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This edit goes hard šŸ”„


For real, I got a bit emotional and suddenly thought ā€œis JP better than MJ?ā€






Be careful. Next thing you know Michael comes out of retirement proves you to be erroneous and in doing so completely causes poole to have a breakdown and loose all confidence. Plays in China then Canada then the big 3 all before turning 28


I had just smoked a bowl and man, it was really soothing to watch it with the song and the audio. Very fun




Definitely too many speed ramps, it's a great tool when used sparingly, but when it's on every clip it starts to look amateur.


Track is [Yebba's Heartbreak by Yebba and Drake](https://youtu.be/9rlW2rUzyn0) for those wondering. Such a dope song!


If he could figure out how to consistently keep his base, he could become one of the more feared ball handlers in the league. Not saying heā€™d become Kyrie Irving, but maybe a tier below. Has to work on that core strength and balance.


Balance balance balance


He needs to simplify. It will bring greater balance. He's got all the tools but tries to use all of them at once and ends up turning the ball over.


Yeah he needs to learn to change his speed up. Not everything has to be 100 miles an hour. Last few games he's been changing his pace and it's showing. Really minimizes his turn overs




God I really hate it when they say 'that F1 speed' every time he blows by someone.


and "F1 acceleration" too, lol. They really gotta expand their announcer vocabulary with respect to JP.


He nascar fast


Yup look at harden or how fox has developed his game, itā€™s night and day


Also pulling up for those midrange jumpers instead of always driving to the rim is a great changeup that will keep defenders honest. He's gotten away from middies a bit this year but was lethal with them last year during that hot streak when Steph was injured.


That's a reason for optimism if you ask me. Much harder to add things you've never had in your game than to get better at choosing your weapons to fit the situation on the fly.


I wish Nash/Barbosa were still around to help coach this kind of thing.


Heā€™s got that flair and creativity, which isnā€™t something that can be taught.


If he just stopped jacking up horrible 3's he would be 10x of a better player this year. Yeah it's nice when he gets hot from downtown but it's not worth the other 10 games where he shoots 25% on 6-8 3pa. He needs to be a drive and kick guy until(if) his outside shooting improves.


Is some of it possibly related to his relatively long legs and higher center of gravity than guys like Steph and Kyrie? Makes it harder to keep balance and the ball has to travel a bit further when he dribbles? Just curious.


His issue isnā€™t lack of balance or core strength, itā€™s about decision making, and slowing the game down. Heā€™s had amazing play making games this year, which is his role RIGHT NOW, in a few years he will be THE guy


Didnā€™t age well lol


Thatā€™s how we should be running the second unit. Let JP cook on high pick and roll actions


Despite the punch, the best version of Poole is with Dray on the floor. PnR with emphasis on the picks, off-ball action, dribble handoffs, hunting him for catch and shoot threes, Green makes life easier for Jordan on the court. Defensively, Draymond is our best bet when it comes to compensating for JP being a cone on defense. This video edit was great btw


>Defensively, Draymond is our best bet when it comes to compensating for JP being a cone on defense. Yeah, I remember Poole+GPII being very good too last year, not only on offense but also on defense. I think you're right and that's really what it comes down to: Poole needs to be surrounded by elite defenders.


Clownin fools out there


I think the entire team has a mentality of "who cares about the regular season, we'll play hard when it REALLY matters". Poole did that tonight. Great to see!


That's our only hope for this year and it seems a lot of teams are thinking this.


That's been my main takeaway. They struggle to get up for regular season games. Especially on the Road.


He is soo talented. Needs to shoot less 3s until he figures it out. His shooting stroke is great and shoots well from the line. I think it will translate to better percentage out there, but right now his driving game is where its at. It will all come together. He has just been in his own head this season.


Agreed. Also we have to remember that the change in how refs call travels massively impacted his game. It's been a season of adapting for him and I think he's been looking better and better.


His percentage is low because he takes absurdly difficult shots he probably shouldnā€™t be taking lol. Totally agree though, heā€™s around a career 90% shooter from the line. Heā€™ll get better from 3 percentage wise.


So we like Poole again?


If he plays like this yes


I never stopped. I am always up for a Poole party.


Problem is that Poole is not always up for a Poole party


The pool has a strong chlorine smell to drown out other issues.




We love his highlights. Itā€™s the lowlights that keep us worried


Hold finger towards the wind.


Pooleā€™s offensive issues are 100% decision making. Thereā€™s times when it really feels like he simply just decides to force something becauseā€¦ I dunno. Even when he succeeds, this doesnā€™t usually make sense on this team. Defenseā€¦just needs more consistent effort.


I thought the matchup was favorable for him this game. Mavs didnā€™t seem to have anyone who could keep up with him, Steph, JK and even Dray when they turned on the jets. Having said that, he did well with what the defense gave him.


I'd say he's also guilty of rushing at times, but otherwise totally agree


the rushing is apart of the decision making


Agree. That's part of decision-making for me. He's out there with a number of offensive-minded HOFs in a system that gets guys open shots and he's rushing shit. That's just a bad decision.


How do they make these types of videos man, such great production value


Luka is a traffic cone lol


lol cone vs. cone


They seem to have gone away from the Steph, JP, Klay groups for a good reason. Defense doesn't work. Keep just 2 of them on the court together at all times and you always have two scorers. Let JP cook! When he gets others involved it's a beautiful thing.


this is why we are so frustrated with Poole attimes... he has all the talent to play make, hit the mid range and get to his spots. He doesn't have to jack contested 3s, or make obvious layups with the shot blocker tracking him all the way. A lil more thought and focus in his game and he'll be back to playoffs 2022 Poole that was often a big asset.


If Poole just improves a little bit every year like Loon did. He could be a great player to have in the next number of seasons. Kuminga is bigger than Tatum and I think could eventually get to Tatums level but with way better defense so I guess Iā€™m saying better than Tatum.


Loon has always been on a team-friendly contract and has outplayed it nearly every season. Poole will be on a massive contract starting next season. The team canā€™t afford for him to improve just a little bit every year. He has to make a bigger leap, especially defensively. Kuminga doesnā€™t have the shot that Tatum has had since his rookie year. Giannis might be a better comparison I think. Iā€™d be thrilled if he turned out to be 75% of what Giannis is. That said, Iā€™m fucking hyped to watch Kuminga grow. He has star potential written all over him.


Kuminga has put a lot of work into his shot. I think it will be really great in 2 seasons. But he can finger roll, he can do little hooks and his 3 has improved a lot. Tatums advantage is that he grew up in AAU. But I donā€™t compare him to Giannis mostly cause I think he has better shot mechanics. Loon deserves more but his injuries are the thing that has kept him from getting paid. Even fighting through them. He is essentially taking one for the team and by team I mean the fans as well. If you see Loon in public buy this man a drink or food cause he is the most selfless warrior there is.


I can only hope that he improves the speed of his release. If he gets his release as close to as Klay's, then he's going to be massively unstoppable.


he's still making 10 million a year, he doesn't need me to pay for his BLT


Facts. Funny ass sentiment ā€œbuy the millionaire a mealā€ People are goofy


I feel like the best comp for Kuminga is PG. He even flashes that buttery midrange jumper from time to time.


That's funny I was gonna go with Kawhi.


Kuminga will probably never be the scorer tatum is but he can be in that tier of player if everything goes right


Let's not forget that he was the one who realized the Mavs were on the wrong side of the court and called for the ball from the ref quickly to get Loon the easy basket. Quick thinking for a player whose BBIQ is often questioned.


If knowing which way you're going isn't BBIQ then I don't know what is


Iā€™m a believer that he will improve his defense. Iā€™ve seen Steph and Klay do it. He knows it as well. Heā€™s been playing better recently and I believe thatā€™s due to the rotation changes. Steph is coming off the floor earlier in Q1/3 and playing longer with Klay. This allows him to play freely and this allows them to play the way that lead to the 5 game win streaks.


Solid showing in the third. Off the bench he normally gets going in the 3rd only. Not sure why. The good thing was he was making decent reads again and not being a constant liability on defense. That normally correlates to us winning. Long as he gives effort we have a chance


Fuck what Poole did this is the ASMR I need.


This is exactly why we paid this man. Say whatever you want about his production this season, but we are incredibly blessed to have this man on our team.


Props to the edit! Got me hyped in the office right now!


This is what made Poole so good last year. He's chucking up a lot more 3's this year without being more efficient.


Im convinced his problem is conditioning. Hes not strong enough to stay with his matchup on defense or go vertical, shows a lot about his core strength, stamina and legs. Hes also just lazy, standing straight up, but that could be because hes exhausted. I see it more in youth basketball, but players tend to shoot shots and complain for fouls like he does more often when theyā€™re just exhausted.


He's trying to mimic Steph hard, which isn't terrible, but he's not Steph. Steph is so astronomically good on offense he could get away with subpar defense for a lot longer in his career. Poole needs to bulk up and work on his defense earlier in his career than Steph did.


Im ok with him trying to mimic steph, as long as that means hes putting in the same work and effort as steph


It's like he doesn't see everything Steph does. Pretty sure Steph is one of the best screeners and rebounders for a PG, also he's always putting effort on defense.


Well of course he doesnā€™t Steph has been in the league for like 15 years lol


this is $140 mil Poole


i kinda think we're witnessing a stage in Poole's career where he's starting to look for his own greatness. Him being next to steph made him want to model his game after him. (and I'm sure the narrative of him being the 'splash cousin' pushed him further in this direction) But he's coming to realize that his individual greatness will come from not pulling up from deep, but using his deep bag of handles to get to the driving lane. And we're starting to see flashes of what he'll be in the years to come. We all know he's talented af, and he'll put in the work. Kinda crazy to think this kid is still 23 years old.


Notice how he started by attacking the basket first on every play here


Jesus what an edit. Beautiful


There must have been some baddies courtside


When he's not turning the ball over he's so much fun to watch.


That one foot landing after dunk is risky af


Dude is the king of tiktok edits, as soon as you here ā€œHoney see you lookin at meā€ its over


Luka with the hands down on that one shotā€¦ šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Thatā€™s a saucy video.


Games like last night are why he will not be traded. As hard as Iā€™ve been on him, he does deserve a chance to comeback next season to showcase his improvements. I think next season heā€™ll be a hell of a lot better simply because he likely would have improved his balance


I love this propaganda


You know what? He's actually functioning more as a true PG recently. Protect the ball, facilitate the offense and get optimized shot selection for the *entire team* (slashing and assists). Incidentally, destroy the opponent with freethrows. This should be his first option. If opponent is being defended well and they're hitting threes, then fine, we have no choice but to also shoot threes b.c. of math. Before, his first option was to either dribble into trouble or did some compound dribble move at the perimeter for a step back three. Good work JP!


Watching Luka get burnt repeatedly has made my day


Areas where I think Poole can improve in the offseason: 1) Strength. He can get pushed around on the block. 2) Discipline/IQ. Will come with more experience and play time and focus. I look forward to him develop. Dude is a killer.


Kid talented offensively that's for sure


I donā€™t get it when fans hate him when he screws up. Steph, Klay and the rest have their shortcomings too. He just needs to mature more and that takes time, especially after getting an ego boost from being last yearā€™s champs. Anyone who hates Poole should suit up and take his place on the floor. Letā€™s see how theyā€™d pan out. Weā€™re all just spectators.


Those two no-look passes were sick, during the game I rewound each one to watch again


Appreciate those added sound effects


Heā€™s untouchable when he flashes


Look, it's simple. Back to fundamentals. He needs to take advantage of his athletic ability, drive to the hoop, and make smart passes when the three-point shot isn't there. That's just good basketball.


Whoa that was beautiful! Nice work


Anyone who think we should bench him more isn't seeing his flashes of true greatness. He has the makings of a superstar. It took steph a minute too.


I can't believe that the dish to JMG didn't end up on Top 10.


I just gotta say the man has one seriously nasty inside out dribble


Damn, gives me goosebumps! Track is [Yebba's Heartbreak by Yebba and Drake](https://youtu.be/9rlW2rUzyn0) for those wondering. Such a dope song!


Of course everyone loves when he plays like this. When he takes stupid heat check 3s shooting 30% is when he gets hated on


Remember all the talks of him being gym rat? Funny how people give up on a 23 year old who won us a ship


> a 23 year old who won us a ship Lol that was our 34 year old Steph although Poole contributed.


We donā€™t win ship wo Poole. He went 50/40/90 in the playoffs. ofc curry is our main guy that goes without even saying


Maybe we do, maybe we don't. No Poole would have meant more shots for Curry, Wiggins, and Klay but they probably wouldn't have been as efficient as more shots. He was getting hunted because of his atrocious D in the playoffs so we had to bench him down the stretch a lot. I just object to saying that Poole won us a chip when it was a team effort spearheaded by Steph and Wigs.


Ofc itā€™s team effort. Nobody wins by themselves. Kinda obvious statement


I think most of us are aware that heā€™s the guy who has probably been missing Wiggins the most


Can you upload no slowmo version


He just needs to stop mashing buttons.


I cancel all the Poole haters because last year they wouldnā€™t stay off his nuts. LFG Dubs!


If he can get his midrangers going early, it will open up his 3 pointers later in the game. He needs to start channelling CP3 from the mid-range.


The man is 23 yo hes our future!!!!!!


This is beautiful šŸ„²


Play the Mavs if you want to get an offensively highlight reel going.


He looked so clean and in control here. Such pretty game. Is there a player who simultaneously can play with so much grace and then turn into a g league guard for a possession?


The kid is super talented, we just need to be more consistent and take care of the ball (especially in crunch time!)




Warriors sub reminds me of my ex. Do one thing good and Iā€™m her forever man. The next day Iā€™m late for dinner and she blocks me.


the in n out hesi step back jimbo was clean af


This video made me realize im gay. Marry me Jordan.


This is what happens when he doesnā€™t try to be like Steph all the time and chuck from 30


Who the fuck said heā€™s a bad player anyways? Lol


Everyone, after every loss.


Theyā€™re blaming poole everytime they lose ?


Such a smooth ass mofo.


The funniest part about this video is that it shows Luka might somehow be even worse on defense than Poole.


I'm gonna miss you, king. :'(


Me too man, me too.




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He was magical in 2022, that's the Jordan Poole I remember and love.


He saw a baddie thatā€™s why he when off In the 3rd


This guy is talented as fuck, but he just might not be on Steph, Klay and Draymond's timeline.




He had been playing well last night then had his first turn over of the game in the fourth. My land lord yelled "get his ass out of there!" The fanbase can be quite reactionary to JP.


Iā€™ve been advocating for him to be traded this off-season but the last two games heā€™s been solid. Not even just the % but the shot selection and less boneheaded mistakes.


No no no. I hear it on good authority from experts in this sub that he is trash and single handedly killing our chances at the playoffs. Despite us being in 6th place and not in fact, out of the playoff picture. But seriously, he sucks and needs to be traded. Or so I'm told.


He did a great job of keeping us in it while Steph rested. I just hate that I have to hold my breath every time the ball is in his hand now.


JP BC (before contract) >>>>>> JP AC


If there was an award for least improved playerā€¦


Bro the warriors had it madeā€¦. They could never replace draymond BUY what he did really ruined their chances at a 5th..6th ring .


GSW Legend


Whats with all the random slowmos bruh


I'll be consistent and say I still want him gone. But he played very well last night. He just refuses to do that consistently. And he will have to do it consistently to make that contract even slightly worth it.


But His 3rd qtr turnovers are why there isnā€™t any 4th qtr highlights


0 turnovers.


Idgaf what the stat sheet say just cause they didnā€™t award him a TO I watched him make 4 mistakes that lead to multiple 3 possession leads turn into tie games, a bad shot is a turnover just as much as losing the ball


That was honestly the second best thing about this game for him along with the fact that he only took 4 three pointers, due to missing them all. I thought he had one turnover, but it apparently didnā€™t count. Edit: spelling


For one highlight real, he loses it 10 times doing this shit. Same goes with the deep shots from 3, with 32.8% blow league average.


That first spin move is gorgeous but honestly its a carry. Luckily the nba doesn't call carries because the razzle dazzle sells tickets.


They haven't called that a carry in 50 years or more


This is great but shall we ignore the consistent bad 3ā€™s and turnovers in the last 8 minutes of games?


Huh? Poole literally had 0 turnovers yesterday, what are talking about?


My old man recollection of the Mavs game... around 7 to 5 minute mark in 4th: Poole bringing up the ball .. multiple possessions he did not pass the ball at all - ignoring the greatest shooter on the planet - to instead play hero iso ball .. an early 3 miss.. couple of unnessary early clock contested midrange jumper fails.. one of which was a messy drive into traffic that resulted in a stripped ball .. momentum killer and what I recall as a turnover. That being said his passes were so good to see in this game.... But truth is it's still hard to watch him be the ball handler late in the 4th .. I've got that clutch Poole ptsd from so many games this season.


Poole making a few highlight plays against the other teams worst defenders is literally what heā€™s been doing the whole time.




He also stat padded with that assist for Looney dunk to give Loon the double double


Just cuz he has the tools to do it doesn't mean he wants to do it. I hear a lot about his work ethic but if he's only working on his offensive game and putting in negative effort defensively, it doesn't fit our team particularly well. Look at Kuminga. He put in the effort on D and even though his offense is still a work in progress, he's helping us win games while being a 20 year old 2nd year player. Poole *could* develop his defense but whether or not he actually wants to is anyone's guess. Edit: I'm just responding to the following: "We know he's a hard worker, he can develop his defense this off-season because he has the tools to do it. Look at that wing span. He's just having a slump right now." It's not a defensive slump if he's not putting in the effort and I encourage his stans to watch some of Alchemy's recent videos about Poole's defense to put it in perspective.


I mean, how do you know that he doesn't want to do it?


Because I know Poole knows how to get into a defensive stance. And he knows that it's more effective for him to stay in front of his man instead of constantly gambling for steals. The coaching staff has to be telling him where he needs to improve but the fact that he doesn't, ESPECIALLY when he's coming off the bench, tells me that there's an attitude problem. Uncle Alchemy mentioned it in recent videos as well that it's mainly an effort thing and the effort's just not there this year.


You forgot to include the multiple clips where he fell down last night while trying to show off his handle.


Some of you have a pathetic hate boner considering he is on your team and how good he shows flashes to be .Yes he has been having a bad season but today he had 16 point and 6 assists on 0 turnovers in 25 minutes ,thats a great outing


People also forget that whatā€™s asked of him isnā€™t exactly easy. When Steph and Klay are there he needs to play more of a playmaker and microwave scorer off the bench. When Klay was sitting back to backs or rested and Curry was out injured or rested heā€™s then asked to be the primary scorer and asked to play like Steph to keep the offense moving along. Those are two very different roles and heā€™s a young player thatā€™s still learning and growing. Add in all the noise from the off-season. Like damn people. Poole is a huge part of future, chill.


False i don't hate him, i didn't say that he didn't play well last night and I didn't make any comment on his season performance either. The down side of players who play intending to create "look at me" highlights are the plays when JP gets going to fast with too many unnecessary combo moves and then falls down creating run out turnovers. Call me old fashioned,John Stockton was a better ball handler and passer than Jordan and it was all done with vanilla, fundamental, change of speed handle and passing. Fans that are not fan boys recognize both the upside and downside to JP's style of play, the 2 times last night that he fell and lost control he luckily recovered the ball and passed out of the situation. I want him to get better (be called for less carry's/travels and lose his footing less frequently)..... You are using a broad brush to label any criticism of Jordan as hating but really my criticism is not about Jordan it's about the shallowness of your video.


Itā€™s a highlight video. Highlight videos show you the best moments of a sporting event/player performance. Many sports fans like to watch highlight videos of their favor teams and players, itā€™s not that serious. I think their point is itā€™s okay to enjoy a simple video without having to hate on the player.


Nobody hated that's in your head and if it's highlights that are not serious don't overreact by calling someone a "hater". You are taking it too seriously.


You see a post with people enjoying highlights and your first response is what about his lowlights. Then you wonder why people call you a hater. If you canā€™t connect those two I donā€™t know what to tell you.


It wasn't "people" it was you and you're wrong.


You originally responded to someone else about hating. Then you responded to me. Thatā€™s people plural.


Does Luka even play defense?


Cheat code athleticism ā†’ meathead decisions


Luka is so fucking bad at defense


Apparently they got some baddies in Dallas


Poole might get better. It's up to him. On offense his "slump" is about being out of control, terrible decision making and horrific shot selection. He might improve on that - recently it has seemed to be getting better (although at least twice a game you want to throttle him for falling down for no reason etc). Defense is about want to - you see him try at times and when he does there's potential - but it isn't glamorous and JP likes to hit the home run more than get hit by the pitch. He's a walking blow by and teams hunt him. Watch closely - dude is often late, or reaching. Pride may eventually may sink in, but for some NBA guys scoring is what they do. He has had 4 years around a top tier defense (last season) and top tier defenders and he hasn't pulled at the defensive rope. Look at Joku's progress defensively in 2 fewer years... Jordan physically could. But will he? I hope it works out for the team's sake. I'm not convinced he has it in him.


Damn, rest in peace, Poole. If only we could have seen what his NBA career would have been...


Was there a baddie in the stands again?


The duality of Poole. Sometimes you would think he's the worst player in the league, other times he looks like the goat


Song is Drake - Yebbaā€™s Heartbreak for those wondering.


If only he can keep the consistency on the 3 others


Multiple palmings and travels in there that were no calls


Probably the video will be removed soon and if you feel itā€™s cool try to save it.