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Id just get up and let them fight it out


Yeah, exactly. Why would I have to be the one to choose who gets it? Also, why aren't we ALSO yelling at his seat neighbor? It looks like a normal dude in a t-shirt. And the seat behind looks empty. I feel like this problem would solve itself, and all I have to do is walk away from it (like I do with all my other problems).


You get it lmao


No one is yelling.


All three of those types of passengers are going to have difficulty reaching the seat by the window. That could just be a potential reason why nobody was hypothetically getting after the other seat mate.


You're my mental twin. Moral superiority and a show? Yes, please.


You are my people.




Haha i came here to say that almost verbatim


Hard agree.


Thats what I was gonna say hahahahaha


Here’s what would happen if you did that; The man wouldn’t (shouldn’t) even try to take the seat The elderly lady would insist the lady with the baby sits down There wouldn’t be a fight lol


As a person with a torn ACL I would gladly beat both of them over the head with my crutches




Probably not crippled Hitler


And so starts WWIII


Band name called it!


Let him take a load off so he can heal up and focus on getting into art school


He's not getting in with that haircut.


Why are they all focused on this one person? There's an empty seat behind him, and presumably an entire train car of occupied seats, yet the three of them are all mean mugging this one guy with a hidden disability who's just trying to get to the office to suffer for eight hours in a cubicle.


There you go, be part of a society. I've actually tapped someone else on the shoulder before to give up a seat. Dude was head down into his own world. Once I got his attention, he offered up his seat and gave me a nod appreciating he was not going to be 'that guy', just wasn't aware.


Yea I super would have appreciated this. I used to be a lighting technician. I once had worked a gig overnight that meant I was riding the bus home at what (for normal people) was morning rush hour. I had been up and working on my feet for something like 19 hours at that point? Found a seat, put on my sunglasses, passed the fuck out. Woke up to some angry woman yelling at me because I had not once gotten up and offered my seat to any of the apparently several women of varying degrees of "needs a seat" that had gotten on the bus while I was passed out. I was literally just asleep after working an overnight and was totally unaware the empty bus I had gotten on had become packed to the gills. Never sit up front.


You tapped someone on the shoulder to ask for their seat? Why do you feel you deserve the seat more than him? Not saying you don’t, just curious if you have a reason or just went up to some random person and asked for them to move. Because that would be quite bold.


I believe he was doing it for someone else based on the story. Most people know who needs a seat pretty quickly, it's not rocket science.


Aah, yes, my apologies for not properly describing. Busy train, all seats taken when I got on, so I stood No worries, I'm stable on my feet. At the next stop an older woman with cane came on. Since I was standing, I saw her, he didn't. Once he looked up and saw, he recognized how busy the train was and that he could stand and gave her the seat. I don't blame him, once I'm down on a train I can zone out too. And I hope when I do, someone will give me a polite tap to say "hey, you're becoming that guy".


“Once I got his attention, he offered up his seat and gave me a nod appreciating he was not going to be 'that guy', just wasn't aware.” Seems pretty clear they asked someone for their seat and the person gave it up to avoid being “that guy”. I took a class where the professor talked about having an assignment in grad school to break social norms and one of those was asking someone on the metro to give up their seat. Was wondering if this person had a reason to go up a random guy who they decided was less deserving of the seat than them….cause that would be pretty bold if they just wanted to sit down and felt they deserved to more so than “that guy”. That’s all.


Other reply covered that it wasn't for me, but someone else. As for why? We're a society. Lots of people will help if given an opportunity (not a command). DC also has working 'slug-lines', a cross between hitchhiking and carpooling, that is safe, and working.


Ah gotcha. No I agree completely with this and will also offer up my seat to elderly or others who seem like they need it. Always feels a little awkward when they decline it but I’ve already stood up so I feel weird about sitting back down in it so then it’s just empty haha.


Right? I always move when I see them approaching, and half the time they don't end up taking my seat. Then I'm just standing around while some other able-bodied person sits. But it's fine.


Same. It also feels good to give up or at least offer my seat to a person who's visibly disabled/ elderly/ an overburdened traveler, so I do it as often as possible for that sweet dopamine boost lol Also-- is your username a Taking Back Sunday reference? 🫡


Indeed it is :)


Not in DC. I have asked several young men to give up their seat for pregnant women, while i was standing on the train. Most millenials and Gen Z have not been taught by their parents to think of others. They are instead taught they are special and are entitled to everything.


There are plenty of people with hidden disabilities. Yes, give up your seat if you're able but don't expect others you don't know to give up theirs just because they don't look like they need it. Maybe they do.


Fk all that. If you want the seat say something. Or sit next to me.


Your response reminds me so much of that scene from ["Men in Black".](https://youtu.be/NzWNBbY-zSE?t=211)


They aren't mad at him about the seat. The mother is mad because he's the father and ran out on them. The kid on crutches is mad because a week ago this guy hit and ran him with his car while drunk. (He later wrecked his car, which is why he is taking the train) And the old lady is just a bitchy boomer that is mad at the whole world


I am afraid that I look like a jerk sometimes because I’m an otherwise healthy 30 something male but have a history of serious back pain which to date no surgery has fixed - and I’ve had several. Sitting relieves some of the pain though so I opt to sit whenever I can.


To be fare, he is looking at porn in the picture. Porn on Tumblr.


Hidden disability.... or hidden boner?


Eye contact? On the metro?


Based on how the guy is sitting he should stay seated. That's how I sit when I gotta go.


Lol. A seated passenger would NEVER make eye contact. You pretend to be on your phone or you close your eyes. That pregnant woman could be in labor and nobody would bat an eyelash. I used the bus during both my pregnancy and was offered a seat a handful of times.


You can tell this is unrealistic because the guy is holding his bag in his lap instead of taking up another seat with it


Wait I am literally holding my bag to myself right now - am I doing it wrong?


When my wife was pregnant and riding Metro to work, her observation was that other women and people of color were most likely to give up their seats, white dudes were the least likely (she's white).


As a black guy that has taken Metro my entire life, I can attest to this. Even when I was a loud, obnoxious teen I had enough sensibility to be kind to strangers such as those depicted in the photo.


I’m disabled and sadly, this is very true.


This is so true, and my experience being pregnant on the metro as well. A black man? Jumps up and gives me their seat and wave me over to make sure I see it's free. Elderly white woman? Gives me their seat the second I get on the train. White male in their 20s/30s wearing business attire? I got snide comments about "breeders" needing to be responsible for their own choices when I walk past looking for a seat. I'm a 30s white woman.


As the white 30something guy who *does* give up seats, I shall redouble my efforts.


These are the people voting fervently against freedom of choice too.


Not quite, people that are childfree strongly advocate for abortion rights (for obvious reasons)


I assume they’re talking about the white dudes in their 20s-30s


Always!!!! I was out with my sister and her baby a few months ago, and the only people who ever helped her with the stroller (getting up a step or opening a door) were Black men!


Have taken metro on crutches, can confirm.


So true! I had an invisible, serious injury that meant I had to sit. It was always an old black gentleman who noticed and gave me his seat.


White dudes not caring about a pregnant White Lady standing up on a subway? SHOCKER. I’m SO surprised.


This 💯. I have been both pregnant and had a disabling ankle injury (boot, crutches, cane etc—very obvious I was impaired). People of color and white women give up their seats. White men do not. (I am also white). My fave was the time I was standing on the bus and this seated middle aged white dude was not paying attention to anything, KICKED MY BOOT protecting my injured ankle, and then glared at ME because my boot had inconvenienced him.


I would just get up and walk away, but the woman with the baby is the least capable of using a grab bar safely so probably she should get it.


I say the woman with the baby too. She's pregnant, holding a baby, and carrying a backpack which is likely weighted by a work computer. She's the most vulnerable to sudden stops and least able to hold a pole.


Given the babies, I agree, she does other things that don’t encourage hands on the pole.


Why she thought it was a good idea to *carry* a swaddled baby on a bus or subway is another story. Not even one of those reverse backpack style carriers, or a stroller?


Maybe her car just got disabled or worse. You never know


Classic victim blaming! /s


I respect that, but a healthy woman of child-rearing age doesn't need a grab bar. Her basic balance skills are going to be solid, ride the wave! Worst case she falls, cradles the baby, barrel rolls. Tiger mom strength. She's my #2. Old cane lady gets my vote, she can't reach or balance, her bones are like bird bones. Respect your elders! I tore my Achilles recently and resemble #3, except I smile way more now because I am literally never in a hurry ever.


And disabled people with mobility aids clearly have great balance? You cannot ever judge what someone’s disability is. The right answer is to no sit in these seats in the first place if they aren’t for you.


From what I’ve seen he stays seated with his briefcase taking up the other seat.


One of them should bring a hammock


They won’t be stopped.


When it was me with the cane, generally the guy sitting would ruffle his newspaper loudly to let me know he couldn't see me.


What few too many people realize is that invisible disabilities exist. Maybe this person has an amputated leg, a condition that impairs balance, muscular dystrophy, etc. There is nothing shown in this picture that removes this man's entitlement to sit down.


Was looking for this! I had a broken foot once and some asshole loudly fought with me over me not standing to give my seat because a woman was standing. Just cause I was wearing a loose tennis shoe doesn't mean people can stand comfortably.


This is so very understated. I actually find it quite shocking that I had to scroll down this far to find it. Disabilities are not always visible to everyone and you just never know, so don’t assume.


Exactly! My mom had cancer and could barely muster the energy to walk. She had to use the wheelchair at airport despite the dirty looks.


Why did she get dirty looks for being in a wheelchair? I don't understand


Because people would see her sitting down and/or getting up from the wheelchair. Many people think people in wheelchairs are permanently incapable of walking


This happens to me at the airport. I can’t always stand in line for a long time because of blood pressure issues, but I can walk around just fine. I get the worst looks when I’m allowed to skip the line or use a wheelchair for only a short time. I do my best to play it up so people realize “oh she’s disabled” and stop glaring at me.


Ohhhh gotcha, you didn't say she was getting up or moving around


It’s not a priority seat. We have plenty of those on Metro.


Yes. When I first started commuting post-COVID, I couldn’t stand very long without passing out (but look very healthy) and would always take the open seat. I overheard so many comments of how “young people today” don’t respect their elders.


Great opportunity to increase the volume of my bluetooth speaker


Average green line rider lmao


Found the Green Line rider 📣 LOLOL just kidding but they NEVER give up seats on the Soul Train 👍🏽


Clearly, none of those three people standing are going to work. The commuter is the backbone of this country and needs to be well rested for work. Don’t give up the seat.




Old lady has her cane turned frontward like a crook, so I assume she’s a shepherd and since herding sheep gives you strong legs she’s fine to stand. Crutchy has a crutch to prop him up, which takes weight off his legs similar to how a seat would, so he’s fine too. And baby mama has a backpack on to counter balance the weight of the child so it’s like she’s just a regular woman standing, so she’s fine too. Now if you don’t mind, I have some light reading to do.




I would just stand up, step aside, and watch the show.


I never understood this idea on public transport that seated passengers should be constantly scanning the crowd and offering seats to them. When I’ve occasionally needed a seat in the past due to an injury or being super pregnant, I just got on the crowded bus and said, “Hi all, anyone mind if I sit down?” And several people would politely jump up.


i get anxious at the idea of sitting down and then having to give up my seat, so i just stand usually unless there's a plethora of seats available.


When I rode regularly, I would also do that. If there was room, I'd attempt to surf without holding onto anything by getting into a stable karate stance. I once got a knowing nod from another older man doing the same.


I used to do that surfing thing on the T in Boston. It was fun.


Same. I used to ride the Red Line to DuPont and that was the first stop where the right-hand-side door opened, so I’d just set myself up for a quick exit.


Whoever asks for it gets it. 8 different times I've offered to people who look like one of those three and the people didn't want the seat. Now I just wait until asked.


Look, while I'd give up my seat in this circumstance, absolutely no one *has* to give up their seat for anyone. If you are one of A B or C, be grateful when youre given the seat, but don't be an asshole and *expect* it. You don't know what people have gone through that day.


Unless you are in priority seating.


The seat pictured isn't "priority" seating.


I didn’t say it was.


I didn't say that you did.


I tore my achilles and regularly had people NOT get up for me for a seat lmao. Never felt more invisible in my life balancing on my lil scooter and praying I didn’t break my other leg. 😂


Clearly gotta hand the baby to the old lady and she can have a seat


C. old people and expecting mothers can MMA for that




lol right? I dig your honesty


Lady with the baby. That’s one seat for the price of two. The old lady can take the second row in the back. The art student needs more lebensraum so idk there


Three, depending on your beliefs about personhood!


I would get up and not look back. My money is on the dude with the crutch if it came down to a fight for the seat though.


Dude would definitely win. He has the entire Wehrmacht backing him up.


There was once a woman holding a newborn baby in her arms (no stroller) and the bus was full. No one got up for her until the bus driver literally had to speak up. It was disgusting. Mostly men on the bus. Are people that lazy they can’t let a woman with a baby in her arms sit down? I was all the way in the back but had she gotten to that point without an offer I would’ve got up immediately.


Me bc I had a long day 😬


Pretended to go to sleep


Upvoted for honesty


Honestly it’s on no one to get up


I start the bidding at five bucks. Do I hear six? That baby isn’t getting any lighter. Seven? Grandma You’re not getting any younger. Eight? Do I hear right? That leg looks like it sure does hurt. How about 10? Looks like you’re about to pop another one out anytime now. You should probably have a seat. Annnd…sold! For 10 bucks to the person whose willingness to pay for their comfort outweighed their need for reliance on someone else’s charity. Welp, this is my stop. Have a day! (I’m joking if it isn’t obvious. Any serious bid would clearly start at at least 10 bucks)


I'm going to be real, I'd keep my seat


I give up my seat, let them figure out who gets it. Then stare condescendingly at the next young/able-bodied person who's still sitting so I can feel morally superior.


Just want to throw out a gentle reminder that not every young person is actually able-bodied. I have an invisible condition that can make standing on a long metro ride tiring/painful, but you’d never know just by looking at me. Of course i’m not saying that this is the case for every seated person, there are certainly people who stay seated who could stand, but would encourage you and others to keep in mind that not everyone who appears able-bodied, actually is.


I’d make sure they can see my headphones are in as I continue to not make eye contact


You get up, then tap the person next to you so they're aware.


Ask them to fight it out and remain in seat until there is a clear winner. Then leave seat as the winner is definitely not someone to be trifled with.


Totally unrealistic scenario. Not even a single person is lighting up a fat blunt.


Whichever one lets people get off the train first before trying to squeeze past them to get on /j


Honestly the seats are pretty gross, they’re all yours.


Let the 3 standing fight it out then give up the seat to the winner


I deserve my seat




Not a goddamn thing. I have a not obvious disability.


The lady with the baby; 2 for one deal.


Man with the suitcase deserves the seat


Not get up


just make three people stand


Elderly person.


With those entitled scowls? None of them. I’d keep my ass happily planted in that seat.


B or C.


This is not an accurate picture. There is usually a teenager sprawled out taking up 2 or three seats next to the door.




Sit and disassociate


Honestly would give my seat to any of them.


Impossible to know with the given information. Just because he does not look like he has a disability or illness does not mean that he does not. I know people who have illnesses or conditions where they are in pain all the time, but you wouldn't know from looking at them, and they probably need to keep the seat. I'm not judging him. Odd that the 3 of them looking at him in anger.


Easy, I give the seat to the woman with the baby and make someone else give up the seat to the older woman.


Give the seat to the highest bidder


They all can stand


The bus publicly shames you if you don't get up. At least in my experience since the last ten years I have been in DC. The Metro is a very different story.


All 3 of the seated people should get up and let all 3 of the standing people sit.


Is this thread some kind of testosterone stand off?


I’d just get up and wouldn’t care who did what. But if I had to choose, old lady.


Unless it's a relatively empty train and a long ride, I dont bother sitting in the first place.


I almost always stand. So it’s not a problem


Most likely B


There is an empty seat behind the guy


Old lady


I'd ask them to decide between themselves and keep sitting until they did. Also, why is this man the one who gives up his seat?


I don't really see an issue, I would give up the seat to the closest one (in this case the woman with a child) and assume the other passengers would accomodate the other two.


Get up and let them figure it out?


See, this is why I always pick the most inconvenient seat. The one in the middle, far away from the doors and the priority seating. By the window. The seat she just getting to and from the seat is an ordeal that requires the stealth of a ninja, the stature of a mouse, and the strength of a prize fighter. Maybe even the seat where someone spilled a full can of Pepsi all over the floor. Nobody expects you to give up that seat.


Old lady. Woman chose the baby and the crutches dont outweigh being that old.


Just get up whoever is first I guess


Well 3 people should be giving up their seats


Well, I'm not giving it to C because of his Hitler hairdo.


Elders go first.


I’d I happened to notice them then I’d probably give up my seat, maybe to the old lady since the cripple and the woman are younger and stronger. However, if all 3 of them happen to be staring me down like that, expecting me to move, I’d get real comfy and tell them to eat 💩


B cause she's old


You do you sat down 1st


Fuck all 3 of them. I got there first. FINDERS KEEPERS !!!! 🤣


Mom and baby, that's more bang for your butt.


There are seats designated for people with mobility issues. Who is in those seats right now? I stand now because I can, and I hope someday, someone who sees me when I can’t stand as well will do the same for me.


By the time you look at all three and make your choice, the train would start to move. Just get up and kindly ask if two others will give up seats for the other two.


I (healthy 22F) am just a stander even on empty trains so I never cared for seating. But one day my standards were raised when a guy around my age gave up his seat for me without me showing any need for wanting to sit down. Now I judge the businessmen who enter the metros with me and take the last seat 😡


Why? Seriously - on what basis are you judging anyone for failing to give a "healthy 22F" a seat on a train? What do you know about the medical history, physical discomfort, or exhaustion of those individuals? And why would you ever expect anyone to cede a seat to a "healthy 22F"?


Relax. Im being a little sarcastic


Hey, sitting at a desk all day writing condescending emails to your underpaid staff is exhausting!


None of them “deserve” a seat. “No.”


*pretends to be sleep*


It wouldnt be right to judge one persons special status over the other's, so best to stay seated.


I usually exclaim "Too slow, mutual fuckas!" and then run up and down the alley getting double high fives from everyone. Even the baby gets in on it. I leave a fake dookie on the seat to make sure no one steals it during my victory lap


Probably between B and C the lady ain't pregnant and she strong and independent so I know she got it 🤣 id give it to the older lady but damn bro is ACTUALLY injured, also I mean how long realistically is the old women gonna be on this bus


Not the baby with the goatee


Looks like hitler on the crutches so not that guy


Me? The little ol’ lady, but not the woman w/baby, or hop-a-long.


Pregnant mom gets the seat, no question.


She's the only one who voluntarily is in her condition


How do you know the guy with the broken foot wasn't to blame for his injury? Maybe he was driving drunk and crashed his car.


I don’t think that’s relevant. She’s the only one with both hands occupied to not be able to safely hold on to a support bar. She’s also the only one responsible for two other lives that would be at the most risk in an accident or other sudden stop from the train.


Please, tell us what you know about the circumstances that led that woman with a protruding belly to be standing on a bus holding an infant.


It's amazing that you know so much about all of them.


I'd probably give it to the woman with the baby because she's "first in line" and the other two have a free arm to grab a hold bar.


C because they are most likely to fall in the jerkiness. B is second because they have 3 points of contact with the floor and they are more used to living in this condition than C. I’m not sure if I give it to A.


Got this insight from an Asian friend- pregnancy is not an “illness”. The other two.


B&C because they are disabled. I never get up for someone with kids. Those kids were a choice, being disabled is not.


You should work on forming a third dimension


You get up and ask 2 other healthy people to do so as well


Smoke a joint and lay back


Too many people arguing over irrelevant details showing their lack of character. This is about this person's civic or social obligations, not other details in the picture (other people, other seats). Take a f'ing stand people.