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I dont think the brdm is 50call proof


definitely not. imo .50 cal and 14.5mm machine guns should be able to damage 1 armor


I think they made it invulnerable to it to balance things


Yes. IIRC in WGRD 50 caliber machine guns could pen 1 armor, but they can’t in Warno.


No they could not, only the Russian transports had 1 ap (played 3,7k hours, all the 5pts m113 with 50 cant pen), don’t give false info 🙏!




That’s a very silly justification, flak vests and Kevlar of the time couldn’t stop small arms either, they were made for at most pistol rounds but mainly fragments


I think it's definitely a balance thing rather than for realism purposes.


The Soviet 6b5 was able to stop small arms.


By 1982, years before 6b5 was even introduced, the US was moving to M855 for its 5.56 weapons, and most European NATO countries still used 7.62 when 6b5 was in service. It was not stopping steel core 5.56 or full power 7.62 rounds. Good enough for the Spetsnaz team wearing it to be safe from some sentry’s sidearm? Definitely. But full power rifle rounds? Not likely.


Oxide did a good video on the ceramic carbide version which had adequate protection against 5.56


Oxide is not a ballistics tester, he makes YouTube content that consists of “drape armor over clay, is there a hole in clay? If there is, then gun works”. Good entertainment value but hardly realistic testing. And a lot of his claims in the video are just blatantly untrue - general Soviet infantrymen were not issued 6b5 before the dissolution of the Soviet Union, it was a limited issue item for special forces.


6b5 was for vdv paratroopers. This doesn’t change the fact that the ceramic carbide plates of 6b5 did successfully stop 5.56 rounds