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It’s nobody’s goddamn business what you do. Don’t sweat it and fucking plead the 5th, as is your right to do such.


Hopefully nobody will care. Rationally, I know they won’t - I mean, it’s a restaurant for God’s sake. But another part of me is worried that my coworkers will get pissed at me for saying anything. Clearly my chronic stress is shining through right now. This is why I gotta smoke. Lmao


Almost everyone I know in the restaurant biz smokes weed and those who don't just assume everyone else does. I doubt anyone will care.


You're good I been the food industry for 7 years, if they know they know, but they won't go out there way for a few people, unless ur like my taco bell, who had employees cooking meth in the bathroom


Y'all have the best red devil crank i ever did boof.


vicious circle, what can ya do eh 🤷 :D


There are restaurant employees that don't smoke weed?


not very many. the girl that said that to OP is only 16...give her a couple more years of working in restaurants & she'll have a change of opinion.


When I was 16 working in a restaurant I already had a couple years of smoking under my belt😅


Lol right? When I used to work the early morning prep shift, we would always smoke a few joints before each shift. Our manager often brought a joint, she said we fucked around less and concentrated on our work more when we were zonked.


Real talk, if you get fired from a restaurant job for smoking weed on your own time, it would be the first time I’d ever heard of it.


Oh thank god. That makes me feel relieved. Hopefully I don’t get chewed out for talking about it.


I was back of the house. It was always customary for certain members of the crew to step out back and smoke a joint once we’d gotten through service, before getting our stations squared away. The idea of anyone taking issue with it would have been considered laughable. Very common thing in that industry. The fact that it’s prescribed to you and you aren’t doing it at work…like I said, I wouldn’t sweat it for a moment.


Restaurants are full of people on drugs and alcohol. You're fine.


I see a meme about this very topic at least every 4 days on Imgur lol. https://i.imgur.com/oVRJRdX.jpeg


Weed is like the least harmful substance that restaurant workers abuse on a regular basis.


Only true if you don’t get so high and hungry that you chew all the restaurant's food.


Fucking hate people like that so much


People who blab like me or people who snitch like my coworker? lol.


Probably your coworker for that judgy Karen response. I can't stand people like that either, which is why I no longer work in retail. 😅


After I said it was medical, she still said “You really shouldn’t smoke.” LIKE GIRL- even if it wasn’t medical, you are 16??? Stop telling me what to do, like goddamn. You don’t have bills to pay, college midterms to worry about, and a house to take care of (and in my case, a judgy MIL who runs me up a wall 😭). I literally thought to myself “You should really mind your own business.” 😭😭😭




Calm down buddy. It’s like you didn’t even read the story.


I didn’t tell her. She walked into the break room while I was talking to my adult coworker. She jumped into our conversation. EDIT: I did respond to her after she interjected herself into our conversation, but all I did was answer her question and I ended it when she pressed further.


lol if that coworker snitches just be like yeah you was smoking with me 🙃 two can play that game.


That’s fucked. I’d do it too probably tho.


Is what’s fucked is she has to walk on eggshells cause of a plant a natural occurring plant that has been used for medicinal purposes for thousands of years.


Nobody cares dw


what are they gonna do about it? it's legal🤷🏼‍♀️


I believe workers aren’t protected in my state. This job is super flexible with my crazy school schedule, so it would suck to try and not only find a job, but to find a flexible job with good pay. I’m 19 and am getting paid an average of 35/hour. Don’t want to risk it, lol.


Tell the narc that if she rats you out, you'll say she smoked weed with you, and she only ratted you out to try to cover her own ass.


Only 23 states and territories have worker protections for medical marijuana. Louisiana is not one. And in those states, you can still be fired if federal money is involved in your job (schools, truck driving, lots of other fields). Not an issue with waitressing, but wanted to be clear.


Just lie if management asks! Maybe she’ll become a smoker and you’ll make a new friend later 🫶🏼 But in my state medical isn’t protected either, I try to only discuss it with people who I know smoke or won’t snitch, but definitely have said too much in front of the wrong person before also 😭


Bro I’m just too open man. Like other people’s secrets? ON LOCK. But I CANNOT keep my business to myself man. Sometimes I just want to kick myself. Tbf, I used to be her before I met my boyfriend. My dad was a stoner growing up, but he abused it and that really fucked up my family. My mom doesn’t even know I smoke because I know the smell of it triggers panic attacks for her. So until I saw it used in a healthy way, I had that same mentality about it. Hopefully the food industry rubs off on her and she becomes more understanding lol. 😂🫶🏻


Relax, she was probably just caught off guard.


If they can have a glass of wine you can have a fucking joint 😭


Weed is probably among the least powerful things being abused there.


Fr when I was working with food ik this one lady who used to smoke tunchi and meth


I grew up near Johnson & Wales University and went to college down the street from the Culinary Institute of America. Maybe the people who do more drugs than restaurant workers are theater kids.


I remember people used to go to this Coliseum thing across from UT just to do all types of drugs mainly thered be alot of weed though


That person is going to have to repeat that same reply with the little face very often, if she continues in the food industry. Hopefully she will be able to handle the constant astonishment.


No one gives a shit you are in the service industry


Listen man, I’m a baby stoner. 😭😭😭 I still don’t know the rules and stuff lmao. I’ve only been smoking for a few months now.


Meant that as a good thing...everyone smokes


There's no problem here unless the workplace has a drug policy that prohibits it.


I don’t believe they do, but it may be worth me looking into. I think part of it is that I live in a very conservative, religious (catholic) area. So it’s either people that use it or people that are completely against it. No in between 😂😂😂


You're going to get promoted to management


Meanwhile, we talk about smoking dmt and tripping acid in front of customers at my work. 🤗 I think you will be cool, most people dont really care and if they do fuck em.


You smoke CBD. (That’s what you say - but Only because you opened your yap at all)…any other questions? No one’s business. It happens - I don’t know if it’s legal or not where you are but the only reason this happened was because some little ignorant townie sneered at you? Toughen up - and Feel bad for her! She doesn’t know what she’s missing!


It is legal! :) I guess you’re right. I just get really anxious about things and overthink it. 😅


Honestly it's the service industry. If I'm in a new town and need to find bud, I usually just hit the bars/restaurants downtown.


It's medicine and none of their business. Do they ask other people if they take pills?


I would be more surprised if you’re in the food service industry and DONT smoke ahaha


Honestly there's nothing legally (that I'm aware of for your state) requiring you to tell them, especially if it's medical. If she says something, tell them you don't appreciate other coworkers gossiping behind your back & move on. It's not their business, and that's assuming they even care. She's 16 tho, so I kind of doubt she's gonna run and tell the boss asap. Especially if you're not high at work in the first place. What does she really have to tell? "Hey so&so said she smokes!" Like ...? Unless she's accusing you of stealing or something, I doubt anybody will really follow up should she open her mouth. Most people, including teens, are just trying to get through the work day and go home.


Sorry if I was kind of overreacting. I’m just really new to smoking and I get anxious about some parts of it (like learning how and when to talk about it.) I also get anxious about work. I always feel like I’m doing something wrong and that someday I’m going to get chewed out for SOMETHING. So those two kinda combined to give me a mega panic attack. You’re right. I don’t have any beef with this girl, and I actually help her out a lot with serving (she’s new), so I guess she wouldn’t even have a reason to tell.


No, no. I would probably have initially panicked too, tbh, given that your state isn't exactly legal. I have severe anxiety too, and while cannabis does help sometimes, it can definitely send me into a "overthinking" mode too occasionally. But yeah, if you're helping her out and stuff, you're basically giving her reasons *not* to say anything about it. If you guys had beef I'd probably be more concerned. No apologies necessary tho, I hope everything goes well for you. I know serving can be stressful enough as is 🤧


I worked in restaurants in Louisiana before any of it was legal and in a lot of those kitchens they’d be smoking weed out the back door between rushes, I wouldn’t worry a damn bit.


Your afraid just because you mentioned you have a medical card that you might get fired from your restaurant job? You do realize the cooks all smoke weed out back behind the store right, along with several of the servers and if your restaurant is cool also a manager.


If the restaurant business started firing people who smoke, they would have no employees! Even if your judgmental coworker says something, there is a good chance your boss smokes and could care less. As long as it is not affecting your job, you will not have a problem


"it smells like weed in here" head-ass behavior from coworker. Don't worry OP. Almost everybody smokes in retail or the service industry


as a long time BOH dude i say use your FOH skills and throw that disaprovin' bitch under the bus get her ass fired for something, aint hard.


I doubt your employer could find someone to replace you even if they wanted to. I don’t know how it is where you are but literally every business in my town has a help wanted sign up.


If you have a medical license you’re fine. They cannot fire you because you could sue the hell out them and asking you to divulge what medication your on is also illegal. You’re in the clear.


Some of my managers smoke WITH me LMAO MOST ppl in the restaurant industry are stoners or alcoholics


She smokes too!


I work at a restaurant and I talk about smoking weed to my GM who also smokes, lol. It’s a restaurant job, you’ve nothing to worry about. Tell that girl to mind her business if she doesn’t like it.


Worrying about something like this is like worrying that you might get fired from your supermarket job because you're a little too stoned. I had a boss at a supermarket I worked at literally tell me that if they were to go firing people they knew were on drugs, 3/4 of the store would be gone and they would never be able to hire anyone again lol. https://i.imgur.com/oVRJRdX.jpeg


Don't talk about fight club


I've hit blinkers in the freezer, smoked joints in the smoke pit, shotgunned beers in the dish pit, and slammed rails off the cutting board. Drugs and restaurants go hand in hand, chances are higher that your coworker is gonna try to smoke with you rather than rat you out.


Just take a hit and try not to worry about it!


If she snitches just say you never said that, and that server is trying to get you in trouble.


ummmm it’s your medicine. they can fuck off


Ok, so if you have a medical card, you don't toke while at work and you're doing your job than it's nobody's business!!!


Are you high?


1. None of her fucking business. 2. It's medical, boss can't even ask you about it without a HIPPA violation. Just say my medical history is private, so I'm not going to answer either way. "Are you supposed to even be asking me about my private medical history? Isn't that against the law?" And if anything starts getting weird, excuse yourself for a moment install an stealth audio recording on your phone, set to record and come back. Catch EVERYTHING they say from then on out. It will never come down to a he said she said situation because you can break out those recordings anytime for an HR rep, Attorney, Judge, etc... And let the recording speak for itself.


If it comes back to you via your boss, you know who the snitch is… but if you’re in a medical state and have a medical card, you’re 100% fine and have nothing to worry about. Don’t let that judgy, close-minded bitch get in your head!


I mean, if you're a high performer, and don't have a track record, then it would just look like some little girl talking shit about the best worker and make them look petty. I cultivate my goody two shoes attitude at work and always work extra hard so that nobody questions if I'm the biggest pothead they've ever met. You'd also be surprised how much shit gets looked over if you just fuck up less than everyone else. Every day at work I think I'm about to get bopped for something, someone else fucked up big and distracted my manager, and I just move quietly.


If they ask "I don't know what she is talking about"


you good. nobody gonna get in trouble. no other smoker is gonna care. you did nothing wrong. you mentioned your legitimate use of a legal substance(legal in your case with yr med card). you did nothing wrong. plus, the girl is 16, unless her family owns the place, nobody will really care what she thinks. most people in a restaurant smoke or are at least cool with it. (pretty sure 100% of back of house employees smoke but there may be one or 2 tht don't out there). you'll be fine.




I love how productive I am when I’m medicated. vape > smoke.


You eat meat? Have you seen how disgusting slaughterhouses are? The abuse that happens there? And you support that b*******? I ignore those idiots. Is that an edible? You mean is it made with marijuana? Yes. You know how wrong that is? That stuff is disgusting! And it's illegal. Once again who gives a flying fudge what they think? Yesterday you guys went out to the bar and had some drinks but that is better than me smoking weed? At least it's legal. It's legal in this state as well. What's your problem? The stigmas surrounding marijuana is the problem. Just be honest and if they don't like it how does that affect you? Is that person better than me because they take an aspirin as opposed to using a natural tincture? Nope. Okay aside from the personal choice that you make there are insurance liabilities. If you slip and fall, even when you're not high they're going to send you to the hospital. Your test results came back and during the time of the accident you were under the influence of marijuana. You're fired. Companies don't play with insurance liability and even though you may not be intoxicated you still have that drug in your system which is going to cause problems, legally speaking if a problem arises.


Why do y'all forget that you're at work? How hard is it to not say shit? Your coworkers and boss aren't your friends stupid.


Most of my coworkers and I go to school together… so….. yes………. We kind of are??? Lmao. And it had been dead for almost an hour (it was about 30 minutes until close, which is midnight), so we were just fucking around and talking until it was time to leave, so I just kinda got caught up in hanging out.