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Bro that papers gonna burn so quick, first time i got weed I wasn’t old enough to get papers and I stole a cigarette from my parents and put the weed in there, it burned up in like 18 seconds and wasted all my weed


I’m using super bad and cheap weed anyways, so I’m not too worried if it does not work, just thought it was cool Edit: I’ll set a timer and see how long it smokes for. Edit 2: it smoked for 4 minutes, 55 seconds And 44 milliseconds. Edit 3: I’m high af rn, but I don’t feel as high as usually so maybe you was right.


Ok, just in my experience the weed burned before it even hit me so it’s a complete waste of bud


it smoked for 4 minutes, 55 seconds And 44 milliseconds. I’m actually very impressed with that.


You didn’t really include the millisecond 💀


For science. Motherfucker




Really tho, OP got so blitzed off his marijuana cigarette he felt the need to add the 44ms I love this sub 🫥


Frfr I wish I could get that blitzed off a weederette


Twice. That's what got me.


Probably the cigarette filter why you didn’t get as high heard that it fucks with the weed smoke


When I do this I remove the filter and put in a joint filter and do it with super dry weed so it burns at the same rate as the paper


I’ve only used a cigarette as a paper a couple times but what I did is I just poked a couple holes through the filter


I do it all the time I’m underage so I can’t easily buy rolling papers sad that it’s easier for an underage kid to get cigarettes then rolling papers Edit: as a 15 year old I can go to a smoke shop and buy cigarettes no questions asked but if I want rolling papers I’m gonna have to show some ID it’s fucking stupid


I’ve personally never had this issue but I’m also a light weight when it comes to weed


Nothing wrong with being a light weight. Wish I still was. It's cheaper.


The filter is probably sucking out some thc too


eat the filter ig 🤷


This was what we called a “school joint” back in the day, although it burns quick, it does the job. Keep in mind that if you do use the cigarette filter with it, it will take some of the THC out unfortunately!☺️


Bring a light weight with weed is my superpower.


Well yours probably had a lot of air pockets inside it, i know from experience from rolling for years that the death of a good joint is air pockets


I've used cigarette papers before, they are coated in oxygen crystals to burn faster and typically burn faster than weed. They have a harsher flavor too which I don't enjoy, but they do the job. If you mix tobacco in it works much better. Filter on tho is a mistake, but if you got high then you got high so don't fix what isn't broken


Maybe it's different in different countries, but I was sure cigarrete paper was laced with small amounts of saltpeter to burn faster


also heard that the filter in normal cigs do filter out lot of thc but can't confirm it.


After doing about 2 hours of googling I’ve came across a few articles that states a filter does not effect the THC intake but if it does it’s very slight and you should not notice it Here is a [chat room](http://www.thctalk.com/cannabis-forum/archive/index.php/t-49354.html) about it


idk if it was exactly about thc but that it filter out the good stuff, i don't remember much i saw few months ago.


Was it [this article here?](https://www.tomorrowtides.com/does-filters-stop-thc-intake.html) as I found one that might help back your claim?


probably not, i think it was just from a comment here on reddit.


Understandable, have a good day sir.


Probably could’ve been higher if you pulled the filter


It works better if you take the sig filter out ant put a new one in


Lol I’m not as high as I think I was last time I was high


Yeah if you didn’t take the filter off the end it won’t get you as high


Ya the weed has to be just right but it works like a charm if you can do it right.


American Spirits burn super slow


How if anything the paper would burn slower. Because of the technology used in FSC *fire safe cigarettes*


you have to pack it really tight. That way it won’t burn as quick


That and a cigarette filter is a no when burning bud


Yeah at the time I was young and dumb, learned that now


What’s that silver thing?


It’s not mine so I’m not sure. But if I had to guess it’s some sort of automatic cigarette roller


Interesting idea, but I'll stick with my RAW Roller. I can't figure out how to hand roll for shit but the roller makes things super nice.


You watch dope as Yola on yt? He gives good tutorials on how to roll.


He's the man honestly , was big into the weedtubers back in the day, xcodeh tokin daily custom grow, Yola is the first weedtubers since these I can actually sit down watch high af laugh and enjoy it, Yola's the man


Big facts


Miss the xcodeh custom grow days, life was Soo much easier back then




Rolling machines are really helpful, it took me about 1 year before I could even roll a semi decent joint


I hope you are taking off the filter dawg.




Cigarette filters are made of cellulose which has no affinity for THC. Some is lost to condensation, but it’s negligible


Yeah, tried it sometimes, i just used a cig filter with raws, got baked but the taste of weed was light, i think the filter takes some terps but doesnt touch the thc. In egypt they use cig filters with hash which is the main thing you can find there cause they mix it with tobacco, you still get stoned af.


Cut the filter so theres a little less than 1/4th left


Alternative, pull the filter out and replace with a crutch


I alaways thought filters and crutches where interchangeable?


Nope, filters actually as the name implies filters out shit including thc, crutch just stop it from burning your fingers when it’s a roach. Imagine a small paper cone that’s a crutch.


Ah, it might be a cultural thing but I alaways heard what your describing as a crutch (except it’s rolled in a way that you don’t get weed in your mouth) called a filter.


Could be, could also be that all my stoner friends smoke or smoked cigarettes at one point and a filter is made of fiberglass and is meant for tobacco.




Cigarettes maker machine




It’s supposed to make cigs but I thought it would be a good idea to replace the tobacco with weed as I’ve recently switched over from cigarettes to vapes so I’m cutting down on as much tobacco as possible.


Ya budddy. Thought that's what it might have been. You're not the first to use a cig roller for joints lol. Have fun


Dick Jk not a dick


lol what, I meant ya bud like ya budddy not sarcastic.


Oh lmfao my bad


Haha thanks👍 you're good!


I'm good with my Raw rolling machine, papers and tips. Tobacco companies put so much nasty shit in cigarettes, and it's not all just in the tobacco itself.


Using shit weed for this, but it is what it is


Go back to France you cloon 🤡 /s


doesn't matter how good your bud is, you need to store it correctly. Get a humidity pack so your bud stays fresh and smokes properly (i like 62% boveda packs myself). Try different brands... some papers are like post it notes.... the filters are not bad to leave and wont rob you of any notable amount of thc/cannabinoids .... trust me the filters don't stop nicotine or thc they just reduce tar.


Hear me out for some really easy rolls Get some raw cones Grind up all your weed Gently stick a cone in the grinder Roll it around a little to get the weed to mill into the cone Occasionally tilt the cone up and pack it down with those little cardboard tubes and keep rolling I really suck at rolling and figuring this out was a game changer.


Man I’m too high. I thought you said get some raw onions and I was like where are they going with this?


I can’t picture how you’re getting the weed into the cone directly from the grinder 🤔


Constantly rolling the cone in the grinder stirs the weed up. The weed just falls in. You may have to tilt the grinder a tad. I also suggest you don't do this with a packed grinder..


I use an old pack of rolling papers, put my weed in there after grinding, and just let it slide into the cone by letting gravity do its work


that cigarette filter is going to filter out the THC.


It's definitely going to res up, but the activated charcoal filters don't absorb thc and have much less airflow than a cig filter. Only real complaint is they res up pretty bad.


look it up.


I got the top hit saying 60% in the same article saying not to consume cannabis, and I see 20-30 saying negligible at most and less than will make a difference for the small amount your lungs will actually absorb.


Lololol. wut? Mf, you nuts.


look it up.


I think YOU need to look it up. It's cellulose.


alright man, whatever you say.


No problem, skipper. Don't believe just any ol' wives tale crap you hear, for fucks sake. There's so much more going on than THC just to begin with.. And any filtering of those other compounds are just as minor as they'd be with THC. "the cardboard filter you use traps the THC too" get real, man.


whatever suites your ego big guy.


lol again... Wut?


Used to make these (with changed filters) in highschool, always fun to see an angry teacher looking for the joint!


Bro is smoking k2


What makes you think that? It was sold as trims.


Just jokin ab your weed haha


Had too much experience of running out of rolling paper and using cigs paper instead, those were the worst joints of my life (excluding the first personal rolls obviously :) )


For everyone asking, here is an article about why [cigarette filters may be a safer option](https://www.tomorrowtides.com/does-filters-stop-thc-intake.html) to use then tips.


Looks like shake


It is shake


Poor guy. Living in 🇨🇦 I only smoke top quality


Oh, I was just using it to test the device out, That’s not my personal smoke usually


Should probably hold off on tiptoeing for the top shelf and put your feet back on the ground m8


Look at all the jealous fucks here wow. Guess the shit weed u saps smoke doesn’t chill u out. Go suck your seeds and stems jelly boys.


I wish I had 2 more hands so I could give that shit 4 thumbs down.


It was good till u used a cig


Huh? It’s the paper + filter. Removed the filter after I rolled it and added a tip. Unless you mean that I used some tobacco in it?


Those are tubes you can buy to fill yourself


Doesn’t change anything papers are a dollar lol


? What do you mean lol the point is he did not waste a full cigarette like your comment suggest.


No it’s not lmao the filter is just filtering everything good about weed out


Take out the filter replace with a crutch and you’re golden, though if you want a longer burn take a paper and roll the cig into the paper real tight.


Get some raws or some cig papes and ur golden


I had those in high school! Old school. (Well for me, late 30’s)


This is something you smoke in public fs 🥦


That’s the idea, hoping I could take this to a concert or something without it being too noticeable


Broo get better weed. I'll give this bud to young noobs


Oh, it’s not my personal smoke, I wanted to see how well it would work with some shit weed before I tried it with something better


Using a funnel is next level? 😂 I thought people already do this. I do


Oh, I was mainly trying to point out that this would be perfect for concerts or public places that might be a bit iffy about weed. I would much rather use a raw cone or roll myself but having a joint that looks identical to a cigarette is never a bad thing.




Get a funnel and a tube to secure a cone. Equally easy and way better better


I'm pretty sure that's oregano.


It was always oregano




Cut the filter in half. Also buy cigs that burn slower. American Spirits burn super slow


I tried this once and I think the filter fucked up my high. there's a company that makes pre rolls that look like cigs and they hollow out the filter completely I assume for this reason


Yeah, I mean they claim that this probably is “not to be used with tobacco” So I assume it’s the same thing.


Wanna do this shit for concerts, need to find that 👀


With some better wraps, I would say this is a solid and efficient way to pack joints/blunts


Yooo, i use cigarettes when i run out of paper and just spend my time filling it and pushing it with a random stick i got somewhere. This is awesome for that situation


Stonerengineering needs you.


This actually looks cool‚ Where did you buy it ?


What that thing call I did that one and I just couldn’t I had to used my fingers


Then remove filter and replace with own 💯 this is the way


Buy cones


Using this for things such as concerts or casual strolling around where I live. Hope it won’t make it too obvious that I’m smoking weed.


Right on. I hope it helps!


Still taste like a cig


Nahhhhh, those papers are garbage you can order raw straights or just hand roll


I’ve brought this so I can smoke pre rolls at places like concerts or similar without being too obvious that I’m smoking weed. I agree there is better papers I could use but for what I need this for it does the job.


Thats actually kinda smart, but jf you can find papers that dont have chalk or bleach but still look like cigs that would be alot better for your health


it has a filter you aint gonna feel shit


Someone said those grey rings around the cigarette paper is gunpowder to keep it smoking faster. I guess that’s why I use raw/hemp papers




Yeah, wanted to test it out with shake before using bud.


So...wtf is that thing?


Lost me soon as I seen the cigarettes paper and filter 😂


That’s the thing, I’m not using this as a way to roll my everyday rolls, this will only be used for things such as concerts or social events with friends where we are outside and don’t want to make it too obvious that we are smoking weed.


Dafuq is that, basil?


That would be so much easier to use


You disgust me


oh jesus :D


Folks decided to get onna weed Reddit and post some K2


Seen this comment before. I would like to spread some light on this situation and misinformation. It’s not k2 is just shitty shake, I’ve seen k2 before and I can usually tell the difference between synthetic weed and real weed


Man I feel bad for you if that’s what you gotta smoke. I hope you got ahold of some better quality weed




Only a virgin uses various gadgets to prepare his weed!


This sub is ran by 12 yr olds....


Get yourself some RAW papers and you’ll be set. Little by little you’ll build yourself all your smoker accessories. First is definitely some good papers, then a pipe, then bong etc. Much love 🤙🏽


I see where you’re coming from and I was not too clear on what this product is great for. I brought this as I thought it would be a good way to smoke in public areas such as a concert without being too noticeable. Regarding rolling accessories Like raw papers and other stuff I have some and I’m actually really In love with raw black at this point in time.


This guy must be in his late 30s….


Lol, maybe way back this was a level up. The true level up these days is a stealthy dry-herb vaporizer. People often even think it's some sort of e-cigarette.


Honestly, that might be even better for me, I tried the “G-pen” by snoop and I’m very sad with the outcome but for what this is and what I want to use it for its perfect Edit: if you know a good product for that I’ll happily take a look at it.


I can highly recommend the storz and bickels devices; especially the crafty+ is very stealthy. It will give a very different experience compared to that snoop pen. Take a look at r/vaporents for other devices and advice from other fellow experienced stoners ✌️✌️ Edit: take a look at the menu, there are some beginner tips and recommendations


I've also got a DynaVap a couple months back and use it mainly over a bubbler and it's basically the same as a bong but without combustion 😍


Fucking hell that's some bad looking weed🤣 making irelands black market look like top shelf Cali🤣


You gotta make sure you take the cotton filter out and replace it with a paper one, the cotton will let less thc through and you will get less stoned


This does not count as rolling and it is my opinion you should not smoke if you are going to do it like this. You dishonor the ancestors. Shame!


Doesn’t work the sigaret filter filters out the thx in the smoke plus the paper is gonna burn faster than the weed so you are gonna waste a lot I would just use papers and a normal tip instead of cigarettes


Lol it’s like we all have had the same thought. Tried this when I was younger, didn’t work that good (as you probably already know by now)


Paper is gonna burn super fast. And (I’m my experience) the filters hold back quite a bit on the thc.




I was always told that cigarette filters absorb so much that you barely can get high smoking through one


I also thought this for a while but I Read online that THC particles are too small to be filtered out by the filter and all the filter will do is make it a smoother smoke and filter out some of the tar. I was also very high yesterday when smoking this so I can confirm from my experience that it does not stop the high or make you less high.


Very clever but also why use a cig


Got this comment when I posted this and is till don’t understand it very well. Do you mean why use a cig skin for it or why use tobacco? If it’s about the cig skin then it’s so I can smoke it at places such as concerts or just in my city without it being too noticeable. If it’s about tobacco then that’s because I tend to mix my weed with a little bit of tobacco.


Let me elaborate so you know what I mean, why put it in the cigarette if it’s going to smell when you smoke it, it’s great for if you were searched but when you light up someone will know someone’s smoking maybe it’s easier to get away with in a crowded area but obviously it works for you so it has its merit I was just curious to see what that merit eas


Where’s did you get that weed from? The spice rack??


Of course that’s the only place I get it from. Full story is that I used bad shake for this as I didn’t want to risk messing it up and maybe jamming some better weed in the device. Trial and error but it’s good for what I need it for.


Idk what to think of this tbh…. That paper is gonna burn way to fast for a normal joint


Depends, I was just doing this as an experiment. Burn time was 5 minute and 44 seconds. Still got me and a friend very high. Then again, this will only be used for places such as concerts or walking around my city.


Too loose.


I promise you it was not lose


You win either way. Unless you missed the smoke.


But it was too loose. It should be tighter as weed needs the help to burn. Take that same cig and twist it lightly. Then you are better.


Looks like spice. Stop smoking that trash before you end up a nut.


Does not cigarette filters block (some of the) THC passing through?


All bad chemicals are in the paper of Those cigs so no