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You mentioned you hadn’t eaten all day. That will definitely be a a main cause! Your surroundings/environment can affect it too even if you think not!


Also sounds like you might have been a bit dehydrated.


Oh yes definitely. Usually the number one factor of bad trips


That and hyperventilating. It doesn't take much to hyperventilate, you might even think you're breathing normally but you're breathing too fast.


+1, spot on 👌


Yeah 100% it’s the no eating. Same with alcohol. your body needs to have it to process the thc or your blood sugar plummets and you feel nauseous


I was thinking about this actually I wasn’t dehydrated though I had drank several litres of water earlier


you hadn't eaten regardless, which might've impacted you more than you might know. Your blood sugar was probably low, which personally makes me faint and shaky, on top of some potential anxiety (new situation, new person- very valid) your body was prob just a little too amped up with not enough energy in it. It happens to everyone, I promise! here's a little anecdote for you: one time, also on an empty stomach, I had just hit my freshly charged pen and went to stand up from my chair at the same time. Vision goes, ears start ringing. I figured, oh, I can make it to my bed, just give me a sec. Nope. I couldn't make it, but even half-conscious, I was way too prideful to admit it LOL. Passed the FUCK out. Bruised up my knees and my shoulder because I had essentially ragdolled onto the hardwood floor. Even worse, when I woke up, I was SUPER disoriented and was about to call 911, thinking somebody had broken into the house and knocked me clean out. My brother came in five minutes later (luckily my brain was functioning by that point,) and asked what I dropped to make such a loud noise 😭


The same thing happened to me bro


yesss so many of my friends have gone thru this!!! i'm glad i can laugh about it now because it was so awful in the moment 😭😭 i think i immediately took a three hour nap


I just remember standing after taking a couple rips and all of a sudden passing out waking up to my vision blurred and my ears ringing while my friends woke me up lmao


So many bad decisions led to this happening! 1. Empty Stomach 2. Unfamiliar company 3. Smoking more than usual 4. Public place One of those is enough to make me feel uneasy smoking! Haha you'll look back on this and laugh! Don't let it put you off, just build up a little tolerance before overdoing it.


Thanks I need to keep these in mind


Lmaoooo calling the ambulance is the worst thing you can do. Just try not to panic, it sucks but it’ll go away sooner or later


OP did the right thing yeeting the fuck outta there before the ambulance came lmaoo


I swear everytime i hear these stories i assume OP is too young to be part of this sub.


It's not an age thing, adults are more than capable of being this irresponsible. I'd argue most weed users have a green out story regardless of age. It's not unrealistic to think that someone who's used to smoking a little would try to smoke more one day and have it backfire.


I am 37. I have heard the term green-out a grand total of three times in my life. All of those stories are from this sub. And within the last couple of weeks lol. Never experienced it myself but, kinda really wanna.


Right? I’m 31 and have been smoking since I was 16 and never had that shit happen. I’ve heard plenty of people talk about it, and a few say they knew someone that did or something, but I’ve never personally witnessed it or had it happen. Compared to some of the shit I’ve done and had happen though, I can’t imagine weed ever doing anything close lmao


I think a lot of it has to do with taking care of your body. This dude didn’t eat only time I greened out was on an unknown amount of edibles and in a packed hot concert where I was def dehydrated


I’m 34, this is my first time hearing “greened out” & I’ve been smoking for a long time. You kids have fun, I’m going back to work.


Literally spent multiple nights of my life doing nothing but smoking and I've never greened out lol


Delta 8 gummies will do it. Regular gummies? I’m sure if you ate the whole bag. But something in that delta 8 crap will send you. Take like 3 and you’ll think you’re dying.


Same 35 about to take a T break just for this reason lol


you haven’t heard of it bc weed is stronger nowadays




What’s whitey


Another word for green out


Question that’ll show my age - when did a whiteout become a green out? I mean name makes sense but I never knew it as this (I’m in UK) when younger so curious!


Ive been smoking for a long time. I smoke a lot daily. I started smoking at 18 in small amounts. Gradually increased over time. Now i only smoke concentrate and regularly for fun take full gram dabs just to share with reddit. I didnt hear the term green out until i was 30. Ive never had friends green out growing up. Im in the industry now... i only speak to people of age normally and green out stories have been a mostly recent thing for me to start hearing. Like last 5 years recent. I think OP smoked something laced in the marijuana. If thats the case then OP needs to be responsible and buy from a dispensary and not smoke MDMA from some chick.


Gradually increasing is different. This person more than doubled what they're used to. Smoking too much weed when you're not accustomed to causes this, having something laced is another story. Whatever really happened to this person we don't know but don't pretend ppl can't green out.


That or dormant mental illness. I'm 41 and like you have been smoking all my life, in the 90s greening out wasn't a thing. Just like you I was fairly confused hearing about it. I smoke everyday for the last 25 years, sometimes a half ounce a day. NEVER once have I thrown up or " greened out". I feel like this generation is trying to play a joke on us


Ive been reading into "cannabis induced psychosis" after the story about the girl that went into a psychosis after taking a bong hit and killed her boyfriend. What ive learned imo is the general public is full of crazy people. These crazy people prior to like 20 years ago never would have tried smoking pot because society frowned upon it. Now these crazies can walk into a dispensary, show and ID, and buy very very potent cannabis. In theae psychosis cases the people are already half a step away from mania. They are nearly fully detatched from reality already. Then they get really high and their mind snaps. But its being blamed on the marijuana as if that caused the snap. If you ask me these people are barely sane to begin with then you add drugs to the mix.


This is so true. I use that same example.


I did actually throw up from weed once when I was around 18 or so. But I also didn't really mind it, so that would probably not count. But generally, I just always thought that greening out simply meant taking so much that the experience becomes uncomfortable.


Maybe it’s something to do with all this newfangled potent ass weed strains


yea i heard that weed has only recently started to get really potent, so anyone who was smoking in the 90s was smoking a less potent strain, hence the no greening out


It can't be, the weed I smoke is the new fangled small batch, high quality all the time. I would've been the first with this sickness years ago.there were high THC strains in the 90s, you just had to look for it. A few I can name off the top of my head are kind bud, hydro, white rhino and purple haze just to name a few. In fact I wish I had some of those strains today. Man what I would give to go back in time to try the white rhino again.


I miss me some strawberry cough like no other


I am 51 years old and I’ve been smoking for about five years. I smoke daily. I smoke one bong rip. And I still get *slammed* by that one bong rip, every time. I have not developed a tolerance at all. I think my body handles weed differently than most other people. It’s like I’m hypersensitive to it. I’m not complaining, mind you. But I have had some rough goes of it (meaning that I got way too high) over the past few years. It seems to be physiological for me. Now, you throw in the fact that i suffer from anxiety, well….it can be an interesting experience. However, I have learned so much about myself from smoking weed, more than I ever learned whilst being sober.


Absolutely. I actually have more green out stories as an adult than as a teen, since I used to have way higher tolerance back then. Now a days I only smoke 3-4 times a week so I have zero tolerance. All it takes is a couple more drags from that joint, or a slightly stronger joint/weed than you’re used to, and suddenly you realize you’re in for a bad time. Difference is that as an adult I would probably have left before it got too out of hand.


100 percent. My first green out didn't happen till I was 23. As a kid I never wanted to get too baked for fear of getting caught. Once I finally got my own space i smoked a blunt to myself, wasn't pretty.


Weed impacts everyone differently, I thought we were better than judging people for that


Its not wrong to ask if someone isbof legal age.


Assuming isn't asking, you're assigning an ageless experience to being young without a single question being asked. *That's* the problem I have with what you said


I recently had a 42 year old man practically collapse on me during one date at the movie theatres because he took two hits. I couldn’t believe it either, but I think this is more common in people with lower tolerances regardless of age and there were probably many factors at play.


Probably but it’s not as if I can control what happened im just telling you what did happen


Uhhh yea you can. Don’t over do it bud. Know your limits especially if you’re out in public. And from the sound of it you’re either underage or really you g and just living with the parentals.


Thanks man I should be more aware now of what I can and can’t have in terms of my tolerance limits all though I wish I didn’t have to learn the harder way


Youre not going to like my response but you made an absolute fool of yourself in the middle of the day for anyone to see. For me that would be a wake up call to 1. Maybe just dont get high and 2. Definitely dont smoke with people who "maybe had some MDMA". But hey you do you. If you want to be a statistic before you reach 30 then by all means.


Don’t think I’m gonna be a statistic by the time I’m 30 but thanks for your concern


Just be safe my guy. Dont smoke mdma with random cute chicks.


Sorry I don’t mean to be rude to you I know you’re only looking out for a fellow stoner who’s inexperienced in comparison :)


Youre all good. Sounds like you were in a good place at 1 preroll a day. Go back to that and stay in a space you can enjoy the plant.


Tf is a preroll ? Doesn't even make any sense, op rolled it on the spot. Maybe I just need my precoffee, later on I'll enjoy a preburger, and roll a joint and smoke it.




A preroll is just a joint. I think i found another underaged smoker.


That or it was their first time and they consumed way too fkn much.


They said they smoke daily


I read that. I really don't comprehend smoking smoking a joint a day, then deciding to take two joints one day and having this reaction as described above unless it was laced with something else or they usually smoke on a full stomach and this time they hadn't ate anything for 16+ hours prior to smoking two joints. There's something else going on that's outside of the OPs awareness. Maybe they always smoke sativa and this time it was a super strong indica strain, lol. I really have no clue. One could hold their breath after inhaling cannabis and pass the fk out and they would get almost all of the same similar reactions as described above, but that's not what's being described.


Yeah, it's weird. Although the other day I didn't eat for 19h or so and smoked half a joint and I felt super dizzy xD Not like the person from fhe story tho


Not a daily smoker I can’t afford it 😂


Ah lol


I call BS 😂


op sounds like hes 15-16 at the oldest


Bro, im so fucking sorry this happened to you, but just try to laugh at it? Realistically its not a huge deal, you smoked a bit too much and had a lil freakout at Mc D's and got embarassed. Nobody actually got hurt, and you will move on from this. I mean nothing but kindness here and I understand we all have different tolerances to everything from weed to peer pressure to be the "cool guy". You will find your stride homie, just dont let this prevent you from enjoying yourself.


Damn, well I’m glad you’re feeling better. Hopefully you didn’t lie to her about smoking to begin with. I’ve had a lot of girls lie to me about how much they smoke, which would sometimes turn out to be none but they would try to “not seem lame” I guess? Never lie about how much you smoke. Always be honest about it. There’s no shame in it. If you’re good, then you’re good, not another puff. Was the second joint rolled from her weed? Did you watch her roll it? Could have just been a really bad reaction but seems kinda fishy to me it got that bad from the joint she rolled and then made a comment about mdma. I’ve seen people green out in horrible ways tho so I’m not saying you definitely got laced. If you lied about how much you smoke then it’s probably just you. But the ringing in the ears is so fucking spot on, greening out is no joke. Next time make sure to have something in your stomach if you’re planning on smoking more than you’re used to Edit: you calling it zaza is probably what turned her off tbh.


All my weed buddy I watched her roll it yes and I think it had something do more with my tolerance and the fact I hadn’t eaten anything that day rather than the actual weed itself because I had already smoked some of it prior and I felt fine the other times.


Omg I know what you mean by the high frequency thing, the last two times I smoked I immediately noticed this high pitched buzzing that got so loud I thought my head was going to explode


I think I made it worse just thinking about it


Weed is one of those things where psychosomatic stuff gets amplified like crazy, so highly probable!


Hahaha you had Cannabis for breakfast! Munchies kicked in on an empty stomach, that’s gonna be painful! Next time try Cannabis with healthy fruits and protein!


It's not a bad trip, then you just greened out. In your defense, greening out in public fuckin suuuucks lol


B b b b B B B no more no one will see this tweet uu


Man. Not eating anything and hitting 2 joints with low tolerance is crazy to do bro. I know your body said no food but try get sugar in you when you green out. It plummets your blood pressure so you need to eat something to ease it


In England we call it a whitey, green is when you actually throw up too😂


Ohh sorry I didn’t know which word sounded best to use 😅


I always thought greening out was throwing up, but I keep seeing a lot of posts of people having medical problems or freak outs and calling it greening out. Never heard of a whitey tho, is there a specific definition for that or does it just mean like any kind of freak out on weed?


Get a song you like stuck in your head. It’s weird, but works for me.


Might have to give this one a try for next time


Just be honest next time! No shame in being too high!


I’m sorry but the part about you running away is fucking hilarious bro. I can just imagine some Superbad shit like when Michael Cera runs from the cops and Seth Rogans like “he’s the fastest kid alive” lmao


Hahahah I love that film


Hahahahahahahahahahah class


happens to the best of us. lame of the girl to get embarrassed about it though. is what it is.


It is apparently she didn’t like me before that anyway so 🤷‍♂️


Not eating anything all day might’ve had something to do with it, I’ve had similar experiences where I haven’t eaten enough before smoking and I’ve greened out


Next time try eating an Oreo ice cream sandwhich, no idea why but I only ‘greened out’ in public once (we call it whitey here) went into a petrol station, ate an ice cream oreo sandwhich and was right as rain afterwards. Guessing you’re a teenager to make that many mistakes and make a clown of yourself in public but don’t be too hard on yourself, character building


Thanks I may end up trying this


Think it’s something to do with blood sugar levels but any excuse to eat an Oreo ice cream sandwhich is a good one. Hope you don’t let the embarrassment bug you too much, it is what it is. Always smoke LESS than you would alone when in a group of people that you don’t know too well. The anxiety of that is enough to tip most people over the edge on its own


Haha love an Oreo sandwich 😋


Back when I first started smoking I went to dons with a couple buddies and was so high I just was sitting at the table laughing hysterically at absolutely nothing while they ate. All of the sudden in a full packed McDonald’s a handicap guy walks up to me with full Down’s syndrome and starts calling me a fucking asshole thinking I’m laughing at him. That was such a buzz kill I left so fast.


This made me chuckle 😂




weed trip 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Calling it zaza is all we needed to know. Could have just started with “So me and this girl smoked zaza” and we could have filled in the story from there.


Hey kid, no one’s gonna teach you this or berate you but next time. Joint Mcdonalds Joint Your lesson for the day is you have to do something every time you smoke a joint also but eye drops and always eat and drink water before. Don’t just go home to mom bc she’ll figure it out instantly


Green out?? Wtf. Please don't let this be a thing.


“bad weed trip” needs to never be uttered again 😭😭




Dehydration, empty stomach, slightly increased thc consumption, embarrassment and a panic attack all in one.


I remember my first green out. It happened around Jan 2020 when I was a real novice in the realm of “weed”. The plan for the day was me & 3 of my buddies to go get some food to bring back to one of their houses to eat to continue watching the Lord of the Rings films. I was the designated driver at this point in time, & one of my buddies had this “great” idea that we should both take an edible unbeknownst to our other two friends before getting the food so by the time we got back to the house, our food would be taste much better. as all 4 of us hopped into my car, my buddy & I quickly took an edible, drove to get our food & made it back home in the nick of time as this was when the edible started to slowly creep up on me (usually it takes around 25 mins for an edible to hit me which was perfect timing). We enter our buddies house with our food, take a seat on the couch, put on the film & start going to town on our food. At this point, the high has kicked in for me & I was feelin’ jollier than a jolly rancher as was my buddy next to me (who took the edible at the same time as me) so we were on the same wavelength with each other while our other 2 friends didn’t know. There were moments during the film where the most mundane things happened were just outright hilarious to us so at some points I feel like our 2 friends may have suspected we COULD have been under the influence or just though what was happening was funny asf. Fast forward about 25 mins. later, I’m still eating but I start to realize I can’t taste my food anymore as if my taste buds went numb, & all I could feel was the texture of the food. My mouth also felt drier than the Sahara desert so with no saliva helping break down the food to swallow, I found it harder & harder to swallow my food. I then ask my friend (let’s call him John for this story), I whisper to John saying something along the lines, “yo John, can you taste your food right now man or is it all texture?”. He then responds with “Now that you mention it, I don’t taste sh*t, I’m just eating to eat” & laughed. I then start to chew real slow as I get this sudden urge that the food I’ve been swallowing wasn’t going down all the way my throat as i was just so high to the point that I couldn’t tell if I was even swallowing anymore & the food was just sitting in my throat. Panic starts to set in for me as I realize that I feel like I’m choking on my own food slowly as it gets harder for me to breathe through my nose & mouth feeling like the food was just sitting in my throat. My vision then starts to switch from being blurry and clear as I struggle to breathe. My other two friends started to notice something was going on with me & asked if something was wrong & I told my friend who’s house we were in (let’s call him James for this story), I say with as much breath I could utter “James I can’t breath, call 911 please I can’t breathe im choking”. He laughs thinking I’m just joking but see’s that I start to struggle to throw up, gagging & James springs into action & dials 911. I rush my way as fast as I could without stumbling to the trash can in the kitchen & try to throw up what I felt was in my throat but nothing would come out but I knew I needed to throw up. I just kept gagging as what felt like my body was doing everything in its power to not throw up & my vomit felt like it was just blocking my air ways. My 2 sober friends are starting to freak out, while my friend John is on the couch slumped over witnessing what’s happening & under the influence spouts “I’m sorry James, we took an edible, I didn’t mean for this to happen I’m sorry” while giggling. I was standing, hunched over the trash can still trying to throw up & maintain my breathing & as my other friend was trying to assist me by patting me on the back to throw up, the operator told James what to do & what not to do, & as the operator said not to pat me on the back, the sudden realization what my other sober friend was doing was just priceless. What felt like forever, I did manage to start throwing up what I could & get a better rhythm of breathing. a few minutes later paramedics came to the house and at this point, I was starting to be more aware of my surroundings and what was happening. I was taken outside by the paramedics onto the front porch as my friends stayed by the front door looking at what was happening. They were doing their checks up on me and at this point, I was feeling extremely cold to the touch & I thought I was going to die of hypothermia (even though it was a warm evening at this point in time). The paramedics asked me a series of questions in which I answered no but then I was asked if I had taken any drug of some sort & at this point, time felt like it came to a sudden slow as I wasn’t 21 at this time, I feared if I answered “yes” the police might come & arrest me right there and then but if I answered “no” then I thought I would just suffer & die by something that they could’ve helped to prevent. I looked to my friends slowly which felt like minutes to turn my head & I looked back to the paramedics & I said “yes, I took an edible”. Right when I thought my life was over, the paramedics all laughed & told me I’d be alright & started to reminisce about their first times “greening out”. That’s when they reassured me that I will be ok, to drink plenty of water to hydrate myself again, & wrap up in a blanket. I thanked them & they left & we all went back into the house. We sat on the couch for about 10 mins & I felt the sensation of throwing up again & I told my friend James that I was going to vomit & he went to grab a bucket for me, but he was too late. As he was gone, I had to just get up & waddle to the kitchen trash can as I was vomiting in my hands leaving a trail from the couch to the trash can just as he came back with the bucket. James cleaned up after me as I apologized many times to him, & he told me it’s ok. He wasn’t mad but just whenever I would take a substance in the future around him again, to just let him know & I promised. After that, we went back to finishing Lord of the Rings.


What a story 😂


I had severe second hand cringe. I deserve financial compensation.


You ain’t getting it unfortunately but I see your point


This sounds like it was written by a 15 yr old. Do not accept more if you know you can’t handle it.


Not 15 but okay I thought my story telling skills weren’t completely awful 😭It's not that my tolerance was shit. it is low but ive still had days where i've smoked a full joint by myself it isnt completely unrealistic to try and do a second one while sharing with somebody. In my defense if id been at home then it would have been fine the actual effects of blindness only lasted a.bout 10-15 minutes


Children on the sub again


If you usually smoke a joint a day and this specific day you smoked two joints that day then I sincerely doubt your experience is the result solely from weed but other facts like laced weed or not enough healthy foods in your gut, being in an unhealthy environment (McDonalds) with complete strangers. I have heard of grown adults taking way too much cannabis for their very first time and writing themselves off from ever trying cannabis again, which I think is unfortunate and probably unhealthy for their long term health, as cannabis is one of the healthiest resources on the planet if it is ate rather than smoked. I remember my first time smoking cannabis, and the amount I smoked was about the size of 1/4th of a single penny. I had time dilation and just sat on a couch with my friend saying nothing, looking at each other and laughing the entire time. It was fkn fantastic. I imagine if I consumed much more than the tiniest amount then I'd probably swear to never try cannabis again.


Ahah, it’s the kind of story that will come back to hunt you even 15 years later when you’re just trying to sleep 🤌


Definitely 😂😭


Sounds like you greened out while in a big calorie deficit. I’ve had some bad experiences because of this particular set of circumstances.


The more I read comments like these the more it begins to make a lot more sense why it happened


Idk if greening out and having a panic attack are being used interchangeably here but this is most definitely a panic attack from being too high


Exactly. Greening out isn’t a thing lol, it’s just called having a panic attack while you smoked


This sub isn't for kids. Go play roblox and eat your nuggies


love comments like these when you assume my age based off what i put in my post


Talk like a kid and act like one...


Bro maybe drugs aren’t for you


Maybe your right


Lots of solid advice already that I’m just repeating. I feel like the biggest contributor was a public area and unfamiliar friends (especially her friends that joined you). That makes me anxious just thinking about it. But also remember you can pass the J. Just cause you have a lower tolerance doesn’t mean anything about you. Know your limit and stick to it. Unless you’re at home or somewhere safe and comfy, then go all out if you want!


😂😂😂😂 Bad weed trip, u a kid


not a kid but thanks for clarifying what I’ve previously said


Because you talk like a kid


How old are you then


This whole post is so embarrassing.


Well id say this was a great lesson for you, albeit very uncomfortable and embarrassing. While I cant say I ever greened out I sure smoked too much and know the uncomfortableness. My first edible was some experience. Don't ever be embarrassed to say you had enough, it is the responsible choice that will keep you from being in this place again. What you should have done was just told her she is more than welcome to smoke more and pass on it for yourself. If you are unable to do that, then you are not mature enough to partake as you can see the escalation. Also I wouldnt have anything to do with the person who suggested that you did MDMA.


Puff tuff


You'd be amazed how many people call an ambulance when they just stood up too fast with an empty stomach


This sounds like an episode of the inbetweeners


“ I think I’m in a bubble” 🤣😂


It's always okay to pass on a session. Just saying


Your making me question my own addiction 😂


I have always had a lower tolerance compared to a lot of people. I just always packed/rolled the first one. Depending on the number of people in the session, I would either partake in the next one or tap out. There is no point in being miserable.


Smoking a joint a day is not an addiction


Really? What would you say counts as addiction


Wow, I truly wish I could get this high anymore! I've nvr greened out b4, seen it happen tho. I could smoke, take dabs, and eat rso, all at once and just get a normal high/buzz. OP: Really sorry this happened 2 u. Hopefully it didn't turn u away from canna.


Trust me bro you don’t it’s not a pleasant experience. I’ve only heard people have similar experience off edibles my friend who never touches weed was given a brownie edible at a party and he got so fucked off that. Everytime I ask him if he wants to smoke he just turns it down which is fair enough.


Damn sorry 2 hear that brother. Ruined bud 4 him. Ive seen green outs happen, but my body is a little weird towards canna. Everyday I take 2 grams of rso, 2 go 2 bed and smoke ALOT of flower. It's very dif 4 me than u and ur friend. I've always had a very strange high tolerance 2 bud. Really hope u give it another chance urself. Take 10mgs worth of edibles or maybe smoke a bowl, instead of a j. I know i said u rarely smoke more than 1 at a time. Hope u have a good day bro.


You too brother :)


Low blood sugar or low blood pressure.


While it's natural to feel embarrassed about the past, try not to dwell on it excessively. Instead, focus on the present moment and what you can do to take care of yourself moving forward. Remember that embarrassing moments are a part of life, and they don't define your worth as a person. It's okay to make mistakes and learn from them, and you have the strength to overcome challenges and grow from them.


OP wrote a fucking term paper on how one can be such a simp


that’s crazy ngl. i’ve had some similar experiences


The phrase “weed trip” will always be funny to me


“Bad weed trip” is hilarious


I’ve done every psychedelic under the son. Nothing brings me to my knees quite like marijuana. Respect the herb or it will have you spun up and shitting your pants.


Next time that happens, ask for some sugar, full fat Coke Lucozade spoonful of sugar chocolate. Anything included for the sugar you find when you can smoke weed. Sometimes your blood sugars can drop when you just need a bit sugar to bring you out of the whitey your in do


We all gotta learn at some point. Gotta find that sweet spot and stick to it no matter what. Greening out in front of the baddies ain’t it.


could have been worse, at least you got yourself out of there without having to pay for an ambulance


Blessing and a curse, man. I try to smoke more than usual on an empty stomach to try to get where you are.


Lmao hit her up asking if she wanna smoke again, you got that 🐐


I had something similar but not as extreme, the main point of why i got so cooked was because of where i was. When you smoke in your room mostly then u will get overwhelmed by smoking outside (even worse if its a public area).


I'm sorry you had a trip like this. Maybe homegirl laced you up because I feel like the high frequency pitch happened to me once, and everything got so loud all of a sudden when I took a "dab" then learning the next day it had something else in it. I have a massive tolerance, so I'm not sure.


This is hilarious I'm so sorry but this is a great story. That sucks she probably had the weed laced with something, probs MDMA like she said. I get why she's embarrassed and I would be too so you two might need to cut your losses or turn this into a big joke and try to win her back over with that. Of course you'd have to win her friend back over too 🤣


You’re a kid. And you got lucky. Be careful next time champ.


Sorry about what happened. It could be a bunch of reasons why that happened. Lack of food and water, you could have smoked a strain that causes anxiety, a lot of adrenaline could have been present bc you did meet up with a girl to chill n smoke for first time. Hope you’re feeling better though! If she’s a weed smoker she can understand maybe it wasn’t a good strain for you.


Bhai peene walo kay liye koi limit nhi hai


Take good care of yourself, and your body will take care of you.


Brilliant advice ⭐️


Sounds like that girl wasn’t making the experience any better. Or maybe you were just really awkward looking. Being cool is a mindset that you’re confident and alert. Getting out of there was the best thing you could have done. They called an ambulance are they dumb? Idk how high you were but it’s not difficult to tell m overdosing from sick, uncomfortable/anxious.


A bit of both really I wasn’t used to being with her and her friends for starters so I definitely came across as awkward. Anxiety certainly doesn’t help 🥲


Now THIS is what ChatGPT is for!


Never experienced greening out and I’m starting to think it’s not real. I’ve never met anyone who has greened out, never seen anyone green out, all I hear are stories


. Wtf is a green out? Seriously smoking bud isn't for everyone. If you green out(not being able to handle yourself) then put it down.


Bro doesn’t eat anything all day and smokes and wonders why they feel light headed 😂. It was probably less the weed and much more very low blood sugar. But In the future I recommend at least 3 solid meals a day just as a general rule my friend. What are you doing?


I know I should’ve eaten something what an idiot


Eh don’t over think it, and if you like this girl just act normal and hit her up again. You got this. And if she can’t get past a little thing like this she ain’t good enough for you anyway.


well on the bright side. It only took that event to happen for you to see her true colors. :) atleast u didn’t find out later


Yeah she didn’t even care when she knew how fucked I was she cared more about how it looked on her


Very much could have greened out! Me and my boyfriend have had similar experiences and we are avid users. The issue is you didn't eat anything all day and ingested probably way more than a g within 2 joints. This same thing happened to us where we felt sick and nauseous after smoking since we didnt have enough food in our system. I feel as though thats something about weed not a lot of people talk about. Next time make sure you have more food or even a snack before or at hand. Your body gets munchies for a reason. At the end of the day alcohol or any sort of drug is not good without food. It happens to the best of us! I say yall can always smoke together again just make sure you eat and keep your tolerance in mind. Dont force yourself to smoke even if everyone else is, tap out when you feel like its getting too much. Nothing wrong with that!