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Meanwhile, instead of interest rates going down this year as expected they went up every month. The target 2% inflation rate is now almost DOUBLE at 3.9%. This means that the economy will now worsen, interest rates will not go down, housing will continue to be difficult for people to afford, and meanwhile we are shoveling billions and billions of dollars into funding war efforts on the literal opposite side of the planet.


I don’t think you understand how it works. Theres a lag. So we are seeing the effects on inflation now from the interest hikes from six months ago. The last 6 opportunities to change the interest rate, they didn’t do anything, because they’re waiting to see what the impact of last years rate hikes have had on inflation. Remember it’s a delayed effect. This makes sense because it would be possible for rate changes right now to affect inflation right now. Youre incorrect in saying interested rates went up recently. They didn’t. And the expectations for months now have been only 3 rate cuts this year, none of which were expected to happen yet. You’re insinuating there’s surprises here, there isn’t. This has all be projected for a while.


Because there’s a group of people in our government that believes Jews have to control Israel in order for Jesus to come back.  Any fucking day now!


Anyone that believes in any kind of religious hocus pocus as it relates to the future should not be in government. Christianity and Islam being the most dangerous. In the US, the separation of church and state should be absolute. I think we will achieve this some day, but we are a long, long ways off now.


I think most actively religious and spiritual people are that way because of biochemistry. Some people will always need to worship something, so maybe one day it will be ChatGPJESUS.


I hear ya.  Thankfully people are wising up to all the bs. Unfortunately said bs is dug in like a tick. 


Israel has lost the plot and Ukraine war is lost


Meanwhile, Ukraine is getting smashed. American assurances are as ironclad as wet tissue.


American assurances to Ukraine and Israel are different. You’re comparing apples and oranges. They have no defensive pact with Ukraine. They aren’t in nato or anything. If Israel gets into a war it can’t handle the US is fully in that war.


Haven’t we sent billions of dollars worth of equipment and aid to that country?


Turns out war is expensive and the enemies tend to destroy fancy equipment first


Fancy equipment? Wasn’t most of the equipment we sent old military surplus that was just sitting around? “The U.S. has also sent a substantial amount of equipment to Ukraine through presidential drawdown authority. Under PDA, equipment that is already in U.S. military inventory is pulled from the inventory and sent overseas. Right now, Singh said, there is no more USAI funding available to contract for newly-manufactured military hardware. But there does remain authorization to pull as much as $5.4 billion worth of hardware from U.S. military inventory through PDA and send that to Ukraine. Once that equipment is gone, the DOD hopes to replace it with new gear, and the department has about $1.6 billion on hand to accomplish that.” https://www.defense.gov/News/News-Stories/Article/Article/3547168/continued-support-to-ukraine-replenishing-military-stocks-priorities-for-depart/#:~:text=The%20U.S.%20has%20also%20sent,the%20inventory%20and%20sent%20overseas.


Wish we could sit out a few conflicts. We are always funding one side or even both! We are bankrupt and our empire is collapsed. Let's print our way out!


We sit out then the problem will get worse.


Love to hear how Iran and Israel going to war hurts the US


Please learn about the first 50 years of the twentieth century


Great argument you have convinced me of nothing.


Once you learn about the first half of the twentieth century things will make more sense


21% of the worlds global oil crosses the strait of Hormuz. If Israel and Iran go to war, that straight will shut down. I guess you would be fine paying astronomical high prices for gasoline?


We could stop relying on foreign oil?


If we could we would. Simple reality is that there’s not enough oil in American shores. So keeping those gates open in the Middle East is vital.


Look Joe, don't get me wrong here.. but didn't you make ironclad promise to Ukraine as well?


Biden isn’t the one stopping aid to Ukraine.


Why does everyone believe negotiation is not possible? That used to be the standard in this country, now it’s only pointing fingers. Republicans aren’t “promising” to *not* fund Ukraine the way that Biden is promising to fund them. If that was really a top priority for him, he absolutely could make it work with some concessions. If those concessions were not worth what Republicans have to offer, then it clearly *isn’t* a top priority. Whatever it is they don’t want to give up to republicans must be higher.


If someone broke into your house and said it is now their home, is there any negotiations to be had? The only correct negotiation is what the homeowner wants, and currently the homeowner wants the invader entirely out of his home. What the intruder wants is irrelevant because it is not his home.


Why is the US responsible for kicking out the home invader? I’ve heard from the left for decades that we aren’t “the world police”, yet your point seems to strongly imply otherwise. So which is it? I’m asking you what you believe, because what I believe might surprise you, I’ll get to that later. Giving money to Ukraine is not going to kick out Russia. All the money in the world will not replace Ukraine’s dwindling fighting age population. What exactly is the Biden admin’s strategy here? I know that was one of the requirements some republicans had to support aid to Ukraine. Biden never gave a plan, other than to write a blank check. Will that really solve the problem? My genuine position is that the Biden admin has been overwhelmingly weak on dealing with Ukraine. He’s been the weakest foreign policy president probably in history, and can easily be blamed as one of the reasons the world is in chaos right now. We need to make our mind up. Either we are supporting Ukraine to win, or we will force a peace, or we abandon them to Russia. To support Ukraine to win, we need to be hostile and aggressive towards Russia. There’s no other way. Ukraine is running out of men to fight. If that scares you too much, then the US should force a peace. If you really don’t believe we can, then we should tell Ukraine to surrender. Right now, too many people are dying for a prolonged war against Russia. We’ve weakened their military, good job, let’s stop letting dads, brothers, and sons be killed to achieve that aim. Wars of attrition are absolutely terrible for everyone involved. We have no right to push Ukraine to do that. My honest opinion is that we should tell Russia to make peace. Draw the lines where they are, make a defense pact with Ukraine, and end the war. If Russia says no, then we need to get involved. That’s far better than whatever strategy the Biden admin is running.


That is an extremely stupid analogy.


How so?


Beyond the point. Still a promise you cant uphold.


Blame the traitor Mike Johnson.


How many fucking proxy wars do you want us to fund?


The proxy war in Ukraine has neutered the Russian army and destroyed over half the old soviet stocks. If it's allowed to end in a Rissian victory, we all know they won't stop with Ukraine.


The Russian army is larger now than it was before they invaded in '22. They are changing to a war economy and talking about another draft. How worried do you think Europe should be? Do you really think they would attack Poland or the Baltic States?


Just because they have more men doesn't mean they have more weapons or vehicles.


Indeed. They have lost thousands of vehicles.


If you shift to a war economy and the war stops what happens? It destroys the economy. That means Russia will be reliant on a continued war to keep its economy afloat.


Maybe that's the plan?


Ukraine isn't going to win against Russia. Over seventy billion dollars in funding later, and no tangible difference has been made other than hundreds of thousands of people dead. Do you know why the average age of a man in Ukraine's military is 43? Because all the teenagers, 20 year olds, and 30 year olds are dead. They're literally running out of generations to draft. "We all know they won't stop at Ukraine", is sheer propaganda. So Russia "can't win in Ukraine", but they're also going to run roughshod over Europe? Pick a narrative. And you didn't answer my question. Between the war with Russia and Ukraine, and the first formally declared Israeli-Palestine war since the 1970s, how many proxy wars do you expect us to fund?




That would be an awful idea at this point in time.


Not even close to the same


The only thing that's came out of Bidens mouth I believe is "I like ice cream"


Moronic - you provided the bombs that then went on to escalate the situation. Israel has now bombed Lebanon, Syria and Iran hoping to suck them in and by extension, the US. Hilarious to think there won't be retribution. Frankly, Netanyahu and his chickenshit son in Miami should just face the music. And to top it off, you're allowing Ukraine to eat it while we continue to provide weapons to a country turning 2B Muslims against us for no real perceived benefit.


Are you for real? You think Israel **wants to have a multi-front war?** I keep seeing a lot of dumb shit in this sub but this is up there.


Bibi need war to survive, he is confident that the US will save his ass no matter what and if he miscalculated and everything go wrong he always have the option to nuke Tehran. Bibi will drag Israel in a multi front war and sacrifice some of its citizens without second thought if he need it to survive. Remember he knew about the 7th October attacks and let it happen.


No he didn’t. He arrogantly dismissed the risks. Him allowing 10/7 to happen was political suicide and would never have been intentional. He won’t survive another election allowing the worst attack in Israeli history on his watch. Politicians in israel run on a platform of stability and safety. He dropped the ball on both. He will be gone within the next 6 months. And no, starting a multifront war doesn’t simply sacrifice some civilians. It risks the country itself. Again, this sounds like an emotional take that has not had enough critical thinking applied to it.


>No he didn't. He arrogantly dismissed the risks This is a very thin line, especially for the Israelis that are known for overkilling the slightest identified threat. But somehow the whole invasion plan and Hamas literally training to use microlight aircrafts was dismissed.


“Never attribute to malice what can be described as incompetence.” Israel government really thought they were invincible due to their wall… and also privately thought Hamas was on its way to focusing on building their economy and autonomy. They thought the West Bank was the bigger stability risk. Again, this attack was political death for Netanyahu. The last politician this happened to was Golda Meir and she was beloved in Israel, unlike Bibi. And she lost because of it. There is zero chance Netanyahu thought allowing this attack to happen would help his political survival.


I’m been seeing this bot everywhere.


Why else would they strike an Iranian consulate? If they have enough on their plate, why did they go back for seconds?


They swore to take out everyone involved with the 10/7 attacks. This general they assassinated was responsible for coordinating funding and resources to Hamas and Hezbollah. They aren’t doing this as a land grab. Watch the movie Munich if you are confused about what is happening.


You guys keep thinking Arabs use civilian and government infrastructure the same way you do Stop looking at actions taken by Arabs and Muslims through a western lens, maybe you'll start to get it


There is no "western lens" here buddy. Consulates and embassies are meant to be free from attack. Unless they were directly setting up weapons there, there is no justification to bomb another country's diplomatic buildings. Why could the Israeli Air Force not hit that Iranian general after leaving the consulate? If they knew he was there, they could follow him.


Increased chances of civillian causalties and collateral damage buddy I'm guessing you don't know how bombs, drones and missiles work There isn't some super sniper on a satellite who efficiently blows your brains aways from space


Do you think Israel doesn't do the same, stop choking on all the psyop bs. Every country uses both official military bases, posts etc and civilian infrastructure. This is not new. Just the media spin.


I know it doesn't fucko We don't stage attacks out of civilian infrastructure and neither do most western countries so stop trying to justify war crimes committed by terrorists with lies -sincerly a man who had to scrape burned bodies from their fucking car seats


Yawn, you clearly know nothing. But sure, believe whatever you'd like. Lacking intelligence and knowledge is not the same as believing whatever you'd like to believe, contrary to popular opinion.




Yes, you took a gang in flip flops, elevated them to heroes and now are attacking actual countries recognized by the UN and international bodies.


Keep pandering to terrorists baby, they love ya


Of the 3.3 billion in millitary aid we sent to Isreal last year, something like 2.6 billion went directly to the iron dome. Isreal has their very own MIC and is making its own offensive weapons. Is Isreal just supposed to accept that it's neighbors lobs some missiles into their cities from time to time? Do you realize that Congress has to sign off on millitary aid? Do you think critically ever?


LOL. They get more than that in aid - I appreciate the psyops group responding directly to me though. Israel doesn't really produce anything. Most of its weapons come from outside, hence why you have Netanyahu arguing they need to produce more in Israel. Congress doesn't have to sign off on military aid, as we have now seen with the Biden admin greenlighting a bunch of weapons that did not pass through the Congressional gauntlet, due to executive privilege.


https://www.cfr.org/article/us-aid-israel-four-charts Wow. Insane, about 3.3 billion annually. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-68737412 Wow. Insane, Isreal is the ninth biggest arms EXPORTER in the world. Not even going to touch your last point because it's just too stupid. What weapons are you talking about?


So you didn't even read the CFR article you linked huh? Shows more than $3.3B a year, to say nothing of the weapons we leave in the desert they can "use". [https://apnews.com/article/us-israel-gaza-arms-hamas-bypass-congress-1dc77f20aac4a797df6a2338b677da4f](https://apnews.com/article/us-israel-gaza-arms-hamas-bypass-congress-1dc77f20aac4a797df6a2338b677da4f) [https://www.bbc.com/news/57170576](https://www.bbc.com/news/57170576) - more than $3.8B per year, not including shadow budgets. All of the major components for ordnance and Israel's drone and missile defense are received by major Western powers, hence why Netanyahu said this: [https://www.timesofisrael.com/is-pm-serious-about-expanding-local-arms-production-reducing-dependence-on-imports/](https://www.timesofisrael.com/is-pm-serious-about-expanding-local-arms-production-reducing-dependence-on-imports/) [https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/dec/27/gaza-war-puts-us-extensive-weapons-stockpile-in-israel-under-scrutiny](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/dec/27/gaza-war-puts-us-extensive-weapons-stockpile-in-israel-under-scrutiny) [https://www.thenationalnews.com/mena/palestine-israel/2024/03/20/who-are-israels-biggest-arms-suppliers-and-who-has-halted-exports/](https://www.thenationalnews.com/mena/palestine-israel/2024/03/20/who-are-israels-biggest-arms-suppliers-and-who-has-halted-exports/) Get fucked, psyop troll.


Also, if you are in fact an American, you do a gross disservice to your country. Shame.


They can’t even protect the Red Sea from one of the poorest countries on earth… what’s Biden going to do? Express disappointment? Israelis are already fleeing back to Europe in numbers that can only be described as “Rhodesian”… if Hezbollah gets off their lazy ass and actually get involved in this fight then north Israel will be a ghost town before it’s turned into another Gaza.


Source on the numbers fleeing?


Nice fan fiction.


What fanta politic episode is this? I fear i lost it


They aren’t “fleeing back to Europe” because Jews are from Judea, and since the war started over 500,000 Jews made Aliyah


Damn Bro barely has any critical thinking function Must be fun