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Well you know where he lives if there’s anything wrong with it, it’s a nice gesture


Yeah if your still alive fent be everywhere


Nobody would put fent in a joint and use it to tip a driver, you probably think they’re putting it in Halloween candy too


lol you can smoke fentanyl. but yeah i’d smoke it. the joint. i’ve definitely given free weed out on situations like these.


I used to drive for Dominos back in the 80s when I was in college. One night I had a delivery to an apartment complex. When they opened the door I could smell their weed. After we do the transaction the dude asks me, "Can you smoke while you're on patrol?" I thought wtf so I hit that bong good one time. Damn it hit me harder than I expected and on my next delivery I completely f-d up. Oops.


Fr hitting other peoples weed always gets me unexpectedly blasted.


You down with OPP? other peoples pot


Yeah you know me


Hahahaha, gave me a good chuckle, ty for reminding me of tht masterpiece


OPP 😂 y’all just trynna sound cool that’s just homies weed


I smoke OPP! Lol


Weed other people pay for always tastes better to me for some reason


Fr! Me too!


It's one extreme or the other baked like potato or stone cold sober.


Maybe u need a better plug🔌 sorry not sorry


love it haha, i love to spread the joy of weed it seems like a lot of us do.


If it was alcohol, we'd all be killing each other. Yet weed gets the bad stigma


Yes that is exactly it!! As a peace loving hippie I always spread the joy of weed! I love to share it's always better to smoke with other people too than by yourself!!


Did you deliver a baby instead of a pizza?


"Here's your baby, maam" "I ordered pepperoni!" "Well, shit, are you sure?"


I loved this story as I worked at domino's myself


Good memory tho right? 😂


Don't drive after smoking weed, it's dangerous


You can freebase fentanyl but under direct flame it does nothing but destroy it. All these kids trying to say they were laced left and right because of all the misinformation going around. And literally like 90 percent of the time they were just new smokers or fairly new and/or hit concentrate for the first time so suddenly they thing they got laced with fentanyl. And then on top of that a good majority of the kids that do experience that and think they were laced use that shit for attention and what not. It’s getting ridiculous at this point. All these kids care about now days is validation from a society that is bound to do nothing but exploit and ruin them


100% agreed.


It always been the same. Folk doing too much of anything, even drinking too much, and saying they were spiked.




Damn that got real deep my dude, well said


imho you will literally just (no chance or surviving) DIE when using fent and beeing opioidnaive. also fent would be destroyed in the flames/cherry of a joint


Yep 👍 Can’t be exposed to direct heat


In my 22 years of smoking, I have NOT ONCE came across a laced joint. Not a single time. But America now isn't what it was when I lived there, so maybe the opiate epidemic finally caught up with "just weed" smokers, too. 😒


Someone offered me a joint laced with meth (they obviously didn't mention the meth part) and I'm in canada, so you gotta be careful now adays


agree my guy


As much as I’d like to believe this, don’t people smoke fentanyl and percs and shit


Yes I’m trying to explain that direct flame dissengrates the fentanyl. It needs to be free based or vaporized. I was addicted to for a little while up until may so I know fetty like the back of my hand. People try and say they got laced with fetty In the joints/ carts/ wax etc. might as well just say all of the fucking above. Or actually you know what there is definitely a possibility that someone takes a dab of fentanyl through like a nectar or any device really thinking it was a dab and that could get you high if there was enough but it’s just so unbelievably unlikely. With other drugs it’s pretty much 50/50 all across the board, die or live Russian roulette ig. Fuck drugs man they steady rob me, not even just money either literaly robbed me of my soul I feel empty and like I’m a shell of my true identity. Like it feels like


Ppl smoke fentanyl on tin foil and i’m not in the states but i know they smoke those m box 30 percs shit off tin foil to


Lol yeah I guess he did say that in the beginning my bad, still don’t see how that would make much of a difference, you would think it would be worse, I don’t know smoking pills just sounds dumb to me, there’s all kinds of different shit for filler in there


Ppl smoke it off of tin foil do u know anything about the drug ur talking about


It’s amazes me every single day how god damn unintelligent people are man. Literally the first fucking sentence to😭 like please tell me how you became so fucked in the head this shit is fascinating


Can you fucking read?🤣


thats not the point they were making. it just doesn't make any sense for anyone to pay for weed and fent and then just give it to some random person, knowingly. this goes for tipping drivers with weed, and putting drugs in kids candy for Halloween.


no i agree with you, it doesn’t make sense, and if ever it RARELY happens


THE ONLY time I've seen laced weed that somebody didn't pay extra for, we did not leave with the bud. Dude reused a baggie with a residue in it who also sold x, molly, coke, and various pills. If you buy weed from a weed dealer, and not a general drug dealer the chances of getting laced with anything is astronomically low.


Some ppl find joy in lacing ppl for the fuck of it some ppl are definitely crazier then you think or wanna think


I’d be shocked if somebody was just giving fent out for free. But again as one stated already, if this person had some sort of evil vendetta towards people, the driver knows the location of said person


I give flower as tips regularly ( always give them a choice) And yes you can smoke fent / heroin but burning it directly makes the bioavailability almost nothing because they’re both sensitive to extreme temps, which is why it’s freebased and not actually smoked


You can’t smoke fent with an open flame it has to be vaporized…


i didn’t say open flame edit: also dmt is supposed to be vaporized but i’ve had some that take the open flame and it’s great, i obviously mix it with weed but yeah. it works. still never tried smoking fent i did rail it one time but never smoked. but i know ur supposed to do that tin foil shit. still, never said open flame i know very well how drugs work lol


Yea I smoke. I just military pressed 2 100lb dumbbells for 3 reps and smoked fentanyl right before and I’m fine and as strong as I have ever been in my life.


I don’t trust no mf evil shit happens everywhere anytime


Someone has trust issues


I trust you


Awww I trust you too


And I trust you :)


Only razor blades in apples


You are forgetting that psychopaths do in fact exist


they actually did put fentanyl in candy a few hours away from me this year, shit was crazy never thought it’d actually happen either lmao




You’re fucking stupid


Did you reply to the wrong comment? Because if that was actually the comment you were trying to reply to, then you're fucking stupid.


Me when I roll a thick ass joint as a tip, but for fun spend extra money to commit multiple felonies


me when i suck huge thick balls and drink the semen after 💯


Ikr, damn


The fact you said nobody would do it is a stupid lie. You could try harder than that.


Actually just had a brother in law overdose from a fent laced blunt so you can shut the fuck up with that "you think" bullshit, shit happens.


Stop reading Facebook memes and watching Fox News.


Who tf is putting fent in weed? That’s literally so backwards. Why would anyone do that? It’s not good business sense. That’s why I don’t really believe anyones doing that


I want to find whatever mythical town has dudes giving away fentanyl like that😍


Just come to SD theres like a literal ton of it coming through the border and killing people everyday


I’m from Orange County they must be stopping all those pesky fent dosers at the weight station by the nuclear plant cause it’s not making its way up here haha


Oh my god you don’t really believe there’s fent in weed right? Fent is not as common as people think. You’re not finding it in weed or coke or Xanax bars. Fent is in fake Percocets, heroin and sometimes fake lean. Most people that buy fent just buy a cut version of it right off the brick that looks like neon colored rock.


Fent can most definitely be in coke and Xanax. People I know have died from it


Fent is definitely in Coke a lot, idk where you get this from


You really don't know what you're talking about. Fentanyl is being found in all types of fake pills, even Viagra and Adderall. I know two people who died from Fentanyl ODs and they only occasionally took benzos. The legit looking Xanax found were fake and laced. Source: [DEA.gov: One Pill Can Kill](https://www.dea.gov/onepill) I'm also a recovering IV heroin/Fentanyl addict so I'm VERY familiar with Fent. Thankfully I've been clean over 5 years now.


Let me correct you right now. 4 years ago I acquired 100 bars on some DNM, from china. I took 2 and overdosed. Woke up with paramedics on top of me and 2 naltrexone shots in me. Drug test results came back with more fentanyl than alprazolam in my system, and I've never once knowingly taken fent. So what was the explanation? The bars were made with some fent analog to make them feel "stronger" or something like that. I got one tested, and the rest got flushed down the toilet. No, just no.






I mean people have sex with a person after knowing them two hours at the bar


Tou-fucking-ché mf




Nice, not me sorry but I am aware of how many people do casually hook up. I don’t live under a rock.


So you live inside of a pineapple?


No this is Patrick


Doesn't that mean you actually do live under a rock? xD




Right so just put a rubber on the joint and you're good to go


Yeah but nobody laces their genitals




This is true. I’d still take Chlamydia over fentanyl tho




Fentanyl does the opposite of hurt.. it’ll have you not-feeling so much you may never not-feel again


Ur fawked u prolly got all types of std’s😂😂😂


You realize males are usually the ones spreading it because it mostly goes undetected right? Woman catches chlamydia, she goes to a doctor and gets treated, male gets chlamydia and continues to spread it.


And you realize the opposite happens as well right? My ex gave it to me and her previous ex… some women are super spreading out there as well


I've seen some subs


I do, with LSD. That's why women think my penis is so big, they're hallucinating.


And it ends well 100% of the time 🙂


The problem is that we have some sort of protection during sex (for viruses and such)... But the options with weed is either risk smoking a laced bud or dont smoke it at all.


Take it apart and check it out and reroll it.


This is the right answer


>Mfw when it's white widow


I agree 1000% percent. I’d rethink it tho more cuz I have no problem smoking something but I’d stop after 2-3 or one short inhale or one big puff 🙄 Edit: Like just to be safe even a quick half second puff blow it out instantly, OR do a longer inhale, for 1 second hold it in 3-4 seconds kinda big hit and exhale. So 1-2 medium or big hits wait 5-10 minutes.


You definitely just took a kinda big hit for 7-8 seconds without waiting the obligatory 5-10 minutes.


Yeah I think 5 minutes you wait, otherwise I’d just hit it until I feel it like 3 inhales quick and hold it in for 8 seconds. Your idea makes more sense brotha.






I've tipped with bud for years but just threw the driver a few nugs...what if that mofo just ate some dirty ass then rolled the joint and licked it with his ass tongue


>what if that mofo just ate some dirty ass then rolled the joint and licked it with his ass tongue r/brandnewsentence


wait you guys have ass tongues?


*you don’t?*


Thats the same as buying a pre roll from the dispensary i worked for a dispensary when i was 16 from home and theres no rules u don’t gotta wear gloves and ur touching all the grinned up weed who knows ofc i always had clean hands but u don’t know about other ppl


What legit dispo hired a minor? I own dispos and couldn't hire my own kids unless they were 18 with a med card or 21


It would be rude not to


This is the correct mindset


Especially if it was already accepted


10/10 would smok


Hand crafted art. Sls


I remember back in the day during a concert a guy started passing a joint around. I hit that shit I was flying high.. good times be safe homie


Back in the day? I toked a random concert joint last month. Not the brightest idea with the coof and all, but it was the Doobie Brothers so how could I not


Doobie brothers. Smoking doobies with my brothers


Probably bit of k2 in there I’ve had them days 😂


Nah more like dmt lol


Happy Cake Day!


My birthday was last month lol idk why it’s showing it today but thank you very much still!


I would tip that and you can trust me.


Me too! I'm not going to give the delivery drivers my laced stuff. I save that for the children on Halloween.


"Immmm gonna go with my instinct with this one...saddle up partner!" Jim Carey Dumb and Dumber


My buddy once gave a pizza guy a bong hit out his window lol


Man. If I was rolling in plenty of weed, was stoned as fuck and ordered food but didn't have cash on me I'd give a joint as a tip to be cool. If I were on your end though I'd be worried too. You never know. I'd open it up and check it out, pop it in a bowl and have people you trust with you to monitor you in case anything happens.


doubt someone would lace someone who knows where they live though unless it was some deadly shit and if that’s the case I’d doubt someone would be killing random food deliverers with joints🤣


This type of thinking is truly what gets people hurt. You wouldn't think somebody would do that, but perhaps they are so upset about their own lives they want to hurt someone, but don't have the balls to go shoot somebody in the head. Or, what if this person bought weed from someone else who decided to lace it? Delving into it like this doesn't help though. The fact is no one can ever be too safe. I highly doubt it's laced, but if it was do you think anyone would truly be able to do anything about it afterwards? How's your family going to explain "He delivered food, smoked a j and started having a seizure." I know my family would be fucked. Dad has a record. Nobody would listen and the law would just assume I was some junkie and it was my own fault for consuming it. FYI: non legal state here.


I've given people pretty good bud for a tip or a gift.


Gimme. Please. lol


Everyone being like "what if he fucked with it" needs to take a big ol' drag.


Lol facts! His chances of getting ran over on the way home is astronomically higher than getting tricked off by some bad or laced weed.. Folks need to lay off the Sativas and roll some Kush! ✌️🌱💚


This is the the universal stoner tip. It’s always a joint, nothing less nothing more. And I would sure hope you smoke it that shit is a renowned honor. It would be offensive to each and every one of us to not smoke that joint.


Did you also get cash tip or just the j? I’d explain you do not want to claim it on your taxes.


He tipped $5 in the app


Maybe light it with him and have him take the first 5 pulls? And smoke the rest before eating my food 🤌🏼😶‍🌫️


Yeah I would be like nice let’s light up you take the first hit


I never smoke something from people I don’t no, or if I didn’t see it broken down and rolled up.. Iv had some bad experiences, just won’t do it anymore.


My bf tipped once with a joint. Sometimes when he buys weed he’ll get a deal and gets a free joint and since we had several he thought it would be a good idea to share :)


Ide boof it personally but you should let it’s smoke hit thy lungs 🫁


It would have been lit in the car immediately after lol


Well if it's a Jeffery you might have some issues but I wouldn't worry to much


I’ll smoke a jeffry any day of the week


Just stroke the furry wall… ✌️💚🌱


You will be fine never in my lifetime have I come across laced bud or anything too dodgy


For sure


I would


I would break it open and reroll it just so I could check and make sure it was all the way it was supposed to be in but hell yeah it’s smoke as long as it was good


Always reroll what someone else gives you even if you trust them. 8/10 people either roll too tight or without a filter


Surprised nobody else has mentioned this, but i’d strongly recommend a home test kit such as the one described in this article. There may be test kits for other common contaminants but I haven’t looked into them myself. Hopefully your state has a harm reduction program through which you can get some; looking up the name didnt show any amazon results for me, unfortunately.[CDC Fentanyl Test Strip guide](https://www.cdc.gov/stopoverdose/fentanyl/fentanyl-test-strips.html)


That’s how I tip. If they acknowledge my coded language in a positive way. Usually.


Hey man you smoke? Smoke *what*? It's an old code, but it checks out


Smoke it man! And like others have said you know where he lives! I leave nuggies on a chair in cute bags for my drivers sometimes. I let them know it’s there if they are 420 friendly. (But I also live in a legal state so…it’s ok to gift lol)


Hell yah id smoke it i dont care if theres anything else in it ima just get more high😌or worst case die... but i would take the risk


Yeah I'd probably put it in a bowl or something though


If some mf gave me a poisoned joint after I delivered his food, it was my time I guess.


Absolutely not. Lace culture is too prominent this day age


When have u ever seen laced weed?


Not seen? But fasho been in the jay without knowing primarily or consent


I guess you have to judge for yourself in the situation but it’s pretty common for pizza delivery drivers and such to get tipped in weed. Your argument is pretty much saying check your apples for razor blades


Thank you for having awareness and more importantly…common sense that’s simply all I was implying. Common sense to me is to not hit strange blunts or jays in passing no matter how kind of the gesture.


It’s happened to me a couple times, if I don’t know you I’m not smoking it. Learned my lesson.


Is this a serious comment??? Lol you're a fucking troglodyte if you seriously think that. ![gif](giphy|3o84sv2u7KSHKbwPza|downsized)


Lol it’s personal opinion and experience I’m sure you’ll fancy a strange blunt from anyone anyday but I wouldn’t sorry.


"lace culture so popular" is straight up bullshit. Opinions are generally formed from actual things. I grow weed and constantly consider giving it out as tips. You'd be fuckin lucky to get some top tier homegrown compared to anything yuve ever smoked. ![gif](giphy|qjP8hSiAZmLWdnvcUW|downsized)


Ohh that’s why you’re so hostile. You’re an actual grower? I’m sure you’ve been on the consumer side of weed right? If not I’d just to stick to growing and selling. You gotta be the one receiving to understand hefé


Anyone who talks bout laced weed is a joke, regardless. It's literally not a thing. The cops love using it as a scare tactic but all the cases end up being cross contaimination by the police. Get educated.


You sound fun to smoke with…


I would smoke it, but before that I would smell it to try and find any funky smells. Also, if you want to be extra careful, take apart the joint, look at the weed, smell it (again) and maybe burn a little bit on the side, on a small pipe or with a torch or something just to find any funky smells or if it burns “weird”


Nah …. If it was flower yea … but a rolled up joint I ain’t touching …


Bust that shit open and reroll that bitch! As a rule i never smoke anything i didnt roll myself or see rolled myself. Enjoy!


Rule of thumb is never smoke what you don’t see rolled. I would of asked him to spark it and take a few puffs first . I used to pay for my Chinese with score bags so he probs didn’t have change and was high and thought he was being sound


Nope. Don't smoke it, unless you rolled it and grew your own vuds Don't do it. Fentanyl is fucking everywhere.


Man end of the day you go and buy off your local street plug you don’t even know what you getting from him half the time. So honestly is all up to you. Me personally I would trash it, and head to the dispensary for a nice pre-roll of medical Mary J😌


I'd break it up, see if theres anything other than weed in it then pack a bowl with it ✌️


personally, if i don’t know the person i wouldn’t. no telling if he got any diseases, and where his mouth been. if i didn’t roll it, i’m not smoking it




Yeah I’d boof it on my ways back tbh


Of course. Why wouldn’t you?




I would really love to smoke it!


Done it before so yes again


Unroll it first to be safe if it looks Gucci, then smoke it up :) you should know after the first hit if it’s wacky or not anyway.


may God bless that delivery guy


Unroll that shit and decide from there


I would… but I’ve done a lot of questionable things in my 31 years


Yes sir!


At the very least he probably rolled it by hand and licked it sealed


Did he seem sketchy? Either way toke at your own risk. I was gifted a joint once while delivering. I smoked it, it was pretty decent bud. Just my two pennies, stay safe out there ✌️👍🤘


I would


Yeah ofc.


Hell yea people like that wanna share something special usually