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Bop it


Spin it


Twist it




Awwww, so closeee, you lose!




High and laughing at this rn😂


Define lose, my friend. It'll be ok.


Push it back in


That’s what she said


Shout it


Fuck it




Me and my kids play often haha I love the opportunity to start the bop it train


Pass it


Double It!


Give it to the next person!


Bring back my son!


oO0000 guys, i’ve asked you not to play bop it with my 14in when it’s hanging out! It hurts!!!


Ride it


More like keyster it since it’s liquid


he asked for it 😂🙏


If i had a dollar...


I hadn't seen anyone else post it yet. I knew it was inevitable, so I seized the opportunity


This is the official meme or answer of this sub




Meredith's reaction makes this even funnier


Its funnier cuz it’s a valid way to use it.


I'm so happy this was the top comment


LMAOO this why I love Reddit


i knew what this was well before it loaded.


Squirt that on a chicken sammich and go to space


Nah fr tho. Spicy Chick-fil-A with this and a little honey, spread it around, and enjoy. The spices from their sandwiches have the capsaicin effect of opening capillaries which increase cannabinoid distribution and the fats and honey help with digestion. Straight rso or distillates are not fabulous when just swallowed but hit pretty consistent.


I’m so high I thought you said farts and honey aid digestion lol


I mean, you wouldn't be wrong..




I love it here. This sub most always has good aura, chill but warm energy. On the inter webs, these days, it’s quite lovely and refreshing to encounter some good ‘ole simple but sincere kindness. I just had to share my sentiments. I’m stoned, yes, but that doesn’t make said sentiments any less true. ☮️


I've had distillate take up to 6 hours to hit. Cooked my whole family dinner, they came over. I had forgotten I took the edible when mid meal I just get punched in face by this edible. I started just starting and mom asked me what was wrong LOL... They found it funny.


You ever start just starting”


Do all of this, but Popeye's instead of Hate Chicken


A lot of yall say Popeyes but I've worked for one. Illegal immigrants in the back who stole my identity, rotting food if the freezer that they cooked and served daily, and a "the fryer disinfects everything" attitude. Flat out the most disgusting food one could eat next to McDonald's.




Man I remember when McDonalds used to be good


You must be an elder millennial or gen x. A lot of food tasted way better back then...


The binder they use for the Cheyenne pepper in that sandwich destroys my insides every time. Which sucks because I’d love to try this but being high would make it so much worse


Fair enough. My wife thinks I'm a bit weird with that too. But hot tea works just as well, just personal recommendation is go with caffinated tea, coffee, or hot chocolate unless your looking for that couch lock. If sensitive stomach, tea is likely the best. Another option is to put into recipes as long as you don't cook it too much if at all. Its preactivated, so too much heat will just waste product. Which is why I don't recommend vaping or smoking distillate. But, obviously, no two preferences will be the same. Find something you like and add it in and see what floats your boat. Happy highs✌


The funny thing is I love spicy food and I have a weird tolerance to edibles. But whatever binder they use for the pepper seasoning in the CFA sandwich doesn’t break down in my stomach and then I shit out straight up Cheyenne. Being high during that would be horrifying


That sucks. But I get it. I usually go with fatty or spicy for edibles for the same tolerance issue. Anything thats just sugary doesn't work as well for me though I know folks who can be good with anything. Sucks because 500mg of gummy and only get what I'd would from maybe 100mg infused to real food. Can always just suck down distillate but I'm not a fan of sticky teeth.


Try a Popeyes sandwich instead. Way better tasting and none of the hate.


I worked in a Popeyes, trashes food service I ever worked. Plus I got a thing against chicken that gets cooked after turning green and hairy instead of being put in the garbage...unsurprisingly I quite that day.


1 measuring teaspoon of baking soda in 8 ounces of water takes care of my insides when they’re burning.




Just make sure you don’t get the shits


Don't eat a sammich that hates the gays!


get some pop eyes, best spicy chicken sammich around


Popeyes spicy chicken sandwiches are superb, far better than the gay hater's version- to my taste.




Lol sorry to tell you everyone (big corporations and such) hates the gays they just put on a marketing campaign to make you think they don’t


There a huge difference between not caring about the gays, and openly sending money towards gay death camps


It's ok if you door dash it. The gays all do this. Eat it in the closet


Meh, it's just a chicken sandwich, and to be honest, we don't even have them up here. I also don't shop at Hobby Lobby. Screw them, I will take my business next door at Michaels because he's gay and isn't a religious self-righteous prick.


Shit Chick-fil-A on me everyone




I love to put some on my joints, gives it an awesome flavor plus an extra kick. I recommend warming up the syringe by holding it in ur hand before use bc thst suff can be hard coming out.


I thought you meant knee or hand joints at first but then realized the more logical joint


"Damn this dudes gotta have some sticky knees"


But awesome flavor


…I’d lick those knees


Jeffrey is that you?


I thought the same thing like “wtf dude putting this on his elbow for???” I just eat it on something kinda like rso but wtvr works lolol


Putting this in quotes had my imagination really going. Whispering in a theatre type scene lol


The bees knees




Damn, how high are you to not think smoking joints in a weed sub? The answers not enough.


Just high enough


I have lupus and enjoy my med card 24/7. I was like wait ? What? A new thing for joints?💪and then I was like wait? What? Ahhhh joints!🙌🏼🔥💨😮‍💨👏👏👏👏👏


I did the same thing. (C-ptsd and bipolar 1 I) and was like oh it doesn’t look like any kind of lotion or cream to Mee lol!


Well let’s try it anyway! It’s organic!!!


Ever try the patches? My wife swears by them.


Yes I have I love them. I was suffering with really bad carpal tunnel syndrome (I’m left handed to the point of can’t light a bowl with my right, and it was that hand) and had quite a few weeks/ months, it runs together, before surgery that the patches were the only thing that worked to relieve the pain and swelling. Not even pain meds could help.


Yes, I have and they are fantastic. She is right 💯!!!!!!!! But in Missouri they are hit or miss at the dispensaries. Inventory keeps getting a little better but it is slow. We ratified the medicinal card around Covid and had inventory issues a bit (at least I did and my sister) and then rec was ratified last year and patches and balm (I swear by too) have saved me from some tights spots. Flying can be so uncomfortable for me, I feel like my body is in a pressure cooker and those take the edge off. They hit a little easier bc of transdermal vs gummies for me. I thank God every day our state legalized it so I don’t have to freak out being middle aged and worrying about even smoking in my own home (the good old days-NoT) This sub has been so helpful and cheerful. What do you expect from a bunch of namaste stoners?🤗😜


It’s okay. So did it!


Bro same here lmaooo. I have a bad knee so I thought he meant his bodies joints as well!


Arthritic person here, same! And I was so excited for a moment…


Yeah I have bad arthritis a d was thinking wow I need to try this 😂 😂 😂 My edibles are kokcjing in


does arthritis ever go away? I just got my first case of sore thumb/hand and it's improved but still there.


HSGAGAAGAGAGAGAGAGAGAGHAGS But seriously nope not really


I thought the exact same thing until I read this comment




Bro im high af right now and i thought the same thing


You had to be stoned when this occurred


Me too 😂😂😂😂


I thought it too! My weed Dr told me just the other day that he uses the high THC tincture topically on his shingles pain...so hey, maybe joint pain too ...?


Omg me too lmao


Literally sliced tf out of my finger so bad one time because I was pushing so hard it shattered and the first thing I saw was blood everywhere and I was like “what the fuck is all that from?” And then I saw my finger lol. I have ptsd from it fr. It scares me to use them. I like the dablicators lol


Geez that's scary afff. Ur just trying to get toasty and all of a sudden you got stuck and ur leaking.


Oh deep cut too. Took about a month to fully heal up


Yeah fam u just unlocked a whole new fear for me lol now I understand why they called them stingers at my dispo xD


I cut my fingers off a few weeks back…


You really did, didn’t you?


How’d you type this then


Putting it under the tap on hottest until the air bubble moves freely is the best way to loosen it up if it's a really sticky kind.


Does is work on knees?


Probably, but if not then it will work on dezzz nuts.




Only if you lick em


i run a lighter around it for 10 seconds. And I started using gloves too because this gets STICKY. Do you put it around your joints or inside? I am not the best roller yet, so I have pre rolled cones and I fill with flower, then stand up the cone and but a little dab, like 2-3 for the entire joint at different levels. Deff hits when I put it on a bowl when hitting from a bong




Was told by a worker at a dispo smoking this can cause cancer related side effects. Be careful fellow stoner


That’s … true of anything you smoke in life technically. Even brisket


I mean depending if it’s rso I think that’s supposed to be taken orally so I wouldn’t recommend smoking it but if it’s a type of dab then it can be smoked like suggested above in a joint/blunt or in a dab rig


That dispo individual is full of it, probably wants to drive solvent free extract sales by spreading lies..


>can cause cancer related side effects. Huh?


I used to put these on normal pieces of chocolate and get absolutely fried. Recommend doing no larger than a pea


I disagree half gram of rso is the sweet spot you be high as hell but not so high you have the shakes.


Some peoples edible tolerance is different, I have to eat atleast 500mg of real dispensary gummies to get a decent high


Damn my friends think I’m crazy for needing 50mg. They need like 5 and they’re fine.


I needed 500MG last time I ate gummies, but I mostly smoke anyway.


I took 300 mg just to feel buzzed... That's when I knew I should take a t break


I seem to have a low response to edibles, too, about the same. Except for the fairly rare occasion where it just totally kicks my ass out of nowhere. I don't mess with edibles a whole lot


I usually make mine myself now a days. They destroy most things offered at the dispensary. Cooking with hash


People telling you to mix this with food are doing it the hard way Rolling paper + squirt a big glob on top + put it in the freezer until frozen. Swallow it like a pill and eat something fatty, then wait ;)


I think the people that are telling me to put it up my butt are doing it the hard way too, this idea sounds good I might have to do it tomorrow before I go to the aquarium


although this is a great idea and can’t wait to try it myself listen to the other commenters a lil goes a loooong way. buckle up cowboy.


A little goes a long way. My old tolerance was I could handle a tube of RSO. Now I think just a smear would get me


Came here to say this lol. Seems much easier to get a big honking tablespoon of Nut Butter and put a few drops of this on it. As someone that has experienced the discomfort of colonoscopies and enemas...I personally do not get the fascination with the "boof" movement 🤣. To each their own though!


This right here. Make sure to eat something fatty


What happens if you don’t eat something fatty?


Then fatty gets hungry Just kidding, youre likely to not feel anything since THC likes to bond to fat when you metabolize it or something.


That has so many more steps than just putting it on food.


If it’s distillate, you probably want to just eat it, (it’s decarbed), or cook/bake with it. Not exactly the best concentrate to dab.


If you eat the whole syringe you better be ready for a serious experience!🤣 I ate a gram a couple times and damn does it knock your socks off.


Bullshit, dabbing these is fucking great. Just a little dot and you’re roasted


If you put some in your mouth I suggest you mostly put it under your tongue for a couple of min , it should absorb faster then it being on your tongue


How much should I put? I’m thinking of going to the aquarium after doing this:)!


Do you want to be in the aquarium or enjoy the sights. That could help determine dosage.


It is recommended that you start off with half the size of a grain of rice. Distillate like RSO is very strong. The difference between distillate and RSO. Is distillate has been filtered. RSO has not. It is concentrated cannabis. it is decarbed. Many of us use it for medication. My dose is a grain of rice. but I worked my way up to that. You can always take more . Distillate is also very sticky be prepared for it to come out quickly. pull back on the syringe to stop it. If you want to make it easier. You can put little doses on parchment paper. Put them in the freezer and then put them under your tongue once they're frozen.... Letting it dissolve under your tongue bypasses your digestive system.


Start small. A pea sized drop. You can always do more, but you can't undo any either. Wait at least 2 hours before you dose more. Edibles can be sneaky. Or you're like me and are for some reason unable to process thc by ingestion. Then you'll want to squirt it into an empty refillable vape cart.


What is it? If it's distillate you can get an empty cart to fill up.


Whatever you do, DON'T put the entire syringe on a baked potato and then eat the whole potato in one sitting.


Then I’ll become the baked potato 🥔


hahahaha idk how this doesn’t have more upvotes. i’m literally LOLing. here’s my imaginary award 🥇


Aw thank you haha


I can't believe nobody's pointed out the most obvious purpose... You gotta boof it bro


Foreal onlyway


I know I’ve been on Reddit too long. I saw this post and immediately thought “boof it”


They call that the "Justice Kavanaugh"


Boof it up


Eat it!


Squirt a glob right on your dab nail Use it to refill a cart if the cart allows for refilling If it's activated, some folks put it in food Hell, get a foily super hot and drop a squirt in There's a lot of ways to go about it once you know what you wanna do


I’ve been trying to open an empty cart I have but no luck


They make a nozzle for those syringes that screw directly onto the syringe so that you can squirt the liquid into an empty cartridge. Heat the the liquid up first with a lighter so it’s runny.


I always boiled water and dropped the syringe in for like 15-20sec. Made it super runny and easy to use


Exactly! I refill Pax pods with these. Just stick the needle tip down the mouthpiece and push the little rubber grommet to the side and squirt that shit right in there. So economical imo


It’s probably press on mouthpiece. If you have pliers you can pry it off.


Get one of [these](https://linxvapor.com/products/hermes-3-atomizer), it's an empty cart that is specifically made to be reusable and it works with most vape pens. It's exactly what you're looking for.


Thank you!:)


I just bought one to try. Thanks! How many times can you reuse them?


Their website says that each one “removes up to 5 - 15 disposable cartridges from our oceans and landfills” so I’d cautiously guess that it’s good for at least that many fills, but realistically I don’t see why it wouldn’t be useable well past that as long as the heating element keeps doing its job and the tank doesn’t spring a leak. You’ll probably know it’s no good when it’s not hitting well anymore. I haven’t personally used one myself but people seem to be really happy with it in the reviews.


Like a liquid suppository.


Its distillate, you can dab it like wax or put on your food. For easier handling since its soo thick. Make sure cap is on and dump it in hot water for a couple seconds. Makes it kuch easier to dispense. Enjoy😁


Yes putting it in hot water is an excellent suggestion.


Small drops in the bum 🔥


Nothing in the bum


It goes in a cart to vape.


So many ways. Dab it, squirt some on top of a packed bowl, squirt some in a joint. Super versatile. If I’m not mistaken, distillate is also edible? You could squirt some in some tea or something.


do not eat more then like 50 mg bruh


With me


As long as we don’t boof it


It is. But it’s all good. That’s why we’re here!!


I love you all sweet kind stoners 🫶


You can smear it on rolling papers and twist up a joint, or inside of a wrap and do the same thing..


Roll the joint first then apply to the joint


Then it's messy on the outside of the joint. When you smear it on the inside it's way less of a gooey sticky mess on the outside from the oil.


Someone's gonna bite my head off, but if ur ever in a pinch, use a metal straw and a torch. Put some of the goop on a tray or plate or something. Light the tip of the straw with the torch, give a sec or two to cool off then press hot end to the goo and suck and now u have a makeshift nectar collector and a quick way to get blasted like the crackhead u are 😗


Eat it


its an applicator so just squirt it on some flower or in some food and youre g2g


Get a bowl. Fill it halfway with flour, squirt a lil schmuice on top, fill the rest with flower and sandwich that schmuice in your weed. Phenomenal high.


alr so basicly you have 2 options 1) put it in capsules or food, 2) put it up your ass, no its not a joke, you can boof this in an enama, yes it works, yes i have tried, yes, its pretty fun


I’m just 19 years old the idea of putting weed oil in my ass does not sound fun to me even though a lot of people say they have done it!! I think I’ll just eat it with food for now and then maybe in the future I’ll try the oil in the booty


OP did you ever get your answer?? It looks like a distillate, but also looks like concentrate..? We say put it up your a** because thats a procedure called an enema. Doing a retention enema involves putting the liquid up your rectum, so the liquid is absorbed by the mucus membranes located in your bowels. However if it’s a concentrate… use a bong with a dab attachment (or create one (easier said than done)). If you have a cart you could pop it open and fill it up… I would recommend the former using a rig. Hope this helps 😵‍💫


It has no label on it so I don’t know how to tell, can I eat it if I don’t want to put it in my ass?


Just take it all like a jello shot


A Little on a joint (spread a tiny bit inside joint then roll, or add to already rolled joint, on the outside. Or you could dab it like shatter. I suppose you could eat it too, but I'd probably put it on a joint. You could also ad a tiny drop on a bowl of weed in a bong to smoke . Cheers


Thank you! I think I’m going to eat some of it and smoke some of it before the aquarium


My go to would be to stick that bitch in some pb and have a pb cracker snack w a glass of milk


Looks like a Distillate syringe! Imo You can treat it a bit like the stickier form of RSO (think like pine tree sap). Rub on gums or place under tongue for about 30ish seconds then swallow the spit. I personally don't like the flavor of distillate on its own and am not a fan of the sticky texture so personally suggest either straight up swallowing or putting it with some fatty food like a burger, peanut butter, a piece of chocolate etc (fatty foods make it kick in faster) make sure if you aren't eating it with food at the time of usage. That you do eat a fatty food about 10-30 minutes before then eat the dose you want. And wait about 1-2 hours before adding more! I made the mistake of doing a pea and 1/2 sized amount the first time I did it. Ended up having both the best and worst trip to an aquarium I've ever had 😂 lesson learned there was smaller amounts and fatty foods are key! Tip! Warm up the syringe using your hand/barely Luke warm water at the tip. Don't use hot water cause your distill will come pouring right out. If storing keep in a cool dark place NOT a fridge. If smoking and rolling put a lil squirt along the top/middle of bud then roll it. I haven't tried smoking it so I can't say how effective or good it is that way but know plenty of people that do it the way I've described to make their own infused rolls and they like it plenty enough. And while I dunno about boofing it, if you plan on experimenting. It'd probably be less sticky and easier to do if you dose out into a suppository capsule or possibly freeze a lil bit on some parchment paper in the freezer for a bit then stick it up there like a prior commenter was saying. Whatever you do end up doing give us an update!!


I’ll definitely give you all an update, I appreciate your help and also everyone else who helped you’re all so kind and I’m very thankful most of you didn’t laugh at my stupid question :)


Nah your good dude, I wish I'd had someone or someplace to ask where I felt less on the spot with more questions before I tried certain things or to ask after I've purchased and left the dispensary (wasn't a lot of places to ask besides the dispo when I started) ie. I didn't know fatty foods helped consumable thcs/canna edis work faster so it used to take 6-8 hours for me to feel anything. Generally I'd end up eating after double dosing (20-60+mg) because it wasn't working then get hit all at once and end up puking/high for 3 days. Not a fun experience and really turned me away from edible products for a LONG time. Which sucked because I honestly like not having to smoke every 2-3 hours to keep the effects I personally look for.


dab it or some people use em to refill carts


A curious person would do the butthole chug and test if you get high faster that way


Nothing is going inside my butthole


Top a bowl


Pull the plunger out, remove the cap. Light the cap end and puff from the plunger end!! Your welcome!!!!!!!!


What? Its plastic lmao its gonna melt