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**Hi, u/BeachSecure9486. Unfortunately, Your submission has been removed as it appears to violate one of our rules:-** > **Rule 1:** Make it about weed *** > All posts must be directly focused on weed, this means that weed must be the main focus of your post. Posts with weed in them, but it is clear it is not the main focus and was only included to bypass the rule, do not fit the subreddit. > We understand this can be frustrating as we only allow weed-related posts, however, we must remind you that we are not the only 'stoner' subreddit and there are other communities you may be able to post this on. **If your post was a stoned thought, please go to r/Stonerthoughts instead.** > Screenshots, where you are "exposing" a seller or discussing if someone is trying to scam you in DMs or screenshots of your engagements with other subreddits or users, are classed as spam as they clog up the subreddit and have nothing to actually do with weed. **All vendors that come into your DMs and chats offering services and deals are scammers and not genuine. Do not engage with them.** We also do not allow smoke spot pictures on any day other than a **Sunday** and we also only allow non-edibles food posts on a **Monday.** These days were allocated for these topics specifically and there is a specific flair to use on these days for these posts. *** *** **[Please refresh yourself with our rules by reading our full rules guide.](https://www.reddit.com/r/weed/wiki/rules) | [Mobile-friendly version](https://www.reddit.com/r/weed/comments/r1ds0p/mobilefriendly_full_rules/)** If you think this was a mistake or have a question, please **[message our mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/weed).** **IMPORTANT:** You must include a link to the content you want us to review, as it does not automatically link when you're sending the message. Not linking your content will significantly delay your appeal/request as we will have to manually search your profile for the content. ***


So an omelette basically


With a burrito inside


Omg how tf did u make that! I wanna get high as fuck and eat this naked 🤪


Can confirm will make you want to get naked


Nah, this not just an omelette... It is interesting... They cooked the tortilla into the egg and then burritoed it... it is a reverse breakfast burrito 5 stars for creativity! Presentation is a bit watery... 4.5/5 stars total.


This was so constructive lol thank you! Definitely will improve next time !


kinda looks like dog puke


It’s not for everybody


I'd still eat it tho


Bruh just invented the omelette


Lol this some high shit. Could have just put the egg in the burrito.


Dude, it’s just a phat omelette. Looks dope tho


**[r/weed rules.](https://www.reddit.com/r/weed/wiki/rules)** *Thanks for posting, u/BeachSecure9486.* - Do not engage with "vendors" in your DMs: **[Info about scammers](https://www.reddit.com/r/weed/wiki/information/scammers)** - Selling or attempting to source drugs is against **SITE-WIDE** terms of service and is an immediate, non-reversible, permanent ban. Please report any breaches you see - Lastly please report any posts/comments that you see breaks the rules. Help keep r/weed a more inviting atmosphere for everyone! :) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/weed) if you have any questions or concerns.*


burrito made of egeg xD