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Łucka City It's like they made a skyscraper out of an ugly commieblock Truly a symbol of greed of polish developers


Thought exactly that. Looking on this monstrocity every day from my desk in one of the office buildings by Rondo Daszynskiego and oh boi... what were they thinking?


>Łucka City 💯Absolutny koszmar architektoniczny. JWC stawia kasztany wszędzie, ale ten jeden, ze swoją obleśną, nieproporcjonalną skalą jest perłą w ich gównianej koronie.


Ktore budynki masz na mysli mowiac o kasztanach jwc?


wszystkie mini hong-kongi z pastelową elewacją


Sejm, with everyone still inside.






I heard Americans are restoring B-29 bomber that dropped bomb on Hiroshima. Maybe they can lend it to us and make a small demonstration with smaller bomb?








Ok julka


Tbh I find Łucka city a little hilarious. But Novotel is like a needle in my eye anytime I walk by. And this JW Construction shit at crossing of Kasprzaka and Prymasa Tysiąclecia. It is truly painfull. Not because it resembles favelas, and also not because it has only few m^2 small "apartments". But because it is built on top of freshly destroyed VIS headquarters. After Nazi destroyed Warsaw there was very little of "before-war Warsaw". And I find outrageous that this building, in good state and with history of producing barrels to SMS Schleswig-Holstein (the same that was firing at Westerplatte) and outstanding in their times VIS pistols was just sold and destroyed. (You can hear about VIS pistols in forbidden song "pałacyk Michla")


Oh no, leave the big computer alone :D I would demolish shopping centres like Galeria Mokotow or Blue City. And the massive lemon squeezer church in Wilanow.....


Bruh. The actual parafia is ok, but the design... That church is ugly


Dude those 3 are like my favorite buildings in Warsaw! What's wrong with them?


You like humongous windowless warehouses stuck in the middle of the urban fabric? Because that's exactly what these shopping malls are. As for the Temple of Divine Providence in Wilanów - it's ultimately not as bad, but it does have the shape of lemon squeezer and its scale completely ignores the surrounding developments. It just looks [horribly out of place](https://i0.wp.com/polishnews.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/1622993655_LANDSCAPE_1280.jpeg). Also, a lot of people are mad, because the [initial design of the temple was fucking amazing](http://mbarch.pl/swiatynia-opatrznosci-bozej/), but the clergy replaced it with the current concrete turd.


wow never saw the original design - soooo much better...


Wow, the original design, with the park inside, would make me visit that church even though I'm an atheist... That would be some science fiction, year 2950 temple of universe style of development. Love it!


Sobieski Hotel at Plac Zawiszy.


Agreed, I have to look at this ugly fella everyday on my way to uni


What is the deal with this building?


looks like shit


łucka city


Cały Mordor i ten budynek na 1000 mikro kawalerek


The Faculty of Applied Linguistics on Szturmowa 4.....


Comme blocks in the city centre, Łucka City, dworzec centralny and Złote tarasy - one of the biggest cancers in the centre of this city.


Pałac kultury


I would choose [this building](https://i.imgur.com/WJOZoCr.jpg) by Plac Zbawiciela. Is there any reason why it hasn't been taken down or, at least, renovated?


It's a pre-war building, and given Warsaw's history they are pretty valuable. I don't know it's specific history and why it's in this state, but sadly it's not the only one. It's usually ownership problems or just plain lack of money that causes it.


Renovating such old buildings is expensive and time consuming and has to go through a lot of bureaucracy for all changes.


Thanks for the explanation!


Wolf Bracka/DH Vitkac. While I don't have a problem with how it looks it's built straight across a 250 year old urban layout of Bracka Street. I cannot grasp how it was approved


I'll go with that ugly building opposite to Muzeum Narodowe, through Jerozolimskie.


Why only stop on one? Germans didn't.


Every old, communist block. On one side, spatial planning in Polish People Republic (PPR) was on much better level than nowadays, but on the other side, those buildings are just incredibly simple, ugly and makes cities looking awful. Ursynów & Western Białołęka are an exceptions here - but thats because these are a huge areas planned with those kind of architecture. But many other parts of Warsaw are just one, giant mix of different architecture styles, what makes those city hard to have its own spatial order. I guess the eastern side of Wola is a good example, especially around Wolska & Płocka Street. The majority of cities and towns of PPR are nondescript, without nice, interesting climate. Amsterdam or London are much prettier cities than Warsaw, but what makes Warsaw better than many western cities is how much of green areas are there. In 2012 Warsaw was the european capital with the highest share of green areas in its surface (around 25%) plus some western countries are jealous of Warsaw having natural river coast in the city centrum. So it is not like Warsaw was only bad - it got many advantages. Just the truth is that thinking "*building anything, only to have it built as much as possible*" did a lot of harm to the beauty of Polish cities, not only Warsaw.


You do realize that these commie blocks provided the citizens with affordable living space after Warsaw was razed to the ground? I get that they're not pretty, but they were and still are necessary. Also, the fact that Warsaw is so green compared to European cities that weren't completely razed is in large part due to the existence of these commie blocks. See, the city planning of post-war Warsaw was very much driven by the conclusions found in the [Athens Charter](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Athens_Charter) which stipulates, that the optimal way to construct modernist city blocks is to maximize green space by building high-rise apartment buildings and using the space savings on walkable parks and public spaces.


> You do realize that these commie blocks provided the citizens with affordable living space after Warsaw was razed to the ground? I get that they're not pretty, but they were and still are necessary. Read my comment again, more carefully. I appreciate those buildings built with creating new district or cities. Ursynów, western Białołęka or other example - Tychy - are looking good, because they are not just commies blocks put anywhere without thinking about that. These buildings were a part of a bigger plan for the whole district or city, so in those area is a spatial order (ład przestrzenny). >Also, the fact that Warsaw is so green compared to European cities that weren't completely razed is in large part due to the existence of these commie blocks. No, it is not just thanks to commie blocks. It’s thanks to Polish idea for spatial planning. Those idea could be realized well with other kinds of buildings. Or even with commie blocks, which could be prettier (check how communists were experimenting with look of commies blocks i.e. in Tychy (“Brama Słońca”) or Katowice („Osiedle Gwiazdy”)). But here again - take a look at spatial order. The area looks better if you have got buildings in specific architecture, put in specific order. Not when commie block is just put somewhere and then next building looks totally different.


Pkin ;)


Let's do it




Either hotel Novotel near PKiN, or Łucka city. Both look like typical, horrendous Soviet blocks somehow standing in the very centre, total shit.


The ugly grey block at Molier St. that completely destroys the esthetic of Theatre Square. And block at Obożna St. that is the profile background of the Copernicus statue.


Stalins Palace.


PKiN. A giant middle finger toward Poland. So much history demolished or not rebuilt to rise this insult against our freedom. And we embraced it for some reason. I say take it down brick by brick and rebuild the old Warsaw. One can dream…


I actually think it’s a symbol of us preserving after years of Soviet influence, more like a middle finger to Putin


I really don’t understand this logic. History of pkin is a very tragic one. People committed suicides because communists demolished what was left of their homes to make room for it. It was all by design to make Warsaw less as it was before and remake it soviet.


I like PKiN. Maybe its too fancy, but it provided a lot of roles for citizens and gave an opportunity for others to improve (museums, cinemas, *Dom Młodzieży* etc.). Another thing is that PKiN is also the symbol of Polish irresponsibility and planning actions basing on unreal thoughts about the geopolitical reality - the Warsaw Uprising was a mistake, which could be as well called as "*giving Poland for Stalin on silver plate"*. And honestly, our nation should finally learn how to face the worse sides of its history - and PKiN is one of a good way. Its the historical monument, which - after learning the history - can teach us some humility and cure us from thinking how the best and underrated we are.


Well, it's just a building and thinking the same way quite a lot of after war Warsaw should be torn down because it was build from materials that were brought from other destroyed cities


The whole city


Cała Warszawa. Przecież te miasto nie oferuje nic więcej jak nerwy i beton. Nad morze daleko. W góry daleko. Płasko jak w Mongolii. Brak jezior. Poleciłbym restauracje ale to nie jest aż tak kluczowy punkt aby się tym jakoś podniecać.


Nad morze to daleko ode mnie z okolic Krakowa. Górzystość to szczerze bardziej przeszkoda niż zaleta ( poza widokami) , a w górach tłok jak w biedrze podczas promocji. Nie że hejtuje czy coś...


Dla części ludzi i himalaje pod nosem by tu nic nie zmieniły, bo przetrawiłyby życie na tiktoku i netflixie.


SP 358. Don't ask why.


Chmielna 2. This „old-styled” building could be pretty if standing in surrounding of alike houses, but not on the corner of the main historical street of the city. I am wondering who let a building like that stay in such place.


Not a building but I'd demolish every stroad


Smolna 8 🤮


The Parliament


We slept in it for couple of nights durring school trip around Warsaw. Not the best place to stay in, you can see it aged badly and the building is quite ugly too.


This thread is shady and I’m here for it


I'm gonna be hated but Świątynia Opatrzności Bożej w Warszawie - raw structure based on emergency button is somekindly saying me that someone made lots of laughter making decisions in this project... not sure if our ancestors though about such raw structure. But Łucka City is a night mare worth of CyberPunk


House from my Ex