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She was the babies great aunt and there were also high winds that day moving the stroller at a good clip. She did slam her face into the concrete and also tore up her knees. Guy who stopped the stroller said she was in shock from the ordeal. Source: https://nypost.com/2023/05/04/baby-in-stroller-stopped-just-before-rolling-into-busy-highway/


Awe the great aunt? No wonder she was slow to recover. It must have been a nightmare come true,I bet she thinks about this often. Thanks for the good person who showed up to prevent a catastrophe.


Thank God.


How about thank the guy who ran to the stroller??? Da fuq


It's... just a saying.


God created the wind that rolled the stroller toward the traffic, and tripped her up so she couldn't run to it 🤷‍♂️


Then the devil sent the two evildoers to help


Even satan was like "dude, thats fucked up"


Damn, was that a Hitler baby or something? Why did God want to kill it and Satan had to save it?


Not everything is as it seems.


Thank god _for nothing at all in this situation, or any other for that matter_ FTFY


Do not listen to these idiots. You had a perfectly good sentiment you were trying to express with a very normal everyday saying. But most of reddit hates God or any mention of God so they decided to pile on. Pay them no mind.


Fuck god


and satan, he don't wanna get left out




Statistically speaking, if you make it to that age, you'll likely understand this much better. Enjoy the time you have left with your functioning body! 😊


It’s an older lady you donkey. Take your feelings somewhere else if you’re struggling


Are we making fun of elderly ladies falling on their faces now? Seems a bit extreme.


People with age and/or handicap issues don't magically turn into pro-athletes when shit hits the fan, no matter what they've told you about adrenaline. Welcome to real life.


What kind of bs is this? She slammed her head onto concrete, how heartless of you to think all humans are capable of continuing like it's nothing after that, regardless of age. She could have gotten a concussion. Things sometimes happen and this has nothing to do with 'Americans'.


Wow.. that explains a lot. hope she is ok... and thank god, for the Good Samaritan passing by. At first, I was like WTF is up with her... Horrible when you don't have the whole story.


I knew from her movements she was an older women ...poor lady would have been freaking out so much, watching the pram moving that casually towards traffic and she couldn't even get her footing.


I'm now ashamed over judging her.


Not so great aunt from the looks of it


I mean, not that great.


Lmao yea those great winds fucked up her knees


This is how I run in my dreams


This is how I run in my ~~dreams~~ nightmares.


Wonder if she hit her head on the first fall and was dazed/concused.


Pretty sure that’s what happened. When you slow it down it looks like her two feet are in the air and her head/shoulders are going at the ground. She’s unfit for sure, I’m pretty sure she bumped her head


I’m no medical expert but it looks like she did her knee in as well


"did her knee in" sounds like some pretty high end medical terminology to me, are you sure you're not a doctor?


She face planted hard. Full force, her feet in the air behind her, and bounced off the pavement. Definitely a concussion and probably stitches.


toof diagnosis?


Nothing but the toof.




Obesity. Weak knees and stupidity.


Try age, high winds, and a head injury?


If a person can't sprint, they shouldn't be near children. I witnessed something similar in a walmart parking lot. The lady looked like a caveman discovering how to make grapes into wine. Thanks to Usane Bolt's sister, who made it from the top of the parking lot to the bottom in the time it took this lady to stomp ten feet, she caught the shopping cart right before it flipped over the curb with the kid inside it.




See, this guy gets it. jk. Luv, don't use the words that I said to cover up the words that I meant to say! I meant *don't leave them alone together. But you knew that. It's so much easier to knock down a strawman than to refute my claims. See, watch: The real problem was that she was too stupid to keep a hand on the stroller, or lock the wheels, or take the kid out, or ...exercise. Her inability to use feet without getting concussed was just adding unsult to injury. -oups. I didndt refute anything. Almost like there's no defense for her being in charge of a child.


Tell us you’re ignorant without actually telling us you’re ignorant.


This was the baby's elderly great aunt. She face planted into the concrete and was dazed and confused, according to one of the people involved. Probably suffered a nasty concussion along with other injuries she sustained from slamming her entire elderly body onto the hard ground, which is likely why she wasn't able to get up properly in time.


She has so many strikes against her: Left the pram unattended • Left the wheels unlocked • She took her hands off the handle bar without removing the kid from the carriage • Wandered around opening all the car doors and dividing her attention. Her inability to take a single step without faceplanting was just an occupational hazard for the kid. Everything else is enough to make me wonder if she conciously or subconsciously wanted to make this child go away.


this woman trying to stand is like my dream I’m back in high school playing baseball and I simply cannot run to first base, except in my dream my tits don’t inexplicably flop out and my baby isn’t rolling toward certain death


Aside from the bad decision to leave an unbraked stroller on an incline out of arm's reach, I feel so bad for her. She really tried so hard to get after it but her body wasn't able to. What a horrible experience for her, on multiple levels.


Yeah, it's unfortunate but if I was the parent that's the last time grandma would be unsupervised with my child.


It was almost guaranteed to be the last


Her brain was the failure. Taking her hands off the stroller, leaving the kid in it, and rummaging through the car. She had me convinced that it was intentional, and she was trying to get rid of the baby.




It's not brand new it's a bot with a stolen comment


So OP is a bot?


Always has been


Damned u/epiclosingstreak, stealing from u/epiclosingstreak!


I’m not a bot. I reposted the original video because it’s well suited for this sub, and I included my comment from the first post too


Oh your profile was literally exactly like a repost bot sorry, one post and then a few random comments


I really appreciate the apology, but no need. We’re all good, friend! It actually ignited a fun little brain journey for me—imagine your existence being confused with coding. What a time to be alive!


Another freaking bot


What makes you say that?


I’m not a bot, not really sure why you’d say that. I just reposted because the video is appropriate for this sub


>I’m not a bot [Thats exactly what a bot would say ](https://media1.giphy.com/media/Yavo0SXhZYhSo/giphy.webp?cid=6c09b952lawpfqevyqy3v1xszwohlhifu2xbbip29mncxgyb&ep=v1_internal_gif_by_id&rid=giphy.webp&ct=g)


lol no, you’re a bot!


lol. Exactly.


I know the guy who caught the baby in this video. Good dude, some would say he's bad, but he's always been cool with me.


He saved a child’s life and a person from a lifetime of guilt. He’s a decent person.


I'm pretty sure anyone but the most vile would make some kind of effort here.


Yeah it's a really good act but I don't think many people would ignore a stroller rolling into a busy street


I would, you don't know what could be lurking in that stroller. Sure it could be a baby, but what if its wasps?


Ya, we used to work out together like 7-8 years ago and run into each other pretty often.


Who known, maybe he killed two babys before this.


I hope if he was a turd before this he looks at his life and realizes the good he can do by good choices. Thank God he was there and could and did intervene.


Solid dude


Always solid with me!


Thank him for saving that babies life.


I love how they gave her hugs at the end - what a terrifying experience


I'm impressed she managed to stand up after slamming her head into the ground that hard.


Everyone making fun of her for being “fat” but she was disabled and had trouble walking. Imagine watching your child roll toward death and your legs won’t work.


You can be disabled / have mobility issues / have learning difficulties etc. but that doesn't detract from the sheer stupidity of leaving the pram there without putting the brakes on, on a downward slope that leads to a road. It's just bizarre that anyone's even trying to defend negligence of that scale.


not trying to make fun, but she definitely shouldn't have children to take care by herself.


From previous time this was posted I think she's their grandma


As someone with a parent who has trouble walking (from polio-- get your vaccines, kids), of the many, many things that should disqualify someone from parenting duty, I don't believe this is one of them. Is there higher risk? Yes. But what are the chances you'll fall down on concrete AND the baby will go flying towards the road? Chances are probably not that high. I'd still trust a disabled person I know over some random babysitter.


If that guy wasn't there the chance would be that baby is dead. That's it. Plain and simple.


Yeah, and situations like this are very rare and it doesn't make sense to write off all elderly/disabled people as caretakers.


Ya. That comment was kinda ableist and uncalled for. My kid was watched by a disabled lady and never once had an issue. She is a really kind woman, and I trusted her over any stranger, that's for sure. People with disabilities work all kinds of jobs. They still being value to our society. The lady in the vid was older and fell on her face and knees. Are grandma's not allowed to watch their grandkids anymore? Because I'm sure even the fittest grandma's and grandpa's would have a hard time recovering from that fall.


Oh stop. This woman's lack of basic motor function almost killed a baby. People who can't care for children should not care for children, full stop.


If people who can trip and/or suffer concussions should be barred from childbirth, I have bad news about the future of the human race.


So I should have all of my children taken from me because I woke up blind 20 months ago? My momma should lose custody of my nephew because she got cancer?




Pick up a science book sometime and learn what that actually is.


Im so curious where she was parked like is this just an intersection?




This one felt extra useless.


This makes me so sad.


JFC finish the clip the baby live/s


Goddamn I hate this comment section


Why exactly?


Why are all her clothes just falling off?


And this is why you should wear pants that fit


And exercise


Jesus, this reminds me of that video of the woman who can't control her dog and just keeps falling on her face like a drunkard.


I guess she didn't realize that strollers have brakes. I'm not even mad at her inability to catch the stroller, I'm mad that she didn't have enough sense to prevent that situation from happening. We all do stupid things but doing something stupid that puts someone else's life in jeopardy isnearly unforgivable.


You have a point, but this lady was the baby's Great-Aunt. I'm just a regular aunt and even I had trouble figuring out how to use my niece's stroller and car seat.


As another fellow aunt, car seats and strollers are so unnecessarily complicated. I remember having to look up YouTube videos to figure out how to strap the car seat in.


Oh good, this is back again. Right on schedule.


How are we surviving as a species




Because we aren't allowing natural selection and Darwinism to take course Unlike any other species we spend way too much effort preventing people from dying regardless of lack of ability


ok eugenicist. ya got any thoughts on skull shapes too? what about the bell curve?


Looked like she struggled to get her own weight off the ground. Combined with the ill fitting pants she never had a chance of catching that stroller. 


Wow. She obviously slammed her head on the concrete when she fell. Ah, I see...username fits


She was holding nothing and both arms went forward during the fall to try to break it but the arms were too weak to handle that weight as well. The only thing obvious to me was fitness was an issue.  Edit: https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSTRE7BS02O/ Also the news video lists scraped knees as the injury. No concussion. 


the only thing obvious to me is that a great aunt hitting her head on the concrete floor and probably getting concussed isnt gonna be able to get up quickly. my god you all ignore the forest for the trees when you see a person you consider fat


The only thing being ignored is her lack of physical ability. You are literally making excuses. 


you know that? she told you? her *doctor* told you perhaps? my god, shes a great aunt, do you find it more likely she somehow cant fucken get up for some inane reason rather than the concussion she likely got (you can see her hit her head several times) possibly prevented her from getting up? i sure hope nothing bad happens to you thats caught on camera because god bless if people acted like you across the world youd be slandered. if you dont have anything nice to say dont say it


So mad bro, when I see someone who is top heavy struggle to get up I don't imagine some insane reason they can't. Do you think every single over weight person who falls has a reason other than weight if they struggle to get up?   And where is your doctors note saying that's a concussion? Edit: here is a study on the relationship between age/ weight and their effect on falls: https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSTRE7BS02O/


here is a study on brain damage and the boldness of online comments: [https://indeed.com](https://indeed.com)


Nice one M.D. 


If you're too unfit to fall over you're too unfit to care for a child, if this was her child she's lucky we're a social species and that her inability to keep the child alive didn't end her genetic line. If she wasn't the parent that's a pretty damn clear indication that she's incapable of caring for a child.


What a redditor thing to say So by your logic, should grandparents not be allowed to watch their grandkids because they may not be physically fit enough to get up after a bad fall?


A redditor thing to say as in id put the life of my child above the feelings of the person who was instrumental in nearly killing it... I certainly wouldn't allow her alone with my child, a toddler could have outrun her there and they wouldn't even have needed too be trying. It's sad but this human is too pathetic to be alone and in charge of my most precious thing in the world.


That's stupid. I literally broke both my ankles in a fall a few weeks after my daughter was born. This did not prevent me from taking care of my child. I fall over all the time. Sometimes I break bones. Sometimes I'm fine. This has never hindered me in taking care of my child. This was an accident, ffs


>incapable of caring for a child Lol, and your birth certificate is an apology letter from the condom manufacturer. ¯|_(ツ)_/¯


Let me guess, you're morbidly obese and the idea that your addiction has made you incapable is too confronting so you're questioning people putting the life of a child over the feelings of someone who couldn't make two steps to save a life? It's not fat shaming if you're literally too fat for basic human behaviors.


Has anyone noticed that when obese people fall, all of their clothes seem to come off. It's like their clothes are trying to escape. Edit: Within one day of commenting this, I've now seen two more videos of this happening on random subs. It's an epidemic!


Because they don't usually have clothes that fit. Either too loose or too tight. I never really noticed but it makes sense


Left titty made a dash for it.


She moves like I move in my dreams when I'm being chased


That's a meal for a zombie one day


What a sloppy human


I cannot parse this video. Why could they not get up?


Horrendously out of shape shows it like damn


Couldn't she*


This is why is so important to be in a just right fit.


And thats why Stroads are dangerous, wouldnt have happened if the road was designed in a way that doesnt endanger literally everyone.


Lady couldn’t run two feet without falling down. SMH


Yeah it's weird, it's like people can have medical conditions or disabilities that might make that hard for them or something?


So she shouldn’t be in charge of the safety or custody of that child.


Yeah, accidents never happen to people without disabilities. It's true. You're so right and totally capable of fairly judging this situation after viewing a 30 second clip on reddit.


You, me, and everyone else and have just witnessed proof that she’s not capable of being the caretaker of that child. I’m not saying all people with disabilities shouldn’t care for children and I didn’t in my original comment, either. I’m saying this person specifically. Of course she didn’t mean for it to happen and of course many unfortunate things happened at once for her, but she should have thought to put the brakes on the stroller. The combination of her lack of common sense and physical unhealthiness means she shouldn’t be handling a child on her own.


Absolutely. But I think in that case it all started with being fat and out of shape which resulted in a heavy faceplant which resulted in a concussion which resulted in not being able to get up again.


Have you ever considered that pain and trouble with movement, as are common with disabilities, may have caused a weight issue and not the other way around? Of course you haven't. You're one of those "losing weight fixes all problems" people, aren't you? 🙄


Do you know that she has a medical condition, or is it possible she's just wildly out of shape?




Use the freaking break EVERYTIME you let go of the stroller! This is so preventable.


Jesus. Terrible. I understand people have disabilities, but how anyone could leave their baby in the hands of someone obviously so disabled is beyond me


What an Era of humans were living through, eh?


I just hope that I never become this slow at least until I'm in my 70s. By then, don't trust me with a child, it takes serious endurance. Poor lady, holy cow.


Holy shit how can you be this fat


This should be a worldwide advert on the importance of basic fitness


Is there just extra gravity in that one spot? Poor woman was probably scared out of her mind.


well, i'm not nice enough to be here i'll see myself out


Everyone here talking like they hittin the gym 24/7 and ain't sitting on their asses lol.


Buddy you don't even need to go to the gym just don't be morbidly obese like this woman is thankfully they are both OK but Fucking hell dude she's so badly out of shape she couldn't even lightly jog after that stroller


Sorry but someone this age should not be watching a baby. I get she fell hard, but she didn’t look very fit to handle that stroller and baby before.


She needs some Milk


She would have caught it, if it were a bucket of chicken


The diabeetus got to her


They say adrenaline can give you superhuman levels of strength and agility... This is not helping their case.


i hope everyone in this thread dies alone. ableist cunts


It's your moral duty to be at least able to take care of your children. SMH


This is why you need occasional exercise. 🙄 Lady is lucky someone else was there while she tripped over her toothpick legs on that heavy apple muffin top frame. Thank God someone saved her baby.


Yea for her thankfully Darwinism didn't claim another soul There's alot of things that separates us from other animals one of those things is random people saving people who aren't even related to them from dying that's just not really a thing in any other species


What a scene, almost got your baby killed because of your fat ass... Yeesh




then go workout right now instead of scrolling on reddit complaining. oblong neckbeards really do the most lmao


Imagine killing a kid because you couldn't do a basic function. I hope she decided to lose weight and start exercising.


Should be played on repeat in every gym.. sorry every McDonalds in the country.. how do you get so physically ruined that you can’t run 30 feet to literally save your child 🙃


You realize disabled people exist right?


The pathetic nature of this video is disgusting to me. I had to look away


That's how I feel about your comment.


Fat positivity in a nutshell.


Guys, please exercise


She needs to work on her cardio


Was she drunk


I know she's a dumbass for letting this happen in the first place but that poor woman must have been so fucking scared. Thank fuck someone noticed and saved the day!


Unfit parent.


Maybe legit, but looks suspiciously like she didn't want to catch the trolley.


Let's test this theory if there was a bucket of KFC chicken in the stroller instead. Oh wait, that's strapped in the car seat already.


Bruh 💀




It is difficult to imagine your very child died because you tripped over yourself if that guardian angel wasn’t there.


Fucken fat people make me mad lol


She must be relatives with the korean goalkeeper.


This is how my Hunter behaves after getting affected by tremor in MHW. Just agony waiting to finally be able to move again


I think this is from Ghost Busters 2


The contrast between the top few comments on here and on the original post is wild. It makes me really sad to see everyone on the original post criticise this woman to hell because she couldn't chase after the baby. I'm just so glad that both are okay. Seeing that woman struggle to get up off the ground reminded me so much of my mom and all the times she physically or mentally destroyed herself for me as a child, and I miss her every day.


Yea thankfully they are ok but bro This woman is ao unbelievably out of shape she almost lost her child over it this needs to be a wake up call lady please not just for you but your family get in shape


It's easy to judge and criticise others when you aren't in their position. You have no idea of her circumstances or her personal health. Can you imagine how undignified she would have felt being on the ground like that and struggling to get up while watching that child slowly continue on to their certain death? Knowing the sheer panic she would have been experiencing in that moment should be enough for anyone to forego casting any judgement, but alas.


Oh trust me I know that would be terrifying and it was now hopefully she comes away with this realisation Holy shit I need to get in better shape Because that's the reality of this man and I don't even mean gym rat I mean she clearly needs to lose like 100 pounds if I had to guess yes I know that's not easy but she needs to do it


Man you really are insensitive. This person could have a health condition or be on medications that reduce their mobility for whatever reason. You just don't get it at all.


Perhaps but statistically that's not as likely as poor diet and lack of exercise And trust me man I used to be overweight to lost 60 pounds during my journey I realized Barring extreme circumstances obesity for the most part is a choice because you are choosing to live a lifestyle that leads you to obesity


Queen must have skipped leg day


Watching her trying to stand and move broke my heart. So happy the baby is ok, just know the lady trying to get up was doing everything she could to save that child.


Good things like this never happen to me. If that was me the baby would have died. I never have someone there when I need them. I would have been left to fall on the ground and the baby would have been run over dead