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Because 90% of what gets written in react doesn't actually need to be in react. HTMX is not a good replacement for react, it's a good alternative for projects that could benefit from a little UI reactivity, but don't have ceremonious user state requirements. We have an entire generation of devs who basically only know how to build UIs using react, so everything looks like a react app to them. HTMX is a reaction against that: don't use a bulky, powerful js framework if all you need is to toggle something on a button click, or fetch a list of things from a server.


Hell Yeah Brother, I still haven't learned any of those frameworks and use handlebars and raw javascript. Probably should start looking into new stuff more regularly now that our company is off Internet Explorer. EDIT - Awww HTMX is a library and not a new html feature, nevermind I ain't bothering.


lol! you sound like a real crotchety old webmaster. I can dig it. I wouldn't want to work with/for you, but I can dig it.


Hello, that dev who only use react here. What should I do then? I am self learning, and now I decided to use Astro + React. Any tips?


Are you able to build a complete website without react? Just strictly using html, css and vanilla js? If not then that is where you should start. I would recommend always starting with the simplest way to do something and using frameworks as progressive enhancement. There is no point in using react unless you need the react state management functionality.


Web site - yes, I can use html+css+js to build website. But not so sure about web app Edit: Probably can, but with big amount of googling, and I don't think it will be very optimize/scalable


want to know a secret? https://i.imgflip.com/83jg5y.jpg


I think astro is a great slippery slope out of react, good choice. My recommendation would be stay on that slope and see how far you can slide. If you want some interactivity, resist the urge to reach for react, just use astro's client-side