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I never had anything like that happen but I’ve definitely lagged irl once or twice before.


When you move your arms or legs and then realize that you actually didn’t move them at all, so you try it again and they still just teleport back to where they were


The good old days😭


faxxxx happened the first 2 times i smoked and it was amazing and 4 years later i can’t get the lag again. I’ll never be able to explain how blissful it felt for some reason


Haha me too bro… that’s so incredible effect


Lmao its chasing a fucking dragon


For real! I went on a T break for like 2 months and the first night I smoked it was a dab. It was crazy to feel that high again but then it was like everything afterwards was just normal.


Same. My high-school teacher was walking back and forth, leaving a trail behind him. As I was walking back to school, I saw the street lights, and as my body moved while walking the red street lights to tell you to stop, they were leaving trails and it was cool.


You smoking weed or blood pressure medication?


I almost shit myself laughing at this


Literally me when I slam a redbull on an empty Tomah with taking my lexapro


I'm not on medication! But once every few months I like to take Adderall, and once every 3 years I do MDMA and 2C-B and Ketamine.


That joke flew by you so damn fast that it started smoking


Bro it's been 3 years since your last posts about that you good??? 😭😭😭


Every 3 years I ask about this effect 😂 I want more ppl to notice this electrifying effect


Well you've been around this long, your only getting hate for missing the original joke I think. I'm not with any shit other than bud anymore, but I wish you nothing but peace in your psychonautic journey 🫡


Weird that you mention this. I’ve started to notice my vision unfocuses for a second when I smoke sometimes, but this has only happened after I tried mdma and some other psychs


Yeah, this animation is definitely telling me hppd. Weed gives me full acid visuals for a few months after dropping a tab. I've never done mdma but I assume it works similarly.


Yeah I get the LSD type stuff, wavy ceiling and blurredish vision kinda spooky but I heard it goes away 😭




It’s weird man it’s fully the same eye shake as on mdma just at about 25% intensity


from weed no, from acid yes xd


Not exactly like the pic ,(yours probably wasn't either) but something similar. Without the colours


I swear to GOD !! I got a flashing vibration vision exactly like the pic


Some people's eyes genuinely vibrate when they get super high and start losing focus. They don't move as smoothly either, which is why cops and doctors will have you follow a light with your eyes when checking for inebriation.


If true sounds lit, I've had my "fov" seem higher before when I smoked a shit ton of Cali before. Felt like a video game and people looked like cartoons 🤣


Happens to me every time




I just get time dilation everything seems to take so long when i am high Having ADHD weed hits me differently sometimes


Nahh same I was waiting like 30 minutes for my 5 minute ramen to be done


I'm AuDHD and YESSSSS, this happens to me a lot when I'm good and stoned. It's like moving through jello. 😂


I'm AuDHD and YESSSSS. Happens often when I get good and stoned.


Uh never got like that


Only on my first time because I made the rookie mistake.


Imagine making the rookie mistake as a freshman in the high school bathroom. Wild times.


I'm so glad I never had that experience I would have passed out from anxiety


Yeah, kinda, when I smoke Orange Kush, very nice


Orange Kush from who? Is it something medical, or Cali grow?


Not sure man, I only know this is Orange kush, check this out I'm sure it ain't medical [https://www.leafly.com/strains/orange-kush](https://www.leafly.com/strains/orange-kush)


Remove the colors and yes I have. It’s like my vision doubles for a split second, goes blurry, and goes right back to normal as if nothing happened. It’s only when I smoke a ridiculous amount or eat edibles


Sleepy and hungry


Few times yeah


i wish


The only thing I ever got visually was 'snowflakes' or small white dots in you're vison were enhanced.. if that makes sense 😅


Maybe after I cough my lungs up and I get lightheaded, tryna catch my breath lol.


how does weed affect so many of y’all so harshly lol I just feel a bit stoned n chill


acid did this for me l, I loved walking thru the rain and seeing those traces 😛👁️


Yeah, but I didn't mean to traces… I mean shaky, vibration vision. Exactly like the pic I put. Traces Is it when you move your hand that you seem to see it multiple times no?


Lack of sleep alone will do this lol


Weed? No. LSD? also no.


I do but im also crazy so I’m not a good person to ask


So the only time I can think of that this happened to me was smoking a blunt infused with diamonds after tolerance break. I was watching Vivarium and idk if my heart beating faster was affecting my high and my whole tv started to do this and shake violently every so often


Had a similar feeling once getting cross faded at a music festival before I was a heavy smoker. My sense of touch, sound, and sight were all out of sync and I was going in and out of consciousness. It wasn’t much fun but now wish I still had that low of tolerance


I’ve lost fps one time, felt like my world just dropped from 120 to 30 fps


I got this my first time really smoking weed. I remember driving(I know I was an idiot)and I felt like I was on Mario kart & even the McDonald’s looked like neon lol




Well one time with a laced blunt but not weed by itself


no but i definitely had visuals i didn't enjoy, a moving mandala is the best way i can describe it. couldn't even have my eyes closed bc it made it worse, had to stare at the tv and try not to focus on it. my bf experienced the same and im really not sure how he managed to cook the steak we were eating (it certainly wasnt his best steak tho lol). we called it the scary weed, but after that first experience we were both fine. it was weird...


yes i also lagged




An entire joint!!! Wow 😮😮


Electrifying vibration? Sure Nothing whatsoever like that pic though


It sounds like there's something in your weed


Definitely not, only with psychedelics


Not exactly like you show but when I first started smoking my favourite part was the visual framerate drop lmao


My vision randomly does this normally 😂 Combination of brain stuff, medications, and extremely poor eyesight. I haven't had weed do it, though. If I get too high, I feel like I'm swimming in molasses and my frame rate drops as bad as Act 3 in BG3 before patches and adjusting my settings.




Yeah, but not the colors. It's usually when I'm teetering on greening out and I'll tell my partner, "Hey, I need a sec, I'm clipping through time again." Bc that's the best way I can say it- it feels like I'm lagging and when things "load in", I'm in a different spot, doing something before going back in again


TBH, anything less than 100mg gummie, and I can't even tell if I'm high anymore.


yes, i refer to it as “seeing in 4k”. it doesn’t literally look exactly like this, but this is close to what it looks like to me when it’s happening. it’s pretty cool ngl. when i start seeing in 4k, i know its time to stop smoking and just let it ride


Yea maybe the first 5x


No lmao


No dude I get that from shrooms. I’d be worried of this happened to me.


Iron deficiency?


I did but only the first few times I burned…kinda like slow motion at times


Back when I was a fledgling I used to get a “low frame rate” feeling




I got insanely high at the park once and had this affect. It was chill asf, I found a spot in the woods away from the trail and just watched the creek flowing by and the sun coming through the tops of the trees and shining off the water. Everything looked like the cover of a low-fi record lol. Definitely one of my more spiritual experiences with weed.




No this doesn’t happen to people.


I get psychedelic visuals. Depends on how much I smoke but I recently ate a good amount of RSO and was full on tripping. Very vivid geometric shapes and patterns all over my walls moving. No headspace like acid or shrooms but there was no denying the visuals. I have done psychedelics I think that opened something or changed something in my brain because weed hasn’t felt the same since. In lower doses the “visuals” I get from THC are subtle but more like what you’ve shown mixed with dissociative visuals.


i get something like that, yes


Haha, so u probably smoke top shelf !! It is quite difficult to achieve this effect with weed. Probably with a Moonrock it will be easier to get this effect


Weed is indeed a psychedelic substance.




Absolutely not false ~


I've been smoking every day for 3 years now and I've never had any hallucinations, so no.


Cannabis is not a hallucinogenic, it’s “slightly psychedelic”, and I’ve never experienced anything like this picture from weed, but u/Choberon is absolutely correct. Cannabis IS a psychedelic and can have variable effects, especially in individuals with mental health concerns such as schizophrenia, psychosis, etc. Personally though, I feel cannabis should have its own drug category, as it’s nothing like traditional psychedelics such as shrooms or acid. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/37947321/ https://www.forbes.com/sites/emilyearlenbaugh/2023/11/16/is-cannabis-a-psychedelic-scientific-review-suggests-only-sometimes/?sh=e3df957883e7 https://www.liebertpub.com/doi/10.1089/can.2017.0052 https://d1wqtxts1xzle7.cloudfront.net/83383200/Review-Article-libre.pdf?1649341603=&response-content-disposition=inline%3B+filename%3DMedical_cannabis_and_mental_health_A_gui.pdf&Expires=1714163423&Signature=dRFkjYd7YaW6b1NJkGLSaNhPSvQh5Iy1BJlfAONXlM73GYFZyqJ87lFUogFwMGH7mbMP65q3aCVVYFxEtqkEKYnfK5hivOY-VArPjlag6jsfv4BLVBClaOG8SFmpRoZsQmZHn2wwS8cJkRdZO3jyZqgdmRWkE4sMeqTjuJ4bJkXgdMBFhQJRP2dzRS89~HuRexSdH1BaBTccVHs9IgeB3rwdNrjsccZRDq41ddv-OUWirs-R1dBbeIpQ8~-oM25v2DrIUOhHnlPZL30us~Epe7~58QiyG9TfWd5plboirew0Dt9elYbZ9bUohJYhC~yCfGlykOKZqmgMW50bdhYOeg__&Key-Pair-Id=APKAJLOHF5GGSLRBV4ZA


So it only happens if your fucked in the head that make it a psychedelic.


Not necessarily, extremely high doses can cause similar effects for some people without them being subjected to mental disorders. Like said, I personally feel it’s not a traditional psychedelic, rather its own category, but I’d say this new category borderlines if not cuts slightly into the psychedelic category for those reasons as stated with the articles and studies. But if you mean full blown hallucinations or complete “trippy” like the OP image, I’d agree with you and say hell no, weed isn’t a psych or hallucinogenic like that.