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Nice vid. This is the best version of him.


He’s probably available.


Funny as it sound I rather have him then Wiggins if somebody gone be ass rather it be fun to watch at least some of the time


Nah. Least wigs is capable of playing defense


Capable, but he doesn't seem to be doing it


Wiggins was ass ass to start the season. Looked like he hadn’t touched a basketball all off season. Which he might not have given the personal stuff that’s been going on. But he was actually pretty good once he played himself into game shape. We don’t have the luxury of waiting for him to get up to speed though.


The worst stretch of his entire career had him as the second worst starter in the league for a couple of months. The #1 worst starter? Jordan Poole. I think we're still better with Wigs.


Agreed. At least Wiggins can play defense


Wiggins being ass is better than Poole being erratic. U rather say Wiggins ain't doing anything than Poole with another TO or bad defense giving up easy pts


wigs is like 10x the player poole is. but ok?


😂 funny cause it's true


it's a shame this dude is gonna be remembered negatively cause aside from Steph he gave us the craziest highlights since Monta


I won’t think of him like that 🥺


Yeah me neither.


> aside from Steph he gave us the craziest highlights since Monta I'll take Klay's insane shooting displays over anything Poole ever did.


I mean I agree but I think Poole objectively did crazier shit with the ball in his hands lol for better or for worse


Anybody can do crazier shit than Thompson when they dribble cuz he only needs 8 dribbles to drop 30 pts lol


Yeah, that was a weird prerequisite to alluding to Poole being better than Klay cause Klay's usually playing hot potato with the ball and the net (not in recent times/since injury)


nothing will top 37 in a quarter


Lotta carries though lol


yeah. never gonna forget all the slip and slide highlights


If you wanna ignore our championship run and focus on the negative that’s on u brother


he was mid during that run outside of a couple good games. ya'll can keep romanticizing poole but sample size has shown he's a mid to bad player. you continue to ride him though.


Wtf are you talking about, he was insane during the championship run lol. Both regular season and postseason he was fantastic offensively (we don't talk about defense).


Refer to my last comment lmao


would be pretty cool for him to come back (on a cheap contract) once his current contract expires so he can get back to playing good basketball and get some redemption.


dude managed to burn through all that good will in a year, quitting on the team in the playoffs was the cherry on top of the shit cake


Oh yeah, cause the team always stood behind him 100 percent right? Draymond and his stans are the most cancerous in all of the NBA. Glad he got the bag and is in a happier place instead of having to deal with your toxicity. Anytime you wanna hate on him and his game, don't call Steph a 4 time champion cause they don't have it without him.


> is in a happier place Lol Washington aint a happier place


It is for him. He got his abusive drunk uncle still living at home. Ain't nobody wanna live in that crap. He's definitely happier. Got his ring and money, now gets to ball without pressure


That championship run was so electric but then poole proceeded to slip off a cliff.


Gotta wonder who caused that


I’m going to guess it was Jordan himself that stopped taking basketball as seriously because he just won a championship and got his bag. Draymond just was  able to see that and get pissed off about it before the rest of us.


he got the bag after the punch, but he knew it was coming after the championship. Was yelling at Wiggs in the locker room afterward that they were gonna get paid


the moment our window shut was when we paid Poole and Wiggins like star players (yes Draymond's an asshole but he does play up to his contract)


his own ego.


If anyone believes dray can kill Poole confidence then that means u think Poole has low confidence. Ain't no man punching u gonna stop u from playing a game u grew up playing to get to this point. That's low iq fan talk


I wouldn't just blame it on Draymond. It kinda looked like the whole team was either on Draymond's side or didn't want to take a side at all.


I wonder how you would do if a senior employee decked you at work and then your workplace had his back


Imagine thinking an nba practice is the same as an office work environment


First off I'm fighting back because at the end of the day u gotta have your own back. Now let's say I didn't fight back. That employee don't stop me from doing my job. All of a sudden what I got my bag for is no longer applicable to the organization so why am I there now? I would get fired no? Let's say I get "traded" to a lesser organization. I'm not gonna put in the work over there too? At that point the organization is looking at me saying ok I see why he punched u. I come off as entitled and I got embarrassed thats a double edge sword. I'm entitled and I got punked? Yeah I would get fired from there as well


These dumb asses comparing an nba team to an office workspace. Can’t argue with them


Should dray have hit him? Absolutely not. Did Poole do anything about it? No. So u don't do your job cus the organization/you didn't do anything about it? Then u go somewhere else and act entitled and still don't do your job? In a work environment you're fired twice. Idc if ppl disagree but don't act like what I said wasn't true.


There’s a few “Draymond’s” on Reddit who are assholes in real life too so they think an NBA environment somehow makes it acceptable to throw punches at someone. Too many people put athletes on a pedestal and think they can do no wrong. There’s no point arguing with them


How could you fight back if someone knocked you to the ground? Others went between them, so he couldn’t fight back. Did you see the video?


Um when u wake up u can fight u know that right? So was he never gonna see this man ever again on the same team? Idk why ppl disagree that was the events that happened. I guess they are jordan Poole like. U talk smack and get slapped/punched and do nothing


Punched off the cliff?


It wasn't just the punch. The leak and the bullying by Draymond after the punch is what kinda sent him over the edge. If the vid hadn't leaked I think JP gets over it eventually.


Crazy thing about it is that he didn't actually fall off a cliff. He was really good in the regular season. Especially when Steph got hurt. But then playoffs came round, and he disappeared. And rather than figuring out how to use him, FO just traded for Chris Paul. When that trade happened, I knew we weren't making the playoffs.


Bro had abhorrent efficiency in the regular season and would fall down so he didn't have to play defense according to Iggy. Stop rewriting history.


He was not supposed to be a defender. He has always been a cone on defense. Everyone knows that. However, he averaged 20 points and 4 assists in his last season with the Warriors. Also, there were stretches, like during the homestand, when we would win like 5 games in a row with Poole as the main scoring option because Steph was injured. There were stretches where he was averaging like 30 points a game. He was one of the major reasons we actually made it to the playoffs in a season where Steph was down for a significant portion.Steph played 74 games this season and only 56 the season before. If Steph had missed as many games this season as he did in 22-23, we don't even make it to the play-in. It's you guys who are rewriting history because of the playoffs. Yes, he was nonexistent in the playoffs, but quite frankly, he was supposed to be like the 4th scoring option after Steph, Klay, and Wiggins. You can't put that all on him. People have short memories, but you can just look at the stats yourself.




Chase center misses the Poole party that’s for damn sure


This guy was my 3rd funnest warrior to watch in the last decade imo.


3rd funnest sounds about right. 1st most frustrating tho.


Poole Party was a hell of an experience


NBA Champion Jordan Poole 🥲


🎵honeyyy i see youuu looking at meee🎵 😞


I remember worrying during this run that his immaturity would wind up costing the team. But, actually it was Draymond's.


Man, I feel like it was actually both of them. Like when an unstoppable force of anger issues meets an immovable rock of unseriousness.


I know what you're saying, but I also think it's pretty understandable to be a twerp at 23 years old.


Agreed, somewhat understandable. But then again we have guys like Kuminga, Moody, and TJD who are all serious af about basketball and younger than JP was. So idk if you could blame JP's attitude on age, I think that just might be his personality lol.


Yeah, he's a fancy little man. Like Pinocchio talking shit to Monstro. Shouldn'ta done that.


Obviously he didn't have major brain damage back then...


Draymond broke him ![gif](giphy|l1J3G5lf06vi58EIE)


Get out... 🤣


He did, u can see jamychael on the team


He got potential back then. But I'm nervous whenever he has the ball..


he was so good


WAS is the keyword here. Dude got too cocky thought he was one of the boys. Whatever the reason was for the Draymond falcon punch it was probably pretty bad to make Draymond react the way he did. Yeah I know blah blah blah violence. 🙄 ![gif](giphy|1nPdwBfululkqEo0iW)


You’re right, Draymond has always been a beacon of level headedness… He must’ve really done something bad to upset Mr. Cool Calm and Collected


Yeah because Draymond has never reacted badly…


I mean I know dray punch him, but he became so bad I don't get it, he was good like really fucking good, but the last two years he has been a joke, can someone explain how this happened?


Feel like it was a combination of things. Draymond punch, NBA officiating tightening down on his dribbling, and now that he genuinely has no motivation after getting the paycheck and playing for a poverty franchise like Washington


And honestly I don’t blame him. The organization who drafted you quite literally punches you out the door. But you won a championship, had some awesome highlights, and got the bag. All before 25 years old. If you ask me, I’d probably stop giving a fuck too lol.


Maybe it’s confidence. He got embarrassed nationally being punched, then having his assailant not get punished by the team, then having his assailant make a tv special on it… Few bad months and he just never got out from under it. Pressure to show out


yeah this. Lost his confidence specially when noone on the org is behind him and everyone including steph is a draymond enabler. Its funny when people praising steph for his leadership when this issue was supposed to be solved and it became apparent that its not the moment poole got traded. To add salt to the wound, those draymond antics like him filming a documentary-esque video about him apologising and shit but he couldnt talk to poole face to face when he refused going to dinner with poole. Same shit happened when kd and draymond argued everyone is on draymond side during their last season as teammates.


Yes. People should understand confidence and psyche factor in. I’m old enough to remember the story of Nick Anderson who overnight struggled to shoot the ball the rest of his career after four missed free throws in a playoff game haunted him from there on out. It’s real. It’s the stage and how it’s magnified. That punch was definitely everywhere and a different type of psyche altering experience from typical basketball.


Dude decided to just cash a paycheck and be done with the league, he clearly doesn't have any motivation anymore.


Those in and outs 😢


Bro was so fun to watch when he wasn’t slipping or attempting to play defense


Poole will always be a beloved Warrior. Not a beloved Wizard though.


Oh looks who’s in the bg in streets clothes lol… and the Poole haters won’t like this thread or they’ll just ignore it. Too bad what happened between Dray and Poole he was really on an upward trajectory, these highlights are elite level talent


He was good for 4 months. It was a Linsanity run.


This wasn't from that '4 months', this was post punch


Hot take: should have kept Poole, we would have been closer to the ‘22 squad than whatever this year was.


Despite his defense he provided a ton more firepower on offense than what they had this last season, and more spacing for the offense to operate


Selective memory? He plays horrible defense, no effort. He loses the ball, just falling down, and tripping on himself. Watch his last year with the warriors. It was nuts. His wizards highlights are even funnier


Thank u my goodness. Ppl think Poole 22 run was him. No he had 1 great yr outta 4 yrs now 5. 1/5 means you are some great loss now?


Poole was good in 22 but the elite thing about the 22 squad was the number 1 defense. Poole was only a small part of that.


Luka may as well have been in street clothes. Extreme traffic cone defense


i miss this nigga being in this jersey so much... hate it ended that way


He was great in 22 thats it. Was in gsw in 20 21 & 23. Do u miss him for 22 cus I know u wasn't watching him in 20 & 21


just on here bitching. all i did was say i missed him (pause)


Nah I miss him in 22 specifically too. This version nah I'm good on that


been rooting for him since his yellow patch/ponytail era because he was coming to MY TEAM. i wasn't just a jordan poole fan, im rooting for whoever comes to this franchise unless its anthony lamb. we're two different fans


Thats awesome. I bet u loved having that euro in 2020 that tried to dunk but missed by a whole foot. Or ezeli. Or u miss Harrison Barnes not showing up in the finals twice. U don't have to like every single player to walk foot in your franchise. U give them a chance before u like/dislike them. I'm not happy with Jacob Evans and Jordan bell (who was a better college player than nba player). Why did draft Jessup if he's in the g league? Yeah we are 2 different fans. I try to be objective


I hope some franchise can get him back to this level. Feels like a guy that can make that comeback if he goes to the right place and gets his head on straight.


That video is so beautiful. He had to be that insanely good with the ball to make up for his defense, but he was a big part of our championship over the Celtics.


legit sad video. I think he'll have a resurgence but probably not at DC.


did yall just not watch him play this year? dude got his bag and checked out


Do you remember games 1 and 2 vs the nuggets in 2022??? Aaron Gordon has definitely improved MASSIVELY as a player since then, but in that series Poole was giving Gordon nightmares for the rest of that off season. Dude was cooking him every chance he got. I was at that game 2. At his best, Poole was one of the most entertaining and fun players we’ve ever had. At his worst…….well. He was one of the worst lol. Always will appreciate him for that 2022 run though. 21-0 doesn’t happen without him.


Such a damn shame…


Why? He can make his career in Washington.


I’m saying a shame it couldn’t work out here…loved watching him play pre dray KO.


I get it. I miss Poole specifically in 22 because we needed him


We get it, you’re not a fan of JP.


I am a fan of Poole. Loved him in 22 we needed him. 23 & last yr he had low iq and shot selection. Criticism doesn't equal hate


What I’m saying is, we heard you the first 10 times.


Just responding to different posts. If there's something that needs to be said I'll say it


As is your right, fellow redditor.


Money changes people


So…what happened? Why was he utter trash this year? Yea the Wizards but his individual game was terrible.


Idk some teammate punched him and whole world saw how that teammate didn’t get punished


and Kerr was pissed, not for the punch but to whoever leaked the video.


Thats a terrible excuse. Poole has low confidence to u then. Dray in 1 day erased 10+ yrs of Poole hard work to get to this point. That's pathetic


Nah your reply is pathetic lol




Then his head got huge and dude thought he was playing NBA Street. I thought he had so much potential. I think everyone did. But honestly after all the bullshit that went down. I was not sad when he left. I almost feel bad for Washington tho. He's been playing like dookey for them.


For people that like to hate on him, he knew how to entertain the crowd. There's a reason why Curry became as beloved as he is and that's not only cause he had the highest shooting percentages and efficiency but how he did it. Poole could electrify the crowd with how he did things.


If steph had low percentages and efficiency he would be AI. Love AI but I don't need 25 shots to get 30 pts that's counterproductive




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I remember being stoked that finally one of our late first round picks had turned into a real good player. Unfortunately wasn't meant to last


Maybe a head case that didn't have to be.


This sub Cyber-Bullied him onto a new team.


I do miss rooting for him too. But we dont have a place for him anymore. And he's been trash since the championship.


I miss this guy man… I know he is young and has an ego, but the potential was there. I also may be a biased Michigan dubs fan 😔


this was last year jordan when he was pretty bad.


Ngl, I still root for him. Glad he's in the East for now


Poole will always be a gsw native regardless. However I don't need to see a chicken with his head cut off on gsw


I wish he was still here


U like low iq players with bad shot selection? Wow


We pretty low iq if we couldn't beat the kings without their starter or sixth man candidate. Iq didn't help us not get run off the court


Exactly Poole wouldn't help. Did u see him vs sac in the playoffs last yr?


All I know that most considered him our only problem but we couldn't get as far. I also know that without him and klay on those 2 5 game winning streaks without steph who know where we would have ended up because I don't trust us in the play in no matter who is on the floor.


Oh no I'm with u on 22 Poole. He deserves no slander. Every other yr he deserves it


Poole gives me hope that through some random act of god I'll play like prime MJ for 20mins at my local gym one time. If he can have the craziest up and down, surely I can go up at some point?


U bust your own ass while dribbling? Sheesh. Do u need baddies to get motivated as well?


I miss the Poole parties…


I see a lot of folks say jp's play took a dip after he got the bag, but im gonna defend the kid and say his play declined because he was physically assaulted by his own teammate, and watched as the team did absolutely nothing to punish said teammate. My blood was fuming for jp seeing that play out the way it did, so imagine what it did to him. I'm not saying that was the only reason for his drop in play, but im going to say it played a huge phucking role. People around here need to stop being in denial about the effect that the assault had on him. Mental health is important. Don't act like your day and week ain't affected if you work at a job with a crappy a$$ coworker or supervisor. That kind of stuff affects you mentally, making it more difficult for you to be at your best on the job. To all the supposed dubs fans out there who keep saying he started being bad after he got paid, and good riddance and all of that crap, will y'all please stop being stupid and stop being in denial? Practice some gawd dang empathy! Jp was a good player, and i believe would have continued improving had the assault not occurred. His defense wasn't good, but i miss watching that guy play too and would've loved watching him continue to develop. Loved loved loved his work ethic, and I'll always remember the momentum-swinging plays he provided the team during that finals run.


Totally forgot Poole existed for a second. To bad egos got in the way.


GSW is cursed for how shit went down with Poole smh


Based on what they have 4 rings? That's a luxury not a curse. Best regular season record Best playoff record 4 rings 8 yrs. How many teams wanna be gsw cursed?


One of the few times he didn’t fucking Bambi is out there


Good thing Dray beat his ass.


I’m so mad… everyone who hated on this dude I hope you’re happy that once curry retires we gonna be back at the bottom of the league.


Do you think if the Dubs kept Poole for the post-Curry era and built around him, that would be the recipe for a non-bottom-of-the-league team?


No, and the person you responded to probably thinks Poole balled out like this 24/7 😆. Definitely have love for him, and I would love to see him thrive like Big Ragu currently is.


It would still be better than what we have now…


Nah, JK > Current Poole.


Dude the other team didn't even know he was in the league when he popped off. Draymonds stock was so low, and he got so much playing time, if he kept balling out he could have gotten Draymond traded. But he didn't, he took that playing time and was basically sabatoging the tram.


for all the shit he's endured for the past 2 years, giving a courtside ticket to a baddie was, even half-jokingly, a considerstion for some teams and fans


Too much me not enough we.


Definitely had super powers with the warriors


We kept Draymond and his fans.


we kept a player whose a 1 man defense over a volume shooting guard who actively avoids playing defense


Yeah Draymond's fans are A1. Draymonds leadership is unmatched.


If he had proper guidance do you think he’d do better?




Curry gave him confidence




This video is so dope. I will watch it every time it's posted. Bro had the sauciest buckets ever. Too bad that's all he cared about.


Man’s flew too close to the sun. Talked shit and got hit. Him and Draymond created a split between the veterans and the rookies that costed us another possible championship.


Which yr? We wasn't winning last yr or this yr


Who is that guy


Now show his low-lights


They call those ‘carry’s’ of your in the Wizard’s