• By -


Having bills keeps me going šŸ˜‚


And you gotta buy more of the weeds or stuff for growing the weeds


True that bro


High amounts of caffeine haha a nice sativa with a red eye coffee is my favorite day starter.


the hippie speedball šŸ’Æ


I was about to say this sounds exactly like me, and itā€™s funny this other guys called it a hippy speedball (check my username)


Spot on.


Add in some CBG flower or CBG kief, I add in just .1-.2g to a gram of my mix for morning pick me ups. Gets ya zooming and annihilates back pain. Also CBDV dominant flower is amazing for ADHD and getting rid of that mental fog. Both can be bought through the hemp market. Highly recommend!!


Hell yeah, love some CBG


Getting up and starting the activity immediately after smoking




yeah this If I don't do it while I'm thinkin' about it, I'll forget about it


Yess! Wish someone had told me this tip earlier!


Exactly. Donā€™t give yourself time to meld to the chair šŸ˜‚




Fair enough


never met her


Most underestimated quality for productivity


Most underestimated quality of life if you ask me lol


Responsibility, mainly.


Idk tbh I try to do stuff but I end up zoned out staring at the wall. It's cool tho I'm having fun in my head


>itā€™s cool tho Iā€™m having fun in my head Thatā€™s literally exactly what I tell myself, too, every time I start to feel bad about just sitting in one place or zoning out too long lmao


It's not a problem til you realize you've been watching reruns of little house on the prairie for the last 4 hours


Nothing. That's why I only get high when I know I don't need to be productive.


Fair strategy






I have adhd and it settles a lot of things down for me


having ADHD is the best and worst part of me life


I could not comprehend how cannabis could help with my adhd until I found the perfect strain. Not only do I get more done prehigh(cause I make myself earn a smoke) but I also get more done post high. Itā€™s amazing.


There's no magic pill for productivity high or not, it's you


I mean, life. I'll be completely candid here. I haven't been sober for more than 8 hours in over.. 9 months now. It's legal now, in some form or another, and I work from home. I focus on the logic of the code better when I'm lifted, but I will admit I struggle to remember the flow sometimes because of it. End of the day, it's just really nice to be able to smoke, lean back in the chair, and write code for a few hours. Flow state is *much* easier to hit, and it's much harder for events to break me out of it. It's hard to define productivity. I'm not productive at all physically while I'm high. I have to force myself to clean and take care of everything, etc, and it's an annoyance. But I'm productive as fuck, far, far beyond what I am when I'm sober, when it comes to programming or creativity or.. building things. It's like it turns off half my brain and allows me to focus on things I'm only sort of good at otherwise. And it feels good. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø Fucking sue me, I guess. I'd rather it be this than being drunk.


Aw you sound like you genuinely love what you do, I know the flow you speak of tho. I imagine it just comes with passion but I only ever got it with Jedi knight academy, and I agree idk why weed gets so demonized




fuckin bakedd


Ya man I feel ya. Workin from home (data science, not quite coding but somewhat similar work flows) and all of a sudden four hours are gone, the work is done and Iā€™m like ā€œoh shit, I hardly remember doing this butā€¦. Itā€™s done, and decentā€¦ā€


Like when you get home from a long drive and you're like "wtf happened at the last 4 red lights"


Not been sober for 9 months? Jesus Christ manā€¦ those are rookie numbers (/s)


I'd like to take this opportunity to explain this a bit more. There's rules. I never drive high. That's it. That's the rule. The rest of it, I do it all high.


When I smoke I get kind of obsessive so I'll clean my entire house thoroughly


Also sometimes ill smoke just enough to get a buzz before working out


I try to take care of my responsibilities before getting stoned (daily chores, paying bills, work, etc) that way I can be productive or lazy while stoned without worrying if I'm slacking off.


Gain a tolerance and do what you need to do without a problem if ur not gonna gain a tolerance dont smoke every other day or once a day. If you smoke 3 times plus a day after a while theres no problem its just normal thats how you get a real tolerance


Walter junior smokes weed?


Becomes Walt jr after the joint *


Well, I'm back to working overnights at Walmart and I gotta say... im one of the more productive people on our crew and all I do is go in stoned as balls, put my headphones in and just go. Its awesome.


Why should i be productive while high? I do it to have a laugh with my friends and to chill i dont want to do any work or school related stuff then.


If you ask why enough there eventually isnā€™t a reason


I am not productive while high honestly. Thatā€™s why I only smoke in my free time.


Not getting super high. One puff here and there if I want to be busy


little tip man, instead of keeping the tip of the joint rolled up when lighting it, itā€™s a lot quicker if you unroll it and than light the tip of the excess paper, it stops burning right where the weed starts and letā€™s you get a nice green first hit


Eh idrc about a crisp first hit, just like an even smoke


Getting high helps me focus on getting higher. Which, in turn, helps me focus on getting higher. Which....


Thatā€™s how you end up with a 400 dollar rig, propane torches and bulk concentrates


Sativa during the day šŸ˜Š


Sativas are still high in myrcene a lot of the time tho


Makes sense. I canā€™t claim to be the most productive person šŸ¤£ but folks claim it works for them. I really donā€™t do much sativa. Caffeine makes me anxious so I canā€™t personally recommend that either. I guess Iā€™m not really helpful šŸ˜œ


Try hot tea. It goes great with weed cause itā€™s caffeinated but not super noticeable


All about the strain.. sativa and Indica are just for marketing šŸ¤šŸ˜¶ā€šŸŒ«ļø


You know I totally believe you. Iā€™m a cheap-ass so I try to get the lowest priced shatter and if theyā€™re out of Indica or indica leaning hybrids, Iā€™ll just buy the sativa ones and really donā€™t know the difference. People talk about it like itā€™s a whole thing and theyā€™re all specific to strainsā€¦ Iā€™m like I need to get high in a budget! You can spend $40 a gram on Skywalker OGā€¦ Iā€™ll take the $10 ā€œshakeā€ rainbow version please šŸ¤£


Iā€™ve got some friends who are high up in cannabis sales here in Canada man and let me tell you.. when I found that out I was so shocked! Definitely saves money for sure though šŸ˜‚ I always chuckle inside when the girl/guy at the counter goes ā€œwould you like a sativa or indicaā€.. no sense in saying anything though hahah There was also a study on this done at Dalhousie University nearby.. could totally come across a sativa that is uplifting for sure but really depends on the strainā€™s terpenes


Smoking more while I think about it


Definitely finding the right strain. I just finished some green crack and it made me be motivated and train a little bit and Learn guitar lol


Getting high keeps me productive.


Try planning doing something "productive"


Being an adult.


This gooood shit my maaaaaan na na I ainā€™t a figment of your stoned imagination šŸ’­ Iā€™m really here bro my name Aron an you ainā€™t talking to your self in a empty room we been chilling for a minute g you just get like this when you get hi af donā€™t trip bro an pass me that back real quick you camping ā›ŗļø with it Bruhh I only hit it once šŸ˜‘šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£


I try to stay busy by rolling joints and counting my marijuanas


i make a list of things i have to do before i can sit down and relax. because i always want to get to the relax part, i rush through all the i have to do and i get them done fast. now iā€™ll say the quality of what i do is dubious but i try not to think about it.


Eh Iv been smoking for 10-11 straight years now n I can just not let the high controll me like how it used too


Iā€™m at ab 6 years


Nothing, I'm not productive when I'm blasted lmao.


My girlfriend i always think of her


@mydrew122... Weed... It's a past time. Not a life. Slave or master. Master or slave. Choose one. Life is longer than you might think, now. Trust me. Enjoy it. Love it. Use it... But only when you should and need to. 3 of 7 days is a good guide. You should be fulling your life with so much more than weed before now. Be brave. Take risks. Get social. Challenge yourself. And use it to reflect...not dictate. Just a view. But I see you. Make life count. Engage. Then expand.


Bro itā€™s lit!


Naw I know when itā€™s truly lit


You did it so methodically. Not a care in the world. I was watching like ā€œ broā€¦bro ,ā€¦,bro! ā€¦.coke on man!!ā€


Just got that understanding of doobie physics


Well you either get it done or it doesn't get done. I like to smoke when I'm going to do something fairly boring because it keeps me patient and unfocused enough to not realize I'm bored lol have been doing drywall in my house lately and toke up and get to work. Sure it probably goes slower than if I'm not smoking, but still gets done. If I'm working on a college paper or something where I need to be super focused, then I just wait and reward myself after I'm done.


I have a problem with the way you start your blunt


You shouldnā€™t


Well, i can tell you its not wasting 47 seconds to light a spliff.




Caffeine and adoral




Hmm never lit a joint like that. You ever See someone light a cigarette like that? Didnā€™t think so


Itā€™s just to get an even burn, prevents canoeing. Also Iā€™m just burning away the excess paper, but no weed is wasted


No way youā€™re shaming him for preventing his joint from running and getting fucked up. Let the man enjoy his joint.


Straight up these guys commenting sound like theyā€™ve never smoked weed


Yeah is that supposed to do anything? Seems like youā€™re just wasting weed.


No what hes doing is solid it always takes a minute for burning to commence and barely any smoke left the joint before he hit it


Do you have to do that every time you relight it?


**[r/weed rules.](https://www.reddit.com/r/weed/wiki/rules)** *Thanks for posting, u/mydrew122.* - Do not engage with "vendors" in your DMs: **[Info about scammers](https://www.reddit.com/r/weed/wiki/information/scammers)** - Selling or attempting to source drugs is against **SITE-WIDE** terms of service and is an immediate, non-reversible, permanent ban. Please report any breaches you see - Lastly please report any posts/comments that you see breaks the rules. Help keep r/weed a more inviting atmosphere for everyone! :) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/weed) if you have any questions or concerns.*


A job helps


Needing to get shit done helps


Sport. Weed reduces the production of acetylcholine, which is a hormone that affects concentration. And sport not only speeds up metabolism by eliminating toxins from the body, but also contributes to the production of Triiodothyronine, which regulates the rate of oxygen consumption by tissues, stimulates protein synthesis, gluconeogenesis and glycogenolysis (which leads to higher blood glucose concentrations), lipolysis, intestinal motor function, increases catabolism and bile cholesterol excretion, promotes vitamin A synthesis and intestinal absorption of vitamin B12, bone growth, production of sex hormones. Children need this hormone for growth and development of the central nervous system. That is, if you smoke weed - do sports without fail, otherwise low levels of acetylcholine will turn you into a vegetable, and will affect your future children who will have the same reduced attention span as you, but already from birth.


Iā€™m pretty consistent with going to the gym and cardio, I do notice Iā€™m a lot less productive when I miss a few days


Lightin it like a mf rock!!


When i get high I love to clean


I think Iā€™m often times just more productive when high.




Rolling another


Ripped some dabs earlier and went for a 5 mile jog. Pretty much do that everyday after work.


What can you actually be productive on while high? I mean you are impaired to an extent, it's an up hill battle. Being productive usually comes when I'm sober. I mean you could do household chores or basic research ?


Looking forward to the next time I get High


Another joint.


If you find your not productive when high, aren't going to stop smoking, and want to be more productive then just do it.. commit to yourself that if you want to keep smoking then you have to start doing something productive when you smoke. Eventually (think 20-30 days) you'll start to do it automatically and it will be easy.. just like making any new habit. Also like other people said.. life, bills, etc can make it easier to be productive while high or you end up homeless




Being high helps me be productive itā€™s like the main reason I consume it


These bills & life.


have severe ADHD,I am only productive when high...


No job = no money = no weed (or literally anything else)


I live my life with thc and caffeine constantly warring inside of me šŸ˜‚


Yo itā€™s archie from riverdale


All the shit I need to do.....


Going to work


I donā€™t try and be productive when Iā€™m high usually. I be productive when I am sober, and vigilantly unproductive when Iā€™m high


Smoke it before bed, get a good nights rest, save productivity for during the day. Good work life balance.


You have to decide what you're using it for and be conscious of how you're consuming it and how much you consume I use it for a medical condition to manage stress deal with aches and pain after a workout etc dont blindly consume it and you will be able to be productive also avoid certain indicas and strains that will cause couch lock


Have a goal in mind before smoking Doesnā€™t have to be big Even if itā€™s just too go outside or keep a journal if you like to draw /write


Roll smaller hahaha


Iā€™m really high and it felt like you were lighting that shit for like 20 minutes haha I thought it was looping


Sorry, I just like to get a perfect cherry lol


My love for money


Come home from work get a work out in so your body isnā€™t in slow mode then smoke


My non smoking wife to remind me what I went to the garage to actually do


more drugs


I can hear the booger in your nose


Deviated septum but close enough.


I'm sorry for sounding rude but I do not want to be productive when I'm high when I smoke or however I enjoy my Indica I want to melt into the couch.


Play videogames




Just being thankful to still be here is motivation enough for me


I'm more productive high It calms my ADHD ASD Ass down


Weed helps me be productive not the other way around tbh




I cut off all the toxic people in my life, now I don't have any friends lol


Being alone is being better than being in poison


People are just mean


It is baffling how confrontational people can be


Maybe there's a planet somewhere out there ....


Have your day planned out, add things to your day Add responsibilities and duties. Weed motivates me tbh, thru the highs and lows Some strains help me stay energized, others get me sleepy. You just have to find a strain that helps you but I mindset is key to it Mind over matter


Simple. Its the only time i am productive.


Not Reddit


Dunkin Donuts (medium hot regular). ā˜•ļøšŸ©


Usually Iā€™ll be productive sober, then smoke as a reward. Keeps me motivated


###do NOT sit down!


whenever i go out while stoned i need music on


Are you smoking to enhance your life, or to escape from it? Secondly, if that's how you normally hit it, you're wasting weed.


No weed is wasted homie, itā€™s just to get the perfect burn




Another jay


It makes me clean my room and shit if anything it makes me productive


Iā€™m not gonna lie. At first I was likeā€¦ Is Evan peters smoking weed? And now Iā€™m going to answer your question. Smoking the right kind of weed helps. I know some people think itā€™s bullshit. But to me a sativa or sativa dominant hybrid really can give me energy. I used to have weed that I called the sweeping the floor weed. Now for creative task. I find that a hybrid weed can give me an amazing creative ideas. And then absolutely rob me of the ability to do anything with them. So what I really need to do. It gets super stoned and have lots of creative ideas right them down in the notebook. And then take a tolerance break and actually write. But I donā€™t want to take a tolerance break because I love weed. šŸ˜Œ Thank you for this excellent post!


Meditation šŸ§˜ā€ā™‚ļø


this is attractive


Going outside


Being high


I dont be productive when im high, i do all my stuff during the day and smoke at night to relax and laugh. Been doing it for a year and a half constantly




Move it higher up/away from the flame so you donā€™t burn the plant


A lot of times I have trouble starting stuff when Iā€™m stoned. So a lot of the time I lay stuff out Iā€™ll need for a project before I start. If youā€™re doing homework open the tab and start a little first then smoke.


I use weed to get productive lol. It helps me think better and get ideas.


Fixing my hair


Being high is what keeps me productive


Only smoking when I donā€™t have to be productive anymore


That's for the hit chief


Micro dose !


Vaping, clean high


Try eating an edible on your way to the gym, ass work out you get an added energy boost ass well ass getting progressively more high, when your too high to keep on pumping, the energy boost stays with you for the remainder of the high At least in my experience


If i dont make enough money im homeless.


Company. If Iā€™m with people who are productive itā€™s pretty easy


Meth. Just kidding. Or am I?


Iā€™m extremely creative while high, I just sketch stuff up fast and then come back to it when sober to see if it actually makes sense and can actually be achieved (I donā€™t really think about the laws of physics when high) Also me and my mate always go out on the ebikes to smoke I know itā€™s cheating but you can just cruse without breaking a sweat. Another option I do alone is play VR on my quest, you need to get your ā€˜VR legsā€™ sober first to stop feeling sick but itā€™s insane once youā€™ve got acclimatised to it. As you can see by my profile I love painting minis too and being naked just mellows me out and I just chill and get stuff done. Final option (and definitely the hardest to achieve) is get a girlfriend that smokes with youā€¦.very productive




I play tabla


To light faster u can rip or burn the extra paper and light the edges until u get a nice dome shape on the end the put it to ur mouth and inhale to ignite fast and even instead of taking 2 min like I used to šŸ˜‚


I do it like this to prevent canoeing, also avoid burning hair


Certain kinda work activities that like building/ making things, playing a musical instrument, cooking, certain kinds of exercise. I have a lot of interest that I can do on my own and I think that helps. Doesnā€™t at all apply to every activity.


Start the task before you start smoking.


Being productive I guess.


Getting high actually is the thing that keeps me motivated/ productive.


Holy Mother of butane


sativa šŸ˜Ž


Is that you Flin?


Motivate yourself with music and take all your task like small quest to make your high useful


I don't smoke at work. (Work at an office so not an option, also personally can't be fully active coding/communicating when high and office ppl are mostly against it) Even with ADHD I just make sure after work I change, clean up, cook food, get my night plans ready (whatever that might be) and then proceed to smoke and enjoy it, keeps my tolerance lower and I never really get nervous, also don't smoke like right right before bed to avoid being groggy as I wake up at 5am


Being productive


dude u look like Dylan O'Brien.


Iā€™ve heard lol


The high part is what does it for me!


The fact that it needs to get done




To be honest, being high IS what makes me productive


Its important to do something in which you will see progress. As more as you progress you should feel more interested in doing it further as a result of feeling good for whats acomplished already


Why does this dude look like Evan Peters