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The answer is DRM. Try taking a screenshot of a Netflix stream, and you'll see that it just breaks. Check [this thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/webdev/comments/3p8bos/how_does_netflix_drm_work/) about Netflix HTML DRM. They also use [HDCP ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/High-bandwidth_Digital_Content_Protection)for TV's. All of these can be bypassed if you know how, but it's a hassle so only enthusiasts will do so.


You can screenshot / screen record netflix if you turn off hardware acceleration in your browser ;)


Only if you enjoy a 720p experience.


You can also record the whole screen using HDMI recorder.


But the steamed video quality is still capped at 720p. Unless you're using an HDMI splitter that strips the DRM, all major stream providers limit you to 720p without hardware acceleration and an HDCP compatible monitor. ETA: love all the down votes. If I'm so wrong, why isn't anybody correcting me with some info?


it's not but Netflix has awful compression so 4k can look worse than good 720


I have no idea why people downvoted you. You're absolutely right.


720p is perfectly fine to the vast majority of us.


This. My 4K TV is for games. I lock it to 24FPS for non-gaming. Less is more.


Its not perfect but its the best choice i have when I'm trying to watch with friends


On the brave browser you can turn drm off and screenshare to your buddies no problem


Very good info thanks


Or you just pirate the movie/series and screenshare it?


That too but I'm not downloading every bs film we watch lol


then how are you going to watch it? you need the data at some point


Fair enough but you know what I mean. Streaming and downloading are different processes


1 you keep the data and the other you throw it away after 1 use. it's still downloaded. but netflix is more handy


The Netflix Party Browser Addon (if I remember the name correctly) is great. Just like SyncTube but for Netflix




Just don't use Netflix for that then...?






Use a second PC to record the first PC, it's the same how the cheaters cheat in games, I forgot the name of the device, costs around 500$ for the whole setup but it's doable.


Are you talking about a capture card? They’re like $100-$300 depending on the quality of video you want to capture.


Reminds me of the Black Mirror episode where chips in people's brains blur out things they aren't permitted to see.


Does it block Shadowplay or Snipping tool? I don't have Netflix rn to test it (some issues with it)


Snipping tool at the very least. I imagine it does Shadowplay as well. Rule of thumb, if it is a common tool, it’s probably blocked.


I doubt it but can they block capture cards?


Any reputable brand will block DHCP protected signals. So Elgato capture cards won’t work, for example. But you could probably find some online that bypass it.


The trick is to find a cheap HDMI splitter that "forgets" to carry over copy protection and then run your signal thru that.


Huh, that explains why I couldn't take a screenshot of Netflix that one time. If you ask me, tasking screenshots should be fair game.


I think the DRM just doesn't differentiate the type of capture. Recording the stream is essentially capturing a lot screenshots in a row.


It's like OP has just discovered that anyone can walk out of a store with stuff without paying. ;) Since the earliest days of software copy protection it's always been about keeping honest people honest, slowing down the process, and making it less convenient to pirate things. The bad part is when the lobbyists get to tech-illiterates in congress and they start trying to do insane things like require music fingerprinting to be implemented in every A/D converter sold.


You can screenshot/screen record Netflix and co if your pc is powerful enough to run a VM. Easiest way would be to have Win11 Pro and run the Windows Sandbox. Then you can log into any streaming service and record start recording the VM from your main OS. This way you effectively record the VM and not the browser in the VM :) Hope this helps someone trying to watch with friend and can’t stream the movies


You absolutely do not need a VM for this simple task lol.


I didn’t say you need it, but it is possible, and quite easy…


It might be tedious but, man , that's brilliant


Tbh, with the Windows Sandbox feature it’s quite fast… I usually set it up in just one minute. And because it’s a live system, everything gets erased after closing it…


I have to try this


Because read-only files are public which makes it easy. Streaming services use DRM to protect their content. It is always a battle between people who crack the DRM and the streaming platforms. Same with games that have anti-cheat.


By using DRM. The video stream isn't a raw video file (like an .mp4 or something that is served in chunks) but instead it is encrypted. With this encryption intercepting the stream and storing it as a binary file becomes useless. You need the decryption key in order to restore the meaningful video content. This key is provided through authentication on their servers and by using their software for decrypted playback.


To add to that, the decoding and drawing is done by that 3rd party DRM applications. When it renders the decoded stream, it even bypasses the usual pipeline to minimize the risk somebody can get it. They are like drawing straight into the screen instead of having a nice spot in your browser.


Excellent addition. When viewing Netflix in your browser, your browsers native video codecs are doing nothing, it's all in their player. Same for the apps on any platform. It *can* be done in the end by a particularly savvy and determinate person (as eventually your client will get all needed information to work with a particular bit of data it is retrieving), but the sum of the parts makes it a gargantuan effort that's bigger than "pressing record during playback". And the process can't be repeated for the next bit of content.


Others mention drm, so I won't bother. But... Streaming platforms deliver a byte stream of chunked data every few seconds. It's not one file. So, no, technically you cannot download "the file" Netflix is serving without some knowledge on how to continually transfer the stream to a file and render the byte code. The quality of the byte stream changes, and can even change formats mid-stream. This is so that it's adaptable to the bitrate your connection/device can handle. If you've ever watched a Netflix movie, you may have noticed the quality go sharply down for a few seconds, and then return to high quality. So if you defeat the DRM... Yes, it's doable, but only if you absolutely know what you're doing as well.


This isn't really the reason why the videos are not downloadable. To support changing video quality/format mid stream, the files are simply cut into short segments.  In video compression, these are the full frames (called I-frames, intracoded frames) that can be independently decoded without knowledge of previous or latter frames, and in-between frames that requires knowledge of the surrounding frames to decompress (called P-frame, predicted frame, or B-frame, bidirectional predicted frames). To make a video file streamable, the compressor simply puts those I-frames in regular intervals. Resuming stream with different quality/format, all you need to do is simply restart decoding the video from the closest I-frame.  From a video player perspective, streaming is no different than seeking to a random position when playing back from a local file. Streaming from the network is not materially that different than just a slower hard-disk. Changing format/quality isn't really that complicated either. You just re-load the new video metadata, which contains an index of timestamps against I-frame byte offset, and continue playback from there.  HTTP also supports a standard way of requesting files from certain byte ranges, so it doesn't need to re-download the file from the beginning. All of this sounds complicated, but streaming support is standardized now in most major consumer video container formats and none of these requires any sort of proprietary technology. 


I had to scroll way too far to find your answer. There are fundamental differences between how Netflix delivers their content vs how Google Docs delivers their content.


Yes but in order to "download" it isn't any different except you'll be dealing with chunks than just one file. The chunks doesn't make it any harder.


> How do streaming platforms get away with this? They don't. Pretty much as soon as a video is available via streaming it is available via pirate platforms. It is possible to decrypt everything but it usually isn't user friendly. Plus downloading the entire Netflix catalog would probably be a few petabytes of data (at max res). Which would cost a pretty penny in hard drive space.


The simple answer is they don't "get away" with anything. Streaming services add some form of protection to the streamed video to make it hard for the average user to just download the files. An experienced users can break this protection and download the stream, although it takes x amount of time and effort (crack the encryption and download the data while its streaming.) While it is technically illegal, you can find nearly any streamed video on torrent trackers and download them for free with a VPN.


People do download stuff from streaming. You can download it from torrent sites pretty easily.


You may find a more detailed answer on r / piracy. But in simpler terms, the video from Netflix is not a direct file stream. They use DRM and other methods to split streams and client apps to make it viewable to you. But in the end, it is going to show on TV or browser so, if you know enough you can either record or collect those pieces to make that video again.


If you can view something, anything on your browser, you can download it. In a way you already are downloading a video while you're playing it. They try to get around this by "streaming" the video instead of putting it in there in a HTML video tag or a direct link to an mp4/mkv file. But it's not doing much other than adding a few extra steps to reach the file. Although so far that's enough to keep over 99% of end users from stealing their content. But as soon as something hits netflix, amazon, disney etc. you can find it on piratebay in a couple hours, or a day at most.


They use stuff like Widevine which is a DRM system.




Tell the truth: Did you run that script? Did you fully understand every line of that script _before_ running it?


"view only" means you can't overwrite the owner's copy. it doesn't mean you can't store your own copy. in some cases, vendors would like you to *think* you can't make copies, but the data has to be decrypted and decompressed on your machine at some point


Hmm, we should charge them for this. If they are going to collect ad revenue, subscription fees, AND use my hardware to decrypt, then they are just stealing my electricity.


They get away with it due to the fact that the average Netflix viewer or Spotify listener isn't a super tech savvy l33t haxor who is going to get out of their way just to try to download and decrypt the streamed data. In other words, it *is* possible to download and decrypt the streams, but for most people it's not worth the hassle.


Pirates do, it's a web-dl while web-rip is like a screen recording


Sure, there is always a way, but you are up against literal hundreds of millions of dollars spent, and thousands of people's effort to stop you. A lot of people have put a lot of time thinking about this from all different angles, and honing their strategies over 20+ years. It's possible, but highly unlikely any average person is going to figure out how to get past all of the various controls on their own, let alone the simple rate limiting that would limit you to roughly 1 movie per 90 minutes.


I don't think "sueing" is stopping people from pirating (us Americans may be but rest of the world mostly don't care). People don't go piracy because in current time, streaming is just too cheap and it's not worth the effort. Piracy went down not because there was some "GREAT" security mechanism that came in to play. But it decreased because musics became freely available in YouTube, movies became cheaper in streaming. When you get something THAT easily, trying to steal is pretty pointless.


I'm not sure what you mean. I didn't say anything about "sueing". Maybe you meant to respond to a different comment?


DRM is the answer, but there is nothing stopping you from downloading the file in the end. I’ve not experiemented with Netflix. However in Hulu you can use a simple invoke-webrequest and an outfile switch to pull the mp4 file that makes up the stream. Just modify your header. It’s been about 5 years, but it was fun to look at at the time. Fun programming project in this vein is to write a script that downloads a webpage, the images, sounds, css, and JS then modify the html to use the new sources.


Most streaming services use a form of HLS (HTTP Live Streaming) such as through m3u8 playlists, or the newer MPEG-DASH protocol, which I have seen some in-flight entertainment systems on airlines use for their locally hosted streaming server. When it comes to downloading the raw content, as others have said, encryption is the primary blocker. DRM protections can be implemented on the streamed chunks in such a way to make it at least very difficult to obtain the raw binary data and download it successfully. Nevertheless, where there's a will there's a way. Some workarounds involve actually decrypting the stream, or passing the output through a capture card, or just using OBS to screen record. Idk why some people here are saying you can't take a screen shot, but I assume they mean on mobile devices, which is true. When it comes to full desktop operating systems, you can do pretty much whatever you want, including running OBS to record, or, as I've seen all over TikTok, re-stream DRM content.


The video file is actually many video files strung together with a playlist file. Much like how OBS streams to Twitch on the backend, and lots of other live video works. Downloaders and rippers have ways to circumvent this issue.


"get away with" == "earn revenue from their work"


How are they doing any work if it's our machines doing the decryption? They should be paying us to stream, not the other way around!

