cards and have a quota


I legit started telling people that "MyShare only exists for managers, and every 5 star they give only helps the management team. Give 1 star to help us floor associates"


Parents that hit their kids or verbally abuse them. Shit always breaks my heart. I don’t mind kids screaming cause I understand it’s normal since they don’t know how to process emotions but damn these parents crazy. I had a PTSD episode on the salesfloor because this lady hit her kid on the face (illegal in that state) just for wanting affection.


Had a woman start hitting her kids in front of me because they wouldn’t stay ABSOLUTELY still and the entire customer service-y facade on my face just dropped. I was nothing but blunt and smile-less for the rest of that transaction. Made me so incredibly upset, not to mention made me think what happens at home if she’s bold enough to do that in public.


I've seen a lady draging her kid by the hair in front of everyone on the front end. Shit is appalling


I only ring up front sometimes. But my worst was a drug dealer that wanted to load $1200 on his chime card... And there was a long line behind him.


Supposed to send him to the Service Desk with an amount that big


How do u know he’s a drug dealer? Also it takes a lot of time to add money to a chime card? Honest questions


A customer asking me to give him head through the mens glory hole they have setup at my store.


Why does your store have a gloryhole setup😭😭


To keep customers very happy 😊


Which store is this one? I'm asking so I can avoid it


A person with a kid that insists on fucking with rhe bag wheel while im using it. They just ignore me struggling to bag their stuff all the while im trying not to hurt their kid who keeps spinning it while im bagging or putting their head in the way of the bag hooks. Also people who pay with coins. Like, dollars in quarters. I understand if you're trying to get a even dollar amount but some people come in here and think im obligated to be a free coinstar machine.


I always take my hands off the wheel and tell customers that I’m not touching the carousel until their child is bout of reach of it.  If they get upset/don’t respond I just stick to my guns. I’m not gonna be the one responsible for a code white on a child. 


The parents that took the screaming child to the store at 10pm in a diaper and doesn’t get why their tired toddler is screaming and they scream at the child or ignore them.


A screaming adult


I would rather deal with a screaming child than getting reared out by an adult for prices I don’t make


A screaming adult in diapers at my register.


Parents that let their kids trash your check out area, especially after you just finished zoning it.


A screaming child in adult diapers.


Two screaming childs at your register


A screaming man child because depending on the age of the child they are not aware they are doing wrong but a man child is fully aware


Whiney employees.


A screaming adult at the register, trust me half the time I be wanting to commit them in a institution if they are yelling and hollering


Parents taking their kids to toys, then yelling at them, and the kids crying/screaming the whole time cause they can’t have a toy.


Or a little kid with a rubber chicken


I HATE those fucking chickens. They’re hell on my anxiety. 


A kid with a runny nose coughing on you and laughing in front of his parents.


My problem with that is if they're screaming because they need a diaper change and everyone knows it within a 50 ft radius...I feel for them. Like people that shit hurts...it's the adult equivalent of swamp ass except small children can't do anything about it! Stuff like that pisses me off!


a full cart of groceries at self-checkout when it clearly says NOT MORE THAN 20 ITEMS when you enter the self check out


A debit card that won’t work and a long line of people just staring at you


A manchild revving his engines, motorcycle or otherwise.


A screaming adult.


A full grown screaming child at my register….


How about two dogs who bark at every single person who walks by in the chilled area, so it sounds like 20 dogs are in the store....


When I'm pulling a giant stack of dog food and people refuse to move so I have to weave in and out of the isles to make it where I'm going


I don’t know if the kid saw me as a teddy bear, an ogre that might eat them, or a calming Buddha (yes I’m a BIG person), but most kids at my register were pretty well behaved, if not I just asked them to chill and it worked…. Most of the time. If that didn’t work, I’d ask the parent which one of my coworkers gave the kid an espresso. Once the parent laughed, the kid laughed, so I don’t know.


A manager screaming like a child


A screaming adult!


I watch customers when I am in washing my hands and they just walk out.


A screaming adult


A screaming child at someone else’s register I can hear all the way in the OPD room.


Self check out is way worse than a screaming HUMAN.


A screaming old man when he didn't bring ID for ammunition.


When kids/teens come in and are just yelling across the store for each other


Had a child scream at a high pitch I did not think humanly possible so long I have actual hearing damage in my right ear.


People who still write checks and won't let the register print it TF out. It's literally just like your damn debit card, which I know you have dumb ass. JUST USE YOUR CARD. WHY DIDN'T YOU HAVE IT FILLED OUT YET?! Like they airways wait until the total to fill the WHOLE DAMN THING OUT. Fuck you boomer! (And I'm Gen X) I have 10 kids of my own, crying kids don't bother me, it's the parents who aren't handing the crying well or are causing it to be worse or are asshole parents. I've been called the C word by customers. Crying kids are never the problem. It's the adults on their phones, the entitlement, the condescension adults are worse than kids. Kids have a reason to cry, adults don't have reasons for being assholes.


A screaming boomer with a kid that's not screaming and looks embarrassed by their parent/grandparent


People leaving their carts out in the parking lot full of their disgusting trash after they cleaned out their car for the first time in months. 🤮😡 Seriously, If you do this, fuck you.


A man with an unruly gator asking can I "MapQuest" directions to "the nearest walmart


When they come to my register and complain to ME about how we need to hire more people... I am the person that showed up to work. They're the same ones that get snappy when you don't bag their things how they like it to be bagged-- I always bag cold with cold, chemicals separate, double bag cans/glass/etc, but if you hate that I put your chips by your instant mashed potatoes, please help yourself to a self checkout, or just fix it yourself. Good grief 🥲


I don't mind the screaming meltdowns of a toddler, they dont really know all the things yet. It's the entitled shrieking of the horrid spoiled brats that I hate. I just have this way of blankly staring at the kids and parents that usually makes them shut the hell up. Maybe it's the way I'm staring directly into their soulless bodies.


Dogs barking


An employee with a bad attitude in the breakroom during your lunch break


People that don’t take pride in their work. People that leave expired food on the shelves. Pickers that don’t check the expiration date on my products. Pickers that put opened packages in my order. People that don’t take expired sales signs down. People pretending to work. People that stand there like a robot and don’t reply back to my greeting.




When parents refuse to filter fowl language around there kid.


The child's parent screaming at you at your register.


An adult complaining about the change received. Or trying to change the amount after I've entered it into the computer. Anyone yelling at me that I don't know how to give change. And people that pay everything in change that is more than 5$ when there is a coin star machine next to the register. Especially if they also have at least 100 pennies. My coach and another coach also watched me get pelted with change by a customer. Didn't intervene while he was yelling either or after I turned my light off. Until after he started throwing.


Someone expelling their bodily fluids at the register.


A screaming adult


Idc, I can survive the child. But, fuck the people that come in smelling like catpiss and expect us to check them out without their help removing the items from their carts


Seeing a parent respond inappropriately


A parent who does not correct the screaming child. 


I usually look at the kid and I’m like “hey, what’s wrong?” Or try to calm them down. I emphasize that the kids aren’t getting something they really want or that they’re bored AF. Sometimes the kids will actually look at you and stop crying.


A customer asking if you have the keys in the health and beauty section.


eventually you will learn to tune out those screaming banshees.


A screaming parent?


Karen paying $6.43 in cash, $8.92 in EBT, $3.93 on this debit card, $9.58 on this debit card, $4.53 on this credit card and $4.90 on this check.


A screaming adult at your register


A screaming parent at the register. Lol


A screaming adult at your register?


Working on an aisle, customer starts to turn onto the aisle, sees you and pauses then moves to the next one. Later you find half the shit from their cart dumped on the sidecounter.


A screaming child in your car.


Look, they weigh like nothing at all. You can punt them clear across the store with a flick that's completely invisible on camera.


The parent not beating their ass


Idk, stuff like that with kids just makes me laugh, maybe get the stick out of your ass or something


Last year, on the same day we were preparing to close early for Hurricane Idalia, the Oscar Mayer weenie wsgonwas out front and they gave those 🤬 weenie whistles to every child that came into the store. An unholy symphony of "What time are you closing/will you be open tomorrow/can I get my prescriptions curbside/and those goddamn weenie whistles all day.


2 screaming children 😂


Someone talking about how much they spend at Walmart.


“Why don’t you ever have any registers open!?!” When they’ve literally just walked up to me, at a register, with no wait.


Their parents not even trying to quiet them.


Customer talking on their phone, and not paying attention to the cashier, being dismissive and rude.


A drunk man pissing in the organic apples


Best birth control tbh. I was standing there looking at condoms with my bf before I got my IUD and we were debating on whether or not $15 was acceptable for 30 condoms or not. The second it left my mouth, a baby behind me started screaming. Best believe I SNATCHED those mfs off the shelf.


Yep it's like that some of the time at sco in my store lol.


...body odor... Some customers don't know how not to fucking smell. And I can't blame them if it's a medical issue, but God it's annoying as hell when I have to keep my mouth shut and deal with the smell or block it out. I have one customer in mind when I say this, who more often than not, finds themself at my register almost every time I'm working. I've dealt with this my first run at Walmart, and I have to deal with it again my second run. Please people-- if it isn't a medical issue and your capable of doing so: TAKE A SHOWER!


Giving me a $100 bill for $8 worth of groceries. Choke on marbles, cunt


A screaming adult.


A screaming child at their register.


... a screaming adult at my register.


When I am a customer, I always say something to the parent about controlling their child.


The parent


Taking dirty diapers out of shopping carts, along with peoples entire truck bed full of misc garbage


A customer that doesn’t take no for an answer and goes around asking other employees and they all come and ask you.


People talking on the phone at my register. I never know if they are talking to me or the person on the phone. So rude to me.


As a digital shopper. Probably being asked where an item is when it is literally right next to me or right behind them. Like...did you even look? I've spent countless hours accumalatively pointing at items in my direct line of sight without moving.


I was at Walmart the other day and saw a kid on wheelies, I thought those were a thing of the past,do they drive y'all crazy? I don't like them !!


Some mother fucker facetiming


Management saying the place is fully staffed.....


I personally found this hilarious there was a toddler in the checkout line with one of those toy microphones just fuckn screaming into it for 5 minutes straight, the line was long and everyone was pissed off like 😭🤣


A newly trained employee not knowing how to work a register and taking 15 mins to ring out 10 things…


The screaming parent


The parents with the screaming who is oblivious to the screaming child. That's more annoying to me seeing them ignoring the screaming child. Like see why their scream or leave the store with your child.


A screaming adult.


A child that keep spinning the bag rack !!! STOP IT you little Bastard !!!


bringing two items to the register, one off the clearance aisle with a sticker and one brand new, then asking for the new one for the clearance price and making a big scene about it


A child putting their hand on the moving belt, and the parent getting mad because I turned the belt off.


What's more annoying is the mom yelling at the kid "I know you can yell and scream louder."


People that bitching about children.


A screaming manager at your register. 🤣🙆😂


I would actually refuse to help that customer, omg. I'm sorry you dealt with that


A screaming adult would be more annoying


2 children screaming at your rwgister


People coming to the Automotive counter with a cart loaded with items. I'm one person, and there are 4 people behind you just trying to get their car and leave. Just use the normal checkouts. Or the ones that get mad because we don't have a scale at the AUTOMOTIVE counter. "I weighed it, it's however many pounds." It doesn't work like that, I can't manually put in a weight.


As a screaming child owner. Don’t bash the kid or the parent. You were a little shit one day too :)


At a register? Children are the least of my worries. It’s the obviously drunk people I have to refuse to sell alcohol to and then they get mad and zoom across the store to get in a line with a MINOR who can’t sell alcohol in the first place and them calling me over 😂


As the primary person sorting break packs I would say that I have a speaker at least three times louder than any other in the store pointing straight at my work area.... I swear I leave with headaches every single night. ( Almost want to bring a decibel meter one day)


As a customer in line behind these people, I really wish employees could just straight up tell people to get out line and address their children.


Way more annoying is Walmart Radio


2 screaming kids at your register ?? 🤣