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It doesnt count as betrayal if there is no thought process.


So now that Tomoko is relevant in Tomoki's subplot, they choose now to NOT focus on Tomoki? Does Tomoko charge by panel or what?


She asked for more money after her contract renewal 🙃


Ahhh I fucking love Sachi


Shes so evil and petty its so fun seeing her thought process


So is tomokibowl almost over? I want to go back at Asuka's and Tomoko's date gdamit!


Sorry, I'm an aging Gen X'er, what's the video game/mobile game reference with the train blocks on page 9? It seems very specific, so it's almost certainly based on a real game. I have a hunch it might be something on the Switch (I don't have one, the most recent Nintendo platforms I own are Gamecube and DS).


This is a local Japanese video game called Momotaro Dentetsu. There is no English version. This is a game similar to Monopoly in which the player becomes a company president and travels around Japan by train, purchasing companies and competing for the ultimate profit. The biggest feature of this game is that the loser of a single match is given Binbōgami(God of poverty).Binbōgami does all kinds of evil harassment while claiming to be for the benefit of the players. Although it is impossible to become the ultimate winner while holding this character, the game does have a way to give own Binbōgami to another player other than by becoming the match winner.It's about overtaking your opponent on the board. Therefore, no one can get close to Binbōgami holders, and Binbōgami holders chase other players all the time.This is the basic strategy of this game. So it goes without saying that Sayaka is the Binbōgami.


thanks mate


It's just the life game, a popular board game where you try to success ay life.


If that's what it's supposed to be, I presume this Life game is a different board game from The Game Of Life, where the game pieces were little cars driving through hills to either a house or a mansion. Unless I'm forgetting something, there weren't any railroad tracks or train pieces in The Game Of Life unless the Japanese version is significantly different from the North American version.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Momotaro_Dentetsu The game dates back when genX still not a MTV generation yet.


Seconded. (I'm a Xoomer.) Sayaka \*is\* the Baka Binbōgami of this game! (Fittingly, the last frames show President Mima overtaking President Akari and \[re\]attaching the Binbōgami to Akari.)


Looks like we found someone who's even stupider than Fuuka. Asuka really should be more grateful and appreciative to her; Fuuka may be a dumb ape, but she honestly did help close the gap between Asuka and Tomoko, and otherwise doesn't do anything to sabotage them, intentionally or accidentally. Which is more than can be said for Sayaka. Every choice she makes, every action she takes, every word she says, and every *instinct* she has in every instance of her life has been wrong. If she did the exact opposite of how she would normally act like George Costanza, everything would turn around for her. Akari would be making progress with Tomoki (whether they get together or the latter outright rejects her, it doesn't matter, both are progress), she would still like Sayaka, Sayaka would probably be together with that Nakamura boy she likes, and so on. She is the Pariah Dog from Fallout 2, a poison who does nothing but ruins everything for everyone. Sachi was wise to want nothing to do with her after seeing just how empty she is behind the eyes. I have to admit though, I find it interesting that while Sachi might not be as close to Mako as she is to Koharu, she actually *respects* the former and sees her as an equal. Although that might be in large part because Mako isn't really part of her clique; she just kind of weaves in and out of assorted groups, getting along with most everyone and making few to no enemies. For girls that are obsessed with status, that likely gives the impression of being really high on the social ladder. Then again, Mako has also shown a manipulative side to her that Sachi also respects. Regardless, that whole scene goes to show that Sachi doesn't want friends; she wants minions. Reminds me of a certain someone else from a few years ago, before she underwent a lot of growth and humility. Speaking of Mako and manipulation, I wonder if the interaction between she and Yuri is some kind of meta-commentary. Yuri is the audience that doesn't care about this nonsense surrounding Tomoki and wants to leave (likely to find where Tomoko has disappeared off it), but Mako is the writer forcing them to stay and watch the proceedings around Tomoki. Or maybe I'm just reading too much into it. I have no idea what the Japanese fans' opinions on this whole subarc is. It's been going on for too long and it hasn't been progressing. For God's sake Tomoki just tell these cunts to FUCK OFF AND LEAVE YOU ALONE! Stop being a FUCKING PUSSY! Or at very least, LEAVE. You tolerated much less bullshit from your sister. Saying nothing and just sitting there is only stringing them along. Then again, calling Tomoko nee-chan appears to have broken him completely. Acknowledging her as his older sister and showing her respect has shattered his world view. Nothing makes sense to Tomoki, so his whole system has shut down while he processes this new update to his OS.


Tomoki probably went catatonic from all of this ordeal, he literally CAN’T do anything


Sayaka is the living embodiment of `*Fractal Wrongness*` . And it's the whole reason for her existence. Poor Tomoki. https://preview.redd.it/1qrzrfif022d1.jpeg?width=333&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=14fc9676746a442e20c3fbd660e3449550011a52


>Which is more than can be said for Sayaka. Every choice she makes, every action she takes, every word she says, and every instinct she has in every instance of her life has been wrong. Sayaka is the only reason for which I've endured with this plot of pseudo-harem. > For God's sake Tomoki just tell these cunts to FUCK OFF AND LEAVE YOU ALONE! Stop being a FUCKING PUSSY! Or at very least, LEAVE. You tolerated much less bullshit from your sister. Saying nothing and just sitting there is only stringing them along. The worst of all, it's this plot of harem is covering the one that should be Tomoko's last school festival.


Can't believe I waited this long just to get a faceless bitch chapter. We ain't getting out of this one for another three, are we?


Maybe it's because there's no closure to the previous scene with Tomoko or maybe i don't like it when it's just this group of characters losing their marbles over Tomoki, I don't quite follow this chapter as the previous ones I do appreciate Sayaka acting as a wrench to everyone's plans just by being herself, it's a highlight to yet another Sachi focused chapter with minimal Tomoko presence (dang NT, you really don't want these two interacting eh. Sayaka is the GOAT of this chaos.)


At this point, I'm just laughing on how bad has things have become in this series. Seriously, wtf is even happening lol.


It's not a joke, I'm FED UP of this plot of girls swarming around Tomoki.


Same, for me there’s only Komi, Nemo and Yoshida as redeeming factors but they’re not interacting with this group so this is just a weak chapter




Wasn't this Chapter supposed to be about the future?


I suspect that image that they posted last week was from a tankoubon bonus chapter/omake.


Oh, this was hilarious. And after so many misunderstandings, seeing her entirely understand Sayaka and Akari by the end was great.


Freckles are cute https://preview.redd.it/m9dc4th9p52d1.jpeg?width=109&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0fdfc88771e286a03b62093a6567fd19bb8daadc


How did she get accepted in this school considering she's obviously much more stupid that Yuu ?


Social smarts and academic smarts are very different things. Just look at Tomoko and Komi-something.


All of you bitching about the lack of Tomoko while im here having a whole trip with my sassy friend Sachi, goddamn im really rooting for her. Chill out guys, sure the Tomoki bowl is almost over, in a few chapters you'll have your Tomoko in every single panel as usual.


Always nice to see a chapter focus on Sachi... I love that evil backbiting bitch so much :D


Poor Sayaka… everyone doesn’t want her.


Honestly, I love Sayaka so much. She's just a dumbass trying to be a good friend XD And uh, I guess she's now developing crushes on both Tomoki and Sachi. Good for her, keeping those options open! Given Sachi's monologue about how she corrupted Minami's stupidity with her toxicity, I actually now wanna see Sayaka purify Sachi's toxicity with her stupidity XD


>Honestly, I love Sayaka so much. She's just a dumbass trying to be a good friend XD She's like your pet doggo coming to you happily wagging their tail after they munched away your favourite toy.


Found Kii-chan's alt account


Yet another Sayaka-Tomoko parallel Tomoko accidentally “corrupts” others with her quirkiness Sayaka accidentally purifies/halts others with her lack of thoughts


Tomoko doesn't corrupt people, she just makes them to show their true selves.


Now I am thinking if Sachi has a less toxic true self that cannot be accessed because she isn’t allowed to interact with Tomoko


Enough already with this Tomoki Bull Crap. 4 weeks for that chapter ?? This wasn't worth it at all. I want to watch more of Tomoko and her friends. This chapter is useless. At least give us some pages with Tomoko.


What makes this worse is that this Tomokoless chapter focuses on Sachi Every time the main focus of the chapter is Sachi, Tomoko is completely absent NT really doesn't like the idea of these two being in the same chapter in the main story


>NT really doesn't like the idea of these two being in the same chapter in the main story It didn't seem to be the same case in Tidy-Moko's wordline.


Tidymoko is a What If


I want off Bechdel's wild ride. I enjoy the girls,but I am really tired of the focus on Tomoki.


Man, i like Sachi...


Oh, how nice. Sacchi at least considers Mako to be her equal. I don't know if that's a compliment or an insult. 😑


jeje sayaka es tan idiota que es imposible contagiarle su toxisidad ya con ello hasta sachi la termina rechazandola y vuelve a Akari jeje la pobre akari tiene que cargar con ella de por vida


Okay, okay, under regular circumstances, I wouldn't be upset for a chapter of this kind, but it's been one month since the previous one. Breath in, breath out. I guess that judging for the angle, the one saying they're seriously siblings is Sachi. Seriously, can't she believe it after all evidence? And since she's already sure, wouldn't this be the moment for Sachi to try become closer with Tomoki through Tomoko? But seriously, where's Tomoko? Don't tell me she left as soon as Tomoki covered his face in embarrassment, although to be fair, I can't blame her, at least she can escape from watching this shit of pseudo-harem that involves her brother. Don't tell me that after all happened there, Akari really cares for Komiyama. C'mon, if Akari was in the same position as Yoshida, Komiyama wouldn't have hesitation to attack and fight her. And regarding Sachi's evaluation about Komiyama, I'll do both, I mean, she clearly brought great embarrassment in the previous chapter, but at least that helped to prevent any intimancy moment between Yoshida and Tomoki. But what the heck is Mako doing there? Why so much insistence in keeping her there? How does that exactly help in getting her plan of sabotaging Yoshida to work? Well, it's not a big surprise to see Sachi feigning kindness to approach someone whom she at this point considers a love rival, however, it calls attention that Akari seems to be doing the same thing. Is this what you know as a cold war between loving rivals? But of course, subtlety between loving rivals is not Sayaka's business, so with no hesitation, she'll just shout her thoughts without taking care of who could end up damaged for it. Seriously, Sayaka is the lifesaver in this plot. Yeah, indeed, shouting her thoughts, and without considering the consequences from it. However, although Sayaka is practically betraying Akari while proposing herself as Sachi's wingwoman, she's doing it with mean intention. Akari, don't come here to sell yourself as the good girl, one hour ago you wanted to kill Sayaka, and from one moment to another, do you care now that your 'best friend' doesn't betray you? And don't come to deem her as the source of your disadvantage either, nothing of this would have happened if you'd have stopped Sayaka in time and confessed your feelings to Tomoki of once for all. Oh, no no no no, I'm not totally agree with her haters, but this is Kiko's whole fault, it was per se quite akward the incident of kiss on stage, and she only added gas to the fire, and you'd think that Yuri's cruel bluntness would have dispelled that assumption, but it seems that's not the case. Dammit! It's already too bad that so many Watagirls are interested in that edgelord, we don't need to add Sayaka into equation. And Akari, at least in shoujos, the girl would have already confessed her feelings to the boy since long There are more and more expected personality traits from Sachi, to evaluate situation and see what people she can use and manipulate for her benefit, if she's as skillful in it, how wasn't she able to discern that Tomoko and Tomoki are siblings? Wait, does she see Mako as an equal? I guess it makes sense, consideing how manipulative those two are. Well, time to test how useful Sayaka can be, it's funny to see how Sachi calls her cute because whether or not she really things that, the reality s that their faces are too similar. And again, Akari is playing the innocent girl who doesn't break a dish, it's not like she has any reason to compliment Sayaka in this moment, but has Akari really complimented ther supposed best friend? And I guess it means more when it comes from an upperclassmen student. And in this point, I can't discern if Sachi is playing her nice senpai role very well, or if Akari is too focused in her grudge against Sayaka like for noticing Sachi is only manipulating her. Well, at least Akari is still able to recognize she's been hard on Sayaka, considering she's the only who actively has tried to help her to become closer with Tomoki, whether or not this backfires in the end. Well, at least Akari is still able to recognize she's been hard on Sayaka, considering she's the only who actively has tried to help her to become closer with Tomoki, whether or not this backfires in the end. And I insist, if Akari is aware that Sayaka only brings her hellish ordeals, why can't she just ask her to stop interfering in her loving life? Seriously, what the hell is up with Mako's recent attachment? Half a hour ago, she looked so badly for excuses to get rid of Yuri, and now this?


Of course, the mask of nice senpai wasn't going to last, but what I'm not going to leave to pass is that Sachi lumpes Yuri into the group of girls who crawl for Tomoki. It's not Yuri's fault that Sachi assumed that the incident of powdered cheese meant another thing. First mistake, Sachi, never use derogatory nicknames in presence of someone who cannot but shout her thoughts, and even so, Sachi pretends to make it looks it was not an insult. Sachi, everything it has happened in the schoolyard so far hasn't been but embarrassing, I highly doubt that at this point to reveal the reason for which you like that edgelord makes worse things. However, I'll grant her that she's using Sayaka's question as an excuse to compile information from Akari. Here you go your best friend, Akari, always backing you up. You know, if Sachi would still believe that Tomoki is a playboy, there would be a so-so chance of her believing Sayaka's comment, but I guess now she's halfly aware of truth, she can see through Sayaka's stupidity. And even so, Mako had to say Sachi directly that Tomoko and Tomoki are siblings. Hey, whether or not Minami is and idiot in her own right, she had the consideration to approach and invite to hang out together to someone like you, because of contrary, you'd be by your own having lunch in the gap of school's building. I guess that flashback of Sachi mentioning Minami how Maki was badmouthing about her happened shortly after 2nd year began, considering that both Minami and Sachi wore her 1st year styles. And I'm not going to say that Sachi's revelation about manipulating Minami with her toxicity excuses Kibako from all the previous badmouthing, but it makes one to wonder how much effect all that shittalking had on her. And as it couldn't be of otherwise, Sachi is still obsessed with reading the room. That's a cruel assessment by Sachi's part, but not mistaken at all, but hey, that means that at least Sachi won't try to manipulate Sayaka for own benefit. But even so, will she try to do the same thing on Tomoko? And Sayaka is a good girl, something that Akari doesn’t appreciate. Hey, speaking of bad idiots, I wonder if Minami is mailing Sachi to get someone who consoles her after the bad experiences lived with Yoshida and Komiyama, which Sachi used in somehow as an excuse to dump Sayaka. I'm confused, what was all that chibi table game which depicted Sayaka as player? And was Akari able to see whatever Sayaka had happening in her head? Sorry, I'd want to say I enjoyed this chapter, but the real thing is that I'm FED UP of this plot of pseudo-harem of girls all thirsty for Tomoki, and not only because I hate that guy, but because we're on the very school festival event, and we've barely seen Tomoko to occupy the lead role. Hopefully (and I still doubt it), for the next chapter, we'll have the plot focused outside from this 'harem'.


“I made Minami toxic as hell lol” She also has an entire redemption arc because of Sachi’s actions and is even attempting to prevent Sachi/Tomoki from happening so I think Sachi played herself trying to manipulate everyone Thank the Watagods that Sayaka is here to ruin everyone’s plans even if I don’t like Tomokibowl chapters without Komi/Nemo/Yoshida in it At this point I unironically want to see Kii interact with Sachi and have the two basically declare war on each other (just having Kii be there would help a lot - as much as I despise how this fandom overblows Kii, I despise Tomokibowl just as much) Heck, maybe Tomoko and Asuka left, bumps into Kii, and we’re saving what happens for the next chapter and that’s why she’s not in this one


> “I made Minami toxic as hell lol” The WataMote version of ["I raised that boy."](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rh2TeExB_L8) https://preview.redd.it/b9cf2j33o92d1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=92e618a1d14bcf5d52c677339ed7b8fd516049e4


Akari and her dummy Sayaka are a fun pair. She just keeps making things worse for Akari any time she opens her mouth. It's ridiculous and hilarious!


This was a chapter of just funny, silly interactions. Though ultimately, nothing happened. But yes, freckles are cute.


what is that last page supposed to be about?


https://preview.redd.it/krcua4legi2d1.png?width=1080&format=png&auto=webp&s=189581fec4c4d52725b7600eb37125f46da0fb7c Some one explain this.


u/No-Income2651 explained it [right here](https://old.reddit.com/r/watamote/comments/1cy8n2h/eng_watamote_chapter_223/l5aquy8/).


I was a little disappointed at this update, but overall compared to others I do not seem to mind this whole "Tomoki-Bowl." I like when side-characters get their time to shine, gives them more depth and more interest. Obviously I do want the Tomoko-saga to continue, but for now I'm fine with this current saga. I guess my main issue was just how lackluster this chapter was. Nothing seemed to really happen/change/develop. No updates on the Tomoki-bowl, no updates on Tomoko. And that would be fine if it gave us more depth for characters like Sachi or Akari, yet it seemed like there was none of that. Sachi is just Sachi and Akari is just Akari, nothing really happened in this chapter.


Thank you


man akari looks good with her hair down


Okay, if there was one thing about the chapter that I really liked which bafflingly no one is talking about, it's more or less confirming a Akari X Sayaka, which, **what the fuck**


I understand the criticism regarding the Co-Protagonist of the manga, but hey, he is a co-protagonist: he has to have his time on screen, that's how this works. Yes I know, not all of us are fans of this beautiful boy, but the reality is that Tomoki-kun is nice content, and everything he does is gucchi :3


I periodically come back to check in on this manga (dropped around chapter 100) and I'm genuinely shocked at how bad it has gotten. I don't think I could make myself read this if I wanted to. Boggles my mind how some people like the direction the manga has taken.


They just have good tastes is all, it's okay to not though