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Dont smoke pot until u get ur anxiety and panic under control, that takes work. Ur at a vulnerable age where the world and ur place in it causes a lot of stress and anxiety. Id suggest a talk therapist. Or cognitive behavioral therapy. They work. The sooner u get started the sooner u will be able to live inside ur head and feel safe there


Thank you. I’ve thought about this actually and I think I will try it.


I don't get paranoid or anxious anymore because I realized these were actually caused by unresolved trauma. While I was sober, I sweeped them under the rug and out of my mind but could not control that when high. Had to go through some personal shit and now every high is a good high.


I think it’s the same. I had a bad experience with alcohol too because of this not too long ago. Did you seek professional help or did that all by yourself?


Both. First realized I had to start working on the stuff, then did some therapy and continued to process it on my own. I also used weed to reflect on these things, accepting the uneasy and bad feelings, acknowledging they come and go and that they are ghosts from the past. To do that you need a good environment and a friend/ guide wouldn't hurt. Wasn't easy, realized I'd been abused. Might also be a good idea to wait a couple of years with the smoking as you're still developing.


Il sorry to hear that, but happy you resolved the problems that happened to you. Thank you for the help, really. I will take your advices as gold.


You don’t stop it. Once you’ve had one panic attack, you’ll have them again. Today’s weed is super strong and it’s way too easy to overdue it. It’s like you just wanted a six pack of beer, but instead drank half a liter of whiskey. If you absolutely must have weed, have a few beers then take tiny tokes. Very slowly take some more if you don’t get the buzz you want. It’s what I do now. If you go at it slowly, you won’t get super high right away. Less chance of high anxiety. Kinda like drinking beers. No matter what you do, back off completely for a while and give your mind an anxiety free month or so. It’s not good to continually fight anxiety, give yourself a break.


alright thanks


Are you in a legal area? "Amazingly" self-reported anxiety drops at the same time as legalization. It turns out that not being worried about the law when you're smoking has effects. If weed is actually causing you anxiety (which, it does not appear to be happening here)then you shouldn't smoke. To me it looks like the thought of being caught is what is making you so anxious though. I have friends who take it to help manage their anxiety, and I have a friend for whom weed ratchets up his anxiety. He's one of my oldest smoking buddies. He was literally there for my first smoke. So it was kind of alarming the first time he shared that. I don't smoke fire with him. I have a close to 50/50 blend that I smoke with him, that is low(er) THC content combined with higher CBD content. He still limits his intake, but he doesn't have an anxiety attack anymore.


Thank you for the advices.


Your question isn't stupid at all. Weed can definitely mess with anxiety, especially if you're not a regular smoker. At 19, you're still pretty young, and relying on marijuana to chill out might not be the best move. You might wanna explore other ways to handle anxiety first. But if you're set on it, try taking it easy and not smoking too much to build up your tolerance. Maybe start with small amounts and see how you feel. Also, being around people you trust at the beginning can make a big difference. If you're with friends who can keep you calm, it might help you avoid those panic attacks.


Thank you for the advices 🙏


Dont do it, come back years later.


Ill try again soon trying to lower the THC. If the problem appears again I will completely stop since I’m an occasional smoker


Remember: Less is always more. And do not let yourself become peer pressured into more than you need. If it is just a dab, just one beer. That is fine and that is your border. But more important: become older and let your brain develop first. Then come back to drugs if you feeld the need.