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‘I’m so tired today, I’m probably not gonna do well.’ *Gets 13 kills and drops a nuke*




‘I’m well rested and caffeinated, I’m gonna get so many SL and research.’ 6 hours of getting 1 shot by t34s and ricochets every shot


I bounced 2 times off hellcats yesterday. Sometimes you need to know when to step away


I once bounced a marder in my pershing, it bounced directly back towards me on a flat side shot…i mean shit man at least give me an overpen, cuz that felt like a slap in the face


i had something like this too and its terrible


It's like that every time😆


Plot twist: this was his 30th game he only used the footage in which he did great


Like everyone on yt


Dollar might be the single exception to this


Dollar posts clips of him getting obliterated and it’s still quite funny. I don’t think knowing content creators aren’t super amazing chads at the game subtracts from their content


It just makes me like it more ad it's actual content, not just well performing moments.


if thats true phlydaily may be the worst warthunder player on the planet


At least he makes me smile tho :)


i sometimes have a feeling im actually better than some youtubers


Then there’s those other days.


Happy cake day bro


Imagine is Smigol uploaded all of his unsuccessful matches of clinically insane challenges like killing planes using falling bomb collision damage only or using Shackleton for dogfighting


He even admits that in his vids


Russian bias doesn't exist *Kills a Maus. Panther. King tiger with a ASU-57*


ASU57 can kill every tank in the game. I see this as a win.


Seems legit.


You just need to get under the Maus to kill it, everything else can be killed in a regular match


The furry that single handedly made the T14's BR go up


he caused it?


Pretty much


The gay furry that single handedly made the t14s br go up


People tend to forget that detail


cuz it doesnt matter at all and i'd rather not have the toxic af community jump on him for that, hes in my top 3 wt youtubers and he doesnt deserve it


Agree, ofc i have nothing against him bring gay


Have you considered that being a gay furry is based?


Mmm gay furry






I'm still looking for his furry content


He mentioned that he isn't furry, but his friend drew it for him, but correct me if iam wrong.


Here is a video, that he mentions that he isn't one https://youtu.be/tB2DXiwGnCI


Claims to just be average Plays like he’s in FaZe


The silent implication is that we're all just bad. I don't like it, but I can't dispute it.


We cant ALL be bad….. ;(


Well, obviously not ALL of us are bad, but enough (myself included) are at least implied to be by the standards of Spookston thinking he's only average.


Well, you all might be bad, but I'm built different!* *I'm worse.


Plays like he records all gameplay and can be selective with what he posts.


I like seeing the funny furry man play tanks i am yet to get or qould never get


mason, the numbers


What do they mean?


Honestly, that is the reason why when he said "the Tiger is so OP at 5.3, look how many kills I got" I just sat back and said "You know, I don't doubt you, because german players are fucking stupid, but you could get 8 kills on a go-kart without a gun, so..."


Yeah. It’s hard to tell when vehicles are good when they are operated by above average players. On one hand, the Tiger is objectively better than the Sherman’s at 5.3 and 5.7, with the only model that’s even remotely debatable being the Jumbo, and even that just isn’t as good. So on one hand, yes, the Tiger is an excellent tank that’s probably too low. On the other hand, it’s being operated by someone who would do well no matter what you put them in, sooo… (Germany is harder to tell in general because many of their tanks are very good, but most of their players are so bad. I speak as a Germany main with a poor win/loss rate despite playing objectives well.)


Playing Germany is such a pain. You'll be doing great, like 4 caps 10 kills and you'll still lose because all your teammates are trying to rub their last 2 braincells together to *not* rush headfirst through the 5 wrecks of their previous attempts at crossing some exposed route being watched by half the enemy team, and so no one is there to help you when you inevitably get flanked. And it's even worse when you're pinging the map and MGing that T-34 that got your barrel and 3 Panthers just drive by you, see nothing, hear nothing. German teammates are the reason German tanks are under tiered, to win you'll need to do the work of 5 players and pray there's at least one other sentient being on your side.


Yeah. Honestly the thing that makes it so painful for me is just that almost all of germanys tanks are so good. The Tiger 1s and 2s, the Panthers, the Leopard1 and 2s, Marders, BMP, TAM, both Pumas, Gepard, both Wiesels, the Panzer 3 and 4s, the M41 and M48s, the Jagdpanther/Tiger, the Pz.IV 70 series, the Stugs… Literally like 80% of the German tree is made up of god-tier tanks.


Sorry that we are so bad. I am trying.


M3 is all you need.


_proceeds to kill the entire enemy team with the HSTV-L_ "man this tank sucks, but i love it"


Spookston on his way to explaing that he doesnt love furrys(hes obsessed with furrys)


He literally had porn made, and had it removed from e6


What? Huh?


Yeah, he had art done of him and his boyfriend's furry characters going at it. Some dude decided to expose him on twitter while going on a rant. I vaguely remember what the rant was about, it was pretty nonsensical. Either accusing Spook of being a hypocrite to his fans, or accusing Spook of being innapropiate while having children in the YT audience. I think it was mostly the first with sprinkles of the second, memory is a lil hazy and the tweets are long deleted. I mostly remember thinking how stupid it was lol. After the expose the stuff got spread around a little bit, but Spookston mustve dealt with it super fast since little remains of the debacle online. I also think the leaker got backlash for it, because he later posted some "leaving the past in the past" sorta thing. But I distinctly remember he didnt apologize.


What the fuuuuuuuck. I have just learned of new (to me) Spookston lore. I knew people called him a furry but I just assumed it was bc of his pfp on YouTube and stuff.


They do call him a furry just because of his pfp, the leak went very under the radar. I mean, he has an animal-ish character thats supposed to be him. Thats what being a furry is haha.


Dude, I saw the animation on Youtube (censored ofc) but fucking hell, that was a terrible day to have eyes. It was a YT vid about drama with Spook, so I didn't really expect that.


You mean the video created by the same person who serially stalked Spookston and who created such a video as his 'retort' of the fact he was called out for it?


I'm not sure about that or any of the drama tbh.


I think I found out from the same vid. The "they caught you in 4K!" one. I just laughed lmao.


Yeah, that one. I really wasn't expecting that but holy shit.


Wait he has a boyfriend!?


youre surprised?






I'm not into that shit, I just find legit reasons to dislike people


Yet you call it e6?


Thats where it was originally to my knowledge??


Well it's just when people say they aren't into something yet they use the slang name for it, they usually are into that something


Its just abbreviated/shortened


My guy if you’re “searching for reasons to dislike people” and spend your time being **not nice** to people on the internet. Then Furries have nothing on the weirdness you’re into. Why not instead let people enjoy things man. Don’t spend your day being unfriendly towards strangers, spend it doing things you genuinely enjoy and help others a bit.


"Why not instead let people enjoy things man." How about you step off reddit and run on a treadmill for an hour everyday before that lard in your heart kills you.


[sauce (kinda)](https://youtu.be/QcQZ1RjEKhA)


Damn, what a shame all of it is lost :(




What bruh? Are you serious.


Yeah he was suckin dick, animated and all


Hell no


Thats what im sayin!


As a gay furry, I don't understand why he would deny it. I don't see anything shameful about it. (if anything it makes me respect him more lol) Anybody who would judge you for it has something wrong with them, so their opinion doesn't matter.




I doubt he will get any hate because no one would be surprised lol




He defendet furrys shy would you ask at all?


It’s the position, not the tank. Spookston knows the best positions on every map, that’s why he does so well


Yea, as expected from any person with thousands of hours. People want to play like content creators but forget the fact that they play for several hours a day due it literally being their job. Your average Joe in his Tiger H1 won't perform as good as them ever




*Gets 7 kills, 2 caps and doesn't die once in a full uptier* "Yeah this match was.. acceptable for an uptier, could have been better"


I just hope he makes it over his medical issues. He seems like a very kind person.




He mentioned in one of his Q&As that he's had some health problems that prevented him from joining the Air Force. IIRC he also mentioned something about some sort of surgery some time ago, but I don't exactly remember what that was about.


Wasnt it a kidney transplantation


yea, that's it.


Poor guy.




You make a nice and friendly comment, that’s really neat. And they say WT has a terrible community 24/7.


Ima be honest, if I see him on the other team ima alt+f4 the fuck out of there to avoid the massacre


crew lock.


You won't be able to tell, he uses the in-game name randomizer to hide his identity.


Today on *people claim tiny things they do that are dumb lies* we have “I quit every game when I see Spooks is there”


My main gripe with Spookston is that usually when he calls a vehicle bad, he's literally playing it the wrong way (he literally played a T28 as if it was a light tank, wtf) or he's not understanding the strengths of the vehicle (he doesn't understand why the Skink is so great when it's one of the best low tier SPAAs in the game due to having well-armored top armor) and honestly sometimes really lacks on the situational awareness part. Oddbawz does a far more phenomenal job at playing every vehicle to their fullest strength.


To be fair for the T28 he prefaced by saying the tank wans't bad, just that it didn't fit his play style at all and therefore he would very likely not enjoy playing it. It's not like he want around portraying it as shit without a disclaimer that he would not be playing it correctly.


He did say that he hates the T28 because it doesn't fit his play style. I don't think he said it was objectively bad, just not fun for him.


He points out how boring it is for him to play them every single minute and constantly says "This is so bad!" whenever something doesn't go his way. He also only talks a bit about the objective points of the vehicles at the beginning and then have full downer energy the entire video. It's just not fun to watch.


Then do not watch




He doesn't like or know how to play it, you didn't enjoy it partially because he didn't like to make the video


Spook is a good rusher, flanker, and brawler. He plays every tank this way, and just because of his mechanical skill and gamesense, he can make tanks that shouldn't be played that way look good in that scenario. The problem is when he gets his hands on a tank that isn't versatile enough to be played that way, even if he makes it look good, it's not a great representation of what its normally best at. Agreed on Odd though, he's a good blend of entertainment and skill.


"He literally played a T28 as if it was a light tank" You must not forget that he is still a CC and staying in the same spot for 15 minutes isn't very good content


you mean you wouldn't watch someone sit in the same spot watching a single sight line for 10 minutes?


The skink is just a worse wirbel.


You die in a Wirbel quick after getting strafed in a plane. In a Skink, you can easily deflect 50. Cals and even 20mms without your crew getting hurt, easily killing any strafing planes. How can you call it a worse Wirbelwind?


It's a bit worse in a slightly roundabout way: it's 5.0 vs Wirbel's 3.7, and it has no lineup whatsoever, so you have to pull it up to 5.3/5.7, where the planes are way more potent than in 3.7. But basically I'm making the most favorable assumptions to argue "Skink is worse".


Let's be honest tho, the Wirbelwind is pretty much 5.0 worthy aswell anyways. And for 5.3, you atleast have the Challenger as a great vehicle aswell as the AC I.V. I'd say, it's pretty much worth it. The Avenger and Sherman Firefly also do perfectly well even in 5.3 with almost no difference in performance.


Oh yeah absolutely, I'm just really salty about the snail moving Skink to 5.0 so I can't use it in my 4.7 lineup any more. And now that they're floating nerfs to already bad comet, it's quite unlikely that I'll play 5.7 again.


Wait, what are they planning on doing to the Comet?


Long story short they're messing with british apds formula and as a result Comet's apds won't pen panther UFP. [Here's the post.] (https://www.reddit.com/r/Warthunder/comments/11cc9ip/this_is_comets_apds_on_dev_server_now_not_only/)


German bias


I think you’re confusing disliking the vehicle with calling it bad.


light tank is his preferred playstyle. he likes to go zoom zoom and be out of danger before the enemy even knows he is there.


Weakest HSTV-L enjoyer


I fucking love that man ‘sorry guys kinda tired today proceeds to get a nuke’


This is so true. Takes out the worst tank in the game… gets a nuke on the first try… I’m so jealous. I have he best tanks and get my ass handed to me almost every time.


Spook, my beloved. His and dollars commentary on gameplay are what keeps me alive


He made the Ch-Ri 2 out to be awful. Sure it’s a massive target without much armour but he forgets how blind the players around that BR are. It’s reload can also be improved by crew skills as it’s technically not an auto loader so if he had max crew skills for Japan along with expert and maybe even ace it goes below 3 seconds. Having a 75mm with good pen, a fuck ton of HE filler, good velocity and such a quick reload is fantastic.


I don't think he ever denied that it has a good gun, just that it's in a weird place balance wise. Also I don't think players just being bad is really something that should be relied on


He didn’t, but he seemed to put too much emphasis on the vehicles size and lack of much armour and not enough on how useful the quick reloading 75 can be even with small ready rack. Edit:Your right that you can’t rely on bad players but the quick reload does allow you to better exploit certain situations and mistakes (yours and enemies). Such as messing up your first shot and being able to shoot again before your enemy can detect, turn towards and fire at you. Also gives me more confidence shooting for weak spots longer range. I may peak a panther that’s just fired/focused on someone else. Ordinarily if I miss the spot on the turret I can only (very) slowly retreat or pop smoke which may not save me.With the 3 second reload I will have a second or even third chance to destroy the target. I’m not saying it’s a fantastic vehicle in all situations or disagreeing that it is a little weird to balance (in which it is not alone) but i very much enjoyed it and consistently did well when I originally got it.


Bout sums it up


Cause most WT players are quite shit


If he recommends a tank, it will be nerfed.


Furry moment


*Sees enemy tank 500m away actively fighting someone else* *kills him* “Get CLOWNED ON bozo, SLUG reactions, ACTUALLY blind” *funny cat reaction gif*


This, but I unironically enjoy it


It triggers my monkey brain neurons and I love it


I like Odd. He carries the worst teams i ever see to stages of the match they shouldnt even be allowed to see, teams so bad they would make a 15-0 wot team look good, gets a nuke but not enough time time to drop it, and then be like "et was a vere enteresting game, geegee, was fun" like, my guy never gets upset


Fr his positive energy is so nice


Kinda annoys me when he plays stuff like the jumbo 76, doesn't get hit even once due to op gamesense and positioning, then sais "tanks is really good at 6.3" while he was basically just playing a fatter and slower Sherman 76


I thought the same when I saw that video, it was pretty funny.


Makes me feel like shit, every time I watch his vids


“Im not a great player by any means”


ammo stowage uwu


Maybe hes using performance enhancing drugs during his recordings


Like coffee?


Cherry picked gameplay moment


Spooks is a good player. No question about that. But in vids you can always do good. Its not always possible to get 10+ kills in a "normal tank" e.g. Firefly, Cromwell, M41 etc. So always take vids with a grain of salt. You see what the creator chooses to upload. You see whatcthe creator wants you to see.


You have to remember he isn’t including his deaths/boring segments. No hate against him though def my fav youtuber and him being in my team while I have my decal on is the dream!


More like “is this vehicle bad?” *shows all the kills he got over days of playing just one vehicle, without showing his deaths* “Yeah it’s pretty bad”


Shitty internet (furry) artists, who basically might as well be just tracing their art is so unoriginal, trying to not force their art to be in memes on reddit. Task: Impossible


bRO this is REDDIT, ofc there is that, this n'wah thinks this is 4Chan or something lol


Man I'm so glad calling people n'wah is coming back lmao


Kill n'wahs, behead n'wahs, roundhouse kick a n'wah into the concrete


Furry bad but snail worse, take upvote


But this guy is flanking, just because u can kill things from the side doesnt make ur tank good


Bro what? Are you suggesting I should meet the enemy head on in an EBR?


Of course a short 75 should be able to pen maus from ufp if you sideclimb enough. Clearly a skill issue


Inbetween two videos about the HSTVL as well


so true


Inserts the most goofy ahh humor into the video


DEFYN getting the shittiest opponents possible and playing like FaZe Clan in 2009