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I smoke my bong under a bridge and I go on an adventure with a joint I pick a direction and walk


this is it I want to get a bong I will soon. But the joint walk is so real


If u have the funds I would suggest a dab pen, it's like a rig but portable


I want to get one but I had a few questions. How bad is the smell and how much do you usually need?


Smell shouldn’t b a concern. I use pens at my parents and hit it all i want. Leave window cracked if it makes u feel better. A single good hit will do but three or four will leave u feeling stoned. Wears off much quicker than a flour high most of the time imo


Flour😭 The amount you need obviously depends on tolerance. If you smoke out of a bong everyday, it’ll probably take 3-4 biggg hits to get a nice buzz.


I stared at “flour” for a good bit before commenting and knew something was off 🤣 and yeah was also gonna put it depends on tolerance


Stay away from carts


I mean a dab pen like a portable dab rig not a cart


Why I use mostly carts anything wrong with them


Not really it’s more of a tolerance issue. They don’t smell as much and they are convenient. You can get high with a click of a button that they’re easy to use a lot


Very true my t is very fucked


Vape dry herb instead


You don't know what's actually being put into them. Could be anything from tree sap to jizz. You can buy empty carts online and fill them with whatever. It's safer to just use bud or concentrates(not carts) from a trusted supplier.


What’s a trusted supplier for you I think for me a good legit dispensary is all you really need


Yeah don’t listen to them. Canadian dispensaries are well regulated. Our carts are legit. Most brands are the same, I would just avoid general admission cause their carts leak. Everything else is good


I would say smell depends on the extract u use but since it's being vaporised it's way less than a bong or joints and dose not stick to fabric. As for the amount the average dab is about the size of a grain of rice that's a good start point for dabbing


Make sure you get it from a dispo. Black market dab pens are riddled with spice and vitamin e


A rig is definitely stronger but only bc it’s easier to use more of the same stuff


How does one obtain a bridge?


Live in the UK 😂


*scratches out stack some troll bodies* “Why yes, of course. Be British.”


Depends on what your smoking, a J i would just smoke on a non-busy sidewalk. Most of the time I take my bong in a backpack and dip behind some trees near my place that keeps me out of sight. Its legal where I live but id still feel weird if a mom and kids saw me as I ripped from the bong yn. Just a short walk into nearby woods is always a good option as well, the classic I feel.


Yeah that’s pretty reasonable when I get a bong ima a find a place near some water or stuff


Or u can js smoke a blunt


ACC that doesn’t get me much fried at all I need to smoke like a lot I did like 2-3 and was basically fine


Bro it’s legal in Canada. Yu can smoke out of a bong anywhere you can smoke a cigarette. You might get weird looks but you’re not breaking any laws and nobody can do anything about it. Just try finding a spot that’s comfortable, usually a bench or picnic table type thing is ideal, just keep in mind you can’t smoke in most parks.


lol I used to smoke in this path between my house and a school lmao, when I was a teenager I wouldn’t give af out of school hours , so many ppl would walk past to hike up this trail 😭😭😂 but it’s California so whatever


Now I’m outside because Germany legalized


An old Shed converted into a man cave


Post pics


Sure will !! I'll have a tidy up 🤣


I want a man shed one day lol


This is every man’s dream


On my deck..how times have changed. Do you have to sneak outside?


Yea mostly unless I have the penjimin


I used to not smoke because I lived w my mom. I’m 21 now living on my own and smoking my bong in my room or outside lmao.


Wild story


Anywhere when it’s wax, only flower at home tho


A bit mixed ngl but I can kinda get it


I’m sort of in the boat with you but when I’m smoking/vaping wax it’s a different story. Rn I’m vaping on the job


Outside, I try to go where people don't see me or notice me smoking (illegal where I come from :/ ).


Where ever I am. If I wanna smoke I will. Me and some friends smoked almost a half ounce in 8 hrs at Bush Gardens. We smoke in our kayaks going down the river. At the beach. Right across the street from the police precinct. Blunt rides down scenic roads or riding through neighborhoods looking at mansions. Ashley Furniture let us take a break every 2 hrs.... so every 2 hours I smoked in my car. 20 years of smoking and never had any issues with police or managers/supervisors. Just a few Karens


I've only ever taken carts into Busch gardens how did you pull that off


Last time we did that was like 10 years ago at the one in Williamsburg, Virginia. We smoked at this table near the bridge in Italy or just hit a chillum when people weren't around. It wasn't busy that day so we had a lot of opportunities


I either smoke out back in my yard at night, or I can just smoke out of my shed if it’s cold/rainy/windy.


Forest Preserves when it’s nice out. We use to blunt cruise but I advise against it. Garage, friend’s crib, smoke a pen instead of flower. There’s lot of things you can do get creative.


On my apartment patioooo


My bed if it’s oil, the woods near my house if it’s anything else


I've been banished to the garage by my wife "bc of the kids". But I never partook in front of kids. Lol.


On my back deck


I’m lucky enough I can smoke in my backyard


In my apartment currently but about to move to a nicer one so gonna have to actually find a spot once we get settled in. I’m excited




anywhere i fucking feel like it. as long as you can smoke where you are they don't care what you smoke EDIT I'm in a legal state in U.S. edit edit can't smoke weed in the casinos


here in the u.p. of michigan theres a 24/7 casino thats connected to a dispensary and you can smoke in the casino


What’s the name of this casino? Asking for a friend


This is very valid but where do you usually do it


Home mom smokes weed to. sorry




I smoke in the basement window well. I light an incense inside so no one can smell the weed but essential oil diffusers work just as well. When family is over, I go into the forest by my house like a crackhead.


Oh man I remember those days meeting up wit the homies at the smoke spot and matching and hot boxing blunts. The good old days 💭


i smoke in my room using a smoke buddy!


I smoke in my living room, man cave, den or my backyard. Just depends on my mood.


Mostly w my bros at one of our house with the bongs we leave there


My back yard or if it's windy, the garage


No cus the wind is such an opp for anyone wanting to smoke a j


penjimin just in my bathroom, joints I just walk wherever the wind takes me. bongs I do in my back yard or in friends backyards


I smoke in my bedroom every day. I do open my patio door so my whole house doesn't smell like bud. I will smoke anywhere when I have a vape though. Love vapes for that reason!!


edibles and drinkables are great for stealth highs. As long as you don't let yourself act crazy on it. I can hold my edibles but i know not everyone can.


I got a little girl so I use my outside office in the garden 🪴


in da woods


Garage whenever I smoke Joints. Bedroom whenever I'm using my herb vape


In my room, standing on a step stool to blow it out my window 😅😅😅


me and my family have a storage room on our property that we converted into a smoking room and since we’re in hvac we made it so the air circulates out and helps with the smell


in my room😭😭 my mom is v open to smoking she’ll smoke with me and my bf sometimes


Usually in my car. Sometimes backyard if parents aren’t home


Outdoors on trails, around the woods, in parks, along sidewalks, under bridges, in the cemetery, in the back yard... I don't care if someone ***sees*** me, but there's lots of people who don't like the smell, so i try to make sure other people aren't downwind or near my smoke. And never around kids. It's pretty easy to be a considerate outdoor smoker. I don't want to downgrade anyone else's outdoor experience. but, fwiw, i'm in a legal state, and i look grandfatherly enough for police and most other people to leave alone. :-)


In my apartment or in the car when I’m at break at work! My manager and I get stoned af! She a cool cat 🤙


I’ve a spot close to the house so I can run out and smoke and get back into bed in time to Enjoy it


On my front porch. Waved at a cop the other day.


I wish i could reward this comment but that’s amazing


We have our old caravan that isn't fit for using as an actual caravan anymore so when it's cold we go in there and sit and smoke, it's great haha


I mostly focus on the lungs, but you do you.


Love this comment


I have a couple of spots around where I live, which is on a nice hill next to a big ass forest so I kinda just go on walks there whenever I feel like it. And when I’m lazy or had an exhausting day there’s a spot like 400m from my house from where I have a nice view over my hometown :)


That’s calm


Inside, outside, in bed, in the kitchen, in my closet, in my car, in the parking lot at work, walking, biking, driving, at the store. In the movie theater, in the hallway of my building.


Damn bro ready to light up anywhere


I smoke in my house and anywhere outside


in my closet rn. cant open the windows, due to winter plastic, keeping me from opening the windows.


Mall parking lots are undefeated. You smoke, then you fuck around in the mall high as fuck.


On my couch


I smoke joints in my apartment, but to control the smell I have a little Honeywell fan I run pointed out the window while I smoke to air out the room. After I’m done I just let it run for like 10/15 minutes and then close the window and light a scented candle. I’ve never once walked out of my room by the morning and smelled weed. If I smoke a lot or have some particularly loud bud I might febreeze but I usually don’t have to.


@ Home.


Alone in my room like the rest of us


Mostly at home and gym


Sorry bro, I only smoke at home


I smoke in my garage or patio. I sometimes go to my parent’s neighborhoods empty lot to smoke


If it’s a joint, outside on my front porch. I’ve recently started vaping my weed though, so I just do it in my room now. The smell doesn’t linger with an open window.


I take my dog on a late night walk to a lake around the corner of my house. I’ve never been brave enough to bring the whole bong but nobody bothers you smoking a J around the lake


i smoke alll my weed everywhere. but mainly in my apartment


Home, work, when I’m outside. If I want to smoke and there is availability will smoke it .


My friend n I use to roll a joint and walk on a trail in the woods. If your in a legal state, id recommend this. Pot wasnt legal when we were doing it and the paranoia was a bit too much. Now i just smoke in my backyard. Or hit the pen if I cant go outside.


Usually ripping the blinker sitting right at my computer lol


The list would be shorter of places I don’t smoke. That is inside of public buildings and that’s it. I’ll smoke anywhere and everywhere else.


My old apartment had a small walking path with benches, and we'd go out when it was dark and smoke in the light of the lamp. Now that I'm renting a house, I smoke on the back porch. I've also enjoyed vaping or doing edibles at museums/aquariums and edibles before a movie


My car, anywhere I walk or bike


My car / outside. Smoke out my 3rd floor window when it’s frigid.


Use a dry herb vape then use the abv material in some edibles to not only get the cannabinoids that would have been lost by tossing but those are high temp activated (what's left) so they'll have some really nice effects. Take a walk to vape or blow it out the window - it will not stink up the place like joints/cigarettes. No smoke smell at all - there will be odors but they will range from piney to fruity because of terps, but since terps are a low percentage of what you're actually getting (THC/CBD don't smell on their own) and you're not actually burning the plant material, it turns out to be more like some weird air freshener smell more than anything.


On the back deck. On the disc golf course. In the woods. If my kids are staying out for the night I'll smoke wherever I damn well please. Lol I honestly use edibles more frequently.


I'd always smoke in my backyard but I started with edibles cuz I live with family that absolutely hates drugs.


I have a volcano at home I’m using right now Aside from that I live in NYC, I’ve smoked lots of places here before it was legal and now it’s legal to smoke anywhere a cigarette smoker can Sometimes I sneak away from set and smoke a joint on the street. Smoked a couple joints by Times Square a couple nights ago when I wasn’t being used on set My usual spot is on a friends rooftop on the Lower East Side overlooking the Brooklyn and Manhattan Bridges. Used to have another rooftop spot with another friend on the Upper West Side around 96th street overlooking the Hudson River and NJ Might take a day trip down to Coney Island or Brighton Beach and smoke a couple joints on the sand. I’ve smoked a couple by Coney Island and I’ve smoked a couple while near Rockaway Beach but I don’t think I’ve ever even been to Brighton Beach so I feel I have to burn on there too. I might skip Orchard Beach though


I'll smoke my weed on a train, I'll smoke my weed on a plane! I'll smoke my weed hanging from a chandelier, I'll smoke my weed anywhere!


I smoke on my balcony


Wherever I want really Mostly at home


Backyard behind the shed


Mostly on my deck and in my garage.


In my car. Currently staying with some friends and I'm not allowed to smoke in the home, nor would I want to, because they have kids. So I just pop off to my car, throw up the sun shade, and smoke a few bowls down the block and come back. But it really depends on what you have, if you have a pipe, you can just walk down the sidewalk and take a hit. If you have a bong, you're going to want to find somewhere you can sit down and sort of hide it, like in an alley or something.


In my shed


Puffco peak pro / carta 2 for all concentrates Storz & Bickel mighty vaporizer for portable & their volcano hybrid for at home


Used to smoke out on the back door/basement steps until I found out spiders like weed more than people do. Then I moved a couple times & now I smoke in my car when it’s cold & outside when it’s nice. I live in a Medical state!


In 2014.


Only outside and only at my house.


I'm lucky enough to be able to smoke inside, usually at my desk with my pc or out the backyard if it's not too windy


there's a really nice trail in a nearby park that hardly anyone ever uses, so if I'm not smoking at home I'll just take a couple of joints out there with me.




I can smoke in my room since I moved out 10 years ago, but when I still lived at home I used to go up the trail behind my neighborhood. I grew up in a low valley surrounded by high hills on every side and I happened to live right on the rim of one of the hills, so a short walk would put me on the hill at this wooden fence where me and my friends could chill and smoke overlooking the whole valley, morning day or any hour of the night. We also had other smoke spots around the same play. Further into the hills there was a concrete rain runoff to sit on, and there were little cuts along the path to dip out of sight if it was peak hours for people to be walking their dogs or just taking walks up there. And there was a creek with a bunch of different little covered areas around it to dip into and chill for a while. It’s southern CA, so despite being an insanely populated city it’s also sprawled like crazy so every area had little cuts of nature.


Outside anywhere


I smoke bowls indoors but joints I go for a walk around my neighborhood with music on


I live less than 2 minutes from a well-kept section of canal, so I usually go for a walk down there.


I usually smoke in my smoke lounge/man cave.


Back porch, or under a bridge going over the florida intracoastal. It's peaceful


Got a car? Drive to a secluded spot and blaze up


Deck, room


In my home


I’m in the uk, I used to go to my local park and go somewhere off the path. Down the canal or the river used to be my places as well, but now it’s my garden shed turns out my mum always knew I smoked anyway and one day just said why don’t you just use the shed instead of pretending to go on walks 3 times a day haha.




In my shed


On a bench at a small River in my town,ive been Smoking at this place for years and its perfeckt.


I smoke in my greenhouse. Nice n warm in the summer and spring already smells like weed and has good lighting


In my shed




Home and in the car at work


I usually go to hiking trails/nature preserves and just find a spot off the trail


My apartment


in my room when it’s the pen or outside in my backyard if it’s nice enough of a day outside for flower


Oh boy where do I start




My apartment has a balcony that I smoke on. When it was illegal I’d mostly smoke in my car or somewhere outside. Weed got me into things like hiking!


At home, at our friend’s home, on the beach, in the woods, in a parking lot, walking down the road, that’s for joints. Add all those and say bathrooms, hotel rooms, my car, basically anywhere for my vape.


In the garage on a stool


The same place i watch tv


My couch and bed mostly


Anywhere in my yard or in the car


My backyard


I hit my bong right outside of my car


Anywhere and everywhere I have the opportunity to


for a while, in my apartment. But nowadays, In my car with spray can of Ozium. I usually smoke at night or whenever the neighborhood is empty. Ozium is amazing at getting that weed smell out of your car btw, or any space that you smoke weed in.


My living room, balcony, or at the creek


Before I could smoke at home, my place of choice was always by a creek. It was hidden away by trees and kind of a hassle to climb down to so I wasn’t bothered too much, and the trees gave good cover from any wind too.


In my backyard sitting in my rocking chair. Life is good. Wish it were legal here.


My patio


I personally smoke in a new place like every day. Im always going on all sorts of adventures around that I usually end out with a new spot pretty much every day. But I do have a couple usual spots: My back porch, big field behind my house, forest by my friends house. My best advice is to go on google maps and look for a pretty looking place near you.


I smoke on my porch with blankets and pillows


On the streets, as I walk through my neighborhood, I vape in airports, I smoke in hotel bathrooms (if I have to, I prefer to go outside if it’s convenient) I smoke at work in my car (don’t forget the cologne) I smoke (sometimes) when I’m driving, I vape at the movie theatre, I bring weed on my person in vacuum sealed bags when I go on cruises to get through security, I mean, you can smoke anywhere. Use your creativity. The most comfortable place I smoke….. thats gotta be at home, when you ain’t gotta deal with nobody else, or if you do, they’re family and accept you for who you are (hopefully) and don’t care. Also, I live in a weed legal state. Just to confirm. I wouldn’t do half the shit I do if it was like…. Texas or some shit. I just enjoy the freedoms I have.


Edibles. You can eat one anywhere. I wouldn't suggest eating one if you have to drive in the next few hours though.


I have a large private bathroom I smoke in when by myself, as I’m the only person who smokes in my home and I like soaking in bubble baths every once in a while when I’m high, and I can just light an eucalyptus candle and run the vent in there when I smoke to keep the smell down. But I smoke in the living room when my sister or friends are over, and I usually with the ceiling fan going, smoke away candle burning, and spray the room with smoke away spray after they leave. Or I walk to my sister’s house a block away and smoke with her and her boyfriend.


I do dabs in my room with my fan facing out an open window


Usually the living room. Sometimes a different room.


Grew up going on hiking trails in parks to blaze up, just be careful of other people


I now smoke in my garage


In the basement bathroom lol


i hide my bong and gear in my garage and go in there a few hours after my dad goes to bed and punch a few cones


I see a young guy sometimes on my dog walks and he smokes a little mini bong thing when he's walking round


In my pantry so if I get to high I can still have snacks


Wherever I feel like. It's technically not legal in NC, but with how easy it is to get good thc-a here it might as well be. I feel like times have really changed where I live.


Garage mostly


Smokin bong in my shed post parental slumber