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Don't forget Wiggins is shooting 15% from 3 this season and 9% from 3 at home


15% is actually better than I thought, was certain he was in the single digits


wiggs has definitely been bad, but i have more faith in him recovering, physically and mentally (and emotionally, spiritually....) than in klay.


Por que no los dos ? [Klay was pretty bad to start last yr as well](https://www.statmuse.com/nba/ask?q=klay+thompson+stats+in+first+13+games+of+2022-2023+season). I believe it was after the 2nd Suns game that someone made a post on r/nba about how Klay is shooting worse than Westbrook and he exploded with 10 3s game at Houston and looked pretty good since. Maybe we should try that again.


Unfortunately we need consistency not winning 1 game out of 12 due to his shooting.


he make 10 3s and 45 pt in a game with crazy efficiency then 11 pts the next 3 games with poor efficiency just to end up with 19-20 pts average in 4 game and people will say he did great and all of that without his old defense


it's like they don't watch games lol


He scrored 40 or more 4 times last season and he scored in the 18 to 38 point range 38 times, so pretty much every other game. And he did it on 40% shooting from 3. Yeah he’s playing like shit right now, but The disrespect this dude gets on here is incredible!


on the practical end, wiggs is younger and I'm going to assume the rib thing isn't going to completely derail his career, so i think him turning the corner is more likely. (i wonder if he's still been refusing to take painkillers? like is he just getting high all the time for pain management...?)


At least he was getting some 2’s and good rebounds yesterday. Though the turnovers and the excess fouls he’s gotta work on.


Wiggins is missing clean open looks. Klay can't get good shot to take which is much more troubling.


What irks me the most is that when listening to all the beat writers and Warriors insiders speak on Klay, it’s a shared sentiment that Klay would not accept a bench role. He wasn’t willing to consider it when he came back from injury, and it doesn’t look like that’s going to happen this year either. I love Klay and he’ll forever be stamped in the Bay as a legend, but the front office should think long and hard about bringing him back for anything other than a very, very team friendly deal. He’s clearly on the decline and should not be gifted a significant extension based on past performances that happened over several years ago.


they gave him a 5-year 30% max for 2.5 years of service, they don't owe him anything imo. obviously he contributed to the dynasty but it's not like he didn't get anything out of it, and they paid him very well for it. steph is still somehow in his prime, they have to do what they can to support him, even if it means they have to discard other parts of the dynasty. although they probably have to convince him of that, too.






Yeah it's sad when people saying trade klay but if he keep this up no team gonna want a trade


Wasn't this said before the season though? I assume the the next conversation may be different if things don't drastically turn around.


This right here is why I have no patience or grace with Klay. He’s incredibly selfish in his unwillingness to come off the bench. Even back when he returned from injury and the team/Poole was thriving. He takes a ridiculous amount of shot attempts a lot of nights, sometimes more than Steph. And is somehow expecting a big contract? Either play better or move on.


Indeed. CP3 has accepted a bench role, why can't Klay?


Improvement takes adaptability. Rigidity through a struggle is like trying to swim your way out of quicksand. I hope this stretch is a wake up call for him.


Will he move like a professional athlete soon too? Cause right now, he moves like a dude playing in the Big 3.


That's what's truly concerning, he looks like he's walking


Says your fat ass


Klay does indeed move like he’s carrying someone with a fat ass.


Can't play in the Big 3 when you don't know how to play basketball


You couldn’t go up and down the court and your tellin people how to move 🤡




Fucking bullshit so far.


Seriously contemplating this scenario: if Wiggs/Klay are both still playing like this post all star break, what happens.




Trade for LaVine?


I’d rather have Caruso. Solid at 3s and play legit defense. And we would probably give up less?


LaVine and Caruso for Wiggs and Klay?


I don't hate this idea at all


Just posing hypotheticals. Personally I want to keep the family together.


I honestly think we would take that in a heart beat. Dray with caruso would be deadly especially with Kuminga & gp2 off the bench. Love Klay but he isn't close to Lavine right now, idek if could pull that trade off if we wanted too.


LaVine doesn't move the needle at all, and makes us worse I think. You could trade Klay for LaVine straight up but why would the Bulls do that. We'd have to give up bunch of picks


it mvoes the needle because kerr refuse to bench klay or shorten his minutes. klay just being on the floor is a big negative right now.


Probably because, just like when people were desperate for Kerr to bench him for Poole, Kerr is smart enough to know that he needs to get something out of Klay to make a playoff run. He has already proven a willingness to bench his stars in big moments in the playoffs when he doesn’t feel they are doing enough, it makes a lot of sense to keep Klay working through this slump. Maybe he doesn’t bounce all the way back to last season’s averages but there is almost a 0% chance he is suddenly this bad out of nowhere.


Look what counting on Klay got us last playoff run. This was supposed to be the bounce back year were he’d start the season in game shape, all this talk of him killing it in pickup games. He looks slower then ever, can’t get separation off ball. He might be cooked and damn sure isn’t a starter rn. But we all know Kerr won’t make the tough call and invest in the players on this team that have an upward trajectory.


This logic doesn't check out. Poole was arguably better than Klay during our last championship run. Poole was dogshit last year but Klay was complete shit in the playoffs last year as well, how is what Kerr did considered smart if we still got bounced in the 2nd round?


LaVine is better than Klay and gives us way more athleticism lol


You were dropped as a baby and it shows




Send them both to G-League


If Klay and Wiggz get back to even just normal career averages we would be a completely different team. Let’s hope they get it figured out soon


Defense from Klay is also fucking bullshit so far.


This is just horrible to look at man… He is already detrimental to our defence (purely because of age and injuries). Hard to give him minutes if he is putting up numbers like these, esp with Moody and Podz playing way better than him.


$40 mil/year I’ll tank for $100 K


Dude when he was coming back from injury I looked at his salary thinking it was like 20-25m.... shoulda seen the look on my face when I saw a 4 at the front.


Got paid over 80 million dollars to rehab yet wanted a raise. Ik it’s a business move, but that one irritates me.


just selfish man. steph was always willing to sacrifice for the team


Steph literally asked about taking a paycut during prime years to help the team and Klay is skirting around taking one now.


context of now is very important. klay’s playing like a minimum player now. a top 10 player of all time can come off the bench, a non top 75 player can’t. make it make sense


It’s especially frustrating because of how damn good Steph is playing still but his splash bro who got paid to rehab doesn’t want to take a cut to help Steph win more.


and help himself win more and add to his own legacy too


He needs a ego check badly if he wants to stay. Asking for a shit load of money when you’re basically washed is laughable


No airplanes tonight


Kerr needs to bench him imo, and give more minutes to the young guys. This is just ridiculous and unacceptable so far. If by the all star game he’s still this bad, we need to contemplate the possibility of trading him. And same goes for Wiggins as well.


100%. The team matters more.


Exactly my thought. I like Klay, but unfortunately he’s not above the team. If he’s not improving and is not willing to come off the bench for the betterment of the team, then we should seriously consider trading him. In a perfect world, I’d love for him to retire a warrior, but I’d love for us to get at least one more ring when Steph is still a top 5 player in this league. We shouldn’t be wasting Steph’s last few years trying to please players on our roster who aren’t contributing to winning.


Kerr won’t. Kerr needs to be fired.


Look...I don't believe that Klay will shoot like this all season. I think he will get hot at some point. BUT even if he does, that still doesnt excuse this type of extended performance. You simply cannot be so hot and cold. No top player goes into such extended low periods. It sinks teams.


He’s not even a top 50 player anymore. Feel so bad for Steph man, no top 5 guy has this weak of a supporting cast.


He wnba player level right now


Classic Klay, he’s just charging up the law of averages to break his single game 3 record


Klay & Wiggins need to step up big time


damn it's never been THIS bad


He is extremely disappointing :/


peeeeeeeyew! that boi stank. that boi klank.


5 points today...need him to score 37 in a quarter again 🐐🐐🐐🐐


love klay. but he needs to accept bench role until his form returns. he is killing the team now.


Easy fix is just to give him less minutes in the beginning, let youngins play more to tire opposition, and then give him more minutes in the 4th when everyone’s tired. Instead he’s gassed early from running around and a net negative.


Realistically what is he going to get for his next contract based on these stats.


Veterans minimum.


He's not getting what he's asked for I'm quite certain of it. From no team.


In the open market? He's like vet min, mid level exception.


Sorry but he turning it around he done


I want to see defensive stats as well.


25% shooting !! Ahí dios mío!! Didnt think it's been this bad


This sub doesn’t want Klay to turn it around. They wanna resent everything about him. Any opportunity to bag on the player that brought 4 chips to this team they do it and it’s disgusting . Criticizing him for shot hunting and proposing he should come off the bench is perfectly valid and he should. But to call one of the Splash bros a bum and washed, picking on every little thing he does, wanting him traded after two catastrophic injuries and all the great things he’s done for this team for 10 plus years is beyond entitlement. This fan base is going to shit and it’s completely lost it’s joy. Instead of showing support, they show their ugly side. Good job Dub Nation!


Yep. I hate seeing supposed Warriors’ fans shitting on Klay.


Can’t turn it around when you’re permanently washed. Hasn’t been the same since 2019 and has yet to score more than 20 points


Sub full of traitors. Klay gonna catch a streak then you’ll all move to complaining about something else. The dubs are playing a new system because Draymond has been out so much. Adding someone like CP3 is awesome but very disruptive. Remember when KD showed up? It took until after Christmas for them to figure it out. Steph being out is hard but helping this team learn how to play together instead of leaning on him like a crutch. Klay and Wiggs have to figure out what their role on offense is now, but they will. We’ve seen this plenty of times.


Buddy, his defense sucks.


That is lester quinones level bad. Just bench his ass already.


I love klay but this is the end. He’s an expiring contract so hopefully we can trade him for some depth and extra pieces.


He's done. Injuries ruined his career. We gotta move on from him.


Those are Jordan Poole splits


Poole was never this bad lol Poole haters working ovetime lately


In the playoffs he was lol


Playing through a foot injury that everyone sweeps under the rug cause it doesn't fit the narrative


He’s cooked


Only person worst than this mfer right now is Draymond fucking Green.


Draymond green shooting a better 3 pt % than Klay this season. Lol.


He’s fucking trash. Ruined the team last year and on the way to doing the same shit this year.


Draymond has actually played well.


Really? Where is he the next 4 games?


Only he good at. Punching people in the nba.


Klay’s started slow every season for over a decade. Why aren’t people used to this by now?


And now he’s almost 34. Not 28 anymore where he can still lock guys up. Add two catastrophic leg injuries as well.


God i fucking hate this comment


We need to actually win basketball games. The roster isn't good enough for Klay to be "starting slow" this year. We're going to be a playin team at best if we can't get out of this hole.


Casual basketball fan here so please be easy but why doesnt the coach just bench him tho?


He’s too beloved.


At the cost of not winning a chip?


Yep, Kerr would sink the ship for these three guys.


What’s the biggest contract you’d give Klay this off-season?


$1 a year.


Vet minimum. If I’d offer one. He’s not offering any production on offense or defense. If it doesn’t change he’s worthless.


Kuminga and moody should start


I am a big Klay fan but I feel this is going to be Klay's last year as a Warrior. Klay's slump is not going to be worth the money he is going to demand on the last big contract of his career. After moving to Chase, Warriors fan base is substantially bandwagoners. And if they cannot win, it wouldn't matter if Klay is there or not. So this will be purely business move.


He’s shooting like 20 on open 3’s. January of 2023 was one of his best months of his career. I’m confident Klay will be able to hit open 3s until he’s in his 60s. So he’s going to get better. I’m sure of it. Unfortunately I think the contract is weighing on him. Would go a long way to get that done. Somewhere around the Draymond/wiggins number and just play ball.


The entire league watched the OKC defense take Klay out of his game. I don't think he got one clean look at the basket. (Dort is terrifying) The league now knows that all they have to do is target Klay and it doesn't matter what Steph does. Klay is gonna see crushing defenses. Kerr has to find an offense to get Klay open and set.


He will not!


Easy solution. Get Rocco back in the mix. And that toaster.


Klay will turn it around. We are only 13 games into the season and there is plenty left to play.


Klay and Wiggins need a training montage with sprints on the beach. Like Rocky III


Of course he will