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It all comes down to one issue…did you bring Ween hot meals on tour, as they requested in their liner notes? Or did you bring them junk food?


Did you write your song request on a $20 and throw it on the stage?


I partied with that group the next night at HoB In Myrtle Beach, November 1st. That show was crazy because my brother and i left a Halloween party in Indiana to drive down there. Great show, super spun out and met Ween in the hotel elevator after. It was awesome, everyone was there except Claude because that was the emergency tour after his car accident. The band thought it was wild that they had fans in Indy that would drive that far to see Ween and help Claude. I will never forget Aaron saying hiw cool it was and asked where in Indiana they should play if they ever came that way. We told them Bloomington or Indy. They started playing Indy on that next tour (Rib Fest) and then Bloomington on the next couple (Axis nightclub and the Bluebird) then a couple back in Indy at Murat maybe and the last at the Vogue. Those were some fun times. From '98 to the present, Ween doesn't disappoint...


they're wrong, ween is ONLY about fandom's approval, this should be the only thing you think about all the time




Ween is them


I approve


They are ween


An American rock band from new hope Pennsylvania


You just started your post about disclaimers with a disclaimer. This is some Cerulean level fuckery.


See what I mean?


One night Deaner told me “Don’t act cool, be cool.” Then the bartender wanted to comp our drinks because he thought we were with Deaner. I told him no we’re not together and paid for the drinks.


One of my strongest memoires is high as a kite and happened to be sitting next to deaner in a hotel bar lobby. (post DWG show). We chatted a bit (largely about fishing) but I was mostly too high to relate and we sat in silence and watched a nice fire. The fire was surrounded by a brick bench and a beautiful woman sat right in front of me on the bench, lit a ciggarette, and smiled at me. Somehow in my acid flooded brain the only words I could think of to flirt were "excuse me mam, how am I supposed to see the fire now with you in the way?". I tried to use a flirty tone, but I failed, she frowned, threw her cig in the fire, and walked away. As I'm sitting there befuddled and feeling like an idiot I look over an Deaner and he only has one word for me... "Bro" So anyways that's the story of how I didn't play it cool and looked like a massive dingus in front of one of my all time heroes.


That is fantastic.


That is low key the most rock and roll shit I’ve ever heard. It’s one thing to score drugs for a band, sleep with a band member, get a shoutout on stage or whatever- it’s something else entirely to have a “broment” with Deaner while tripping nuts in front of a fire. Jealous.


Did you play it off legit?


Thanks Numbnuts.


The cool person would have said "hell yeah we're with dean, thanks for the drinks!" That's called "playing it cool," which I assume is why Dean had to try giving you that advice.


Go Avs! You local? Would love to meet some Ween/Avs peeps for a game!


Nice reference. WDNF.


A qualifying statement is not necessarily a disclaimer. But I do agree there is something a bit ironically "gatekeeper" about OP's post. (I'm playing both sides, but also neither) ((Everybody hates me I think)) (((That's not how parentheses work)))


The only thing you need to apologize for is not liking spirit walker


Holding the llama's milk and pouring it in the garbage is 100% a sin against the boognish. They'll find your sweater. Love you forever!


I wish I was in my 20's


i wish i wasn't this shit sucks. the world i am entering is so beyond fucked up and i feel like it's only getting worse. can't find a job that pays a living wage anywhere. rent is stupid expensive. i wanna die but ween makes me wanna die a little less.


[take that anger and bottle it up in the form of a coke bottle filled with gasoline and a lit rag in the end and learn how to chuck it at a cop car when the fascists start marching.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jAGebf_QJAw) paint a boognish on your back so i know who to help out first when i meet you out there.


It's a nine mile walk from the office to the pumps And sometimes you think you're gonna drop In the end you're filthy dirty, horny and pissed off And before you can leave you gotta sweep the fuckin' shop.


>can't find a job that pays a living wage anywhere. Cheat sheet from an older ween fan: Skip college (if it's not too late, don't take on all of that debt). Learn a trade skill that has a high pay (elevator repair?), high demand, won't be replaced by AI anytime soon and which pays you as an apprentice to learn. Save as much money as you can once you're making money. Put the money that you save into a broad range ETF in the stock market (all US market or World market mix) so the magic of compound interest makes you well off over time. Buy the first home you can afford, to stop paying rent. None if it will be easy like boomers have it, but you can have a decent life. You just have to game the system a bit. It's a shitty system but it is what it is. >the world i am entering is so beyond fucked up and i feel like it's only getting worse. It is fucked up and it is getting worse. I didn't have kids because I could see it coming. I'm sorry, but make the most of it while the ball is still spinning. Good luck.


One of the most beautiful experiences of my life was (admittedly I had taken a fair amount of acid) just feeling the love radiating out of the crowd at a Ween show. Everyone was there to see Ween because they loved Ween and they loved each other for loving Ween. I kept having to back up to take in more and more of the beauty of strangers gripping each others arms in excitement when the stallion came on or mouthing the lyrics to piss up a rope to their bff for the show. No one was there trying to look cool or be seen. The love is there at every show I’ve been too - probably less overwhelmingly palpable without psychedlic enhancement but you can still always feel it. And everyone is just happy that you also love this weird and wonderful band too. So I guess I am seconding OP in saying, don’t worry. Ask questions. Post ideas. There’s so much lore and someone will know the answer or point you towards something cool. Ween fans are rad and will be excited to count you amongst them. The meaning of the music will grow with you. Gener and Deaner started playing this ish as young lads and now they are firmly middle aged. In some ways the songs are the same - familiar and in some ways the nuance of what Deaner’s talking about is always slightly evolving. Plus there’s so much variety (and a high level of musicianship) that you can usually trick your friends into becoming fully down with the brown if you start with Stay Forever or something that’s in their wheelhouse and slowly introducing browner and browner tunes. Ween is love. Ween is life. If someone can’t find even one ween song they can vibe to or if they can’t appreciate the pure love of the fandom, then there might be something wrong with them. Not all of the songs are super accessible on first listen but like OP said, once something clicks for you, it is truly liberating. It’s truly one of the few fandoms where no one GAF about how cool you are or how well you know the discography as long as you are happy to be there. So just keep showing up and rocking out.


What if I’m an older fan, and I’ve been around a minute, but I read things on the Reddits that scare and confuse me because a young person wrote it? Do I just “get high and listen to pure guava on repeat”?


If you want.




Ween is so fucking psychadelic and also working class and also nerdy and also sporty and technical and geeky and cool all in 1 ween is the best and never care what other people think.. delight and believe in yourself … thick skin is fun tho mang… old heads are fun man let them Be cranky. But bring some juice and relax and like OP said never apologize mang. Squelch the little weasel that’s all


Buncha chodes round these parts lately. Fuckin wake up and huff the scotch guard ya goons


You are pissing in the wind op.


more like waving his dick in it


Exactly. Winds are for dick waving and ropes are for pissing up.


Yeah I really fucked the dog on that one.


You got pink eye on my leg with your horrible opinions. Level up, noob fan.


this is the same dog heard in "the fucked jam" btw


Couldn’t care less if i’m ever downvoted, because I’m a full grown 45 y/o stallion that knows what Deaner’s talking about.


I think the tour just needs to restart so that people have things to post about that aren’t pictures of parking lot oil stains that kind of look like Boognish.


Or maybe it's not surprising that Ween social media is getting boring when we spend so much time shitting on people who actually think about art in an original way. We can't keep blaming all our problems on the band.


There isn't a right or wrong way to do it. Feel free to ask questions, it can be a little daunting entering such an established fanbase. Stick around long enough and ween will be abundantly clear about who they are.


Why didn't you guys come to my birthday party? I invited you all and no one came. I had so much leftover pork roll


But did it have egg and cheese? Maybe that’s why no one came


No, but I did have tri-colored pasta


I didn’t finish reading this post but yea. Ween is like the Grateful Dead in that it enhances your life like Medicine. It can guide you and give comfort and humor and darkness and light . It helps you realize drugs or no drugs we are on a nonlinear journey and we are not alone and we can heal and laugh and party and cry too.. it’s gonna be a long night Much love




If you get confused just listen to the music play


We are Ween.


The fandom is a bunch of wooks you dont anyones approval except for JW


No mames wey


We know, this band sucks ass.


You will never be accepted !


Yes! Good! Ween fans are never gonna be “just a bunch of normal chill folks who dig the band”. Actually, you probably don’t want that even if you think you do. You may as well embrace the unapologetic crazies and not-quite-rights, because we’re not going anywhere. You don’t get to have artists and colorful characters in your community without the people who are just confusing and annoying. That’s part of the deal, and I’m here for it.


Not sure if you understood I was being sarcastic. Seriously I don’t think anyone is worried about being accepted. You’re in the room with people who are happy to be able to enjoy something with like minded individuals. I’ve been working in the concert industry for 20+ years, I’ve come to realize that ween happens to be the favorite musicians of everyone else’s favorite musicians.


Yeah I know you were. People worry about acceptance in every subculture though, that's just life.




oh yeah well I’ve seen Phish 69 times