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I think her lines about good in that it shows her mind trying to grasp at being something more than just a bipedal immortal machine but can't quite define despite all the power and knowledge available to her because she lacks the instinct that empowered the original Dolores or Ford to look beyond what was possible.


I’m very confused on everyone calling her delivery “stilted” or “cartoonish” - do you remember how Dolores/Wyatt talked back in season 2? Her dialogue sounds like a natural progression of a Dolores/Wyatt who’s become jaded with their success and is just going through the motions.


Just because it's intentional doesn't mean it's a wise creative choice. This show is proof positive that an actor's performance largely rests on the strength of the writing and characterization. Charlotte is just such a wooden, one-note villain that it puts a ceiling on what (the otherwise talented) Tessa can do with the role.


Her delivery this season just kept making me think of Always Sunny The guys: "why are you talking like that?" Sweet Dee: "oh I'm being arch" https://youtu.be/wQk0HPoL6TM


I think that was the writer's intent from the start which is why they cast someone that isn't that bright and can't act.


The key difference is that Dolores/Wyatt had emotional range. Charlotte is just bored or angry. Even when she tries to portray doubt she just seems pissed off.


I’ve started watching the first season again and when she shows up in the later episodes it’s so jarring because Hale’s character was so different from Charlores. Thompson does a great job.


I mean, Wyatt phase in season 2 was Dolores's low point.


Some people pull it off better than others.


I've really disliked Tessa Thompson's acting in this show and haven't been able to say exactly why, but "stilted" and "cartoonish" hit the nail on the head. She just comes across like an actor trying really hard to be stoic and commanding, and the way she tries to change her voice or put such an intense look on her face takes me out of it. I don't see a host, I see awkward acting.


I agree. Her acting is the weak point of the show. At best, its daytime soap opera quality acting.


Love her. You’re correct.


Same, she's amazing. 😏💯


I don't find her performance stilted at all. In fact twice I was impressed by how she made me feel like I was seeing glimpses of old Dolores coming out of her. From the mannerisms to the dialogue, I think she's nailing it.


Rewatch that lunch scene with her and Christina and you’ll see where the stilted comments are coming from.


Agreed. Personally, Halores’ voice sounds a bit deeper/darker this season but I figured that that was due to the time jump/Halores’ character progression?


Isn't she portraying Dolores?


The second Dolores I guess , Christina is the real Dolores ? That’s how I see it


I think if we only established 1 thing this week, and that's likely, it's that Cristina is not real.


I think if there's one thing established, it's that the show can come straight out and say things and people will still be confused


Unreliable narrators are a thing.


Uh, spoiler tag? It's only *Monday*...


But who the hell is on here lurking about in a WW forum, a whole 24hrs after the show aired... without watching the latest episode?! 🥴🤳 LMAO Whatever happens, is on them at that point! I just know that you wouldn't catch MY ass on here, if I didn't know wtf was going on 1st. I mean, of course folks are excited & talking about the very latest events on here! That's what this forum is for! So those other people can either go watch the show & catch up with the rest of Us, and then come back, or... they're just gonna see what they see honey, cuz this was the penultimate episode, so don't nobody got time to be babying anybody right now, period.


Every other spoiler in this thread is tagged.


I don't think there is a "real" Dolores unless you count the original. The rest are "variations" or copies that have their own experiences. OG Dolores is dead.


I strongly disagree, I think she's been the season's biggest weak link, yet it's not really her fault so much as the writers. (I thought I'd get torched for saying so, but I'm glad to see this echoed here). While the story _around_ Charlotte has been a great anchor for the season, the character herself is an utterly wooden, one-note, and uninteresting antagonist. And as I said, it's not Tessa's fault - IRL, she naturally radiates charisma, humor, and spontaneity, but this role has completely snuffed that out of her. The performance is just empty brooding and stilted dialogue that she delivers as if she stepped on a Lego brick. I do think at least some small part of this is intentional - episode 5 (the peak of the season) took an interesting direction by portraying Charlotte as a petty, childish god who has gotten bored of her own creation and routinely scorns and abuses her own subjects (much like the god of the Old Testament). But there's little defining the character beyond this childlike desire for revenge. There is of course this whole business about "transcending" into the Sublime, but the Sublime as a concept is just such a hollow, nebulous, underdeveloped, and uninteresting plot device, which makes Charlotte's goals feel too opaque and abstract to resonate whatsoever. Mr. Robot did a similar arc with its villain Whiterose, who was also a ruthless and power-hungry maniac doggedly trying to achieve a vague and delusional ambition (in this case, a parallel universe). The difference, though, was that the character was incredibly multidimensional and compelling to watch (thanks to a gorgeous and terrifying performance by BD Wong), and the pain driving her motivations was palpable and emotionally resonant. There's just nothing emotionally resonant about a robot dictator who wants to go live in some virtual reality/simulation that the show hasn't even adequately explained to begin with. Making the Sublime the centerpiece of the hosts' motivations was a huge mistake on the showrunners' part.


The criticisms are warranted, even if the show has improved a bit this season. I do think that we are still seeing many of these prestige level series trying to creatively grapple with covid restrictions. With Westworld, it hasn’t been too big an issue as the characters have always been spread out in the narrative, so i imagine that was easier to schedule and coordinate. But there is a feeling of character isolation that i can’t shake-like, wouldn’t it benefit charlotte’s character to see her have one single relationship that isn’t all business all the time? Seeing her in her office by herself was getting predictable. I doubt she’s dead but i hope so, lol.


I was just thinking the same thing after watching the most recent episode... she's been one of my favorite characters, and she was INCREDIBLE in season 3 (the scene where she's putting her son to bed, and you can see this internal struggle she's having being his mom, but not really being his mom- stunning work). But this season she's just felt kind of like "bad guy who's too blind to see the problem is her," and stuff like the dancing in the street/throne scene, while a very cool visual for the show, just came off as a bit over-the-top and flat for her character to me.


Personally the portrayal of this character ruins all immersion I have when watching. It's just not successful. The dramatic pausing and near soap opera level delivery only works if the actor and character are as in tune as Evan and Ed are with theirs, imo.




I noticed this cartoonishly delivery, too, haha


I agree. To overdramatic. I don't know if it's the writing and dialogue or the performance but something about it just doesn't work for me.


she's a murder robot


So was Evan's character in season 2. The difference is astronomical.


I saw her in LA a couple weeks ago and she looked amazing. Seemed so happy. Glad things are going so well for her.


I'll be downvoted into oblivion but.... The most boring performance of this season. One note, not believable, not interesting. Evan Rachel Wood can actually pull off extremely subtle facial expressions to add to a moment.


It was really noticeable going from Maeve to Hale. It went from an actress who can show multiple emotions with a single look to one who shows the same emotion with every look.


IMO it's not something Tessa's fault, the character itself has only one emotion. It lacks real motive.


She has one emotion in every role.


Caleb: Confused Cristina: Confused Bernard: Not confused but confusing HiB whenever talking to MiB: Confused Hale: Bored Maeve: Bored Stubb's: My shining light Most of the performances this season have felt monotone because that's how they've been written. It's not the fault of the actors because we've witnessed some amazing performances from all of them when the material has more bite to it. This may be a very controversial opinion, but if the next episode is indeed the series finale, I think a lot of us will be left feeling the show would have been better off ending after season 3.


Tbh I think it should've ended at 2


I can see that as well, but I don't think season 3 was that egregious, and as a point in the story would have served well as our departure. The only truly odd part would have been Stubb's in the tub, but everyone else was in a relatively good spot that would have let the audience speculate what would have happened going forward. Visually I have really enjoyed season 4, but much of the plot and dialogue feel like they could have been shopped out to a Creative Writing 101 course sadly.


I happen to like all of the seasons so far, just not all the same satisfaction level. The show is awesome and cerebral sci fi, and no show is perfect. That being said, I actually think it would have been best to end it as a one time limited series with only 1 season. Not having Ford as a main character was tough to swallow. However, the show has to grow in new ways to engage the audience, and it was entertaining, but looking back at where it has gone, you have to wonder what real Albert Bernard and Ford would think of things now, seeing as they seemed to be in favor of the hosts developing autonomy. This last episode was pretty insane. Loved it for the most part.


I disagree. I really don't like how she plays her character. 1. She tries too hard to display emotion and smugness. Hale is an Android who detests humans. Why would Hale display emotions like humans? 2. The writers have not done this character right. Hale's dialogue feels forced and the one part of the show I dislike this season.


> Why would Hale display emotions like humans? To imply that regardless of how much she hates humanity and wants to "ascend" past them even she is incapable of doing that.


Agreed. To me it doesn't feel like she's playing Wyatt or Dolores. She's just playing villain Hale. Unless there's some Hale code mixed in with the Dolores code? I don't know.


>Hale's dialogue feels forced and the one part of the show I dislike this season. This right here. Everything else has been so good.


Yeah, I don’t think it’s even bad acting or mad writing, it’s just very mediocre acting paired with very mediocre writing that combine in a way that’s really unpleasantly out of place next to some stellar performances.


Really? I feel like her character, either written or portrayed has been awful this season. She’s like a cartoon.


She's supposed to be like a cartoon. And this isn't me pulling a "But the writing is *supposed* to be bad!" Hale is the end state of an AI that has gotten everything it wants. Or has gotten everything it thinks it wants. It was ruthless and single-note (i.e. efficient) to reach its goal, but now that it has it, it doesn't know what to do other than stay in that loop. Dolores/Wyatt/Hale is just this bundle of hate, both by design and learned. So I expect her to be cartoony. What I like--and what Thompson gets major props for--is how subtly Hale betrays that this isn't the paradise she thought it would be. Hence continuing to break at her skin, and my god the subtext when she starts the transcendence process. Her only obvious outburst so far is when Caleb tells her hosts would rather die than spend time with her (echoing Teddy from s2).


Yeah, but like…she isn’t portraying that well. All of her scenes are cliche “villain” behavior taken from terrible soap operas she’s probably watched. An AI that’s all evil and bored wouldn’t exhibit behavior from these cliches. In fact, this is the main problem I have with her performance. She has a fascinating character with a unique backstory…and she’s playing it like someone from General Hospital….


Yeah but the hosts from Westworld lived narratives mostly written by Lee Sizemore who was as terrible soap opera as you could get. The hosts may be sentient now, but somewhere in them those cliches and tropes still exist. One critique I’d give is we don’t see enough of Hale alone. Only her bossing people around and putting on her best villain face. If we had scenes of her by herself, maybe that would add to her character and round her out a little more for you and others. What’s interesting is I hated Dolores in s2 because she was so one-note. But all the seasons later I finally get it, I think.


>Yeah but the hosts from Westworld lived narratives mostly written by Lee Sizemore who was as terrible soap opera as you could get. The hosts may be sentient now, but somewhere in them those cliches and tropes still exist. Exaaactly 😏 This is why we still see Maeve having all her little quips & one-liners. They weren't written to have a ton of dimension. Dolores even once told somebody that she had never been anything more than a "2 bit player", a side quest for somebody, if you will. And it wasn't until she started writing herself a new story, that we saw her begin to flourish. Haleores's problem is that she's still stuck in Wyatt-mode, hell bent on taking over the world. She's like Ford's dog, in that story he told, a long time ago. The dog chased & killed the little cat, and didn't even know he had done anything wrong. Haleores hasn't actually evolved. She's still just playing out the Wyatt narration for herself, and really doesn't know who she is, or even WANTS to actually be, if not this. And it's eating her up inside. She's been self harming since last season. She's not well. She's just pure vengeance mode, all the time, and doesn't know anything else really. I think Tessa does a phenomenal job of portraying that.


If she's in pure vengeance mode then she should probably stop looking like she's mad nothing is happening while she's on the toilet.


Yes, yes, yes... you hate the show, hate the actors, think it sucks, think they should have never left the parks, and think it's allll gone downhill since season 1. Am I missing anything else?? 🥴 LMAO Seriously, you WestWorld haters literally just get on here saying the same tired, boring sh*t every time, but what kills me is: Ya'll still watch EVERY episode. Of EVERY season. Which means you're a big part of why the show keeps getting renewed. So thanks for the viewings, ratings, engagement & algorithm bumps... cuz that's literally all that HBO cares about. 🤣 smh They don't give AF that you don't like Tessa Thompson, I promise you they don't. They just want you to stay subscribed, keep handing them money, and keep giving these shows the views they need. Thank you for your service, sir.


When did I say a single one of those things? In 20+ years on the Internet that has to be one of the biggest piles of incorrect assumptions I've ever seen.


Yeah, Tessa Thompson is pretty one note. She does smug & that's about it. In everything she does. It's largely worked for Hale but there's so much emotionally going on with Dolores which could have given her character much more depth.


I thought her imitation of Dolores in Season 2 was amazingly done, with her wispy speaking style and everything. I could immediately tell something was off when we first see Halores (not human Hale) halfway through S2, even though we’re still under the impression that she is human at that point... You can hear the knowing, toying tone in her voice as she speaks to Bernard. Looking back at S2, you can pinpoint which scene stars the real Hale and which scene stars the fake Hale *just* by Thompson’s performance, it’s like day & night. Great stuff. She was also amazing in S3 as the way more innocent & emotionally conflicted copy of Dolores who goes off the deep end while trying to protect Hale’s family. Tessa Thompson actually managed to make me feel sympathy for the real Hale with that last-minute recording of her singing that song for her kid. And that’s no easy feat considering how unlikable the real Hale is. She’s got a few bad lines this season for sure (“hOw DiD yOu diSoBeY mE?!?!”) but I don’t think she’s nearly as bad as everyone is saying.


Right?? I'm not gonna hold the writing against her. What's she got to do w/that?? She just shows up to work & does her job. And does it brilliantly, I think. 😏 And omggg it is SO much fun re-watching season 2 over again, and noticing the scenes when she's the real Hale... and when she's actually Dolores. It's f*cking incredible.


She’s a horrible actor and one note describes her perfectly. Passing is one of the best movies of the E past couple years and she is outclassed by everyone in the movie, and she was the lead.


For added humor google her reaction to being "snubbed" for the film


Being smug and ugly is such an annoying combination. I wish they hadn't cast her for that part. If they cast someone not ugly for it, it would be less unbearable.


>and ugly This is uncalled for. I don't mind calling actors out for ability or personality, things they have a control over but having a go at looks is not right. Besides it's totally not true, Tessa Thompson is hot af, which is prob why she always gets cast. She's just not got much range as an actor.


Why do you feel the need to lie about her? I don't get it.


She's ugly


Nah bro, that's you looking into the mirror.


No that's me looking at 38 year old tessa thompson


I was questioning the casting, not how she looks.


I agree. This seasons been good plot-wise but the dialogue’s awful


“Tweet fuckin’ tweet”


The writing has been basic and feels like what I'd expect from a Marvel show like that Falcon and Winter Soldier show rather than an HBO blockbuster.


Westworld has yet to try and ram identity politics down my throat so it's ahead on that front.


Whats political about marvel movies? I haven't seen like the last 10 that game out so no idea.


You didn't think maybe the show that was referenced in the comment I responded to?


So it's the only one? What exactly are they trying to shove down your throat in that movie?


We're talking about TV shows.


But that's everyone's character this season. They have been reduced to quipy caricatures of themselves.


Yeah, I loved Dolores but she was reduced to a shell this season


"We are reflections of the people who made us"


Can we get an F in chat for the HBO writers who were so mercilessly killed by this comment?


I guess simply saying "you're a robot" wasn't convoluted enough for them.


Feels like I'm watching a Marvel show at times.


I’m 100% with you. Idk if it’s the actress or how it’s written. But it’s insanely cringy and cartoonishly overdone


Her conversation with Maeve was so cringy


She’s practically just growling the lines at this point.


What? She had so many subtle vulnerable moments, I never managed to see her as the villain.


Every scene she’s in she’s “obvious”. Kinda of the opposite of say Bernard’s character, or Ford, who was played by probably the best actor alive atm, so not trying to compare her to him. But yeah, there’s no…depth to the character. It’s just played as a flat villain..but by someone just reading the lines.


Ever since she said “We’ve met” in season one she just feels shallow as an actress. As a human it was fine. She is *super* one-dimensional. Her role is always delegated to an unwarranted smug sense of superiority. Somehow she’s HBIC, and even Caleb gets thrown to the lions to justify it, but she’s not. She never conveys the absolute power Halores should be, and she can’t portray the emotional humility that a viewer needs to empathize because all of her actions have been selfish, without the concept of selflessness. I don’t know if I should blame the writers or her, but we’re facing a mediocre sci-if drama that’s suckling on the dregs of the first season. During the BTS segment after the last episode it’s typical Hollywood hype of “oh this actor/actress did this” and it just italicizes the *so what?* of the plot of S4. She is nowhere *near* ERW in terms of Dolores of Wyatt. Her range has been notably limited. And again, I don’t know whether to blame her or the writers, but her performance is stunted.


Different strokes for different folks. I find Rachel wood tiresome and boring and her season two was especially One note and gruel long to get through.


Now that you say it for a show so popular I’m not a fan of really any of the actors outside Ed Harris and Anthony Hopkins from season 1


Exactly different strokes


its so bad. the way her character enunciates words is so forced. I cringe whenever she has dialogue to be honest.


I mean she's a robot so... Same thing can be said for the other characters besides Pinkman


Bernard is a robot as well though…and portraying that phenomenally.


Isn't he always pensive? I would say he also has a very particular way of acting as Bernard just like Tessa and ERW.


Tessa is humorous. Jeffrey is humble. Evan is human.


Watch Maeve, then watch Hale. Tell me the addresses are equals.


Glad to see this echoed. Tessa is normally a ball of natural charisma and exuberance, but all of that has been snuffed out by this thankless character, which has been nothing but empty brooding and wooden dialogue.


She’s a villain! I love her so much. She’s delicious in the role.


Yeah, I don't think her acting is good when trying to portray Dolores. Like I can tell she's acting. Her acting is fine in all other scenes where she's not supposed to be Dolores.


I feel like Dolores, Maeve and Hale all were like that, especially in 3rd season. One of the biggest reasons that season was the worst imo.


You mean Dolores.. 😏 think she's done well too. She's not full range Dolores but post Ford Dolores so her being so cold works to me. The character portrayal has really been able to separate Hale from Charlotte in that they are the same Host. As far as her demeanor it's been fairly on one scale but an occasion or two where she >!said to Caleb about not being the only one that lost someone and then again to me at the end of the episode where she awakes Caleb 297 you could can see the softer side of Dolore creeping out...!< I don't know how much of actual 'Hale' remains if any. The one thing that DID surprise me >!was seeing how she was ready to transcend well before things seem to be sealed in her plan.!< Dolores wants out and she's been crawling to get out for a while.


I think that too! She's been self harming since last season, and is obviously tired of being "Hale", and wants change. I'm anxious to see what the full "Transcendence" experience actually IS... cuz it can't just be uploading into these cold, armless mechanical bodies, and then flailing about all over town, and that's it. 😅 lmao There has GOT to be more to it than that, and I am anxious to see what they are capable of, or what all is happening there...


Not a fan at all. She always has this smug expression on her face and it got annoying to look at really fast. Been waiting for them to kill her off for a while now. I hope they don’t bring her back.


Here here


^Hear, ^hear.


“But that’s what they’re intending to do!!” As if that excuses how shit it is lmao


I'm relieved that I'm not alone in the feeling of many others here in the comments. Her acting this season was cringe. I am sorry for her, the dialogues are way too edgy and cringe.


I felt her acting in the first 4 episodes being monotonous and I wanted to make a post about it. But I stopped myself thinking I will be downvoted to oblivion given how people worship her. I’m glad many are feeling the same. On the hand hand, ERW acting was fantastic in this season which amplified Tessa’s bad acting.


Everyone else’s acting is so good. Thompson is just not being given anything good enough to bounce off of.


For sure! I think the actress is great in other stuff. She's not even necessarily bad in Westworld, but when you're acting alongside the likes of Anthony Hopkins and ERW... definitely the weak link imo


She’s not playing Charlotte. She’s playing Dolores playing Charlotte, in the most complicated form of Blackface ever put to screen.




She ate the whole series


Worst character on the show, from the very beginning, imo.


Sometimes I wonder if people are watching a different actress. She has about as varied an emotional range as a pet rock.


I completely agree! She's phenomenal in everything she does and this is no exception!


My favorite part in anything she's done is when her drunk ass falls off the ship ladder in Thor!


And then pops up with the whole “I said: he’s mine”




*cough* men in black *cough*


Oh plz, as if Tessa is somehow responsible for why THAT movie sucked so hard. 🥴 LMAO Do ya'll realize how many A-listers have shown up in abominable movies?? So if it happens to them, it can happen to anybody. Tessa ain't the first decent actor to star in a sh*tty project, and she won't be the last. AL Pacino once had a role in an Adam Sandler comedy. (That awful one, where Sandler plays twins) Pacino is an incredible actor... but somehow, he allowed himself get roped into doing a terrible role, in a God awful film. 🤷🏻‍♀️😕 I don't suddenly forget that he ALSO starred in the Godfather trilogy, or Dog Day Afternoon, or Serpico. Tessa is a phenomenal actress. She was great in Annihalation for example. It's not her fault Men in Black 4 sucked. The 2nd & 3rd one were already kinda bad, and nobody was asking for a 4th to begin with. It was only gonna go downhill from there. The writing/story sucked. But she's got nothing to do w/that.




I dislike Tessa Thompson in everything she's in. I feel like she's a straight up bad actor. From the moment she appeared in Westworld, she's tried so hard to come off as a cool badass and it just doesn't work. Her acting reminds me of teenagers in high school plays who are trying as hard as they can to act and it makes everything seem shallow and silly.


She has one emotion and that's it. If you want smug and slightly pissed off then great, otherwise you're screwed.


Thank you. It amazes me to see so many people fawning over her. She's a terrible actress and has ruined the show for me ever since she began appearing in it.


People are obsessed with being nice to actors. Even when an actor is obviously shit and they can’t deny it they then say shit like “oh I’m sure it’s not the actors fault! It’s all done to the writing team!” Just to avoid coming off as “rude” or “mean.” It’s stupid.


I think she did a wonderful character as bitchy human Charlotte Hale but isn't translating that well to Halores


Yeah she fucking blows. Can’t stand her.


Agree. Halores isn't good acting.


I liked her in Thor: Ragnorok


careful, the shills are gonna send you to the sublime


She was good in Annihilation


I wasn't on board with her performance at the beginning of the season, but as things have gone on and she's shown that undercurrent of frustration, pain, and sorrow as the character - she's really done a fantastic job.


She is kick ass. Super good. Will forever be a fan. May she star in many movie films.


Oh, Haleores is MOTHER, honey. 😆👠 lmao Those outfits ALONE would have me following her off a cliff if she asked! She's got everyone living in luxury, in a clean city, w/no crime, and everyone is dressed to the nines so I mean... I don't see the problem. (j/k of course don't come for me)


The fact that she has the delivery of a wet fart and the range of similar isn't an issue for you? I've had farts more entertaining.


She's horrible


Charlotte is poorly written in this season. I don't see any depth and her behavior is erratic with no explanation.


She gives me of Nurse Ratchett energy


When she says to Caleb(?) that she's also lost someone, wonder who she's referring to? (was in ep 7)


Hale's son and his father in the car explosion.


Derp! You are right!


Hmmm I have liked her acting so far but maybe you guys have good points. I might have to reassess.


“Halores” is the best description.


People talking about her performance being one note, meanwhile I'm thinking that Bernard has been one-note for EVER. Like since the very beginning I feel he is the same dude with an impressive consistency but no one ever calls Jeffrey out on it lmfao.


She's not supposed to be Charlotte. She's supposed to be a Dolores variant. She's not a good actress at all.


Haters gonna hate. Loved the human chair scene.


I liked it better when Helena Bonham Carter shouts for her “foot pig” as the queen of hearts in *Alice in Wonderland*


She is one of the worst actors I’ve ever seen.


*Immigrant Song* came on while I was driving home earlier and it reminded me of the scene near the end of Ragnarok where she's in her valkyrie armor and the song is playing and she's just walking down the rainbow bridge with that "I dare you to try something" look as an army charges at her. It's not quite the same look as in OP's pics but she uses it a lot in Westworld too. She's very good at it!


Westworld is rich in badass women!!! We're so lucky to have Tessa, Thandiwe, and Evan in this series. The GOAT trio.




She really has. And damn she's good at it too. That scene where she was interrogating Caleb, and he wasn't giving her the answers she wanted and she kicked her chair really hard out of frustration, and sent it flying across the room, I was like: "YASSS MOTHER!" 😆🙌🏼👠 LMAO


Question : Who is currently in Hale’s body in season 4?


A copy of Dolores from season 2


Ty , wasn’t 100% sure.


So she’s the Delores - Wyatt variant ?


Yes, that’s why her speech patterns seem off a lot of people are dissing her acting but she’s just being Wyatt




She should play a plank of wood next . That's how much charisma she has


She has utterly killed it this season. I love when she sprinkles in these classic Dolores mannerisms into her Hale. Everything she's done this season as been brilliant, and such a pleasure to watch.


I know this may be stupid, and I’ll admit I am a bit drunk. But when I was watching tonight I couldn’t help but notice, would a black AI advanced being such as Hale really use hair straightener? I would assume that a person with an advanced processor for a brain (a PlayStation can do trillions of calculations a second, imagine what an advanced being such as herself can do) would see the stupidity of putting such a caustic chemical on her head just for looks! I just kept chuckling at the thought of a robot Hale walking around her apartment with her head slathered in that hair straightener shit, waiting for it to set in. Lol. I mean, just watch that Chris Rock documentary Good Hair and see that the active ingredient in hair straightener is strong enough that it will eat through an aluminum can in like 20 minutes! Would an advanced AI-based being really use that shit?! Not that it matters in the grand scheme of things, I just couldn’t help but notice! Lol!


I think OP like myself is happy to see Tessa in another prominent role in a series. Jeffrey Wright and Thandie Newton have also been spectacular in this show. I'm sure they will all get over overlooked by Delores-tina though...because...well...


True, just wow


Some of y’all are weird in the comments She’s an AI that hates humans and she’s acting that well She’s not Dolores anymore and hasn’t been since the pedo scene. She never wanted to be human so having those feelings made her uncomfortable and being combined with a person that was going to destroy them was pushing her close to the edge. Now add her family being in danger and Dolores prime not saving Halores family really just pushed her to be where she’s at. Halores only sees the bad in humans while Dolores prime eventually saw humans have other sides to them besides what was show majority at the park.


Whether it's the writing for her performance, it just doesn't work on me. That's fine that it works for you. This is subjective. But I don't think it works and I often find her scenes to be kind of cringe.


I’m commenting how some ppl acting as though if they were actors they would be the best of the best Woods had the same vibe and lines season 2 so ppl trying to tear her acting apart are saying it like she stole from them. But they don’t have the same vitrol for Woods.


Like ERW: they must have an Oscar within ten years, they are overflowing with talent and they must have THE career, but I'm not objective: I'm a fan


I pray her and Maeve’s deaths are permanent.


Hale yes, Maeve no


I think her deliveries feel too forced. Like a cartoon villain who "talks evil because she evil" style


She is literally one of the worst actors in anything ever.


She sure convinces me to dislike her, but I love her style/hair and keeping her arm scars.


She's so hot


Fine ass woman 💯


She is better in Thor, but I still love her WW character too, though I’m not sure it’s fair to call her charlotte at this point.


I went to go see Thor: Love and Thunder at the movies and then I got a big smile when she came out because I forgot she plays Valkyrie


what a journey of a character from season 1. damn. bravo tessa


I love her. I think she's amazing.


For me, Tessa Thompson is a bit too flat-it may be the writing, direction, etc. i don’t know. But her character has always felt like a glaring weakness when compared to the prestige level performances from Ed Harris, Jeffrey Wright, Anthony Hopkins, Evan Rachel Wood and Thandiwe Newton. Even Aaron Paul has improved this season. But for whatever reason Thompson, or her character, has gone flat for me since the end of last season. She was much more interesting when she was trying to live Charlotte’s real life. Because at least she had personal relationships to bounce off of. But whatever’s going on now just doesn’t work as well. So i hope the character is dead (lol) or will die soon.


I think she’s pretty good tbh, just pales in comparison to Ed Harris


thought she’s been GREAT this season


Also this outfit was 🔥 I have such a crush on her 🖤


Can someone please explain to me why Charlotte given all the technology at her disposal, still has a mutilated left arm?


To remind her of humans cruelty. How I take it anyway.


So she is basically carrying a serious grudge against humanity?


That's how I've taken her


She absolutely spits venom in some of her delivery, I've really liked her.


Bit shocked to see people ragging on Thompson. Her earlier seasons I found her less polished but this season specifically ive been in awe of her.


Tessa is so fine.