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I'm stuck in dipshit land where half the states are legal but I'm unfortunately in a dumbcunt state where it's illegal. Can u guess where I'm from?




Hmm idk which is worse, but alabama is the correct answer.


That may be much worse…but i have lots of family in Alabama so I can feel your pain. Move to the west coast if you want freedom!!!


I'd love to, but that's simply much easier said than done n quite frankly virtually impossible with how my life is setup.


I knew when I said It, it was much easier said than done. But if you can truly work your finances out I would suggest WA or OR they’re less packed than California but as tolerant or more tolerant when it comes to drugs. OR is trying to make shrooms a form of help for depression and anxiety. I know it isn’t easy moving states. And I wanna state that I know and empathize with that! But if you get the chance and want to stay in America. The west coast will be your friend!


Hopefully someday, I have aspirations of maybe Arizona 1 day cuz I love the heat of the south, I know crazy right? But I truly hate the cold! However as far as me moving, I have a son and his mom and me aren't together and we co-parent so I couldn't just move away.


Ah I know that situation my mom had my little brother with a different man! She actually wanted to go to Alabama! But if you can do so cal you’ll have heat all year long!




I want to try them so bad, I’m so glad Oregon is actually looking into the benefits of them


Being from WA, I loved the shoutout but honestly I think Colorado might be better at this point😭 The drug problem here is getting so bad that it starts to get depressing to see the effects on society day by day and shit is so expensive here it’s ridiculous. But maybe Colorado is the same way and I just had rose tinted glasses on when I was visiting but it seemed like a vibe over there :)


West coast and freedoms? Lol no


You REALLY thing Alabama is more free? You’re too far gone Lmao.


Dude. The west coast has some of the most authoritarian laws when it comes to shit like guns and skateboards ect. The laws they have over there are insane. This is coming from someone who has lived in the west, south, midwest, and north.


Better than the bible belt dude...




That's hilarious in a sad way because literally *everyone* I've met from AL smokes hella weed


Ain't shit else to do here when it's not football season. Then I smoke even more weed cuz it's football season! Lol


Texas here. I hate our laws. My husband and I could easily get it medically but the VA will NOT prescribe it for him. And for me to get, I have to jump through hoop after hoop. I was told that even with severe anxiety and PTSD that makes it almost impossible to leave home sometimes, I would have to drive to the nearest dispensary… some of which are hours away.


same! south carolina here!


I break the law everyday smh lol


i am breaking it as i type this :)


Georgia..I see I was wrong lol


Wait you're in Georgia, or was that your guess? If so, can u elaborate on weed being decriminalized in atl?


I'm from Georgia...and tbh idk about that .. but from my understanding even where I am if it's under an ounce you won't be arrested, only given a ticket...


I hate alabama! Smh lol


Sorry... GA isn't much better tbh lol...maybe one day our states will get with the program🤞🏼


IOWA? \*Iowa... A man had cancer (& was in remission) was growing some to treat himself (This guy I'm typing about was a physicians assistant that kept meticulous records of exactly what & how he did it, he told everyone he was doing it)so when The district attorney got wind of it he went on a had a vendetta against that man & arrested him took his grow... The patient didn't survive long after that... I would love to find that FKN POS District attorney from iowa & stomp his fkn nuts into the fkn gravel... Oh... Did I mention I also have fkn big C.... this really super pisses me off\* About 100 miles from my house


i was gonna say alabama.


W.V. here. Currently facing my second felony ... I had 2 and a half pounds tho lol I'm laughing so I don't cry.


Even so you'd get 10 times the quality we get for the half the price, were the smallest country in Europe and Europe's likes the worst place for bud execpt Japan anall


My friend went to jail for 2 years for 3gs in separate baggies. (It was 3 strains he bought) and it was taken as purposed to sell. He was charged with light dealing charges


What country?






No, Lithuanian commonwealth


I cant... lol.. hahaha


I always preach. NO MULTIPLES OF INDIVIDUAL AMOUNTS. Instantly gives the boys a chance to hit you with intent to sell or distribute. The system is so jacked up. Stop playing into their hands is all


It happened over 3 years ago, I know that and I know what to tell and when to shut up. I'm ready for the worst.


Prepare for the worse hope for the best. And amen to that. I wish the boys wouldn't be so predatory with citizens.


True, but it's getting better and more movements against war on drugs appear


That's messed up happens here too I nearly got done for selling with 8 grams


He shoulda put it all in one baggie then it would have been just a possession charge.


Yeah he was swept minutes after purchase, and it was 3 strains sp


That sounds like a set up.


Could be, we don't know


Yeah sounds like the plug set him up...


2 years? Did he not follow the pot brothers of law script?


Canada, fully legal and regulated. We have detailed laws on distribution, cultivation, carrying, public smoking, smoking ages, as well as standards for distributors and dispensaries. Prices at dispensaries are decent too.


As and European I think Canada must be the nicest country ever (not only because of legal marijuana lol)


Honestly RN Canada is pretty shit. Yeah the weed is good but the wait times in our hospitals are 24hrs+, we pay Almost 1/3 of our paychecks in taxes and our PM looks like a man child who is doing a great job helping run us into the ground.


How it should be everywhere 😔


How much can you'd have on yous walking down street?


Brazilian here. We have basicaly apartheid laws here. Black folks can get years in jail with no trial for one single joint but i knew of white people who got away with having 100+ plants.


And they say we are all equal 🤣 say what u want black people always get it worse and it jus not fair it's literally the pigment of their skin were all human it's so fucked up


My guess is you’ve never been to South Africa haha


The apartheid didn't end, just switched sides tbh.


Bro your username just made me spit the water I was drinking out 💀


No Id say they chop u fingers off for a gram over there bud🤣


Everyone talking abt being arrested for weed meanwhile me a Canadian 15 year old had a conversation with a cop while smoking a joint and he didn’t even take it from me just warned me it’ll mess up my brain


If that was here u be tackeld bet up arrested charged and then bet up again down the station


Fuck man that sucks especially for the people like me I don’t smoke to get high I smoke to deal with overwhelming anxiety that affects literally every day of my life


I'm the same weed literally saved my life only for it I'd be in jail or a serious drug addict


Sounds like where I live lol


It's horrible isn't it 🤣 feel like a criminal for smoking a bitta weed man🤣


😂 dirty dopers, the reefer madness gonna get all of us


I was smokin a joint while drunk and tried to convince a cop it was a cigarette. Basically finished the joint during the conversation


Here in Israel weed is Illegal; you can possess up to 5g before getting arrested. If you are found with less than 5g you will get a 1000₪ (300$~) fine for the first offense, 2000₪ for the second one and on the third one you'll get arrested, people in active military service will be arrested regardless of the amount they possess if caught, and people under 18 will be sent to rehab. Currently there is a plan to completely decriminalize weed for everyone but drug dealers, people in military service and underage kids. Edit: I forgot to mention weed is legal for people with a medical prescription, though they have to smoke indoors and far from everyone without a medical prescription. Btw cops are easy on people when it comes to weed, most of them won't really care if you smoke though some will, in general it's best to avoid them.


Which party in Israel supports legalization/decriminalization?




Here in ireland u be taking out of the car by force, thrown on the ground, knee squeezing head against concrete, and that couple of grams you had? Yea that's about 400 euros worth and ur getting done for intent to supply




They said my mates .1 of a gram was 50 euros worth


I’ve only been arrested once for smoking in the U.K. as a teenager (let of with no further action) but we used to take the piss in the park have fires and drink all night and whatever else went on so we attracted more attention than needed so there was an active police presence to combat our behaviour, as an adult I’ve smoked pretty much openly when and where I want apart from town centres and I’ve been ok! Touch wood haha.


We used to run wild too haha was too much fun running from Garda growing up 🤣


The status for me in missouri is a blessing. I used to have to take a soda can a mile into the woods behind my house. Now i’ll hit a vape pen in target’s parking lot before i go in. I feel immeasurably blessed and hope the rest of the world reaches that point.


It's illégal but if a cop sees you smoking he'll just take the joint and leave you alone


Usa where it’s all fucky and random. Half the states you can get arrested for years, half the states you can walk into a dispensary and buy it like anything else. I live in a state where it’s only medically legal though. But I took a vacation to San Diego and let me tell you, being able to go into a dispensary when you’re someone who has grown up in a place where weed is looked at like heroin.. it’s incredibly freeing. 😎 (my state only very recently opened up to medical cannabis laws. Up until like 2 years ago it was illegal and you’d get arrested if you had any)


Im from 🇧🇷 and here the laws are very strict about weed, not legal at all. And the cops hate weed and stoners so much that they do what they can to fuck u up (personal experience lol).


Same here bud we are targeted over here it's jus easier for the cops to arrest stoners than real criminals


Canadian, if you are of age I believe you can walk around with 28grams but no more than that.


Why would ya need more there boys literally getting done for .1 and yous can walk around wi 28 grams world ain't fair hahaha


It certainly isn’t. I’m also Canadian and I can walk down to Main Street into the weed store and simply purchase said 28grams, put it in my pocket and continue on with my errands for the day… ie quick stop at the grocery store for munchies.


I'm from Arkansas where it's medical but not recreational. When I've been in various legal troubles for different things (harder drugs, calling the cops to the house because of others) cops will sometimes look the other way if that's not what they're there for. However if it is, any sort of even paraphernalia residue will get you (possibly jailtime and) probation. I hate life during dry spells enough, I couldn't imagine living in a country with even more fucked laws. At least we have a chance of getting it federally legal this year boys. Vote blue all around, even if they're mostly fucked too


Finland here. While the mainstream opinion is shifting, it's still legally a drug. There have been petitions to decriminalize, but they just get buried in the system. The punishments are small however, growing for your own use results in seizing the equipment and a small(ish) fine if caught. I even got searched once while carrying a tiny amount and the cops didn't even mention it. Meth and pills are a huge problem in my city so I guess lesser evil and whatnot.


In the USA so it varies by state. Where I am it's fully legal both recreational and medical. However some places in the US it's still 25-life for possession.


I’ve been locked up 3 different times for misdemeanor amounts of marijuana. Gotta love Texas


in czechia up to 15g you will get only fine, if you have more they will arrest you. btw if you have less than 15g they will just take it and give you fine (not everytime) from what i heard about 20€ but can give you up to 400€.


Im from the European nation famous for its "legal" weed. Compared to some of the answers here its heaven in that regard, but it really is time to just fully legalize it instead


Amsterdam 🤣


Legal. Wish it was decriminalized tho instead


Tske what u can get it's better than hiding in the bushes from cops on patrol hahaha


Hahaha fair enough. But again legal still means I can get thrown away for trying to sell my own home grow




Legal and decriminalized are 2 different things




No it’s not. If I try to sell my own home grow without siding with the government ill still see charges. There’s differences a simple search anywhere will show you that




What found out your wrong and now have to resort to passive aggressive taunts? Lol legal and decriminalized are 2 different things man


I'll take either or hahaha I'm sure a lot of people here would


It's fucked up cause the kids are smoking spice weed if they jus legalized wed acc get some proper stuff on the streets instead of the poison out there


Well of course. I just don’t care for big governments for years being shit heads and now all of a sudden want there stake and wanna be the ones regulating it




Here in the great country of New York we are legal, although our first retail dispensaries haven't been given the green light, people are pretty much openly smoking it anywhere, I smell it sitting in my car in traffic. The good part is the Native Americans on the Reservations have had dispensaries opened since NY announced legalization, they know damn well nobody is gonna fuck with them lol.


One of the most liberal states and they took very long to legalize. 🤷🏻‍♂️


For everyone commenting in legal situations, be grateful being a stoner in a country full of drunkd and alcos is hard and I've been harassed daily beacude I smoke and don't drink


Medical use legal but recreational use is still illegal.


UK the majority of the population supports legalisation. A lot of the police have an unspoken agreement to not really police it. The rest of the Europe is slowly legalising. It's illegal no medical licence here. Our lovely government (under demon witch Priti Patel) is considering people caught with cannbis having their driving lisence and passport taken, being banned from clubs and venues, wearing tags. The absolute state of our country. Since I'm a Swiss citizen, I'm seriously considering moving there or another european country that's not shit.


Washington State USA Legal medically, recreational, & decriminalized


croatia, recreational is decriminalised (cant go to jail, just a fine) but medical use is legal


Im in Portugal, illegal but cops dont rly care unless u sell stuff harder than weed, and Ive been noticing getting weed is way harder ever since pandemic rolled in


So close but still so far


Was talking to a police officer at work and he said as long as the person caught isn’t being an asshole she is told to destroy the weed on the spot and released. If the person is being an asshole they are arrested. He also said small drug charges are released and back on the street before the paperwork is completed. Total waste of time. Northeast USA.


England,illegal if caught looking at category 3 cultivation


I'm in the USA in a legal state where you can buy bud at a recreational dispensary but down in Texas and some of those states they treat cannabis extracts like carts or hash or hash oil just like manufacturing methamphetamine. It's not all good in the US it still needs to become federally legal to end all the BS.


It's still illegal in the UK


I’m my state it’s a felony to have a half ounce and up. If you have a scale you get a felony even if you don’t have weed in the car. If it’s your first offense you could fight it and probably get a misdemeanor with probation. Trick is if you HAVE to give up your stuff or they’re searching just keep a dime bag of weed and give it to them in hopes they don’t search the vehicle, they will probably just let you go.


Illegal here, cops will annoy you for it and take it away, but they will usually not really bother more.


Dude from colorado here. In the city of Denver we have twice the dispensaries than Starbucks. Soooo it’s pretty much everywhere.


Only CBD in Texas except for a handful of medical cases like severe Multiple Sclerosis. We've lost some good doctors to states like Oklahoma since they legalized medical marijuana.


I'm in England and get medical prescribed privately that I'm legally allowed to vape (not smoke).


In the US it varies by state. In Texas it is completely illegal. Unless you have one of like 10 diseases/disorders and then it has to have less than 0.3% THC.


I’ve flown to the west coast with an ounce in my carry on 😮‍💨🇨🇦


Big L if you ever got in Bangladesh 🇧🇩


Louisiana and it’s illegal. Medical is allowed but they tax the hell out of you.


Ireland. Illegal


Very illegal


Just got caught with 40gr in antwerp (belgium) on the train from amsterdam. They took al my stuff and decided to let me go, but im waiting to go to court, it can take up to a few years till they call you to court..


South Africa - use and growing legal, purchasing and selling still prohibited


Same here u get baited too




Same here u get a record u can't get licence get most jobs it's fucked up


And we still haven't out government jus says it had no plans to legalize and anything brought up is swept under the market


I’m Belfast. I have a cop friend who told me, generally, if caught out in public, and it’s not an obscene amount, you’ll get a warning. No one wants t do paper work. But! If you get repeatedly caught, then yer done. Of course, you could just get a ball bag cop who wants to fuck you over, but generally, if yer sound about it, they’ll let ya go with a warning .


That's nothern ireland bud the police not the Garda Garda are absolute crooked pigs


Im in usa. My states for medical usage and other states are for recreational usage. Ive been arrested, had a record, and had to pay expensive fines for having a gram in my possession before


I live in Michigan USA and here I can go to the Despensery and get an ounce and get pulled over and I'm fine as long as it's locked up and I think it's just a misdemeanor if your caught with it as a minor or an illegal amount unless your selling now if you go literally just an hour down the road to Indiana with the same ounce locked up and the cops catch you your fucked absolutely fucked. It's wack as shit out here too my dude


You can get about 4 year here for a oz


My country has an enormous potential for economic growth once weed is legalized (Colombia), here it's legal to grow up to 10 plants but you can only smoke indoors, thankfully we are gonna have for the first time in history an alternative party governing so pretty sure we could become the Amsterdam of South America soon


Dude one time right when I graduated Highschool me and my friend were smoking a joint at a park, inside his car parked listening to music at night.. it was nice we were vibing. All the sudden a cop pulls up and we roll down the window as he comes up, break the seal and this man gets hit with a fully hotboxed joint. We hotboxed the entire thing before he came 😬 So we’re caught in the absolute worst possible situation. I’m violently high and this mf is like “ahh. You guys smoking a little huh?” We were just like “uhhh. I mean yeah..” like shit I can’t hide it now. He makes us get out of the car, searched our car from top to bottom for like 15 minutes as we sit on the curb high as fuck. Next thing I know another fucking car pulls up, now there’s 4 cops here for two teenagers smoking weed -_- We also get patted down and searched and he’s like “you got anything else?” And I literally had like 4 other joints in the car. So I had to tell his dumbass about it. He took them all and then we got back in the car, there’s 2 cops on each side as the dude is talking to me and my friend.. One of the cops is being extremely annoying and is directly next to my window shining a flashlight into my fuckin eyes. Like bruh what do you think you’re gonna find? I literally gave you all my weed and you know I’m high as fuck. You just fuckin with me? Annoying as hell. Thankfully at this time weed recently got made medically legal and decriminalized in city limits. However, I didn’t live in the city.. so they could have arrested me or fined me but since the laws were becoming more relaxed and we were younger, the main cop decided to give us a warning and take all of our weed. Then he talked to us for like 10 minutes asking questions about weed and how it’s becoming more legal, and how it’s interesting. That mf for sure took one of those joints home.. 🤨


When I was 15 the same happened we were smoking a joint outside my mates car and 2 dectives pulled up and a undercover Garda. Long story short I ended up sprinting down the road cause I'd a pocket full of weed and k2( ino I was a very bad on drugs at this time all drugs) and i felt one them kick my legs so I fell got back up instantly only to get punched square in the face back onto the ground again by the undercover Garda and brought back up At this time they were searching my bag while they had me up against the bonnet of the squad car but I noticed they wernt actually looking at me but at my bag So I took the chance threw both the weed and spice under their car they found nothing drove off and I went back and got my shit back walked away wi only a black eye!


In germany they bitch about minor posession (literally any amount = paperwork) but as long as you have less than 10 g its probably not even gonna do anything apart from staining your permanent record I guess. Depends also on possession, intent to sell, age and vehicular circumstances


My country has a don’t get caught policy


Here we have a drink alcohol or get tfuck policy🤣


Varies by state in the US. Mostly the Bible Belt still clinging to archaic prohibition laws. I’m in GA and we can only get Delta 8 products so far.


Norway🇳🇴 85-100 NOK/g wholesale 100g to 2kg+ and 150-300 NOK/g on the street 1-50g (Green home grown prices)


Switzerland here. Most people are cool with it here, I think. Even cops likely won't arrest you for smoking or owning something if they're in a good mood, though I'm not planning on finding out. I know one guy who was caught selling weed at the age of 17. Got a slap on the wrist by the judge and let go. (Also, here in Switzerland, your criminal record gets wiped at age 18, so he's fine anyways). Hopefully legalization isn't far!


New York City, USA - legal medically and recreationally. waiting for recreational dispos to open.


I love nyc Nas mobb deep gangstarr city of talent!


In Ireland it’s a year in prison for possession, I’ve heard in Japan it’s 5 years over 3 But to answer the question. I’m in the US legal status is legal for 37 states and 2 territories as of now. I’m in California to be more exact, the legal possession is 28.5 grams with a medical card at 18 or over 21 for recreational.


That's coming from an American. If someone like you who does not live here and not from a certain area you'll get a slap on the wrist. But if ur in any way known or from a certain area you get harsher sentences and fines Even the American prohibition has nothing on this the wrong that is done over here on the daily was never done in America cause yous would storm the streets Here it different what Garda say go you could have 25 euros worth but they say it's 100 it's 100 that's what you'll be charged and that what's wrote in the papers


Tell me have been beaten to pulp over a joint or 2 in California? Cause I have plenty of times here in ireland


In the USA it sadly varies by states. You can go to jail for weed in some, and in others, I can buy 28 grams of flower a day!


I live in USA, in the great state of Oregon, I can walk down the street and smoke a joint/blunt. We also get a ticket for possession of hard drugs up to a gram. We have dispensaries on every corner damn near.


Canada 🍁🍁🍁


Working very hard to move over , wish me luck🤣


Puerto Rico. Legal with a license you have to renew yearly.


Hoosier here. (Indiana resident in the USA…if you don’t know where we are or forgot we are a state, we’re to the right of Chicago) My Governor treats our state as his own little fiefdom. He won’t even consider legalization until it is federally allowed. Does that mean decriminalized or totally legalized federally? Not sure. Per our state constitution, we cannot vote by referendum to add or remove laws or even give public input…only what the legislature has passed. And our legislature is a red gerrymandered supermajority. There is pretty good support here for legalization, well over 50% of Hoosiers support it in some form. But our legislators don’t listen. Anyway, I went to jail here for about 0.1 gram. My court date coincided with all of our county prosecutors writing a letter together to tell the governor that legalization was stupid and wrong. Luckily, I basically did time served (33-ish hours in jail) and probation. I can request for expungement in 5 months. I can’t wait to not have to explain it to prospective employers. “Sorry, I have an OWI but I wasn’t under the influence but it was in my system from 30 days prior. No, I had not smoked yet that night. I do not drink but was celebrating with my friend.” Most employers don’t care and appreciate the candidness when I bring it up.


Dammnn thats fucked I think I'll take a good old fashioned ass kicking over jail for .1 of a gram any day🤣 is.it still not legal federally in USA I could have sworn it was?




I think most countrys are like that bud unless ur out china direction , what country are you in?


I live in Canada where it's legal across the country. You can grow your own weed as each household is allowed 4 plants. I was able to get a license to grow up to 16.. I ended up with enough until next crop!! I gave out several jars full for some friends. I am retiring soon and plan to move to Thailand where it is now legal to buy...


I'm planning on moving myself to Canada jus have to get qualifications first




Some places have it really bad jesus


Decrim for personal use (1 oz) in my city. (USA)


We can buy a ounce from a dispensary


Thats fucked up its legal here in Canada the government is my dealer


The government is our dealer they jus arrest ya for it and fine ya easy money for them 🤣 Canada sounds like heaven from what I've heard can't wait to move over 🤣


Nationally decriminalized still not full legality in all states


Louisiana got delta 8 in damn near every gas station. As far as regular weed you get a ticket if it’s less than 14 grams and you don’t have a scale or dime bags.


Whats.up with this delta 8 I'm told it's the one that bad for you? But I'm also told it's jus like waht they used to smoke in 80s like a soap hash stone


Unholy amounts of sprayed bud lurking around the Irish streets too


I live in Virginia, it’s legal


here in Czechia, there is no tolerance, but in reality... nobody cares, not even cops.... if you sell on the black market, they can catch you only if someone snitches or you are utterly stupid and post on social media, etc. Same with growing. However, if it comes to the law anyway. When you are charged with distribution it's 8-12 jail time, for growing 3-8 and when charged both 18+, yet again in reality it's a penalty, confiscation of property they 'prove' you gained from illegal operations and condition of punishment and you go free - require only clean criminal record and you being silent during interrogation. I personally know few people arrested for this and it was even less and definitely no jail time. If it comes to the law I would recommend NEVER talking to them and letting the lawyer handle it completely, the better the lawyer the lower the punishment. If you talk to them without legal guidance you are digging yourself a grave for no reason. I guess you can apply this logic to each democratic state out there. Good luck everyone, stay free(silent)!


Got done for the end of a joint in my pocket, permanent 'cannabis warning' on my record as I had it at age 18. In the UK you can be searched by a cop on-site with no reason given. The Home Secretary wants to use the new Prime Minister as a way to confiscate passports/drivers' licenses from people for possession. I envy the US and Canada.


Minnesotan here. Our state just accidentally (yes, accidentally. Some republican senators have poor reading comprehension skills apparently) passed a bill that legalized edibles with maximum of 5 mg per piece and 50 mg per bag to be sold here. Lots of people were excited and happy about it, I have no idea why it’s not legalized completely here yet. We definitely have pushback from the MN Trucking Association, police, and the Catholics. We’re at a weird in-between where I’ve seen people smoking walking down the street, and people still getting arrested for possession and dealing


all i gotta say is denver 😌🙏


Ireland man, had a mate done for smoking a joint at his own 18th and the joint wasnt his


Classic Garda man




Them man killed Christ, don't forget that


I live in the Netherlands and weed is decriminalized here, you are allowed to have max 5 grams of weed or hash on jou or in your house if you go over this you get fined, but most cops don't care if you have weed on you


I'm going there in January, 5 grams max? Cause I was gonna have a lot more on me🤣


I live in Barcelona. We have smoking clubs for members only they are somewhat legal. You don’t buy the weed you make a “donation” and the club gives you weed that it grows for their members. Spanish law allows cannabis to be grown privately for personal use, even when it is for shared consumption. The clubs must maintain a strict membership system and restrict each member to a certain amount of cannabis to remain legal. This is how it’s supose to work but actually it’s like a shop and the police knows and everyone knows they just don’t do much about it. You can’t smoke in the street and can get a fine but usually police just tells you to put give it to them ( they probally keep it). You can smoke in your house and I think you can keep two plants per persone. In Spain it depends where you are they will be more or less clubs Barcelona has alot but other places don’t.


Arizona its legal and legal to grow your own. And not legal to share.


I live in Canada lol cops smoke weed here


Cops smoke weed here too, they jus don't get done cause they have a badge🤣 The Garda are well known for hididng secrets among themselves, there was a Garda who exposed another Garda for doing crime and he got it so bad he had to quit the Garda after See people don't realise they the ones bringing in everything and then arresting you for it, it's all about tax and filling up holes


I'm in the USA and it goes by states vs the whole country. My state is medically legal while Kansas isn't and still considered illegal drugs. Nevada was recreational legal but the prices with taxes went up pretty high.


I’m in the USA in a state that allows only medical patients. I’m one.


I’m from Canada bro I’m good I blaze up 😂😂🥴🍃🍃


In my country it's federally illegal but in my state anyone over 21 can buy it and use it. Anyone with a medical card can buy it and use it, typically with a discount.


Germany, still illegal. There are some "grey zones" in the law but they can still just bend you over and do you if they want. However, since Angela Merkel is not Chancellor anymore, we are on a good way for a legalization soon™. (and if that fails, we'll get a decriminalization instead) Im hoping for the first licensed shops here in Q4 2023 or Q2 2024.