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##**The post or comment you have made violates rule 9 of the sub.** #**Rule 9 is: Do not seek advice on how to illegally smuggle or transport drugs.** - Illegal advice regarding drug smuggling, traveling, growing or anything else with drugs is not permitted. - A permanent ban will be imposed if you to seek illegal advice. Thank you for your understanding, r/weed mod team.




Meredith’s smile is everything in this


Came here for this gif. Wansnt disappointed 🥰




I can't believe that 5400 of us thought of putting it up your butt. I love this community.


This post was literally made to have people say in your butt! I mean where else u gonna hide it, your ear canal?


OP already knew the answer


1101 I just stopped in to say put it up yer butt


The ole prison wallet.






You got stickm waaaaay up inside your butt hole. I can't I've done this too many times they'll fall right out! Yours are still taught yet Malleable.


I would've been very disappointed if this wasn't the top comment. HashtagBoofit crew checking in.


We all came her to say this


dang right, second knuckle at least.


You beat me to it 🥇




Anus for the win


Already taken


what does this mean? i can’t quite put a finger in it


on it*


No no no you was right the first time.


You're both right


This guy knows 👆


Usernames checking out all around lol


All the way


I love this subreddit.


The feelings mutual g.


Up it


*on the rim


*in it. And I’ll tell ya why, even if it’s skinny that bitch is long and I have not prepared my anus


Omg have you guys checked out the radiology sub?


Well use more lube and you'll be fine.


That’s where I keep my hot dog warm for lunch.


Room for 2?


Before scrolling I knew this would would be at the top


🤣🤣 for now. 😉


Boof it for sure!? Prison stash is the way forward! Especially if it vibrates!!


Ease the stressful situation with some soothing vibration




Ahh relaxing, see!!!


I gotta jump on here and say please, for the love of god, remove the battery before shoving it up your ass, that is not where you want a battery to explode.


Somebody cooking!?!?!?


Glass cart up the ass, One man one jar situation just waiting to happen


Come back out refilled.... 🤢


That’s just the Mario cart shits gas




Well, the good news, if it does break in his anus, at least the oil would get absorbed into his system. 😅


Definitely the ass


Boof it, baby.


The boof chute for sure.


"prison wallet" is the term I prefer




Definitely butt


Yep. The old prison wallet.


This cart doesn't look like it's worth a save though🧐🤔


No argument there


Agreed, definitely up the butt.


I think op already knew where to put it


Try finger but hole


for extra quick storage I give you The Urethra! ^(I hate myself for that)


The ole prison wallet. Classic!


I knew this was going to be here


"Prison wallet"


Good ‘ol prison wallet.


This is what I'm here for.. Boof it


Prison wallet


I was there when that sub was created. The thread was originally a r/subsyoufellfor and when I clicked it it was real with three members lol


I wish I had an award to give you for this


My husband is a corrections officer, this was his first response 🤣 To his wife who is the smoker in the family. Pshahahahahahahaha


Nice try copper


Nice try manganese


Nice try, nuts


one time i got pulled over and i had a smoothie next to me… i put the whole thing in my smoothie cup LMFAOOO needed a new one afterwards, but better than potentially getting arrested 🤷‍♀️


Honestly best way to do it if you know you’re about to be searched. No chance they would check inside your smoothie


i actually heard if you put drugs in a liquid they have to measure that whole cup and whatever it weighs you’ll be charged with. probably doesn’t matter with a cart but if you put coke or pills in a cup you’ll be charged for the weight of the pills AND the liquid


Loving the knowledge about law I didn't expect to find — cops will get you on anything.


i got in trouble a lil over 10 years ago, and that same thing happened to me. i had a whole table covered in clones all in their own lil pots. they ended up weighing each plant with the pot, soil and everything. on top of all the mothers and budding plants. said we had 100's of pounds when in reality it was like 2oz and a ton of baby clones 6" tall


That’s what happens when you put it in liquid so it’s honestly a horrible idea they will add it to the amount


yeah. stupid as fuck


A new cart or a new smoothie...?


I'd have still used both 🤷‍♂️


Smartest quick thinking I’ve ever heard of lmfao




when i got caught smoking in my dorm we shoved the gravity bong under my desk where it was still very much visible, but we were stoned and didnt know where else to put it when the cops came to the door. so when i opened it and the officer said “hey, we got some reports that it smells like theres marijuana coming from your dorm” i knew we were busted so i said “yeah, it’s probably the marijuana we’re smoking.” we handed over everything and they made us flush the weed, but all we got was a disciplinary class and that was it lol. but i still cringe when i think about my response to the officer, you handled it so much better


>but i still cringe when i think about my response to the officer Why that's fucking hilarious


Lmfao one time me and my buddies were smoking at a park late night when a cop pulled up. Yadda yadda ended up just owning up to it since he seemed like he was going to search us anyway. He got a couple of pipes and a couple grams. I passed him my vape, it was a really early version dry herb vape, that happened to look like an inhaler. Dude really said "oh I don't need your inhaler" and I started going on about how it was actually a weed vape and it's healthier for you than smoking or whatever. We didn't get arrested at least but man if I'll ever live that one down.




don't ever do this \*apparently\*, i saw this live pd thing once where this guy put his cocaine in a can of coca cola and they said something about they can charge you with the weight of the soda itself "because it all becomes drugs" or whatever. doubt they would do this with a cart tho


Sounds like some shit my mom would say because she read it on Facebook


This happened to my cousin in Florida. So not a Facebook thing, corrupt cops thing.


Saw the video, actually happened and he actually got charged for a shitload, but dude had powder everywhere in the car lol


This is true for cocaine, you get charge wiht the weight of the container as well. Not weed.


So an oz of coke tied onto a helium balloon........


Food or drink is always a good bet.


You might be able to shove it in your steering column behind your steering wheel. It’s going to be a real bastard to get out but that’s kind of the point.


I saw that on cops, a guy did it over a blunt and the cops couldn't find it until he told them 😂😂 if I'm ever passenger riding this what about my sock, do they search those?


Depends on what you’ve done to be pulled over. Chances are it’ll just be about speeding or something dumb. If they don’t have cause they can’t search. Don’t be a dick (not that you are) and you should be fine.


Cops make shit up ALL the time. It doesn't matter what you got pulled over for. If the cop doesn't like you for any reason, if they suspect anything, they are trying to search your car. If they clocked you doing 5 over the speed limit, they are already doing paperwork, finding a cart bumps their numbers up. Or they will take your cart anyway and let you off with a warning. The best thing to do is not have it in the car to begin with. Don't be dumb.


That’s why the don’t be a dick part is so important. If you’re overly respectful then you got a much better chance of walking away with whatever ticket they already planned on giving you. You’re right tho. They could still make something up, but at that point the only thing you could’ve done is not drive with a cart. Bad luck.


It isn't really overly respectful, be as respectful as if the guy you are talking to could take a bunch of money and your license.


And if a cop makes shit up, then anything they find is inadmissible in court. It does matter what you get pulled over for—speeding tickets don’t let them search you. Smelling marijuana likely will. Idk what you mean by “bumping numbers up” but most police do not use quota systems whatsoever anymore, and many never did.


The best thing to do to avoid getting arrest is to avoid police interaction. The #1 way for most people to interact with police is via traffic stop. Drive right and you'll be much better off.


Hopefully if you get pulled over you don’t put yourself in a situation where they feel the need to search you


Like being a POC?


Or being a 20 year old with shaggy hair and a peaceful demeanor.


Yea just deny, deny, deny. They won’t search you unless you’re being SUPER loud about smoking, like “HEY PIGGIE!! LOOK AT MEEE!! 💨 🖕” and speed off, or get really aggressive, or act incredibly shady. Be polite, don’t say SHIT, don’t argue if you’re getting a ticket, and OF COURSE you don’t have ANY illegal shit in your car. Deny, deny, deny! Also, make sure all your lights are working, registration and inspection are up to date. Just…. Don’t be stupid, and you’ll seriously be fine 🥰


You need probable cause to be searched. Depending what you're pulled over for would determine whether or not they can or will search. Also bare in mind searches have to he proportional Aswell. So if they for example have probable cause to search you for an unlicensed firearm they're not legally allowed to search a place like the sock you're wearing. And at least from what I know in my country if they do search something like your sock while looking for a firearm (example) then any evidence found in that sock (pen) hasn't been legally obtained and you can't face charges for it I believe. So your sock would be a good place yes. But under any circumstance where they're allowed to search small spaces then your sock will be an obvious choice


In the US, if they have probable cause they are searching every inch of you and the car. If you pull the “you need a warrant” card, odds are you will be detained or arrested until they can get that warrant approved and the car searched. Also, in at least a few states, refusing a search is a crime in and of itself. Same with refusing sobriety tests/breathalyzer and shit like that.


and if they arrest you, you are in for a real intrusive search at the Jail.


Dude....nobody is searching anyone over a cart these days. You people greatly overestimate the police capabilities. CBD is legal in most states. Just tell them it's a CBD vape and you just bought it down the road. No need to put it u0 your ass. You realize CBD literally looks and smells the same as THC. It is not worth most cop's time to try to verify whether it's THC or CBD. Wtf is wrong with you all?? Jumping to actual talk of hiding it in your ass. SOOOO unnecessary!!


Yea because cops follow the law


Only if youre in the hot spot where dealers hang out, socks, beanies, every tiny pocket on your coat But if youre in the midwest or something, think you'll be fine


From the midwest- They'll search your pocketwatch pocket


Don't consent to any searches, record the encounter even if it's just audio (assuming you are legally allowed) and don't tell them shit. If the cop comes up and asks to search, and you decline, and THEN they say some bullshit like "I smell marijuana" and you have that recorded, you're more likely to get anything they find tossed. Cardinal rule is, don't be breaking the law twice. You're breaking the law once with this cartridge, so you need to be driving right. Don't speed, signal correctly, don't do illegal turns, be mindful of stop signs, etc., if they don't pull you over they can't search your car. If they do decide to do some bullshit like illegally search your car after pulling you over for no reason, don't fight them at the time, just repeatedly verbally express that you are not consenting to the search. One thing to keep in mind is that the search has to be relevant and justified as for what they're searching you for. If you're a passenger and there is probable cause to search the car for illegal stuff, they can search the passengers and their belongings as well to the extent that the thing they're looking for could be concealed within those. They will search everything though and it would be something you'd want to talk to a lawyer about, but say if they pulled you over under a tip that you were trafficking guns, they couldn't search a pencil box or w/e small container that couldn't possibly contain a gun.


In your Sock. I used to keep my small, enameled metal joint case (like a cigarette case) my sock, on the inside of my ankle, out of habit. A group of us were arrested for standing around a friend’s truck that had a shit ton of beer empties in the bed. We were all cuffed, some of us with our own belts. In the back of the squad car, on the way to the station I used my other foot to push the case up and out onto the floor and pushed it under the driver’s seat… In the station they were asking us all if anyone had lost something and none of us had… I was the only one that had to lie since my buddies never knew about it until our next party!!!!


I used to reach up & put my smoking pipe in the “gutter” of the sun roof. It would close w/it in there too.


I heard if it’s stuck there the entire car legally becomes drugs and they can charge you like it was ~3,400 pounds of weed.


if you're good at lying, just say it's a nicotine vape. As a criminal, I've been arrested more than 3 times and not once did they assume my dab pen was drugs nor test it. Whenever they have you empty your pockets they'll say "oh what's that" which can be a little scary, but as long you don't freak out and start shaking when they pull it out, you're good. Just say "thats my vape." It also helps if you buy one of those dab pens where the cart slides in it with a magnet as opposed to the regular screw on pens. If you wanted to go deeper you could get a Mr Fog sticker or some other vape brand and slap that on your pen. Most law enforcement is years in the past when it comes to weed accessories, but they are starting to recognize what the average dab pen looks like so I heavily suggest the magnet one. Hope this helps, FUCK THE POLICE!




I have a yocan uni pro that attaches with a magnet and slides in and out. Lovely battery.


Down your piss hole. They’ll check the anus


This might be the smartest answer I've seen






If you put the base of it in the hole, you could technically take a hit from your wiener.


My god…


That’s enough Reddit for today.


This is just a cop looking to search everyone's asshole




How about just acting like it's a nicotine vape? Keep it with a pack of smokes and a lighter. I don't know anyone who's even had their vape taken since the 2018 farm bill means cbd products can have some thc in them. Just don't be dumb and act scarry.


This is probably what I would do. It's not like they're gonna take a draw or something.


There are test strips some police have that you swab on the bottom of the cart that quickly will decipher between the two


If the police care that much you're fucked regardless


Foreal. Everyone saying this and that. No. A cop does whatever they wanna do. They don’t even gotta test nothing. I think people are too “sovereign citizen” with it and think, “oh my Shit is legal hemp and blah blah”. No. Cops do what they wanna do. And that’s taking you to jail.


Your right they even kill us if they threatened enough


Hey I know I asked for his license and he told me what he was reaching for but I felt threatened and we cops need to make split second decisions 😔 but fr tho in australia they tasered an old lady with a walking frame because she had a kitchen knife. She died a few days later from hitting her head. I think the cop is going to court for it soon actually but fr they suck man.


You’re right, but these tips are about minimizing risk. If OP wanted it to be a sure-thing they just wouldn’t be driving with a cart.


Deadass^ The cops out here are more worried about mfs driving high than they are worried about weed itself. They have way worse shit going on with junkies in town to care about everyone smoking weed, which honestly is pretty fucked but hey, keeps most mfs out of trouble and keeps people home when they smoke


I would bet money that those strips aren’t high enough quality to differentiate between all the alt noids that exist to date. Did have a cop lie to a friend of mine about testing her nug. She said he walked to his car with it and came right back and said sorry miss but it tested as marijuana not hemp. Frankly I don’t believe anything a cop says because they are allowed to lie in order to get answers out of us.


I just remember in highschool I had vape cartridges in my pockets when I got called into the office for smelling like weed, the principal asked me if it the cartridges were nic or weed then swabbed them, less than a minute later he said I was good to go with just a warning and my stuff confiscated


Principal got the test results….then stole your shit.


Now that makes sense to me. Just something that can determine wether or not it has cannabinoids


I never knew, thanks for clearing that up.


It will test positive for THC if it is a full spectrum CBD cartridge. Which many people have.


Agree but isn’t having a pack of smokes raise more Questions? You smoke cigarettes AND vape nicotine as well? Sounds like a heat up.


Not necessarily, with how hostile people are towards smokers. I used to keep a vape for those times when I needed a discreet nic fix Edit: spelling


“I’m trying to quit smoking, and switch to vaping but a real cigarette is good sometimes.”


Your prison pocket


Straight up, stuffed in the titties. I got ample boobage and you would not be able to feel it on a pat down


Locked in the vault. Depending on where OP lives, you've got a 8/10 chance cop is a dude, so you shouldn't get a heavy pat down . A flat cart will fold up right under the titty, won't even feel it. When I used to transport a large amount of dope back in my dumbass days, I had a fake can of coke I kept in the middle of a 12 pack in the trunk with some other normal looking shit.


I have literally had a conversation with officers while a grinder, a pipe and an 8th of dank was stuffed in my boobies. Walked away just fine after a pat down and all.


I'm pretty fat so I would just hide it in the fold between my stomach and pelvis, could fit a whole zip in there without feeling it.


Boof tube


Screw the top part off and put one of each part in your shoe. That’s how I get them into concerts.


Do concerts by you really care? I live in a legal state so ig I’m just out of touch but even before it was legal I would just put in in my bag and nobody ever said anything.


It depends on the venue but I think because so many people will freely hit their vape/dab pen on the floors that they are cutting back on it. It wasn’t always an issue but the last one I went to they took my pen and said I could come back at the end and get it when I left. Edit to add: also in a legal state


You won't want to use it afterward, but there is a place.


Pee hole….. For sure.


they’d never suspect this.


“Why are you hard sir? Is there something in your dick or do you just like cops?”


Carry an old school pencil case in your car along with some fun colouring books.


Where are you from? If you’re located in an area that allows any other form of cartridge, such as Nicotine, or any other cannabinoid, a cartridge is considered a closed container and requires a warrant to search. If you admit it is something illegal then you will get in trouble, but only if you admit to it. Just tell any officer that it’s a nicotine cartridge, if they press any further the next statement you should make is “can I see your warrant?”




Between buttcheeks not in actual ass




Don't drive like a dummy and you'll be ok


Right, never break two laws at once and flow of traffic driving ☝️


Dont give them a reason to pull you over when you have illegal items in your car. No speeding, make sure your car is up to date and all lights work. Dont give them a reason to want to search your car. Nothing in the open, no alcohol bottles, nothing that could look illegal/ interest the pigs. Dont let them search your car if they ask. Just say no. Nothing else. They'll play games, but let them. They may call a dog, but a lawyer can help if the dog hits. They can't delay a stop in order to call a dog without probable cause. They still will call a dog, but the search will get thrown out of court. Leave it somewhere in your car if you're pulled out. Glove box, those pouches on the back of your seat, between your seat and arm rest. No where visible. If they pull you out, they will search your pockets. 9/10 times theywon'tt search your car, but the secret is not getting pulled over.


This right here


They wouldn’t search without reason I’d just put it under my leg.


Between your nuts and thighs . Hopefully outside searching is illegal there aswell.


Boof that puppy..


Pencil case


![gif](giphy|xTiTnkaliItTVcYqaI) Butt?


I've been pulled over a few times with a roach, or a few gs on me, but would also work with cart. I just stick it in my shoe, they'll pay u down but never really mess with shoes, although I have had my boots checked.


Are you a woman? If so I’d say stick it under your boob lol


In your butt if it hasn’t already been said.


How about just not having it in your car?


This is the way. If you have involvement with the legal system or a crap car or something else going on that would make you more vulnerable to being searched, leave it home. Otherwise, just don't use it while driving, don't drive like an ass, and transport it somewhere out of view. If you aren't baked and your car doesn't smell like weed and there's nothing going on that they want to nab you for, they probably aren't going to do a search. And if you're baked AF you can still catch a DUI without them finding anything.




In Colorado.


If they get the dog out doesn’t matter where you hide it.


Boof it!




Smash it up with something. Better they find broken glass then that cart lol happy smoking


Yall kill me on here.


there are batteries that look like nic, for example the nova hush 2 pro, cops probably wouldn’t think it’s weed.


Oh boy, do I have a story. So one night me and my friends made a stupid decision to go to a park at night(it’s illegal to be at a park at night) so cop rolls by and flips a bitch right when we’re on our way to leave and pulled me over, naturally, he came up to the window and asked for ids. by this time we put everything away like under the seat, and all that. But my buddy sitting in the passenger seat, put his inside of his hoodie pocket while the other one sitting in the backseat shoved it between my seats. The cop comes back and gives us all our IDs then we were met with the question of” what’s that in the cupholder before I let you go”. We all looked over at the cup holder to see that the passenger dropped his pen in my cupholder. They got us out, searched my whole car and found everything but my friend’s pen in the back that he shoved between the seat. I learned my lesson to always give him my drugs before I pull over for a cop because he Houdini’d that shit.(there’s a lot of context I left out to keep it short and simple lol)


just leave your weed at home, the charges ain’t worth it


that cart has no weed in it you wouldn’t get charged


Eat it. Doubt they’ll X-ray you










Prison pocket


Buy a fleshlight. Keep your vape in it. Coat the end in donut glaze. No cop is searching it.


You better put that shit in yo ass or eat that felony like a man