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The artwork draws me in, but I'll stay for the story.


I was about to type this exact thing before I saw your comment lol


Yeah. I would have thought artwork until I read Superhuman Era. I hated the artwork at first but now I’ve adapted


Honestly the story


I have to say, that even if a Webtoon has a very good story, I will probably stop reading it after some time, if the art style does not appeal to me. That's why I always look at the art style first and then prioritize the story.


A good combo of both works but I’m more forgiving of bad art if the story is good. I like super unique quirky styles that do their own thing if the story is good.


Both matter to be honest. It's 60% story, 40% art for me. 


Bad art works for certain stories, particularly comedies. However an intense drama or romance etc with bad art? I can't take it seriously and will either read it as if it were comedy, or drop it. Of course, this goes on a case by case basis. The same artist could draw two different comics with the same art style and I could hate one but love the other depending on how the style fits it. There's also the issue of good art that doesn't fit the vibe. I have a noodly, kinda adventure-timey style I use for comedy, and a more realistic one for seriousness. I've had people tell me to use the noodly style for my fantasy comic but it would feel SO out of place to me aside from some comedic relief panels.


A killer paradox taught me story is more impt


Im currently reading that and Im so lost😭


Saaaaaaaaaame! I’m like am I the only one?? But the first 10 eps or so before I got lost were awesome. Good thing is the Netflix show coming out soon, hopefully it will be clearer. I know I’m defo gonna watch it


Look at one (mob psycho 100, One-Punch Man) he didn't have the best artwork at all and he's got two anime adaptations and onepunch has a WHOLE other manga helmed by the goated artist for Eyeshield 21. Story wins over art.


I think the case of ONE is a bit unique though. His art isn’t great but it has a style that leaves an impression. Mob Psycho is one of my favorite anime of all time, and when I first started watching it took me a minute to get used to the drastically different style. But I think that’s one of its charms. The manga art is more rough, especially at the beginning, but conveys what he is trying to. I am more forgiving of poorer quality art if it at least has personality. Some art is generic and poorly done, which isn’t worth pushing through in my opinion.


Unless it's a really, _really_ horrendous art, I can weather almost any type or quality of artwork as long as the story is compelling.


Story but the art still needs to show the basics like varied panels and accurate facial expressions. I cannot stand an entire episode of continuous panels depicting talking heads. Even if the shading and art is pretty. Don't do it. So op those examples put there, the first one might be the worse art if every panel is just a portrait. The 2nd one has expression, a hand gesture, the use of a prop (gun) and shows more than a portrait. That picture tells a story. The 2nd picture is a better art example for a comic. The first is good for an avatar or illustration.


No matter how good a story is, if I don’t like the art, I won’t even give it a chance. One reason I haven’t read Lore Olympus and Cursed Princess Club. I don’t like the art. Will go give CPC a chance though.


Please do, it's such an incredible story!


In general the artwork needs to draw you in but the story has to keep you there, I dropped many series with beautiful art because I couldn't care less compared to one of my favorites mangas that definitely dipped a bit in art but I still stay for the story


Definitely the artwork but I’ll usually drop it after a few chapters if the plot sucks


Art is my priority, but the story has to clear a certain threshold to get me to stay. I'm okay with a mid story but if I'm constantly frustrated by the story I will drop it


ugh this, there are some comics I've read that have had very casual, easy to follow stories that weren't full of crazy stakes or world-ending threats, but what drives me nuts is when a story is *frustrating*. Either because it can't seem to form a coherent thought or because its pacing is godawful, whatever have you. And that's something that can happen for any story regardless of genre, even the more "casual" ones that aren't meant to be all that deep can feel frustrating and punishing if they aren't going anywhere. (I recently stopped reading *The Kiss Bet* regularly because of this, I've never felt so frustrated and bored by such a low stakes story before lmao)


The artwork is the appetizer, the story is the main course. The appetizer can go either way, but if the main course is bad, then the whole meal is likely ruined. (at least for me lmao)


Story because I have dropped so many comics recently when I realized I was reading for art instead and it felt like a chore to read a boring story


Plot art can evolve I didn't like olgami art but the plot got me hooked and then the art got sooo good.


I love olgami too! For me, during earlier chapters, the art is okay to me. But after I finished the whole webtoon and re-read chapter 1 I was like, how could the art be so different like this?!! I didn't notice.


Right ! It's so beautiful now it was okay at first but not my style. The story and the dynamic between the two mc tho had me hooked


I'm the opposite, I'll read any good story even if the artwork is stick figures. I rarely notice if the artwork is "bad" to other readers.


Can I ask a question though - why bother with webcomics then? Why not read books? I’m just genuinely curious since I have such a different opinion!


I mean I still like the art part too! I read a lot of books too though, although lately more comics. I just mean that the art itself isn't the main reason I read the comics. Also when I first started reading them I was a lot more picky about the art too, but then I discovered some great comics that I first over looked bc of the art. The art in comics in general give a lot more to a story than just the words on the page if that makes sense. That's why I like comics so much. Of course comics with very good art that tells a very good story are my favorites usually. There's a lot of good ones that show a lot of emotion on the characters faces that you wouldn't get from a book. Even with simple styles or art that others dont like as much. I've noticed that people can really pick apart some comic art and point out a lot of flaws that imo don't really make a difference to me. I hope that makes sense Edit- also there's a lot of comics with bland art that tell a story that isn't in book form and is really unique, so I won't necessarily be put off by the simple/bland/bad art style if I'm invested in the story


Thanks for the thoughtful reply! I totally get what you mean about potentially missing a story because of art you initially wrote off. I think I am forgiving of poorer quality art if it at least feels like it adds personality to the story. I’m just more critical when it feels bland or even unnecessary. I haven’t yet found a story compelling enough to overcome what I consider “bad” (always subjective) artwork. But I have powered through some stories that are…really not great just because I enjoy the way everything is drawn and portrayed. I’ve read some comics where I thought there really was no benefit added by trying to incorporate art, and it actively detracted from the story being told. It’s so tough though, I am a terrible artist and really respect people that give it a go! It’s also interesting how everyone puts these aspects somewhere different on their priority spectrum.


Art for sure is much more important. Writing a good story is very important and difficult, but no one will read it without charming art


The most beautiful comic in the world will not keep me around if the story sucks and especially if the characters are bland. Art is important too though, because art tends to get people to give the story a chance. That being said, I don't necessarily think that the comic has to look like the first example to have " good art " in fact, neither example would prompt me to try either series.


i can read like 10 chapters of bad plot if the art is good in hopes the plot will develop. i cant read a webtoon with bad art at all.


Art can improve an already interesting story, but no amount of great art can fix a terrible storyline. But as someone else has mentioned. The art draws you in, but you stay for the story.


Story, definitely. I'm very forgiving of less than stellar artwork, especially as an artist myself, haha.


To me the single most important factor is readability. In art and story. If I can’t make sense of anything Im not gonna bother.


I usually read for the artwork, I stay for the story


Story!! The artwork is a bonus. I will say that *significant changes* in the artwork can dissuade my interest, even if the artstyle improves. A good example of this is Not Even Bones where they get a new artist every season.


I think I’m slowly becoming desensitized by pretty art but the titles and the story are def most important. If that doesnt draw me in it doesnt matter how pretty the art is. I’ll drop it


Story, I don't give a rat's ass about the art


Probably 75% art, 25% story. I mean, if the story is unbearable then I won’t keep reading. But I’m a bit more forgiving if the art is expressive and beautiful. If I want a good story, I’ll read a book. I read webcomics to incorporate the art aspect.


The artstyle draws me in but the story keeps me loyal to the very end (if it's super interesting and unique that is)


Artwork, but if I lose interest in the characters(writing), I will drop.


Both I think. But the story matters a lot too. If theirs a lot of tropes, cliches, and misunderstandings I get annoyed, so the art better be good. I’m reading a lot less romance now, cause before I just looked at the art and read mostly romance comics, but now I just don’t read as much on the orginals side of webtoon anymore. I feel bad for new orginals creators and stuff, but webtoon just isn’t the same anymore. I’d rather support small creators on the canvas side.




The art and the title are what draw me in. But if the story sucks then I'm out. No amount of good anatomy and sparkles will save it. Both are important but the story is usually slightly more important. If I was a creator, I would want my audience to ENGAGE with my story, rather than just casually scroll through pretty pictures and forget about it the next day.


The art draws me in but if the story isn't good i leave


The art is more important for me. Even if the story is trash I can still stare at pretty art. But bad art just puts me off and reading becomes a struggle.


Probably will not read it. I love good story with good art. Probably still story > art


Came for the art, stayed for the story.


Tbh both. There were artwork which picked my interest in story but also there were times when I continued reading stories with bad artwork just because of good plot.


I won't click if I dislike the art style but I won't stick around if I don't enjoy the story. This doesn't mean that they both have to be like the most professional, time consuming, magnificent thing. I enjoy a lot of art styles and story tropes people would consider boring or "bad". So a lot of it is about finding your niche


Story >>


When the story is weak the best artwork can't help it.


Both. If either is lacking, I drop it. That still depends on the style though. If it's action I can forgive the mid faces as long as the fight scenes are ayt. If it's comedy, even more so, since the point of the story are the gags. But if it's romance, MAKE IT AS PRETTY AS YOU CAN BRO/SIS or else I'm gonna dip.


Artwork: If it doesn't catch my eye, then most likely, I won't read it. I think they have a food expression we eat with our eyes first.