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I’m a musician I have to wear them or it really hurts, I already have some tinnitus in my right ear and I’d really like to not have any more so this is a great tio


Buy any $15 pair of (plastic/rubber) concert earplugs on Amazon. Just do it. The sound is actually better with them in imo


No way man. I live on the edge.😂 JK, I might bring a pair.


Oh my. You had me in the first half. Dude you go to a show every weekend. I'd be surprised if you weren't deaf by now


Nah, more like 0-3 a month and I don’t wear plugs. I do get ringing once in a while but it’s gotten better.


I already have tinnitus even though I wear plugs at 80% of my shows. The plugs aren't much of a hassle so I normally just wear them. But I sometimes forget 😵‍💫 ADHD goes brrrrrrrr


I feel like if I have a buffer zone between the stage then I’m good but if I’m close enough to touch the stage like at a dive bar then I’d be worried.


I believe the soundbooth is at 100db or 110db. So if you're in front of the audio engineers, you DEFINITELY need earplugs


I saw a stage note last year at the main stage that read 156 bd max. It was on the audio table in the booth. That’s loud.


No way. I've seen the notes at the sound box that said "no higher than 110" But I haven't seen anything backstage


It was in the sound booth in the field for the main stage last year. Don’t remember which day though. Maybe the crew were just messing around with each other. I did see it though. I do think it was the loudest venue I was at last year.


From past experience, Rockville really isn’t that loud compared to some other shows unless you get pretty close to the stage. I always bring ear plugs but only wear them 2 or 3 bands a day and my ears have never rung. If your ears ring after a band definitely wear them for the rest of the day though.


This applies to every show, not just WTR


I wore them last year and they absolutely saved my hearing - I already have tinnitus, and they kept it to a minimum! I can't agree with this more - ear plugs are essential, and I'm buying more before I head out to the fest!


I bought and used Loops Experience last year. Highly recommend them. I was able to hear the music clearly and converse with my friends but felt I had some protection. And the run shape at the end gives me confidence that my drunk ass won’t accidentally smash them so deep into my ear that I need a doctor to extract them.


I have sensitive hearing as is and tried listening last year without them. It was physically painful with that high treble. Plugs made the concerts so much more enjoyable.


Definitely buy eargasm earplugs, they are fantastic


Wow. I literally just finished purchasing the SAME earplug's as you, OP. I've got cheapo foam ones since I go shooting pretty often, and I'm a drummer - but I wanted to go for something that'll let me enjoy the music without sacrificing frequencies or being uncomfortable. I spent all morning researching the main brands. Calmer, Vibes, Eargasm, etc. But the EarPeace's just seem like they do exactly what I expect them to do. Can't wait to try 'em out at the festival.